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Google Sharpens Its Censorship Knives
— Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 1/26/2024 6:28:03 AM

We recently discovered that Google’s ad-serving network is blocking its ads from appearing on a story we published almost exactly three years ago. Google declared that the article violated its terms of service because it contained “Dangerous or derogatory content,” [snip] So what was the article that it flagged? “Trump’s Top-10 Triumphs: A Last Look At A Remarkable Presidency.” We are not kidding. That editorial begins thusly: "President Donald Trump became an ex-president on Wednesday, as Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. We wish him nothing but the best. But before we let

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Reply 1 - Posted by: skacmar 1/26/2024 7:15:08 AM (No. 1644739)
Well, the article did say he SLASHED, indicating Trump's tendency towards violence. He also FORCED, demonstrating Trump's tendency towards fascism and dictatorship.
3 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 1/26/2024 7:26:27 AM (No. 1644743)
Why can't these people just let our Republic be itself?
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Krause 1/26/2024 7:45:33 AM (No. 1644752)
The left continues to vote against themselves. We had Obama, whose administration was a failure for the people. We had Trump who provided prosperity and law and order. Now we have Biden, who is death and destruction all over the place. The left hates Trump, and loves Obama and Biden. Go figure.
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bpl40 1/26/2024 8:00:46 AM (No. 1644760)
As far as I am concerned, Donald Trump has polled the highest numbers of legal votes by citizens in the history of this country. There is NO person in public life today with greater political legitimacy. Consciously classifying his achievements as “ dangerous and derogatory “ is grossly abusing the legal privileges of operating as a business entity. Google should be broken up.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Catherine 1/26/2024 8:27:50 AM (No. 1644764)
Google tells big fat lies now. I looked up something the other day, knowing it was a thing and every article listed on google said it did not exist.
4 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: WI Cynic 1/26/2024 8:55:49 AM (No. 1644786)
On facebook, an ad keeps showing up in my feed with Obama and Biden crying that they need money to save democracy from me. If I never heard either of those two liars again, it would be too soon.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: reefdiver 1/26/2024 9:05:38 AM (No. 1644792)
I avoid using Google at all.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: udanja99 1/26/2024 9:37:29 AM (No. 1644825)
Google is evil. Delete it from every device that you own. I even had to delete it from a new digital camera that i recently purchased.
3 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: SoSensible 1/26/2024 10:40:03 AM (No. 1644894)
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: DVC 1/26/2024 11:50:11 AM (No. 1644941)
Google is evil. Never use Google. Friends don't let friends use Google.
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: MickTurn 1/27/2024 10:13:24 AM (No. 1645588)
Google, here's some GOOD Advice. POUND BROKEN GLASS!
0 people like this.

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Google Sharpens Its Censorship Knives
— Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’
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Posted by RockyTCB 1/26/2024 6:28:03 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 1/23/2024 5:38:40 AM Post Reply
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Dementia And Double Standards 4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/22/2024 5:13:14 AM Post Reply
At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C. At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6. Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets. About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet,
‘Climate Change’ Puts Biden’s EV
Mandate On Thin Ice
13 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/19/2024 6:17:19 AM Post Reply
The polar vortex gripping the nation has exposed a fatal flaw in President Joe Biden’s push to force Americans into electric cars. EVs don’t work well in the cold. Several news stories out of Chicago this week report how EV owners have been struggling to keep their cars charged as extreme cold saps their batteries of energy, extends charging times, and forces owners to wait for hours to get an open charger. “Several motorists told local news outlets that they had been stranded at charging stations in the cold with cars with dead batteries, while successful charging was taking far longer than usual.
Biden Has ‘Delivered For The American
People’ All Right, And They Want A Refund
19 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/18/2024 7:32:03 AM Post Reply
Rep. James Clyburn, who is a co-chairman of Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, recently tried to explain the president’s predicament by saying that he’s “delivered for the American people in such a way that nobody seems to grasp.” As campaign slogans go, that’s not exactly “Morning in America.” But the truth is that everybody grasps what Biden has delivered. It’s what he’s delivered that they don’t like. Clyburn, talking on MSNBC, said the public just needs to “look at the facts and stop listening to all of this tweeting and stuff that’s going on out there that’s not good for the American people.”
Corruption Charges (Still) Loom As Major
Barrier To Biden Reelection In 2024: I&I/TIPP Poll
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/17/2024 6:26:47 AM Post Reply
Much of the discussion over whether President Joe Biden will drop out of the 2024 presidential race centers on his increasingly obvious age-related issues. But a potentially more serious problem awaits Biden, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests: Strong evidence that he illegally profited from public office while vice president under former President Barack Obama. At 81 years of age and with painful difficulties handling his official duties, Biden’s waning mental acuity has become a serious issue. But while age and a record low approval rating are major impediments to Biden’s reelection, the pile of evidence amassed
John Kerry: Goodbye, Good Riddance 22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/16/2024 5:41:27 AM Post Reply
In a city overflowing with useless people, agencies and institutions, one of its most worthless figures is (finally) leaving his government post. While John Kerry is not quite going away, he is closer to the exit than the entrance. This is good for the country. At some point this spring, Kerry will leave his billet as the administration’s climate envoy (see what we mean by “useless”?). He will reportedly join the re-election campaign of President Joe Biden, who was for decades useless but eventually became destructive, as the last three years have shown. If voters act rationally, Kerry, an insufferable hypocrite,
Will Trump’s Rising Support From Minority
Voters Put Him Back Into The White House?
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/12/2024 7:54:28 AM Post Reply
As 2023 has ended and a new year begun, those looking for a big change in the presidential polls for either major party may be disappointed. The I&I/TIPP Poll taken in early January shows that both President Joe Biden (69% support) and former President Donald Trump (65%) have big leads currently in the primaries for their respective parties. With little competition so far from others, what about the head-to-head competition between Biden vs. Trump? I&I/TIPP’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,247 registered voters taken Jan. 3-5 shows that Trump holds a slender 1 percentage-point lead over Biden
Biden Takes Lying With Statistics To A
Whole New Level
11 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/8/2024 6:47:56 AM Post Reply
The headlines on Friday were that the economy created 216,000 jobs, more than expected and a sign of continued strength in the economy. “This morning’s report confirms that 2023 was a great year for American workers,” President Joe Biden said. Hurray! But wait a minute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) previously reported that there were 157,087,000 “non-farm payroll” jobs in November. The number of these jobs in December, it now says, was 157,232,000. That’s a gain of only 145,000. So how did Biden manage to claim that the economy created 216,000 jobs in December?
Collapse Of Used EV Market Spells Doom
For Biden’s Electric Car Dreams
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/4/2024 6:40:36 AM Post Reply
Just as President Joe Biden starts showering hundreds of billions more of taxpayers’ money to “electrify” the nation’s fleet of automobiles, the bottom is falling out of the EV market. The latest indication is the sharp drop in prices for used EVs. A report from, a search engine for auto buyers, found that the average price for all cars declined 5% in 2023 compared with 2022. But the resale price EVs plunged 33%. While a used EV sold for an average of $52,821 in 2022, it went for less than $35,000 in 2023,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
U.S. Navy Drops High School Diploma, GED
Requirement for Recruits — What Could
Possibly Go Wrong?
41 replies
Posted by Imright 1/28/2024 11:09:21 AM Post Reply
No Diploma? No Problem! The U.S. Navy has again lowered enlistment requirements as it struggles to meet self-inflicted recruiting goals. We'll get to the latter in a bit. Spoiler: Perhaps Navy brass should have dropped Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals instead.As reported by Navy Times on Friday, America's naval force will now allow those without a high school diploma to enlist as long as they score a 50 or higher on the Armed Forces Qualification Test that all prospects must take. Those without a General Educational Development (GED) will also be allowed to enlist if they hit the test threshold, according to the Chief of Naval Personnel’s office.
Nikki Haley says the RNC is ‘clearly
not’ an honest broker after calls to
unify around Trump in primary
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/28/2024 5:11:23 PM Post Reply
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley blasted the Republican National Committee on Sunday, saying it was not an honest broker in the party’s 2024 primary race. In an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Haley, the last remaining major GOP opponent to former President Donald Trump, said the RNC was “clearly not” playing fairly. “Do you think the RNC has been an honest broker in this case?” moderator Kristen Welker asked. Haley replied, “I mean, clearly not.” “If you’re gonna go in and basically tell the American people that you’re gonna go and decide who the nominee is after only two states have voted? I mean, 48 states out
Biden Lies at Pulpit About His Role in
Civil Rights and Attending Black Churches,
Then Shuffles Away Confused (Video)
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/28/2024 3:38:45 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Sunday continued to pander to the black community in Columbia, South Carolina ahead of the state’s Democrat primary set for February 3. 81-year-old Biden participated in a political event at St. John the Baptist Church on Sunday. He brazenly lied from the pulpit about his role in the civil rights movement and his history of attending black churches. This is just weeks after he lied about ‘starting the civil rights movement’ during a stump speech at a black church in Charleston.
Snopes Fact-Check Calls True Biden Story
‘False’ Despite Photos THEY Included
in Post — Then Reverses It
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/28/2024 11:12:29 AM Post Reply
Independent urban legend tracking and fact-checking website Snopes took a huge amount of fire on Saturday after marking a true story about President Joe Biden wearing a hard hat backwards “false” — so much heat that eventually they reversed their own ruling and the story is now marked “true” on the site. At issue was a photo of Joe Biden wearing a hard hat backwards, which went viral on the right leaning side of social media before garnering enough attention to warrant a Snopes check. The photo, which shows Biden wearing (a) hard hat backwards, was included in the Snopes article that first called the story false.
Biden Freaks Out in South Carolina and
Starts Screaming About Trump
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/28/2024 12:29:30 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden went to South Carolina on Saturday to campaign. He barely does any work as it is, spends a lot of his time on vacation, but now during the little time he is actually "working," he's trying to pull himself together to campaign. It's not working. He can't seem to pull it together anymore. He was always bad but it's even worse now. Now the incoherence is more and more apparent, as is the out-of-control anger and the slurring. First, he seemed to blank out for a moment, then said, "Folks... [lengthy pause, mumbles] If were smart, I'd say thank you and leave."
2,681 ‘Journalists’ Lost Their Jobs
in Joe Biden’s Economy
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/28/2024 10:32:02 AM Post Reply
“An estimated 2,681 news industry jobs were lost through the end of November,” reports the far-left Associated Press. That’s what you call a good start, reports the far-right John Nolte. I’ll bet good money that over 90 percent of those who lost their jobs voted for His Fraudulency Joe Biden. So what we have here is another case of people getting what they voted for. Boo hoo.
Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia
in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel
Her From the House
20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/28/2024 10:36:03 PM Post Reply
Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali community in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral thanks to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no mention of being American. Omar also said she represents Somalia in Congress and told the audience that they control the U.S. government’s Somalia policy. Outraged Americans called for Omar’s expulsion from the House of Representatives.
'Hell to Pay': How Will Biden Respond
to Iran's Latest Attack?
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/28/2024 3:23:27 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden confirmed Sunday three U.S. service members were killed and 25 others wounded in an Iranian backed drone attack in Jordan Saturday. In his statement, Biden claimed there will be some kind of response. "The three American service members we lost were patriots in the highest sense. And their ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten by our nation. Together, we will keep the sacred obligation we bear to their families," Biden released in a statement. "We will strive to be worthy of their honor and valor. We will carry on their commitment to fight terrorism. And have no doubt -- we will hold all those responsible to account
Three US service members killed in Iran-backed
drone attack in Jordan
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/28/2024 11:57:07 AM Post Reply
Three US service members were killed and 25 others were wounded in a drone attack on an outpost in Jordan near the Syrian border on Saturday night, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Sunday. This is the first time that US troops have been killed by enemy fire in the Middle East since the beginning of the war in Gaza. According to CENTCOM, the attack took place at a base in northeast Jordan. CENTCOM stated that the identities of the servicemembers will be withheld until 24 hours after their next of kin have been notified. US President Joe Biden condemned the attack on the US service members
Report: Feds Plan to Make Trucker Convoy
Another “Insurrection”
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 1/28/2024 5:35:12 AM Post Reply
Lara Logan wrote on X that the truckers should be very concerned. “Be aware – numerous sources indicate the federal govt is planning to try make this another fake “insurrection” and go after people in the convoy the same way they targeted people for exercising their constitutional rights on January 6th.. They are already tracing and tracking people through their phones, iPads etc.” Tucker spoke with one of the convoy’s leaders, Dr. Pete Chambers and Ken Paxton. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Texas will not give up, and he’s unsure what the federal government expects Texas to do.
The Climate Models Are Wrong 15 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/28/2024 10:39:21 AM Post Reply
Dr. Roy Spencer, a top scientist specializing in climate, wrote a report for Heritage which he summarized on his own web site. Spencer compared observed warming in the U.S. corn belt during the summer, between 1973 and 2022–a 50-year period–with the warming that was predicted by the major climate models. He found that all of the models yielded more warming than actually occurred, most to an absurd degree.
Muslim Security Guard Opens Fire in Canadian
City Hall
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/28/2024 2:19:45 AM Post Reply
Bezhani Sarvar, was working as a security guard and then he decided that Allah had a special mission for him. And, like all of Allah’s special missions, it involved shooting a whole lot of people. So he headed on over to City Hall in the Canadian city of Edmonton and got on with Allah’s work. Not that the media will tell you any of this. [SNIP] The Muslim terrorist ranted about “this genocide that’s going on in Gaza and throughout the world” and vowed, “inshallah, we will rise against you guys, and we’ll put you on trial.” He vowed, “Salam-Alaikum, brothers and sisters. Inshallah. I’ll succeed with my mission."
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