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'Squad' member Ilhan Omar in spat with
president of former 'murder capital' ahead
of his re-election

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Posted By: Moritz55, 2/3/2024 3:15:13 PM

El Salvador voters stand poised to re-elect their current president and self-styled "world’s coolest dictator" Nayib Bukele in a landslide victory after he rehabilitated his country’s crime-ridden reputation. "The opposition will be able to achieve its true and only plan, to free the gang members and use them to return to power," Bukele warned in a video that quickly spread across social media and news outlets in El Salvador. Bukele’s controversial tenure as leader of the Central American country looks set to continue, thanks to a revamp of the constitutional courts in which he replaced judges with loyalists who ruled that he could run for a second term


Perhaps she could also comment on her father’s service under the Marxist Somali dictator, Siad Barre.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bighambone 2/3/2024 5:54:23 PM (No. 1650206)
No doubt Omar and the rest of the leftist and socialist Democrat “Squad” would be pleased as punch if El Salvador sent all their inmates to join the masses of illegal aliens that Biden and his crew are allowing into the USA.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JackBurton 2/3/2024 5:58:48 PM (No. 1650208)
Great article. Looks like he has the answer to the gangs. We could...ahem.... imitate some of that.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thefield 2/3/2024 6:12:46 PM (No. 1650214)
Though I dislike her she should look out. Too many of those illegals could be his friends that came here may pay her a visit.
4 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Trigger2 2/3/2024 11:00:33 PM (No. 1650325)
El Selvador is merely following the example of USA voters. Dumb, and dumber.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Moritz55 2/3/2024 3:20:11 PM Post Reply
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'Squad' member Ilhan Omar in spat with
president of former 'murder capital' ahead
of his re-election
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/3/2024 3:15:13 PM Post Reply
El Salvador voters stand poised to re-elect their current president and self-styled "world’s coolest dictator" Nayib Bukele in a landslide victory after he rehabilitated his country’s crime-ridden reputation. "The opposition will be able to achieve its true and only plan, to free the gang members and use them to return to power," Bukele warned in a video that quickly spread across social media and news outlets in El Salvador. Bukele’s controversial tenure as leader of the Central American country looks set to continue, thanks to a revamp of the constitutional courts in which he replaced judges with loyalists who ruled that he could run for a second term
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Posted by Moritz55 2/1/2024 8:40:58 PM Post Reply
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Equity Is Justice, Redefined 7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/1/2024 1:11:44 PM Post Reply
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‘A Starting Point’: Meta Oversight
Board Member Says 2020 Election Interference
Was ‘Not Enough’
4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 3:09:26 PM Post Reply
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Donald Trump Polling Higher Than Any GOP
Candidate in 20 Years
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:58:08 PM Post Reply
As of Monday, former President Donald Trump is polling better than ever before against His Fraudulency Joe Biden. Trump is also polling better than his only remaining rival for the Republican primary, former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC). In the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of national polls, Trump tops Biden by an astounding 4.3 points. This is not only his biggest lead yet, but get a load of this…Trump is polling better today than any Republican presidential candidate has polled against a Democrat since 2004, when George W. Bush topped John Kerry by 6.4 points.
Graham tells Zuckerberg, 'you have blood
on your hands,' audience cheers
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:49:11 PM Post Reply
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., gave a harsh rebuke to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg at the onset of Wednesday's highly anticipated Big Tech hearing on child exploitation online. "Mr. Zuckerberg, you and the companies before us. I know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands," Graham, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said, garnering applause from the audience. "You have a product that's killing people." Graham referenced South Carolina State Rep. Brandon Guffey, who is suing Instagram after his 17-year-old son Gavin died by suicide after falling victim to an extortion group from Nigeria operating through the Meta-owned app.
The Anti-Democratic Movement Targeted
Ralph Nader First. We Should Have Paid
More Attention
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:18:31 PM Post Reply
In the summer of 2004 Theresa Amato, campaign manager of presidential candidate Ralph Nader, took out a notebook in preparation for an important phone conference. Her candidate, Nader, had already been subject to an extraordinary — and extraordinarily underreported — campaign of litigious harassment at the hands of the Democratic Party. John Kerry told Nader he had 2,000 lawyers at his disposal and would do “everything within the law” to win. In Arizona, Nader opponents filed a 650-page challenge to his attempt to get on the ballot, forgetting social justice concerns long enough to complain that one of Nader’s petition-circulators was a felon. They demanded ten samples of Nader’s own signature,
The stupidity of Biden’s liquefied natural
gas export pause
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:13:21 PM Post Reply
Last week’s White House announcement that it was pausing new permits for exports of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, is a desperate move by a desperate president. Its principal beneficiaries are likely to be Vladimir Putin and Hamas-harboring Qatar, rather than Joe Biden’s faltering re-election campaign. The president’s political calculation is overt. “We will heed the calls of young people and frontline communities who are using who are using their voices to demand action,” Biden says. “The pause on new LNG approvals sees the climate crisis for what it is: the existential threat of our time.” From a national security perspective, the pause is extraordinarily damaging.
Biden's job approval drops to 38% as border
worries rise
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/31/2024 1:02:11 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's approval rating declined in January as Americans worried about the economy and immigration while the Democrat ramps up his reelection campaign, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday. Only 38% of poll respondents said they approved of Biden's performance as president, down from 40% in December. His public approval rating has held below 50% since August 2021, stirring concern among his fellow Democrats as he faces an expected election rematch with Republican former President Donald Trump in November. A separate Reuters/Ipsos poll earlier this month showed Trump with a six percentage-point lead in that matchup.
Michelle and Barack Obama Secretly Plotting
Her Presidential Run to Force Joe Biden
Out of Race, Shocking Report Claims
30 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/30/2024 8:33:49 PM Post Reply
Michelle Obama is allegedly plotting to knock Joe Biden out as the Democratic presidential nominee and run herself, and her husband is in on the secret, has learned. The 60-year-old former First Lady and Barack Obama have reportedly been whispering to potential donors, and Democratic strategists are said to be eager to make it happen. As concerns about Biden's cognitive health grow ahead of his potential re-election, where he's likely to face off with energetic Donald Trump, White House sources say Michelle's takeover is being carefully crafted. Biden will likely announce that he's not running in May, citing health concerns, paving the way for Michelle to be nominated
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
First female mayor of tiny Illinois village
who hired child gang rapist is slammed
for 'living like a royal' after demanding
$300k salary, using tax payer money for
billboards, hair and makeup... and passing
law so next mayor will earn just $25k
37 replies
Posted by US Veteran 2/4/2024 9:07:58 AM Post Reply
The first female mayor of a tiny Illinois village has been slammed for 'living like a royal' at taxpayer expense by taking a $300,000 salary and racking up huge expenses. Glamorous Tiffany Henyard was elected leader of Dolton, a village of 20,000, in 2021, but has since come under fire for what many see as her excessive spending. She regularly engages the services of a professional hair and makeup team and stylist before public appearances and photo shoots for the county's taxpayer funded billboards, which often feature the 40-year-old in what have some see as shameless self-promotion.
'Merit-based hiring' might be 'unfair':
American Psychological Association
36 replies
Posted by Beardo 2/4/2024 12:55:01 PM Post Reply
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Nikki Haley Makes SNL Appearance and Republican
Voters Have Thoughts
33 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 11:37:32 AM Post Reply
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has been looking for ways to move up in the primary race against former President Donald Trump as they are moving closer to the South Carolina primary, and she's still some 30 points behind. She came in third in Iowa and second in New Hampshire after everyone else dropped out. If she loses South Carolina, people are going to call the race done even if she stays in since that's where one might expect her to do the best — in her home state. But right now, South Carolina is leaning heavily toward Trump.
Why AP called South Carolina for Biden:
Race call explained
32 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/4/2024 5:15:28 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary on Saturday, the contest that revitalized his 2020 campaign and now has given him his first official victory in his bid for a second term. The Associated Press declared Biden the winner at 7:23 p.m. based on an analysis of initial vote results showing him with a decisive lead in key locations throughout the state. At the time the race was called, Biden was leading statewide with about 97% of the vote, nearly double the 49% he received in the 2020 primary. Almost an hour after the race was called, Biden’s vote percentage remained largely unchanged at about 97%.
Michigan city is on edge as Wall Street
Journal article brands it 'America's jihad
capital' - with cops deployed to guard
mosques and locals fearing Islamophobic
revenge attacks
27 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 11:31:20 AM Post Reply
A Michigan suburb with the largest Muslim population in the US has upped its security in fear of hate attacks after it was branded America's 'jihad capital.' The headline of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece published on Friday read 'Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital' - a title given to the city by the publication because of its residents' pro-Palestine stances. The contentious article was written by Steven Stalinsky, who is a commentator on terrorism and has served as executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute, based in Washington DC, since 1999.
Paramount Super Bowl Commercial Is Completely
Ridiculous - and Marvelous
23 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 2:11:38 AM Post Reply
I will give you fair warning. If you want to watch the Super Bowl and be surprised by the commercials, then stop reading here since I'm going to be revealing one. But I have to say that this one found by our sister site Twitchy is pretty funny and anything that has Patrick Stewart in it has to be good. It's already going viral with over 21 million views. So if you need a laugh, this is likely to get you there with some charming silliness. In addition to Stewart, it has a bunch of people and cartoon characters, including
NYPD officers ‘fed up’ with Alvin
Bragg after Manhattan DA lets cop-beating
migrants go without bail: ‘A complete joke’
22 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/4/2024 5:51:29 AM Post Reply
Police officers and other critics are slamming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for refusing to seek bail for the rowdy migrants arrested after allegedly being caught on camera attacking NYPD cops in Times Square. Veteran police officers fumed to The Post Saturday that Bragg made a mockery of the entire justice system by letting five migrants walk after they were arraigned Wednesday on charges of second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction of governmental administration in the shocking Jan. 27 beatdown.
Mayorkas Doubles Down, Says ‘We Need’
More Migrants Amid Border Debate, Impeachment Fight
20 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 11:29:30 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s border chief says Americans need more migrants to fill jobs — even as House legislators debate his possible impeachment and the Senate considers a legislative deal he helped broker. Mayorkas made his demand for a high-migration, low-productivity economy during a softball interview with the New York Times: Wouldn’t it be more orderly, and wouldn’t it be responsible governance to be able to deliver a lawful pathway to fill what we have, which is a labor need, and cut the exploitative smugglers out and give individuals a path to arrive lawfully, safely, in an orderly way, to perform labor that we need?
Axelrod: Biden Is Shifting on Border Because
of Politics, Migrant Busing ‘Very Effective’
at Getting Dems to Shift
19 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 2:01:05 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Inside Politics,” CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser David Axelrod stated that President Joe Biden has shifted positions on immigration because Democrats have moved on the issue because busing migrants to sanctuary cities “has been very effective” in getting Democrats to flip. Host Dana Bash said, “[T]he change is that more and more Democrats are taking — voters — are taking a hard line. It looks as though the White House, the President is seeing that and kind of following their lead.”Axelrod responded, “Yes. Two points on this: Whatever you think about what Gov. Abbott (R) has done, it was diabolically clever, because
Newly Resurrected Video of E. Jean Carroll
from Her 90’s TV Show Reveals a Completely
Unpredictable and Deranged Woman Obsessed
with Men and Sex (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 3:47:06 PM Post Reply
A newly resurrected video of E. Jean Carroll from her 1996 television show in New York City reveals a completely unpredictable and deranged woman who is obsessed with men and sex. The guests look noticeably uncomfortable as E. Jean Carroll lays down on the floor during the segment, starts screaming something about ‘The Dating Game’ show and then objectifies the male guests. E. Jean Carroll: All’s you have to remember is you’re a woman. And if you’re a woman you’re precious… Yes my darlings, chasing men is the highest amusement there is, but manhandling the difficult little buggers is something else…
NYPD Goes 'Old School,' Bans Facial Hair,
Changes Uniforms — Now Do 'Old School'
Crime Rates
16 replies
Posted by mc squared 2/4/2024 1:46:55 PM Post Reply
With a few subtle changes, the article you're about to read would appear to be satire. The New York City Police Department, beset by out-of-control crime, repeat violent offenders released back to the streets, a growing invasion of illegal aliens, and Democrat politicians who won't let officers do their jobs has taken matters into its own hands — by banning facial hair and wearing newly designed uniforms. Advertisement "Huh?" you ask. The NYPD is going "old school," according to Chief of Patrol John Chell, who told department brass at a recent Compstat meeting at One Police Plaza: Uniform changes are coming rather quickly. No more beards in about a week.
Bay Area elementary school where just
4% of students are proficient in math
and 12% in English spent $250K on 'Woke
Kindergarten' program where third-grade
teacher was told to 'disrupt whiteness',
and whose non-binary creator wants to
abolish police
15 replies
Posted by Imright 2/4/2024 1:52:10 AM Post Reply
A Bay Area Elementary School has spent $250,000 on a 'Woke Kindergarten' program only to see its student's literacy and numeracy rates plunge. The 'Woke Kindergarten' program states its mission as an 'abolitionist early learning ecosystem' that trains teachers to uproot white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression which are barriers to learning. After spending the federal money on the program Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward saw numeracy among its 474 students fall to a new low of just 4 percent and literacy just 12 percent.
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