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Posts on Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Former DeSantis spokesman flips and backs
TRUMP: Steve Cortes says ex-president
is the 'path to restoration' and it's
'time to unite and coalesce around him'
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 8:21:25 PM Post Reply
A former Donald Trump advisor is back in the fold after breaking with the former president and shifting to Ron DeSantis – and now declares that it's time to 'coalesce and unite' behind the former president. Steve Cortes, formerly a spokesman for the pro-DeSantis superpac Never Back Down, called on fellow Republicans to 'read the room' in a new op-ed after Trump trounced his opponents in the Iowa caucuses. 'Those of us who backed Ron DeSantis – or the other Republican candidates – should read the room. Former President Trump winnowed the field effortlessly and then crushed the remaining three candidates in Iowa. He leads in the polls everywhere else.
Dimon: Dems Should Be ‘More Respectful’
of Trump Supporters, Negative MAGA Talk
Will Hurt Biden
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 7:46:42 PM Post Reply
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said Wednesday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that Democrats needed to be “more respectful” of former President Donald Trump’s supporters. Dimon said, “I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA. You know, and if you travel this country. The country’s unbelievable.”He continued, “People are growing. They’re hungry to grow. They’re innovating. It’s everywhere. It’s not just Silicon Valley. So we’ve got this great hand. But when people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump, and they think they’re voting, and they’re basically scapegoating them, that you are like him.
‘I Saw That the Book Was Not Selling’
– E. Jean Carroll Makes Stunning Admission
About Her Trump Media Tour
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 7:02:42 PM Post Reply
President Trump appeared in court on Wednesday as E. Jean Carroll testified in a trial where the jury will decide how much Trump has to pay for his so-called ‘defamatory’ statements about her. Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, previously ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape. In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s. Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job”
Four Years After Biden ‘Laptop From
Hell’ Falsely Labeled ‘Misinformation,’
DOJ Admits It’s Real
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2024 7:02:04 PM Post Reply
Nearly four years after the damning evidence of Biden family corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop was disclosed in 2020, President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice admitted in a court filing on Tuesday that the Mac and its contents are real. If you’ve been following this story since it broke in October 2020, you know there was never any true reason to doubt The New York Post’s reporting or the word of the Delaware computer repair shop owner that the abandoned Mac belonged to Hunter. Yet truth was no defense. The Post was quickly banned from social media for spreading “disinformation” — a decision based on actual disinformation
Maine pushes to become 'transgender safe
haven' where minors can receive sex-change
surgery and can't be returned to their
parents -- as outraged community leaders
try to slow efforts
Posted by OhioNick 1/17/2024 6:57:35 PM Post Reply
A Maine judiciary committee is moving to create a 'safe haven' for teens seeking sex changes and protection from their parents but critics have slammed the bill as 'state-sanctioned kidnapping. [SNIP] A work session on the bill, LD 1735, was scheduled for Wednesday, but as public outrage grew and with severe weather, it was postponed until January 25. If passed, LD 1735 would enable certain teens from states that have banned child gender-affirming care- such as Kentucky or Mississippi - to come to Maine, with or without their family, and access treatment.
Trump Develops Strong Relationship with
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 6:55:57 PM Post Reply
It appears former President Donald Trump and Gov. Doug Burgum’s (R-ND) relationship is strengthening, as the former president said he hopes to have the governor as a “very important” part of his administration. Some in Trump’s orbit are even talking about him as a potential running mate or cabinet secretary, Breitbart News has learned. During his victory speech after the Iowa Caucuses on Monday, Trump had high praise for Burgum, calling him “one of the best governors in the country” and a “solid guy.” Trump emphasized that Burgum had supported him in 2016 and 2020 before declaring he hopes to
EU President Laments – If President
Trump Wins USA Election, Europe Will Have
to be Self Sufficient
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2024 6:49:36 PM Post Reply
Yes, indeed the sixty-year-long era of the extended Marshal Plan might actually come to an end if President Trump wins the 2024 election and Europe can no longer benefit from one-way tariffs and generous USA subsidies. This stark reality is once again the concern for Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. Warning that President Trump’s outlook toward a self-sustaining Europe would mean a challenge to the norms of modern democracy, the rotating president of the Union is worried that tailored skinny pants and slim cut suits might soon be selling next to tractor boots and big fur hats.
Nikki Haley Relying on Democrats in New
Hampshire to Win Republican Primary and
Keep Billionaire Donors Happy
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2024 6:09:28 PM Post Reply
I doubt there is another website on the internet with as deep a Nikki Haley research file as CTH [SEE HERE]. She even has her own drop down category box, which we created the moment Nikki Haley stabbed Sarah Palin in the back. You see, Nikki Haley would not exist in the world of politics if Sarah Palin had not shown up to rally support for her in the 2010 SC primary race. But immediately after gaining all the benefit, Haley dismissed Palin,
With a growing demographic collapse, the
biggest threat to China is…China
Posted by DVC 1/17/2024 5:43:41 PM Post Reply
China is a serious threat to America’s dominance in the world, and when America’s dominance collapses, so does America’s lovely standard of living. Nothing happening within the U.S., especially on Biden’s watch, will change that. However, China is at very profound risk from its internal problems. The latest one to catch the headlines is China’s continuing and, indeed, accelerating demographic collapse. China famously instituted its one-child policy in 1979 when it was afraid that its population growth was out of control. Not only did the policy have the effect of lowering the birth rate, but it also decimated the number of female babies being born.
VEEP WATCH: Trump Shreds Haley in Series
of Emails, Plus Vivek's Masterstroke?
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/17/2024 5:41:19 PM Post Reply
Now that we've been told Trump is a lock for the Republican nominee, it's time to start playing "Who's he going to pick for VP?" This year's competition is especially high-stakes, since that person will essentially be the incumbent in four short years. Unless the Democrats swap out Biden for someone irresistible, and soon, Trump's ticket partner has a very real shot at being the 2028 GOP nominee. Plenty of pundits are arguing that Nikki Haley is Trump's best choice. She checks various demographic boxes, she could help him win over suburban women and independents, and she brings in beaucoup donor bucks. Even people who love Trump and despise Haley
The Baltimore Sun is returning to local
ownership — with a buyer who has made
his politics clear
Posted by Judy W. 1/17/2024 5:19:31 PM Post Reply
A local buyer taking over a struggling newspaper in the 21st century is normally cause for some celebration. But The Baltimore Sun’s newly announced owner has a very specific political background, and some are concerned about what the 187-year-old publication could become. David D. Smith, executive chairman of the Sinclair broadcasting chain and an active contributor to conservative causes, has bought Baltimore Sun Media from the investment firm Alden Global Capital. The purchase price was not disclosed. Smith met with Sun employees on Tuesday to talk about his plans, saying he hopes to make the newsroom more profitable. He was not made available for an interview with The Associated Press.
Is Rep. Dan Goldman the Most Aggressively
Wrong Idiot on Capitol Hill?
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/17/2024 4:18:03 PM Post Reply
You know how when you put a TV on layaway at Walmart you pay them $50 each payday until you cover the entire cost of the TV so you can finally take it home and hang it in your living room, but when you go to Guns "R" Us and pay the first $50 for a pistol on layaway that they just let you have right then and you can pay the rest later? Yeah, me either. But according to New York congresscritter Dan Goldman (D-Naturlich), you can buy guns for your next shooting spree on "buy now, pay later" or what he calls "layaway" financing because, clearly,
Commie Rag’s ‘Palestine Correspondent’
Gives Us a Dark Hint of What’s Coming
Posted by Hazymac 1/17/2024 3:55:07 PM Post Reply
The Nation, a magazine that was founded just after the end of the Civil War but is now farther to the left than Stalin, proudly features Mohammed El-Kurd as its “first-ever Palestine Correspondent.” Apparently El-Kurd took that to mean “Hamas correspondent,” as he just declared, in a chilling glimpse of what the left has in store for us, “We must normalize massacres as the status quo.” El-Kurd said this Saturday at a pro-Palestinian rally in London and was initially defiant when he started getting negative feedback. He wrote on X: “Lots of ppl reporting this speech to the police. Idgaf. Zionism is indefensible” and “are you gonna arrest me?”
Hamas terrorist tried to sell decapitated
Israeli's head for $10,000: Victim's father
blasts 'insanely barbaric' violation of
his son's body as his head is discovered
in a freezer in Gaza
Posted by OhioNick 1/17/2024 3:47:12 PM Post Reply
The head of an Israeli soldier who was decapitated by Hamas terrorists on October 7 was put up for sale in Gaza for $10,000, it has emerged. Sergeant Adir Tahar, 19, from Jerusalem, was murdered by the terrorists after they threw grenades at him as they rampaged through southern Israel and massacred 1,200 Israelis. The gunmen then beheaded the young soldier and took his severed head back to Gaza, his heartbroken father David Tahar told Channel 14 as he blasted the 'insanely barbaric' violation of his son's body.
Tucker Carlson Breaks Down The Iowa Result
and the Aspirations of Democrats to Elevate
Nikki Haley
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2024 3:40:49 PM Post Reply
Tucker Carlson gives his take on the results of the Iowa caucus and the next primary election which takes place in New Hampshire. Carlson accurately outlines the goals and aspirations of the professional political class, and the multinational corporate donors, who are intending to elevate Nikki Haley as the desperate last-ditch effort to block Donald Trump. WATCH:
There it is – EU President Says Number
One Challenge for Global Control Systems
in Next Two Years is to Control Information
and Speech
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2024 3:13:39 PM Post Reply
In her keynote address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen reaffirmed Europe’s unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion. However, in the open admission of priority, President Von der Leyen declares the #1 priority of the corporations who run the WEF and world of politics, must be control of speech and information against their interests. She goes on to note that political dissent, what she calls “polarization within our societies” must be controlled, as the ability of individuals and groups to assemble against the WEF plan remains a constant threat to the fulfillment of the agenda.
Supreme Court signals it will claw back
federal agency power
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 2:54:01 PM Post Reply
The Supreme Court’s conservatives appeared inclined to cut back the regulatory power of federal agencies, with at least several justices during a pair of arguments Wednesday seeming ready to overrule a legal doctrine that has bolstered agencies’ authority for decades. Over more than three hours of argument, the justices put the Biden administration’s top Supreme Court lawyer on defense as she sought to preserve Chevron deference, which instructs courts to defer to agencies’ interpretation of federal law if it could have multiple meanings. The practice has strengthened presidential administrations’ ability to regulate wide aspects of daily life. The range of examples referenced at the arguments revealed the breadth of Chevron’s impact:
UN Secretary-General Demands End to ‘Fossil
Fuel,’ Claims It’s ‘Inevitable’
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 2:42:05 PM Post Reply
The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General demands a total phase out of fossil fuels — to stop a “climate crisis” that doesn’t actually exist. How dare you own a car despite the fact there’s weather, you cretinous serf! Speaking at the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos 2024 conference, António Guterres condescendingly lectured about his favorite topic (when he’s not supporting Palestinian jihadis against Israel): the alleged crisis of climate change. Because climate alarmists have only been dead wrong for 50+ years, so we know they’re right this time. “2023 went down as the hottest year on record,” Guterres lied. “But it could be one of the coolest years [of] the future.”
Agitated Trump says 'I would love it'
after judge threatens to boot him from
E. Jean Carroll defamation trial
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 2:35:10 PM Post Reply
The judge presiding over E. Jean Carroll's damages trial in New York federal court on Wednesday warned former President Donald Trump that he might bar him from the courtroom for grousing loudly and animatedly to his lawyer during Carroll's testimony about how he repeatedly defamed her. "Mr. Trump has the right to be present here. That right can be forfeited, and it can be forfeited if he is disruptive and if he disregards court orders," U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan told Trump and his attorney after the jury had left the courtroom. "Mr. Trump, I hope I don’t have to consider excluding you from the trial. I understand
Record-Low Birth Rate Causes China’s
Population to Decrease for Second Consecutive Year
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 1:41:10 PM Post Reply
China’s total population declined for a second consecutive year in 2023 due to a record-low birth rate and an uptick in Covid-19 deaths. The decline will inevitably deter the economy’s growth potential and continue to strain a nation where the elderly overwhelmingly outnumber the young. The National Bureau of Statistics, a Chinese government agency, reported that the total number of people in China decreased by 2.08 million in 2023. Overall, the population declined by 0.15 percent, from 1.411 billion to 1.409 billion in 2023. China’s population aged 60 and over reached 296.97 million in 2023, accounting for about 21.1 percent of its total population.
House speaker to press White House for
border solution before $61.4B Ukraine funding
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 1:13:16 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Wednesday he will tell President Biden to secure the US-Mexico border before considering sending $61.4 billion in additional military aid to Ukraine for its war against Russia when the leaders meet at the White House. “Before we even talk about Ukraine, I am going to tell the president what I am telling all of you and we’ve told the American people: border, border, border,” Johnson, 51, told reporters on Capitol Hill. “We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else. And that’s the message I’ve had since day one,” Johnson added, saying the Biden administration had ignored his
California appeals court rules homeless
have right to sleep on sidewalks, in parks
Posted by Beardo 1/17/2024 1:04:47 PM Post Reply
An appellate court upheld a ruling last week limiting San Francisco's efforts to clear drug encampments from sidewalks and public areas. (snip) In the ruling, Circuit Judge Lucy H. Koh wrote the majority opinion and was joined by Circuit Judge Roopali H. Desai who are both Biden appointees. The opinion used an interpretation that said it was "cruel and unusual" to prevent the homeless from sleeping in public. Trump appointee Circuit Judge Patrick J. Bumatay dissented, writing it "cannot be cruel and unusual to prohibit homeless persons from sleeping, camping, and lodging wherever they want, whenever they want."
IRS leaker sought consultant role with
express purpose of releasing Trump's tax
returns, DOJ says
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 12:36:24 PM Post Reply
Justice Department prosecutors say the man charged with leaking former President Trump's tax returns sought his job as an IRS consultant specifically for the purpose of leaking the information. Charles Littlejohn had done work for Booz Allen from 2008 to 2013, but he returned to the company as an IRS consultant in 2017. Prosecutors say the career move was meant to grant him access to private tax information that would allow him to leak Trump's tax returns. The DOJ says Littlejohn considered Trump to be a threat to democracy, according to the Wall Street Journal. "[Littlejohn] weaponized his access to unmasked taxpayer data to further his own personal political agenda, believing
BlackRock Chief Warns Davos Elites: Trump
Victory Poses ‘Fundamental’ Challenge
to Europe
Posted by mc squared 1/17/2024 12:14:23 PM Post Reply
The prospect of a Donald Trump return to the White House in 2024 poses a “fundamental” challenge to Europe, the leader of the world’s largest investment company warned Tuesday. The Daily Telegraph reports BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage. The veteran Swiss banker said the re-election of the former U.S. president “would challenge Europe fundamentally” given Trump’s determination to embrace America First in matters from trade to diplomacy, NATO funding, and climate policy.
Bar Complaint Filed Against Kevin Morris
for Financially Aiding Hunter Biden
Posted by Beardo 1/17/2024 11:56:13 AM Post Reply
America First Legal on Tuesday filed a California bar complaint against Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris, for allegedly violating “both the text of the Rules of Professional Conduct and the well-established norms of the legal profession” of the California Bar Association. (snip) Morris’ financial aid to Hunter “is expressly prohibited by State Bar of California Rule 1.8.5(a),” America First Legal’s complaint contends. The rule is “intended to prevent the abuses which were criminalized under the principles of champerty and maintenance,” the legal defense fund argued.
New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams
Imposing 11 PM Curfew on Illegal Aliens
Posted by mc squared 1/17/2024 11:46:45 AM Post Reply
New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams is considering the idea of setting a curfew for illegal aliens in state-run housing after rising crime and worrisome safety issues exploded around migrant shelters, setting legal residents on edge. Adams’ popularity has taken a steep nose dive recently, and he has been rapidly throwing ideas against the political wall, hoping it will bring voters back to his side after taking so much heat for his policies coddling illegal aliens. If this latest trial balloon becomes city-wide policy, illegal border crossers in state shelters would be required to be in their rooms by 11 p.m. each evening, according to the New York Post.
Chinese Lab Mapped Covid-19 Virus Two
Weeks before Sharing Information Globally,
Documents Reveal
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 11:28:51 AM Post Reply
Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded a nearly complete sequence of the Covid virus structure to a U.S. database run by the National Institute of Health on December 28, 2019, two weeks before Beijing shared the viral sequence with the rest of the world, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services documents recently obtained by a House committee reveal. The HHS documents, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, were obtained by Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee after they threatened to subpoena the agency. When Beijing shared the SARS-CoV-2 sequence with the World Health Organization on January 11, 2020, two full weeks had elapsed since the virus was sequenced
Hamas’ underground tunnels are at least
350 miles long and have turned Gaza ‘into
a fortress’: officials
Posted by mc squared 1/17/2024 11:27:23 AM Post Reply
Hamas’ sinister network of tunnels underneath the Gaza Strip may be over 350 miles long – or hundreds of miles more than initial estimates, sources said this week. The tunnels may run for anywhere between 350 to 450 miles, and boast a staggering 5,700 entrance shafts, senior Israeli officials told The New York Times. The new estimates – which could not be confirmed – are over 100 miles longer than the original numbers, which placed the tunnel network at around 250 miles long, the outlet noted. The tunnels’ vastness is “extraordinary” given that Gaza’s longest point only stretches about 25 miles, the Times said.
Georgia Lawyer Writes in Daily Beast:
‘Why We Can’t Shrug Off the Fani Willis Scandal’
Posted by Beardo 1/17/2024 11:14:44 AM Post Reply
Georgia lawyer Andrew Fleischman on Tuesday published an opinion piece in the left-leaning Daily Beast that said Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should resign if the allegations she took steps to benefit a special prosecutor and romantic partner are true. (snip) Fleischman argued while the other two special prosecutors are “incredibly qualified,” they earn less than Wade, writing: (snip) Floyd is widely considered Georgia’s leading expert on state RICO prosecutions and helped draft the law. Combined, they billed $116,000 (less than a quarter of Wade’s total). (snip) He predicted that Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee in February would likely disqualify Willis and her entire office,
There Could Be Only One Reason Why the
Chinese Messed With the Coronavirus Again
Posted by DW626 1/17/2024 10:15:37 AM Post Reply
There’s a new COVID variant that China has been tweaking in the lab, and it’s unbelievable. It was tested on mice and had a 100 percent mortality rate. Dubbed the ‘brain virus,' Chinese scientists are paving the way for another global pandemic if this escapes their labs again. The study involved a “cousin” strain of the coronavirus, which was mutated and then administered to humanized mice; all died within eight days. The study does not say how this could impact humans, but the research has been heavily criticized as pointless, dangerous, and veering into absolute madness (via NY Post):
How long will the volcano stay dormant? replies
Posted by DW626 1/17/2024 10:11:15 AM Post Reply
It already happened once. What makes us think it will not again? On April 29, 1992, the United States experienced a mini civil war in which more than sixty people were killed in armed conflict, and 2,300 were wounded. Live television recorded the event, clips of which are available on YouTube. Other, even more dramatic scenes depicted full-fledged gun battles on the streets of Los Angeles, California. The location was an urban section known as Korea Town. Rioting and looting were sparked when a young black man was arrested for the violent robbery of a Korean-American business.
Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain
with 100% kill rate in ‘humanized’
mice: ‘Surprisingly’ rapid death
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 9:53:17 AM Post Reply
In a Wuhan-esque study, Chinese scientists are experimenting with a mutant COVID-19 strain that is 100% lethal to “humanized” mice. The deadly virus — known as GX_P2V — attacked the brains of mice that were engineered to reflect genetic makeup similar to people, according to a study shared last week out of Beijing. “This underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans and provides a unique model for understanding the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses,” the authors wrote. The deadly virus is a mutated version of GX/2017, a coronavirus cousin that was reportedly discovered in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 — three years before the pandemic. Pangolins, also called scaly anteaters,
US Defense Secretary Austin's 911 call
sought 'subtle' ambulance approach
Posted by NorthernDog 1/17/2024 9:20:48 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's aide asked for the ambulance picking up the Pentagon chief to keep its lights and sirens off during a New Year's Day call to 911, according to audio of call obtained by Reuters. "Can the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? We're trying to remain a little subtle," the aide, whose name was redacted from the audio, told the 911 dispatcher. Austin's trip to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and subsequent hospitalization was kept secret for days, including from U.S. President Joe Biden and even Austin's deputy, Kathleen Hicks. He spent
Davos: From Proto-Fascism to Post-Fascism replies
Posted by Dodge Boy 1/17/2024 8:48:38 AM Post Reply
The political adage “If you cannot beat them, join them” has been well-known for centuries. So, the Left made one extra step and arrived at the “if you cannot beat them, lead them.” The Left has been trying (unsuccessfully) various methods to eliminate capitalists and private property. Eventually, Leftists learned their lesson and decided to preside over private property instead of confiscating and spreading it around. Lenin used it (the so-called “New Economic Policy” in the Soviet Union 1921-1928), Mussolini used it, Hitler used it, and the Chinese used it. It blatantly violates a well-demarcated borderline between the government and the governed. However, by now, it is the cornerstone of globalism.
Corruption Charges (Still) Loom As Major
Barrier To Biden Reelection In 2024: I&I/TIPP Poll
Posted by RockyTCB 1/17/2024 6:26:47 AM Post Reply
Much of the discussion over whether President Joe Biden will drop out of the 2024 presidential race centers on his increasingly obvious age-related issues. But a potentially more serious problem awaits Biden, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll suggests: Strong evidence that he illegally profited from public office while vice president under former President Barack Obama. At 81 years of age and with painful difficulties handling his official duties, Biden’s waning mental acuity has become a serious issue. But while age and a record low approval rating are major impediments to Biden’s reelection, the pile of evidence amassed
NBC Edits “Jesus” from Texan Player
CJ Stroud’s Post Game Interview (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:31:56 AM Post Reply
On Saturday, the Houston Texans beat the Cleveland Browns in the AFC Wild Card Playoffs. After the game, an NBC reporter interviewed Texans quarterback CJ Stroud on the victory. At 22, Stroud is the youngest starting quarterback to win an NFL playoff game and has never been shy about his love for God. He begins most interviews with a statement of faith and gratitude.Here is the original live clip just after the game: (Video) When NBC subsequently shared the clip later on social media, however, Stroud’s praise of Jesus was edited out of his remarks. Watch: (Video)
Joy Reid sparks anger after saying white
Christians are overrepresented in Iowa
and Trump is so successful because they
believe he will 'return' America to them
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:14:24 AM Post Reply
Cable news pundit Joy Reid claimed Donald Trump won the Iowa caucus because 'white Christians' believe he will 'return' the US to them. Reid called the Midwest state 'hyper evangelical' and therefore full of voters who support the former president in his campaign to regain the White House. Trump handily won the Iowa caucus on Tuesday night with 51 per cent of the vote in frigid conditions to kick off the primary season. Reid discussed how overrepresented white Christians were in Iowa compared to the rest of the country on MSNBC coverage of the caucus.
Donald Trump unveils his classified documents
defense: New legal papers claim he held
security clearance after he left office
- and allege 'biased' spy agencies were
out for his blood
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:08:46 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump's legal team looks set to claim US intelligence agencies were out to get him, according to a new legal filing ahead of his classified documents case. Trump has been charged by Special Counsel Jack Smith on crimes related to his attempt to overturn the 2020 election and for hoarding classified documents he moved from the White House to Mar-a-Lago. Lawyers for Trump said in a motion filed Tuesday that they will dispute prosecutors' allegations that the estate where the records were stored was not secure, in a case Trump has demanded be pushed to after the election.
Federal Government to Spend $700K Reminding
Girls Who 'Identify' as Boys That They
Can Still Get Pregnant
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:05:44 AM Post Reply
Just when you thought the Biden administration couldn't get any more ridiculous, now the Department of Health and Human Services, part of the executive branch and therefore under administration control, has announced they will spend $700,000 reminding 14-year-old girls who "identify as boys" that they are still, well, girls. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is awarding nearly $700,000 taxpayer dollars to back pregnancy prevention programs for young girls who identify as boys, warning that “heteronormative” sexual education is inadequate. The $698,736 grant, which began in September 2023 and will continue until June 2027,
Walgreens Closing Boston Location in Poor
Neighborhood Due to Theft, Locals Outraged (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 4:03:31 AM Post Reply
Walgreens is closing a store in a lower income neighborhood of Boston due to rampant theft and the people who live there are outraged. They’re actually protesting the store over news of the closure. This is a familiar chain of events in liberal cities. The Democrats who run the city allow theft and don’t punish criminals. Then the store decides to close and suddenly everyone is angry at the store instead of the people who actually caused the problem. This is going to happen in more and more cities until Democrats decide they want to punish crime.
Karine Jean-Pierre’s Lies at Presser:
from Border to January 6
Posted by Imright 1/17/2024 3:49:42 AM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre delivered an unusually dense slew of lies on Tuesday during an audio-only press briefing, lying about everything from the U.S. (Texas) border to the number of police officers killed on January 6, 2021 (zero). Jean-Pierre claimed, falsely, that the Texas Military Department interfered with U.S. Border Patrol agents as they attempted to rescue a migrant family from drowning. The story had already been disavowed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the governor of Texas. (X) Jean-Pierre also claimed, falsely, that police officers died as a result of injuries sustained during the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.
New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams
Imposing 11 PM Curfew on Illegal Aliens
Posted by OhioNick 1/17/2024 2:57:16 AM Post Reply
Adams’ popularity has taken a steep nose dive recently, and he has been rapidly throwing ideas against the political wall, hoping it will bring voters back to his side after taking so much heat for his policies coddling illegal aliens. If this latest trial balloon becomes city-wide policy, illegal border crossers in state shelters would be required to be in their rooms by 11 p.m. each evening, according to the New York Post. They will also be required to stay in their rooms until 6 a.m. barring emergency situations. Shelter participants who violate the rule three times in a month could face expulsion.
Rob Reiner Attacks Christian Trump Supporters:
How Does Anyone Who Believes in Jesus
Support Donald Trump?
Posted by Harlowe 1/17/2024 1:28:54 AM Post Reply
Hollywood filmmaker-actor Rob Reiner is taking aim at Christians who support former President Donald Trump, saying he doesn’t understand how anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ could vote for Trump. [Snip] “Jesus told us to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. How in God’s name can anyone who believes in the teachings of Jesus support Donald Trump?” he wrote. [Snip] As Breitbart News reported, Rob Reiner is producing a new documentary God and Country, which seeks to keep the left’s favorite new boogeyman “Christian nationalism” in the cultural conversation heading into the November elections.
Report: United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby
Has History of Dressing in Drag as Kesha,
Taylor Swift
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 12:14:16 AM Post Reply
United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby allegedly has a penchant for dressing in drag as famous female singers, resurfaced pictures have revealed. On Monday, the conservative X account Libs of TikTok posted pictures of Kirby appearing to don a long purple and blonde wig, black eye makeup, a stuffed bra, chaps, and a lot of leather, as well as a blonde wig, white dress, and purple feather boa. The resurfaced pictures of Kirby in drag appear to be from his time as president of American Airlines. A 2019 report from the Dallas Morning News details how Kirby dressed in drag as pop singer Kesha for the first Halloween after American
The white-collar class derided mass layoffs
among the blue-collar workers. It’s
about to feel their pain
Posted by Dreadnought 1/17/2024 12:01:34 AM Post Reply
In “The True Believer,” Eric Hoffer wrote, “Nothing is so unsettling to a social order as the presence of a mass of scribes without suitable employment and an acknowledged status.” We’re about to find out just how right he was. From the 1970s to roughly now, offshoring and automation gobbled up blue-collar factory-type jobs. Auto companies laid off workers by the thousands and sent factories to Canada and Mexico. In 1977, on what Salena Zito calls “the day that destroyed the working class,” Youngstown Sheet and Tube laid off 5,000 workers. Within months U.S. Steel had shut down 16 plants and Jones & Laughlin laid off further thousands. This went on for decades
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