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Donald Trump Polling Higher Than Any GOP
Candidate in 20 Years

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Posted By: Moritz55, 1/31/2024 1:58:08 PM

As of Monday, former President Donald Trump is polling better than ever before against His Fraudulency Joe Biden. Trump is also polling better than his only remaining rival for the Republican primary, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC). In the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of national polls, Trump tops Biden by an astounding 4.3 points. This is not only his biggest lead yet, but get a load of this…Trump is polling better today than any Republican presidential candidate has polled against a Democrat since 2004, when George W. Bush topped John Kerry by 6.4 points.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 1/31/2024 2:42:02 PM (No. 1648344)
Well. . gear up the ballot printers and Dominion machines. They have more work to do!
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 1/31/2024 3:17:10 PM (No. 1648362)
Reagan carried 49 states after the massive disaster that was the Carter years, lots of inflation, energy shortages, jobs scarce....sound familiar? Let's hope we can do the same again in America.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 1/31/2024 3:52:40 PM (No. 1648387)
The problem the dems face is that their lies are not sticking as well to Trump because Trump WAS President already. They saw what he did. He didn't do the insane things that they say he will do in a second term. Further, Trump did a LOT of good things, not only for Conservatives but also for all Americans, ESPECIALLY for the lower class working folks. The media tries to distort Trumps record; "Trump's tax cuts were for the rich" but lower level earners SAW their taxes go down. Not the lowest level earners who pay almost no taxes to begin with but others who were struggling. Interest rates were low so people could afford houses and new cars. Under Biden, people see that their groceries, gas, and other essentials are costing them 20% more than when Trump left office. They cannot afford houses or cars. It hits them very personally and all the propaganda in the world is NOT going to hide the truth about Biden's incompetence and bad policies. None of this will matter to the 40% of nutty liberals who HATE Trump because Trump threw a major roadblock into liberal overreach. But some people who have been lied to by dems for decades are starting to see the truth. After Trump has a successful second term, these people will NEVER go back to supporting the lying dems. Hopefully, the Deep State will significantly damaged as well.
6 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 1/31/2024 4:06:57 PM (No. 1648394)
If Trump wins without widespread GOP coattails, it will be another underproductive four years. We MUST understand that it isn't enough to hold only the Oval Office - we have to control both the Senate AND the House. That will be the ONLY way for us to reverse course and make headway against the current policies which are dragging the country amiss. I want my government back.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: raspberry 1/31/2024 4:15:41 PM (No. 1648398)
Democrats will steal the election again. They know how to do it.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 1/31/2024 4:30:32 PM (No. 1648402)
It's even "Worse" than the story says...ALL of those polls going back 2o years over estimated EVERY Dem, and underestimated EVERY Repub, ...and still do.
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: RWPollock 1/31/2024 11:22:17 PM (No. 1648552)
I don’t trust polls. I’m not sure Trump is going to win. I’ll vote for him, but not real hopeful that he’s going to win.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Moritz55 2/4/2024 6:32:53 PM Post Reply
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seeing illegals beat NYPD
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Posted by Moritz55 2/3/2024 3:20:11 PM Post Reply
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4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/3/2024 3:15:13 PM Post Reply
El Salvador voters stand poised to re-elect their current president and self-styled "world’s coolest dictator" Nayib Bukele in a landslide victory after he rehabilitated his country’s crime-ridden reputation. "The opposition will be able to achieve its true and only plan, to free the gang members and use them to return to power," Bukele warned in a video that quickly spread across social media and news outlets in El Salvador. Bukele’s controversial tenure as leader of the Central American country looks set to continue, thanks to a revamp of the constitutional courts in which he replaced judges with loyalists who ruled that he could run for a second term
Layoffs surged 136% in January to second-highest
level on record
19 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/1/2024 8:40:58 PM Post Reply
The pace of job cuts by U.S. employers accelerated at the start of 2024, a sign the labor market is starting to deteriorate in the face of ongoing inflation and high interest rates. That is according to a new report published by Challenger, Gray & Christmas, which found that companies planned 82,307 job cuts in January, a substantial 136% increase from the previous month. However, that is down about 20% from the same time one year ago. It marked the second-highest layoff total for the month of January in data going back to 2009. "Waves of layoff announcements hit U.S.-based companies in January
Equity Is Justice, Redefined 7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/1/2024 1:11:44 PM Post Reply
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‘A Starting Point’: Meta Oversight
Board Member Says 2020 Election Interference
Was ‘Not Enough’
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 3:09:26 PM Post Reply
One presidential election cycle after Facebook “reduced” the distribution of The New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop and suspended the accounts of former President Donald Trump on Facebook and Instagram, a member of Meta’s oversight board says the Big Tech platform “had not done enough” to control users’ speech. In an interview with Wired published Friday, board member Pamela San Martín claimed that as the tech platform enters 2024, “even though we’re addressing the problems that arose in prior elections as a starting point, it is not enough.”
Donald Trump Polling Higher Than Any GOP
Candidate in 20 Years
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:58:08 PM Post Reply
As of Monday, former President Donald Trump is polling better than ever before against His Fraudulency Joe Biden. Trump is also polling better than his only remaining rival for the Republican primary, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC). In the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of national polls, Trump tops Biden by an astounding 4.3 points. This is not only his biggest lead yet, but get a load of this…Trump is polling better today than any Republican presidential candidate has polled against a Democrat since 2004, when George W. Bush topped John Kerry by 6.4 points.
Graham tells Zuckerberg, 'you have blood
on your hands,' audience cheers
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:49:11 PM Post Reply
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., gave a harsh rebuke to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the onset of Wednesday's highly anticipated Big Tech hearing on child exploitation online. "Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us. I know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands," Graham, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said, garnering applause from the audience. "You have a product that's killing people." Graham referenced South Carolina State Rep. Brandon Guffey, who is suing Instagram after his 17-year-old son Gavin died by suicide after falling victim to an extortion group from Nigeria operating through the Meta-owned app.
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House vote to impeach Homeland Security
Secretary Mayorkas fails, thwarted by
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Posted by Moritz55 2/6/2024 7:00:54 PM Post Reply
In a dramatic setback, House Republicans failed Tuesday to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, forced to shelve a high-profile priority — for now — after a few GOP lawmakers refused to go along with the party’s plan. The stunning roll call fell just a few votes short of impeaching Mayorkas, stalling the Republicans’ drive to punish the Biden administration over its handling of the U.S-Mexico border. With Democrats united against the charges, the Republicans needed almost every vote from their slim majority to approve the articles of impeachment. The House is likely to revisit plans to impeach Mayorkas, but next steps are highly uncertain.
Biden tells crowd he recently met with
Mitterrand, former French president who
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Posted by pensom2 2/6/2024 12:56:02 AM Post Reply
President Biden told a crowd in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years. The comments came while Biden was warning of the dangers of a potential second Trump presidency, as he aimed to shore up enthusiasm ahead of Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Nevada. Biden recounted a story he has told many times during his presidency, about a meeting he had with French President Emmanuel Macron during a G7 meeting in England, some months after Biden had taken over the White House. "I sat down and
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Posted by OhioNick 2/7/2024 4:23:23 AM Post Reply
The IRS said it is poised to reap hundreds of billions of dollars of additional tax revenue by going after overdue and unpaid taxes, far beyond what was previously anticipated, thanks to funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The new analysis, released Tuesday by the Treasury Department and the IRS, estimates that tax revenues are expected to rise by as much as $561 billion from 2024 to 2034, thanks to stepped-up enforcement made possible with money from the Democrats' IRA, which became law in August 2022.
We were friends for years. Trump tore
us apart.
34 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 2/6/2024 11:59:40 AM Post Reply
I miss my friends. We lost one another somewhere along the way, through the pandemic and politics of the last few years, old boys who had known one another since Little League and caught boatloads of walleyes together on Storm Lake in Iowa. (snip) I know where I live. Northwest Iowa is a frozen slice of Texas, one of the most conservative places in the country. I guess I am what you call woke because I don't think immigrants are the problem; I think income — lack of it — is the problem.
Report: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to Step
Down After South Carolina Primary
26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/7/2024 12:22:08 AM Post Reply
Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman for the Republican National Committee (RNC), has reportedly told former President Donald Trump that she will step down from her position following the South Carolina primary later this month. Should Ronna McDaniel follow through on her alleged pledge to leave, the former president will then reportedly promote the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, Michael Whatley, as her replacement, according to several sources who spoke with the New York Times. A new election will take place within the committee. The sources said that Trump prefers Whatley due to the two reportedly aligning with each other on views about the 2020 election being allegedly “stolen.”
Biden Gives Game Plan Away: Senate Bill
Precursor to Amnesty for Illegals
26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/6/2024 8:00:50 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden says a bill from Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) is merely a precursor to ramming amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through Congress. During an address at the White House on Tuesday, Biden praised the Senate bill that would expand overall immigration to the United States by codifying his parole pipeline that has freed hundreds of thousands of border crossers into the nation’s interior. The bill would also increase legal immigration to the U.S., even as Biden has driven the nation’s foreign-born population to nearly 50 million — the largest ever in American history.
Joe Biden Blames Donald Trump and ‘MAGA
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 2/6/2024 3:31:05 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden blamed former President Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans” for the broken border system and his administration’s expected failure to convince Congress to pass a $118 billion bill that would allot $20 billion for border security but $60 billion for Ukraine. “Now, all indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump,” Biden said during a public address on Tuesday. He claimed that Trump thinks the bill is “bad for him politically,” and, therefore, it is being opposed by Republicans in the House and Senate.
Netanyahu: Half of Hamas Killed or Wounded;
18 of 24 Battalions Destroyed
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/6/2024 12:19:18 AM Post Reply
JERUSALEM, Israel — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday during a visit to Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops that half of Hamas’s terrorists had been killed or wounded, and that 18 of its 24 battalions had been destroyed thus far. Netanyahu spoke at Latrun, a military site overlooking the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road where British-trained Jordanian troops had held out against Israel in the 1948 war. Israel captured it in 1967 after Jordan joined in that war by shelling western Jerusalem. In a statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu said (via Government Press Office translation): Total victory is essential because it ensures the security of Israel. Total victory
Ronna McDaniel plans to step down from
RNC after SC primary: Report
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/6/2024 8:17:00 PM Post Reply
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is reportedly planning to step down from her position after long facing calls to do so amid poor fundraising hauls for the GOP. McDaniel has reportedly told former President Donald Trump that she will step down after the South Carolina GOP primary on Feb. 24, the New York Times reported, citing "two people familiar with the plans." Trump and McDaniel reportedly met on Monday at his Mar-a-Lago estate. On the same day as the reported meeting, Trump offered kind words for McDaniel, pointing to their success in the 2016 presidential campaign,
Toby Keith, Larger-Than-Life Country Music
Star, Dies at 62
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/6/2024 9:58:14 AM Post Reply
NORMAN, Okla. — “Beer For My Horses” singer-songwriter Toby Keith has died. He was 62. Keith, who was battling stomach cancer, passed peacefully on Monday surrounded by his family, according to a statement posted on the country singer’s website. “He fought his fight with grace and courage,” the statement said. He was diagnosed in 2022. Sometimes a polarizing figure in country music, the 6-foot-4 singer broke out in the country boom years of the 1990s, crafting an identity around his macho, pro-American swagger and writing songs that fans loved to hear. Over his career he publicly clashed with other celebrities and journalists
Bill requiring residents to register,
pay for pets is likely dead
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/6/2024 12:09:34 PM Post Reply
A bill that would have required Colorado residents to pay an annual pet registration fee, or face steep penalties for not doing so is dead, according to its sponsor. (snip) While Rep. Regina English, D-Colorado Springs, who sponsored the bill, did not answer questions on why she proposed the measure, she confirmed that she plans to postpone it indefinitely. (snip) Others called it just another way to tax Colorado residents. "Liberals in CO have found a new way to tax you!" (snip) "If this bill passes, you’ll need to register your pet, pay a tax to the state for owning the pet, & choose a 'caregiver' to register for your pet."
Haley loses Republican Nevada primary
to 'none of these candidates'
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/7/2024 8:03:36 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley suffered an embarrassing defeat in Nevada's primary on Tuesday, finishing behind ballots marked "none of these candidates" by supporters of Donald Trump, according to Edison Research. Haley, the last remaining rival to frontrunner Trump for the Republican presidential nomination, was the only major Republican candidate contesting the party's Nevada primary on Tuesday. Trump was not on the ballot. U.S. President Joe Biden easily won Nevada's Democratic presidential primary after dominating his party's first nominating contest in South Carolina on Saturday.
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