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Spacewalk Snafu: Astronauts Lose Tool
Bag in Orbital Oopsy

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Posted By: Beardo, 11/3/2023 2:04:24 PM

NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara concluded their spacewalk today at 2:47 p.m. EST after 6 hours and 42 minutes. (snip) During the activity, one tool bag was inadvertently lost. Flight controllers spotted the tool bag using external station cameras. The tools were not needed for the remainder of the spacewalk. Mission Control analyzed the bag’s trajectory and determined that risk of recontacting the station is low and that the onboard crew and space station are safe with no action required.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 11/3/2023 2:09:35 PM (No. 1591132)
Oh dear..... where did I leave my purse?
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: pixelero 11/3/2023 2:13:53 PM (No. 1591138)
…was gonna post something like, “Oops, yup; don’t loan a chick your tools,” and was pondering the appropriate disclaimer to stave off the torch and ax brigade but then I read your post #1 lol 😆 and called myself safe…
22 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: sw penn 11/3/2023 2:18:24 PM (No. 1591140)
Do they have to pay for it?
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Catherine 11/3/2023 2:21:38 PM (No. 1591142)
Okay, I laughed. How do you lose a tool bag in space?
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: clipped wings 11/3/2023 2:38:36 PM (No. 1591155)
Okay, I’m being picky, but: #1, what was in the “tool bag”? #2, what was the value? #3, why, if it wasn’t necessary, was it taken outside? #4, why wasn’t it attached to the station, or an astronaut? Seems like sloppy operations for such a demanding environment.
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 11/3/2023 2:39:33 PM (No. 1591156)
I've dropped wrenches before, but they never fell that far. It happens. Maybe a leash on the tool bag?
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: cor-vet 11/3/2023 2:48:57 PM (No. 1591173)
Two women and a lost toolbag. Too easy, I'll pass!
30 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: saralee 11/3/2023 3:27:34 PM (No. 1591204)
Guess they’re gonna have to take a man with them in the future 😆. Haha, written by a woman 😁.
19 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Fireboy 11/3/2023 3:45:18 PM (No. 1591208)
Maybe can vote on which tool bag can be the next one we lose up in space. I’ll choose Schiff
14 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Bison65 11/3/2023 3:52:08 PM (No. 1591212)
What next? One female astronaut traveling thousands of miles to murder another while wearing diapers.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 11/3/2023 3:58:49 PM (No. 1591219)
Mission Control analyzed the bag’s trajectory and determined that risk of recontacting the station is low and that the onboard crew and space station are safe with no action required. Well, of course not since everything is orbiting in the same direction at the same speed. But woe be anything else in the path of an bag of metal tools flying unguided at 17,000 mph. And as others have correctly asked - where was the tag line? Not just for the bag but every tool in it?
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Kate318 11/3/2023 4:03:43 PM (No. 1591222)
Way to make us all look good, ladies.
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Bur Oak 11/3/2023 4:19:38 PM (No. 1591233)
Lanyards anyone? Meanwhile SpaceX launches rockets weekly.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Birddog 11/3/2023 5:16:50 PM (No. 1591264)
Guaranteed...the 10mm wrench was in that bag. I built tall scaffolds, radio and and cell towers, at ANY elevation above 5 ft tools are all required to be tethered, Federal OSHA Laws.This is above 5ft...they committed a federal violation. It's not as if they can hop down to Homedepot and grab a spare/replacement.
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Strike3 11/3/2023 5:18:17 PM (No. 1591267)
Jasmin and Loral? This story tells itself. NASA is officially woke and stupid.
21 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Venturer 11/3/2023 5:37:06 PM (No. 1591280)
Looks like someone will be taking a trip to Harbor Freight when they get back
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Hazymac 11/3/2023 6:30:00 PM (No. 1591315)
Lose the wenches who lost the wrenches. Send 'em back to earth and deduct the tool kit from their pay.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 11/3/2023 6:50:58 PM (No. 1591318)
Exactly, #15. Hiring ladies to do a man's job rarely works out well....
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: JHHolliday 11/3/2023 6:51:01 PM (No. 1591319)
Harbor Freight, #16? If I know our government, that was probably a fifty million dollar toolbag.
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: ms1234 11/3/2023 7:09:24 PM (No. 1591329)
If the bag was labeled Gucci, they wouldn't have lost their grip on it or even out of their sight!
8 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 11/3/2023 7:19:26 PM (No. 1591336)
This is why I always hire men to do men's work. Women suck at it (and I'm a woman who admittedly sucks at things men do well).
8 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 11/3/2023 8:00:13 PM (No. 1591369)
#6, in which direction is 'fall'? Or is it in any or all directions?
2 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: red1066 11/3/2023 8:20:38 PM (No. 1591379)
Big news yesterday from Nasa about two women doing a spacewalk together for the first time, and what happens. They lose a tool bag. It probably cost tens of thousands of dollars for those tools.
4 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: DVC 11/3/2023 10:42:22 PM (No. 1591448)
'I just put my purse down for a minute....'
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Rumblehog 11/4/2023 12:19:32 AM (No. 1591487)
NASA these days is a joke. They have totally lost 'the right stuff', as far as any sane American is concerned. I just saw today how they were crowing about this being the first "all female crew" into space, like it's a huge win for the estrogen league. A couple of hours later and this happens. Watch as this gets swept under the rug as adding to low earth orbit space debris is "no big deal." I beg to differ, so let these clowns explain it to the press when orbital collisions occur.
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: mifla 11/4/2023 3:53:58 AM (No. 1591539)
Fast forward several years later. Elon Musk's first interplanetary launch had to be called off when the Mars bound spaceship ran into unexpected debris.
1 person likes this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: cheeflo 11/4/2023 11:19:09 AM (No. 1591742)
Not a very good showing for the first all-female spacewalk.
1 person likes this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 11/4/2023 11:25:28 AM (No. 1591749)
It looks like all of you posters were reading my mind. I can only add..."a sexist would s-a-a-a-a-y!"
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Beardo 11/4/2023 12:54:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 11/4/2023 12:37:08 AM Post Reply
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Spacewalk Snafu: Astronauts Lose Tool
Bag in Orbital Oopsy
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 2:04:24 PM Post Reply
NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara concluded their spacewalk today at 2:47 p.m. EST after 6 hours and 42 minutes. (snip) During the activity, one tool bag was inadvertently lost. Flight controllers spotted the tool bag using external station cameras. The tools were not needed for the remainder of the spacewalk. Mission Control analyzed the bag’s trajectory and determined that risk of recontacting the station is low and that the onboard crew and space station are safe with no action required.
UC regent slams pro-Hamas faculty: 'Your
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Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 1:52:26 PM Post Reply
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Saying ‘A Bun In The Oven’ Is Now
Offensive, Claims Historian.
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 1:37:08 PM Post Reply
The idiom for pregnancy, “a bun in the oven,” which traces its origins back more than 2,000 years to Ancient Greece, is in fact “misogynistic,” according to Kathleen Crowther, an historian of reproductive medicine at the University of Oklahoma. Crowther insists the idiom reduces the role of the mother to a mere incubator after the majority of the work has been done by the man. “I don’t think most people who use that metaphor are being misogynistic.” “But I think it actually does come from a deeply misogynistic tradition of thinking about women’s bodies as passive,” she argues.
Pope Francis says two-state solution needed
for Israelis, Palestinians
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 1:25:06 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis is calling for a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians, saying that they are "two peoples who have to live together," a report says. Francis made the remark Wednesday during an interview with Italian state television channel RAI, when he also said he hopes a regional escalation of the war can be avoided, according to Reuters. "[Those are] two peoples who have to live together. With that wise solution, two states. The Oslo accords, two well-defined states and Jerusalem with a special status," Francis was quoted as saying.
Target CEO calls Pride Month display backlash
'first time' team felt 'not safe' at work
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 12:56:15 PM Post Reply
Target CEO Brian Cornell suggested that the backlash the retail giant faced back in May over its LGBTQ Pride displays was the first time some team members claimed it was "not safe" at work. (snip) Consumers' Research executive director Will Hild objected to Cornell’s comments. (snip) "He is the one who made Target stores unsafe for children, for the children of his customers, for children of his employees," Hild continued. "And yet he wants to deflect and put the blame back on his own customer base. He's basically blaming you, the customer, for his mistakes."
"Your Money’s in Joe’s House”: The
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5 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 2:58:28 PM Post Reply
In the classic holiday film, It’s a Wonderful Life, the Bailey Brothers Building & Loan Association faced a run on the bank by customers spooked by rumors of theft and insolvency. (snip) None of this, however, appears to pique much of the media’s curiosity. Because the word “loan” was written on some of these documents, it is once again accepted by many at face value. In discussing a “loan” connected to one Hunter-connected company, Rosemont Seneca Bohai, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley called this a classic tax-evasion move.
Nearly 100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid
homosexuality schism
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 2:20:54 PM Post Reply
Nearly 100 congregations in Ohio have left the United Methodist Church amid the denomination's ongoing debate over homosexuality, joining thousands of other churches in the United States that have done the same. At a special session of the UMC West Ohio Conference held last weekend, 96 churches were granted their request to disaffiliate from the mainline Protestant denomination. (snip) In June, the West Ohio Conference voted to allow 172 congregations to disaffiliate from the UMC, having allowed 80 churches to leave the denomination last year. It is estimated that, at present, the regional body covering over 50 counties has a little over 600 member congregations remaining.
Kay Granger, Republican Ringleader Against
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11 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 1:12:32 PM Post Reply
Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), a top Republican ringleader who fought Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) as he sought the Speaker’s gavel, will not run for reelection, according to reports. Granger, 80, had begun taking heat in her Fort Worth district for opposing Jordan and faced a primary challenge. She voted against the Republican nominee Jordan on the first ballot and continued to oppose him until Jordan was stripped of his nomination by a Republican conference secret ballot. (snip) Granger chairs the powerful Appropriations Committee, which oversees federal spending and whose members disproportionately opposed the fiscally conservative Jordan’s candidacy for Speaker.
Ken Buck: I’m Quitting Congress Because
Republicans ‘Keep Lying’
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 1:01:51 PM Post Reply
Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Source” that he is not running for election because Republicans “keep lying” about the results of the 2020 election and what happened on January 6, 2021. (snip) "we continue to talk about and lie about the 2020 election as if it was stolen, as if Joe Biden wasn’t the real winner of that election. We keep lying about January 6 and the prisoners from January 6, the defendants who are not political prisoners but rather committed crimes. They assaulted police officers. They damaged government property. So I don’t think we can have the credibility we need with the American public"
GOP senator says he’d take away Biden’s
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11 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/2/2023 12:56:16 AM Post Reply
Republican Sen. John Kennedy (La.) dug into President Biden’s foreign policy on Iran on Tuesday, claiming he would “take away” the president’s car keys if he were his son. “When I look at President Biden in terms of his international affairs, national security and his domestic policy over the last two years and change — if it were my father, I’d take away his car keys, much less … the entire country, and I think … that’s what most Americans are thinking right now,” Kennedy said in an interview on Fox Business’s “The Bottom Line.” “And I think that’s why President Biden polls right up there with Bud Light at the moment,"
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Posted by Imright 11/3/2023 10:04:03 PM Post Reply
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IDF Has No Plans to Enter Hamas' Tunnels,
So What Are the Options?
32 replies
Posted by Hazymac 11/3/2023 5:36:40 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post has a story today about the network of tunnels dug beneath Gaza by Hamas fighters. The entire network is estimated to stretch over 300 miles despite the Gaza strip being on 25 miles long. It’s where Hamas fighters have been hiding out since the start of Israel’s military response to the 10/7 attack. But the IDF has no intention of entering the tunnels which are likely booby-trapped. Israeli military protocol generally prohibits regular ground troops from entering tunnels, as the chances of being killed or captured is too high. Israelis have seen their soldiers grabbed and dragged into tunnels, so the likely strategy will be to attempt
‘Americans Have to Pay’: Hezbollah
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Posted by Dreadnought 11/3/2023 12:14:42 PM Post Reply
The leader of the Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah threatened Friday to exact revenge on the U.S. for supporting Israel in its campaign to root out Hamas. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised speech: “Let me be clear, the United States is just as responsible…Americans have to pay, they have to pay for Israel’s slaughter.” A few days after Hamas invaded Israel, perpetrating the most brutal massacre against Jews since the Holocaust, Hezbollah terrorists clashed with Israel Defense Forces along the Lebanon border, opening a second front in the conflict. If Israel’s military attacks Lebanon, where Hezbollah is operating, it will “pay dearly,” Nasrallah vowed.
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29 replies
Posted by mc squared 11/3/2023 10:48:39 AM Post Reply
The 'adopted' black son of new House Speaker Mike Johnson has spoken out for the first time in an exclusive interview with Michael Tirrell James said he would ‘probably be in prison’ were it not for Johnson – after he appeared in a Los Angeles court Wednesday on charges of running an illegal cannabis business and possessing brass knuckles. James has never taken part in publicity for Johnson's political campaigns, and little has been known about the 40-year-old father of four. But now can reveal how the top GOP lawmaker and his wife Kelly informally adopted James after meeting him while doing charitable community work in Louisiana in the 1990s.
Spacewalk Snafu: Astronauts Lose Tool
Bag in Orbital Oopsy
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 2:04:24 PM Post Reply
NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O’Hara concluded their spacewalk today at 2:47 p.m. EST after 6 hours and 42 minutes. (snip) During the activity, one tool bag was inadvertently lost. Flight controllers spotted the tool bag using external station cameras. The tools were not needed for the remainder of the spacewalk. Mission Control analyzed the bag’s trajectory and determined that risk of recontacting the station is low and that the onboard crew and space station are safe with no action required.
Ayatollah Khamenei: ‘Death to America’
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 11/3/2023 7:25:33 PM Post Reply
The “supreme leader” of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared in an address on Wednesday that the common chant of “Death to America” in his country is “not just a slogan – it is a policy,” one his regime intended to bring to fruition. Khamenei was reportedly delivering remarks on Iranian regime-controlled television regarding the ongoing conflict between the nation of Israel and the Hamas genocidal terrorist organization, which Iran funds to the tune of tens of millions of dollars a year. The Iranian regime has enthusiastically embraced Hamas following its harrowing October 7 terrorist attack against civilians in Israel, which featured door-to-door slaughters of entire families in their homes,
Democrat Primary Result Thrown Out After
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24 replies
Posted by Imright 11/3/2023 8:58:57 AM Post Reply
A Connecticut judge was forced to throw out the results of a Democrat mayoral primary after surveillance videos showed possible ballot stuffing that a local judge said rendered the court "unable to determine the legitimate result." This week, Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new Democratic primary due to the misconduct. He claimed that the number of tampered ballots found changed the results of the original election, according to NBC Connecticut. “The volume of ballots so mishandled is such that it calls the result of the primary election into serious doubt and leaves the court unable to determine the legitimate result of the primary,” Clark wrote
Target CEO calls Pride Month display backlash
'first time' team felt 'not safe' at work
23 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 12:56:15 PM Post Reply
Target CEO Brian Cornell suggested that the backlash the retail giant faced back in May over its LGBTQ Pride displays was the first time some team members claimed it was "not safe" at work. (snip) Consumers' Research executive director Will Hild objected to Cornell’s comments. (snip) "He is the one who made Target stores unsafe for children, for the children of his customers, for children of his employees," Hild continued. "And yet he wants to deflect and put the blame back on his own customer base. He's basically blaming you, the customer, for his mistakes."
Joe Biden Refuses to Hand Over Loan Documents
to House Oversight Committee for Any ‘Loans’
He Provided His Brother James Biden
22 replies
Posted by Imright 11/3/2023 10:06:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is refusing to hand over loan documents to the House Oversight Committee proving any ‘loans’ he provided to his brother James Biden. The House Oversight Committee has no IRS records or loan documents confirming the $200,000 check Jim Biden wrote to his brother Joe Biden in 2018 was a ‘loan repayment.’ House Oversight Chairman James Comer demanded IRS records and applicable loan documents proving Joe Biden loaned his brother James money. The Bidens often structure their income as ‘loans’ to avoid paying taxes. We saw this with a $5 million wire described as an ‘interest-free loan’ (a way for Hunter to avoid paying taxes) from a Chinese firm.
Pope Francis says two-state solution needed
for Israelis, Palestinians
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 1:25:06 PM Post Reply
Pope Francis is calling for a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians, saying that they are "two peoples who have to live together," a report says. Francis made the remark Wednesday during an interview with Italian state television channel RAI, when he also said he hopes a regional escalation of the war can be avoided, according to Reuters. "[Those are] two peoples who have to live together. With that wise solution, two states. The Oslo accords, two well-defined states and Jerusalem with a special status," Francis was quoted as saying.
One Sick War 22 replies
Posted by Moritz55 11/3/2023 9:10:40 AM Post Reply
There is something surreal, even sick about the current Gazan war. Throughout European and American cities and campuses, tens of thousands of Middle East immigrants and students, and radical leftists chant nonstop "Free Palestine from the River to the Sea." More recently, they are also yelling, "Israel, you can't hide, we caught you in genocide." Consider the hypocrisy of that dual messaging. Hamas and its supporters are openly and eagerly calling for the genocidal end of Israel by wiping it out from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Yet at the same time they also claim it is Israel that is committing genocide
Saying ‘A Bun In The Oven’ Is Now
Offensive, Claims Historian.
21 replies
Posted by Beardo 11/3/2023 1:37:08 PM Post Reply
The idiom for pregnancy, “a bun in the oven,” which traces its origins back more than 2,000 years to Ancient Greece, is in fact “misogynistic,” according to Kathleen Crowther, an historian of reproductive medicine at the University of Oklahoma. Crowther insists the idiom reduces the role of the mother to a mere incubator after the majority of the work has been done by the man. “I don’t think most people who use that metaphor are being misogynistic.” “But I think it actually does come from a deeply misogynistic tradition of thinking about women’s bodies as passive,” she argues.
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