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Our Crazy Cousins North Of The Border

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 2/13/2024 6:44:14 AM

If there ever were a sign that Canada has gone cuckoo, it has to be a bill introduced in Parliament that would censor speech about fossil fuel. No, we’re not joking, though we hope the bill’s author is. We fear, however, he isn’t. One Charlie Angus, a New Democratic Party member of the House of Commons from Timmins–James Bay in Ontario, has brought before that chamber Bill C-372. It clearly states that “it is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel-related brand element or the production of a fossil fuel except as authorized by the provisions of this Act or of the regulations.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 5 handicap 2/13/2024 7:30:32 AM (No. 1656771)
Canada is no longer worth the effort to acknowledge its existence. When America eschews all leftist countries we'll be ever so much better off! The P A R A S I T I C Quebecoise will have to support themselves for a change! Europeans too...won't that be grand?
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 2/13/2024 7:32:56 AM (No. 1656773)
We're the only ones with free speech, and for us only barely. The rest of the anglophone universe seems to be in thrall to Klaus's minions. Control speech and you control thought.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: franq 2/13/2024 7:56:20 AM (No. 1656788)
No problem, there's no such thing as a fossil fuel.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: hisself 2/13/2024 8:18:58 AM (No. 1656815)
So I can still talk about coal, petroleum, and natural gas, since none of them come from fossils.
27 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Northcross 2/13/2024 8:26:18 AM (No. 1656822)
Posters 3 and 4 make an excellent point. Charlie Angus has thus amended his bill to say you can also be fined and imprisoned if you say any form of petroleum does NOT come from fossils.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 2/13/2024 8:50:02 AM (No. 1656836)
So the fool is saying that you can't travel across any province in Canada in one day, that people can not use anything made from plastic or heat their homes with anything except solar power and windmills? When everything goes dark you can not sit around a candle and discuss why it's dark. Who knew that stupidity can cross any border at will?
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: reefdiver 2/13/2024 9:01:22 AM (No. 1656845)
Isn't the Cuckoo the national bird of Canada?
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 2/13/2024 10:12:10 AM (No. 1656886)
No constitution, no bill of rights, so they can just erase any "right" any time they choose. And they choose to erase rights a lot in Canada.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: privateer 2/13/2024 10:35:34 AM (No. 1656911)
Hoserstan has become a snake-pit of deluded, leftist tyrants...and mind-numbed sheep.
2 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: chumley 2/13/2024 10:36:07 AM (No. 1656914)
Canada was once a mostly free country. Then they decided to have a contest to see who could be more communist more quickly. So far they are winning. No wonder they all come down here to buy their guns.
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: hershey 2/13/2024 10:37:39 AM (No. 1656915)
User #7 you are probably thinking of the's not the National Bird but is the provincial bird of Ontario and appears on the $1 'loonie' coin and is the state bird of Minnesota and appears on the MInnesota state quarter...and I've been there many times and enjoyed it...the fishing is ...incredible..but no longer on my list of places to visit...
3 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: danu 2/13/2024 12:38:48 PM (No. 1657011)
turdeau is one sick puppy. and it only takes one.
0 people like this.

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Our Crazy Cousins North Of The Border 12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/13/2024 6:44:14 AM Post Reply
If there ever were a sign that Canada has gone cuckoo, it has to be a bill introduced in Parliament that would censor speech about fossil fuel. No, we’re not joking, though we hope the bill’s author is. We fear, however, he isn’t. One Charlie Angus, a New Democratic Party member of the House of Commons from Timmins–James Bay in Ontario, has brought before that chamber Bill C-372. It clearly states that “it is prohibited for a person to promote a fossil fuel, a fossil fuel-related brand element or the production of a fossil fuel except as authorized by the provisions of this Act or of the regulations.”
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Posted by RockyTCB 2/9/2024 8:11:44 AM Post Reply
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4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/8/2024 3:16:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 2/8/2024 2:29:25 AM Post Reply
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9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/7/2024 8:34:27 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 2/6/2024 8:24:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 2/5/2024 4:30:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/14/2024 9:05:48 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/14/2024 2:45:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 2/14/2024 12:42:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/13/2024 3:54:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 2/13/2024 10:59:27 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 2/14/2024 5:37:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 2/14/2024 2:57:25 AM Post Reply
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/14/2024 2:47:53 AM Post Reply
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/13/2024 3:03:22 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/13/2024 7:32:58 PM Post Reply
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25 replies
Posted by Imright 2/13/2024 3:58:41 PM Post Reply
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MUST SEE: Senator J.D. Vance Explains
How Senate RINOs Pulled a Fast One to
Take Down President Trump! – And How
They Were Exposed (VIDEO)
23 replies
Posted by FlyRight 2/13/2024 6:15:22 AM Post Reply
On Monday morning, Trump-supporting Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) posted a shocking report at The American Conservative and on X about the Senate RINOs’ plot to take out Trump and destroy the MAGA movement. According to Senator Vance, the Senate funding package that was passed on Super Bowl Sunday thanks to 18 RINO Senators, included language that makes it impossible for President Trump to terminate the Ukraine War funding into his second term. Once again – Here are the 18 Senate RINOs who voted on this Ukraine funding package that is designed to destroy Trump and the MAGA movement.
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