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After all the screeching that 'women will
die' without abortion, where are the dead women?

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/15/2023 4:32:38 PM

A lady in Texas, who was twenty weeks pregnant, has had trouble getting an abortion, telling the press she needed it because her health was in extreme jeopardy. The media has given this story a lot of coverage. She has gone through the courts in Texas and now she will go out of state to get an abortion. Shouldn't we wonder why she spent so much time and money challenging the case in Texas instead of just going out of state in the first place if her life was in grave danger? The United Nations says that millions of women's lives are in jeopardy because of abortion bans in the United States.


There are a lot less dead babies with these laws!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 12/15/2023 4:40:09 PM (No. 1618049)
Well, Jack Hellner - - I have to climb over the bodies of dead young women - - every time I go to the bakery. Sometimes the piles are so high - - that I have to shove my way through. But it's not because there are no abortions - - it's because there is no embryo stem cell research. Don't you remember - - that we're all going to die without embryo stem cells?
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Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 12/15/2023 6:33:18 PM (No. 1618152)
Re the question in the title: They are in the abortion clinics, very small women.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Catherine 12/15/2023 6:36:00 PM (No. 1618159)
I guess Jack is unaware of something called back alley abortions and the number of women who died from them. Then there are the coat hangar abortions and the number of women who died from them. This is why there needs to be a legal avenue for women, within a certain time limit, who can access safe abortions. Laws will never stop them, just make them more dangerous and life-threatening.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 12/15/2023 6:37:58 PM (No. 1618166)
She lives in Texas, she could go across the border and get anything she wants.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: NeonVortex 12/15/2023 6:50:04 PM (No. 1618185)
The only one whose health is in great jeopardy is the soon-to-be aborted child.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Timber Queen 12/15/2023 11:32:36 PM (No. 1618361)
The point of the article is to highlight the propaganda that unrestricted abortion is needed "to save the lives of women" is based on nothing and is a pernicious lie. They present no facts, no statistics to support their claims, because there aren't any. The United States is the only advanced Western society that allows the murder of babies up to and including birth. This is infanticide. It is evil of the highest order. If life at its most vulnerable is not protected, then whose life has meaning? The disabled, such as in Canada where euthanasia is now national medical policy? Patients are counseled to consider "ending their life with dignity" rather than be a burden to their families (and the government). Misplaced compassion is the tune "progressives" use to play on the heartstrings of good-hearted people, but it is a ruse and a trap of the devil. Two souls enter the operating room and only one comes out. That is the reality and every woman who has an abortion knows it and it haunts her. For some it is the entry door into Hell, some find redemption and others bury the experience deep and try to forget. But, it always changes a woman forever...she is never the same after killing a baby in her womb. Abortion has also changed our society in how we value our children; rearing them with their natural two-parents is the exception now, not the rule. No-fault divorce and abortion are the two main reasons for the destruction of the American family, and the chaos of our society. Pro Life is Pro Woman, Pro Man and Pro Family.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: paral04 12/16/2023 11:45:16 AM (No. 1618620)
Abortion is not banned. It is permitted for a certain number of weeks. If a woman can't figure out she is pregnant by that time, she needs to take a Biology class.
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After all the screeching that 'women will
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7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:32:38 PM Post Reply
A lady in Texas, who was twenty weeks pregnant, has had trouble getting an abortion, telling the press she needed it because her health was in extreme jeopardy. The media has given this story a lot of coverage. She has gone through the courts in Texas and now she will go out of state to get an abortion. Shouldn't we wonder why she spent so much time and money challenging the case in Texas instead of just going out of state in the first place if her life was in grave danger? The United Nations says that millions of women's lives are in jeopardy because of abortion bans in the United States.
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