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Gun Hobbyists (and Liberty) Win Big in Court

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Posted By: zoidberg, 11/13/2023 9:12:32 AM

The Biden administration's scheme to threaten the public with tightened gun-control regulations by reinterpreting laws to mean what they never meant in the past is running into some speed bumps. Stumbling over one of those obstacles is an attempt by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to define unfinished firearm frames and receivers—functionally, paperweights—as firearms for the purpose of regulating homemade "ghost guns."

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mc squared 11/13/2023 10:38:49 AM (No. 1597629)
'...the proposed rule constitutes unlawful agency action..' Un-elected appointees in 3-letter agencies making their own laws and usurping the role of Congress. Let me count the ways.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 11/13/2023 11:41:28 AM (No. 1597684)
This is excellent news. I know a number of people who have built guns in recent years from these partially built frames. Some aren't nearly as easy as they say, others aren't too difficult. I'm thinking that this may be appealed and go to the Supreme Court, but perhaps they'll let it lay. With the recent WVa SCOTUS ruling on regulatory agencies overstepping their legislative authority, this will probably be upheld at the SCOTUS level, or they may just refuse to hear it - since they have essentially already decided the issue with the WVa case. In any case, Americans have been building their own guns since the 1600s, and until 1968 at least half the guns sold commercially had no serial numbers. There are still many older guns circulating that never had a serial number....and somehow the world continued to turn on it's axis. SNs are not a significant factor in most criminal investigations, contrary to the lies the anti-gun folks always tell.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Jethro bo 11/13/2023 12:43:11 PM (No. 1597727)
I don’t understand the Supreme Joke. When a court slaps down an unconstitutional law or regulation the Supreme Joke instantly stays the decision to allow the goobernment to continue unconstitutional laws/regulations. Why?
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Reply 4 - Posted by: chumley 11/13/2023 2:41:38 PM (No. 1597787)
Its nice to see the good guys win every once in a while. I personally have never built a gun. I spend far too much time and headaches with the ones someone else built. Still, a win is a win.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 11/13/2023 4:41:41 PM (No. 1597846)
Re #3, your claim isn't correct. You should try to understand the process better. There are times when injuctions are filed and other things which are not the same as "striking down". It is important to read and understand the legal process. Just skimming the headlines doesn't get one the facts, and without understanding the often obsure legal terminology, it can be very unclear what is actually happening a times. If you are actually interested, there are many Youtube channels which discuss these legal issues. I can recommend "Armed-Attorneys" for one which often clarifies these cases.
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Gun Hobbyists (and Liberty) Win Big in Court 5 replies
Posted by zoidberg 11/13/2023 9:12:32 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration's scheme to threaten the public with tightened gun-control regulations by reinterpreting laws to mean what they never meant in the past is running into some speed bumps. Stumbling over one of those obstacles is an attempt by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to define unfinished firearm frames and receivers—functionally, paperweights—as firearms for the purpose of regulating homemade "ghost guns."
Don't Blame the Maine Shootings on'Woefully
Weak' Gun Laws
7 replies
Posted by zoidberg 11/2/2023 10:04:17 AM Post Reply
Five months before an Army Reserve sergeant killed 18 people at a bowling alley and a bar in Lewiston, Maine, his relatives told police he was increasingly paranoid, erroneously complaining that people were describing him as a pedophile.(Snip)The fact that the 40-year-old petroleum supply specialist nevertheless managed to commit his horrifying crimes last week, after which he killed himself, underlines the challenge of identifying and thwarting mass murderers. But contrary to what some critics claimed, the problem was not Maine's "woefully weak" gun regulations.
There Is No Insurrection Case against Trump 13 replies
Posted by zoidberg 9/5/2023 4:45:42 PM Post Reply
You know insurrection is a crime, right? Just to recap, under Section 2383 of the federal criminal code, a person is guilty of a felony, punishable by up to ten years’ imprisonment, if he incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto. And why do we need a refresher on this? Because the Department of Justice has been investigating Donald Trump and the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot for nearly three years, yet no insurrection charges have ever been brought against Trump or anyone else.
This Scientist Used To Spread Climate
Change Alarmism. Now She's Trying To Debunk It.
9 replies
Posted by zoidberg 8/9/2023 11:23:34 AM Post Reply
We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an "overwhelming scientific consensus." "It's a manufactured consensus," says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue "fame and fortune." She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.
Law Profs Tout Qualified Immunity for
Unconstitutional Gun Restrictions
6 replies
Posted by zoidberg 8/2/2023 12:58:33 PM Post Reply
Some ideas are so terrible that combining them into a cocktail of awfulness makes rotten sense. So it is with gun control and qualified immunity: Why not mix impunity for violating basic rights with denial of a specific right so as to maximize the harm? At least, that's the inspiration that struck two law professors who propose qualified immunity for enforcing even overtly unconstitutional gun control measures. While the duo sees the idea as much as a means of weakening officials' protections from liability as for promoting restrictions on private arms, it's a dangerous innovation that could entrench authoritarianism.
Big Loss for Biden's Crusade Against'Ghost Guns' 6 replies
Posted by zoidberg 7/17/2023 9:46:00 AM Post Reply
A couple of years ago, an "80 percent" receiver I purchased refused to accept parts, let alone chamber and fire cartridges, until my son and I drilled and milled it to completion; that's because unfinished firearms are not firearms. For a long time, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) agreed. But, pressured by the Biden administration, the ATF tried to extend firearms regulations to a lot of things that aren't guns but could, with work, become one. Now a federal judge is injecting some sense, ruling in a lawsuit that bureaucrats can't just decide that inert objects are guns.
The Ranks of Gun Owners Grow, and So
Does Their Resistance to Scrutiny
25 replies
Posted by zoidberg 7/5/2023 4:24:12 PM Post Reply
Believe it or not, people are reluctant to tell total strangers about their potentially controversial activities. In particular, Rutgers University researchers say, gun ownership is something many Americans decline to reveal when questioned by people they don't know. That's especially true of women and minorities newly among the ranks of gun owners amidst the chaos of recent years. Academics are unhappy that privacy-minded respondents impair their understanding of the world we live in, but such evasion is an inevitable consequence of decades of fiery debate and punitive gun policies.
Gavin Newsom Wants To 'Permanently Enshrine'
Gun Control in the U.S. Constitution
12 replies
Posted by zoidberg 6/9/2023 1:29:03 PM Post Reply
Irked by Congress' failure to enact the gun control laws he favors, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing a "28th Amendment" that would "permanently enshrine" those policies in the U.S. Constitution. This transparently partisan publicity stunt is wholly impractical and raises more questions than it answers. But Newsom's pitch for it nicely illustrates the dishonesty, emotionalism, divisive rhetoric, illogic, and magical thinking of politicians who promise that their half-baked gun control schemes will rescue America from fear of deadly violence.
Was Anyone Victimized by Trump's 34 Alleged Felonies? 3 replies
Posted by zoidberg 4/12/2023 11:55:17 AM Post Reply
Since the New York indictment of Donald Trump was unsealed last week, critics across the political spectrum have noted the legal problems with transforming one hush payment into 34 felonies. But in assessing the seriousness of this case, it is also relevant to ask who was injured by the former president's actions, a question that poses more of a puzzle than Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg suggests.
Bragg’s ‘Indictment’ Even Fails as
an Indictment
15 replies
Posted by zoidberg 4/5/2023 9:05:42 AM Post Reply
It’s always possible to be surprised. The indictment brought by Manhattan’s elected Democratic district attorney Alvin Bragg against Donald Trump is even worse than I’d imagined. Bragg’s indictment fails to state a crime. Not once . . . but 34 times. On that ground alone, the case should be dismissed — before one ever gets to the facts that the statute of limitations has lapsed and that Bragg has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law (if that’s what he’s trying to do, which remains murky).
Trump’s Claim of Tuesday ‘Arrest’Is
Highly Unlikely
11 replies
Posted by zoidberg 3/19/2023 10:47:06 AM Post Reply
There seems little doubt that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Donald Trump is imminent.(Snip)All that said, though, reports that Trump will be arrested on Tuesday are premature and probably inaccurate. They appear to have been generated by the former president himself and apparently are not based on discussions between the Trump camp and the DA’s office.
Right on Schedule, the Media Decide DeSantis
Is ‘Worse’ Than Trump
4 replies
Posted by zoidberg 3/19/2023 10:43:38 AM Post Reply
One of the funnier quirks of the Trump era is how closely the former president and his critics in the press mirror one another. From indulging in absolute gutter rhetoric to embracing rank illiberalism to promoting unhinged conspiracy theories, Trump and his press critics tend to have more in common than not. And right now, Trump and his media counterparts agree (albeit for slightly different reasons): Ron DeSantis is the worst.
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Watch: Barbra Streisand Says She ‘Can’t
Live’ in U.S. if Trump Becomes President
63 replies
Posted by Imright 11/14/2023 4:56:16 PM Post Reply
Barbra Streisand says she “can’t live in this country” if former President Donald Trump is reelected in 2024, adding that she thinks President Joe Biden has “done a good job.” “I will move. I can’t live in this country if he became president,” Streisand said told late-night host Stephen Colbert during an interview on The Late Show after being asked about her opinion of the idea of a second second Trump administration.Watch Below: (Video) After Colbert asked her where she would live if not the United States,
Arson Blamed for Massive Los Angeles Freeway
Blaze as Commuters Told to Stay Home
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/14/2023 10:20:51 AM Post Reply
An initial investigation into a massive fire at a homeless encampment beneath an underpass in downtown Los Angeles that shut down the Interstate 10 indefinitely has already determined arson was responsible. Downtown workers have since been told to stay home and telecommute or use public transport in lieu of getting into their cars with delays forecast to spike everywhere across the heavily car-dependent metropolis. California Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday, “This fire occurred within the fence line … that it was arson and that it was done and set intentionally.” UPI reports detectives with CalFire are still working to determine who set the blaze which has closed the essential piece of infrastructure.
Shocking moment a group of brazen thieves
loot Amazon delivery truck ... as helpless
delivery driver looks on
21 replies
Posted by mc squared 11/14/2023 11:33:16 AM Post Reply
This is the shocking moment a group of brazen thieves looted an Amazon delivery truck while the helpless driver looked on. A group of approximately six thieves that looked to be young boys raided a large walk-in delivery truck after the driver left the door wide open. They frantically grabbed boxes as the female driver watched from a nearby sidewalk and did nothing. She appeared to be fed up with the robbers that snuck up on her while she delivered other packages in an apartment complex that is believed to be in Atlanta, Georgia. It is unclear exactly what was stolen from the truck and who the thieves were.
Pink to give away thousands of banned
books at Florida concerts
19 replies
Posted by OhioNick 11/14/2023 5:41:19 PM Post Reply
Pop star Pink says she will be giving away 2,000 banned books at two of her South Florida concerts this week in order to draw attention to the recent wave of censorship laws that impact American schools and libraries. The musician announced she is teaming up with PEN America to combat what the nonprofit calls a "book-banning crisis across the country." That means fans who attend Pink's Miami and Sunrise, Florida, shows on Tuesday and Wednesday will be given a copy of some of the books that have appeared on PEN America's Index of Banned Books — many of which refer to things like sexuality, gender, race, religion and more.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Transgender
'Extravaganza' Sparks Boycott
17 replies
Posted by Trapper 11/14/2023 8:55:01 PM Post Reply
An online petition is calling for a boycott of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade due to its planned inclusion of LGBTQ+ performers. The petition was started by One Million Moms, a division of the "pro-traditional values" organization American Family Association (AFA). [snip] "The non-binary and transgender extravaganza on display this Thanksgiving will be brought to you by Macy's during their annually sponsored Thanksgiving Day Parade," the petition from One Million Moms reads. "Unless they are forewarned about it, this year's holiday parade will potentially expose tens of millions of viewers at home to the liberal LGBTQ agenda."
Father of Las Vegas teen Jonathan Lewis,
17, says he can't watch video showing
his son being 'beaten to death' by mob
of 15 bullies - as cops REFUSE to say
if anyone will face charges
17 replies
Posted by Imright 11/14/2023 12:24:48 PM Post Reply
The father of a Las Vegas teen who was 'beaten to death' by a gang of bullies has heartbreakingly revealed he 'can't watch' the viral video of the brutal attack. Jonathan Lewis Sr said his son, Jonathan Lewis Jr, died on November 2 - the day after he was beaten by a mob of bullies in broad daylight in a sickening episode caught on camera by a stunned onlooker. While the footage has been seen by millions in the days since, Jonathan's father told the Review Journal: 'I can’t watch the video of my son beaten to death, no.'
Hundreds of Federal Officials Sign Letter
Objecting to Biden’s Support for Israel,
Demanding Cease-Fire
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 11/14/2023 10:09:49 AM Post Reply
More than 400 staffers and political appointees across 40 government agencies sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Tuesday objecting to his administration’s support for Israel and demanding that he push for an immediate cease-fire between the embattled Jewish state and Hamas. “We call on President Biden to urgently demand a cease-fire; and to call for de-escalation of the current conflict by securing the immediate release of the Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians; the restoration of water, fuel, electricity and other basic services; and the passage of adequate humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the letter, first obtained by the New York Times, reads. The message also cited a poll
Georgia lawmaker found allegedly passed
out drunk in street is suing county for
firing her
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/14/2023 8:05:54 PM Post Reply
A former Georgia lawmaker is planning to sue Clayton County for ousting her from her position after she was filmed screaming at medics who allegedly found her passed out drunk outside of a sports bar. Felicia Franklin announced that she is filing the suit for wrongful termination after county officials voted unanimously to dismiss her from her position as Board of Commissioners vice chair over the September altercation, which was recorded on police-worn body cameras, according to the Daily Mail.
FBI accused of targeting Trump types;
agents who served in military deemed ‘disloyal’
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/14/2023 11:33:05 AM Post Reply
More whistleblowers have stepped forward to tell Congress that high-ranking FBI officials are targeting agents, specifically former military members, for their political beliefs and trying to force them out of the bureau. A Marine and other military veterans at the FBI have been accused of disloyalty to the U.S. because they fit the profile of a supporter of former President Donald Trump, according to two disclosures sent to lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee. The Washington Times obtained copies of the disclosures.
‘Clean shot to the kidneys’: McCarthy
allegedly assaults Rep Burchett in Capitol
hallway, foot chase ensues
14 replies
Posted by Imright 11/14/2023 3:40:10 PM Post Reply
Drama unfolded in a Capitol hallway on Tuesday as one Republican lawmaker accused a colleague of delivering a “clean shot to the kidneys” as he passed by. U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) was speaking with a reporter when former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) walked by and evidently “elbowed” him in the back. The incident created a momentary exchange followed by a pursuit as Burchett chased McCarthy with NPR reporter Claudia Grisales in tow. The Tennessee congressman, who was one of eight Republicans who voted to remove McCarthy as speaker last month, spoke with CNN’s Manu Raju afterward, calling out his colleague for the “sucker punch” he delivered.
Stellantis offers buyouts to roughly half
of U.S. salaried workers
14 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 11/14/2023 9:37:19 AM Post Reply
DETROIT — Chrysler parent Stellantis is offering buyouts to roughly half of its U.S. white-collar employees to reduce headcount and cut costs for the automaker’s North American operations. The voluntary separation packages will be offered to 6,400 of its 12,700 nonbargaining unit U.S. employees with five or more years of employment, the company said Monday. (Snip) “As the U.S. automotive industry continues to face challenging market conditions, Stellantis is taking the necessary structural actions to protect our operations and the Company,” Stellantis said in an emailed statement. “As we prepare for the transition to electric vehicles, Stellantis announced today that
Matt Gaetz Files Ethics Complaint Against
Kevin McCarthy For ‘Assaulting’ Tim Burchett
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/14/2023 4:44:46 PM Post Reply
Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz filed an ethics complaint Tuesday against former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy after he and Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett, who voted to oust McCarthy as speaker, got into a heated altercation after a closed-door GOP meeting. (snip) "This assault was witnessed by numerous people, including Claudia Griseles of NPR, who was interviewing Rep. Burchett at the time. For his part, Rep. Burchett has described the attack as a ‘sucker punch’ and ‘a clean shot to the kidney.’ Needless to say, this incident deserves immediate and swift investigation by the Ethics Committee,” Gaetz wrote in the formal ethics complaint.
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