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The Green Energy Subsidy Lie

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 10/6/2023 7:30:10 AM

Environmentalists have long complained about oil and gas industry subsidies. But we don’t hear from them regarding the subsidies paid out for politically favored renewable energy programs, even though the supposedly green sources are dining sumptuously on taxpayers’ dollars. In fact, renewables are more heavily subsidized than the fossil fuels, and it would be difficult if not impossible for them to exist without the support. From 2016 to 2022, “energy-specific subsidies and support” totaled $183.3 billion, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report. While “wind and solar power account for about 21% of domestic electricity production,”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: NamVet70 10/6/2023 8:40:44 AM (No. 1570655)
"In truth, the fossil fuel industry receives no special benefits but simply takes advantage of the breaks all business are eligible for." - The article does contain this one truthful statement. Petroleum and gas energy does not receive any subsidies. Tax breaks are not subsidies. A reduction in a tax is not a gift, it is just relief from some tax burden. The rest of the article seems to imply that those energy sources are subsidized, which is clearly untrue. Gas and oil energy is very heavily taxed, and even with subsidies the "green" energy is not competitive. It is impossible to sustain our modern lifestyle on "green" energy. The global warming scare is a cruel hoax.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: czechlist 10/6/2023 8:52:47 AM (No. 1570667)
We have it backwards. We mostly send Lawyers to Congress who rely on business and engineering advisors (lobbyists, grifters). We need to elect businessmen and engineers to Congress who only seek legal advice regarding their legislatton
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Reply 3 - Posted by: moebellini3 10/6/2023 9:08:32 AM (No. 1570677)
These are not subsidies, they are part of the money laundering scam run by democrats. Green companies receive hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars and in a few years are bankrupt and the money's gone. Gone right into the pockets of democrats who take every dollar they can get their hands on. Like that green energy company Solyndra. Obama gave them 500 million taxpayer dollars and in just two years they were bankrupt. Not a dime was ever recovered. Under Obama over 30 green energy companies received millions of dollars in taxpayer money and all went bankrupt. Get the picture yet. Wake up...
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Reply 4 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 10/6/2023 10:17:24 AM (No. 1570754)
I was at a Chevy dealer a few years back, getting some work done on my 6.5-litre diesel Suburban. While waiting, I wandered into the showroom to have a look around and there sat a new Volt. A salesman started raving about it and said that Chevy had faith in the vehicle to the point they were losing $2,000 on every one sold. I told him Chevy wasn't losing that money - the taxpayers were. He walked away.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: smokincol 10/6/2023 12:58:30 PM (No. 1570873)
the demcommies are making the "climate change" argument to validate the musings of horseface kerry and albertus goreibus, the climate change king #1 & #2
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Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 10/6/2023 2:31:32 PM (No. 1570926)
Oil and gas in all forms are HEAVILY taxed, NOT subsidized. All the horrible, unreliable, undependable, intermittent "green" foolishness is massively subsized.....and a much bigger factor, and much less known is that power companies are required by law to buy ALL power that green suppliers offer for sale, regardless of price. THIS is bigger than any subsidy - forcing a company to purchase something that it doesn't want at exorbitant prices is just ---- literally fascist.
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The Green Energy Subsidy Lie 6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/6/2023 7:30:10 AM Post Reply
Environmentalists have long complained about oil and gas industry subsidies. But we don’t hear from them regarding the subsidies paid out for politically favored renewable energy programs, even though the supposedly green sources are dining sumptuously on taxpayers’ dollars. In fact, renewables are more heavily subsidized than the fossil fuels, and it would be difficult if not impossible for them to exist without the support. From 2016 to 2022, “energy-specific subsidies and support” totaled $183.3 billion, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report. While “wind and solar power account for about 21% of domestic electricity production,”
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Posted by RockyTCB 10/5/2023 6:47:49 AM Post Reply
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A No-Brainer Choice: Donald J. Trump For Speaker 21 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/4/2023 7:59:54 AM Post Reply
Wow. That was fast. The House of Representatives for once heeded this commentator and dispatched the sad-sack Kevin “Fredo” McCarthy to the dustbin of congressional history. Rich irony alert: The deed was accomplished with the help of the Democratic votes to which the ex-speaker had turned in betraying conservatives who had earlier this year acquiesced in allowing him to take up the gavel. Now it’s time to turn to “Part II” (wink-wink) of the task: identifying and installing the “’to-the-mattresses’ leader willing to do what it takes to rescue America
Will The GOP Blow Its Huge Lead On The Issues? 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/4/2023 6:48:51 AM Post Reply
The same day a Gallup poll showed that Republicans hold a commanding lead with voters on the issues, Republicans in the House were ousting their speaker and a judge was issuing Donald Trump a gag order after he “tweeted” an attack against one the judge’s clerks during his fraud trial. So it goes with the Stupid Party. Here’s an idea Republicans don’t seem to have considered: Stick to the issues that people care about.
As Stagflation Fears Mount, Dems Urge
Biden To Stop Bragging About ‘Bidenomics’
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/3/2023 6:27:57 AM Post Reply
In the three months since President Joe Biden decided to campaign on the glories of “Bidenomics,” inflation started creeping back up, the unemployment rate rose, and his approval ratings on the economy have steadily dropped. Now, stagflation is back in the news. All of it is leading Democrats to urge Biden to … shift his messaging. Stagflation – the combination of rising inflation, high unemployment, and a stagnant economy not seen since the disastrous Jimmy Carter years – is suddenly in the headlines. On Friday, for example, CNBC ran a story: “Stagflation is ‘the big bogeyman out there’ — and many increasingly fear its return.”
86% Of Americans Want Gov’t Spending
Cuts, Including Most Democrats: I&I/TIPP Poll
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 10/2/2023 5:53:16 AM Post Reply
The government narrowly avoided closing after Congress came to a last-minute, short-term political deal to keep it open for another 45 days. With soaring spending and exploding federal debt, the latest partisan dispute was inevitable. But Americans have a clear retort, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll: Regardless of party, they want cuts in federal spending, and blame our dangerously soaring debt on Congress’s failure to do so. The national online poll of 1,378 Americans, taken from Sept. 27-29, asked respondents two questions related to the current budget impasse. The first: “The national debt has exceeded
A COVID Tyrant For President? 8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/29/2023 5:40:22 AM Post Reply
When recently asked if he was going to run for president next year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom wouldn’t rule it out. This is no big news, since we’ve been hearing for some time that he will rescue the faltering Biden-Harris regime. But it is distressing. In addition to driving people from his state with policies that become more deranged with every passing year, Newsom was a malevolent pandemic warrior who should have been punished for his offenses. Voters deserve to know just how vicious he was – and that he remains unrepentant. It would be hard to argue that any another state mistreated its citizens more than California.
Biden, Menendez, And Michelle: Birds Of
A Bribery Feather
14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/28/2023 6:29:13 AM Post Reply
Q: What is the difference between what Sen. Bob Menendez is charged with, what President Joe Biden is being investigated for, and the speech Michelle Obama gave in Germany on Monday? A: Only the dollar amounts. Just as Democrats were ramping up calls for Menendez to step down over bribery charges filed against him, and as House Republicans started their impeachment inquiry into whether Joe Biden used son Hunter to bribe foreign officials, Obama was reportedly getting paid an obscenely large amount of money for a one-hour talk on “diversity.”
28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That
2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate: I&I/TIPP Poll
22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2023 5:58:49 AM Post Reply
Will the 2024 election be fair, or marred by systematic cheating? Based on how Americans feel about recent elections and the coming presidential contest, most are confident the election will be fair. But there’s a huge political gap on the issue between Democrats on one side, and Republicans and independents on the other, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. First, the good news: 65% of the 1,223 registered voters queried in the national online I&I/TIPP Poll, which was taken from Aug. 30-Sept. 1, called themselves either “very confident” (42%) or “somewhat confident” (23%) that the 2024 election “will be conducted fairly and accurately.”
10 Reasons Not To Own An EV 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2023 10:24:37 AM Post Reply
From California to New York to Washington, Democrats are using the coercive force of government to herd Americans into electric vehicles. Here are 10 reasons why we should resist both this egregious abuse of power as well as the social pressure that demands we all go electric: The mandates are an egregious abuse of power. Where do government officials, both elected and unelected, derive the authority to tell Americans what vehicles they cannot own and what vehicles they must own? There is none. Yes, there are laws intended to keep dangerous cars and trucks off the streets for safety reasons. But no automobile is a threat
‘How Many People Coming Into This Country
Illegally Is Enough For President Biden?’
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/25/2023 6:08:49 AM Post Reply
Questions like that are almost enough to make you feel sorry for White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Even someone qualified for that job – which she clearly is not – would have trouble coming up with new ways to tell bald-faced lies about the border crisis and what President Joe Biden is doing to stop it. Her job got more difficult after U.S. Customs and Border Protection released data Friday showing that 304,162 people entered the country illegally in August – a new record. For perspective, it’s as many as crossed illegally in all of 2017, and more than the entire population of Pittsburgh.
Here’s A California Idea That Could
Actually Help The Country
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/22/2023 5:18:19 AM Post Reply
Californians have twice forced governors into recall elections under the state’s 1911 law, the first time to can a real flop of a chief executive, the second time putting a scare into a man who deserved to be fired and humiliated. Through a popular vote, Californians got rid of Gray Davis in 2003 and replaced him with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Gavin Newsom, however, survived the recall of 2021, but at least voters had a chance to make a regime change before the regularly scheduled election. Too bad all American voters don’t have the same opportunity to correct their mistakes
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38 replies
Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 3:57:05 AM Post Reply
Israel's military has declared a 'state of war' after Islamic militant group Hamas fired a claimed 5,000 rockets into the country early on Saturday. Forces in the country have ordered residents to remain indoors and air raid sirens are sounding in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem after Hamas militants 'infiltrated' the country in several locations near the Gaza border in southern Israel. Hamas supreme military commander Mohammed Deif said the operation, Al-Aqsa Storm, was a declaration that 'enough is enough' as he urged Palestinians to confront Israel.
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Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 3:58:56 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 4:11:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 9:06:51 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 10/7/2023 12:43:30 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Moritz55 10/7/2023 8:41:37 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton last night on CNN said of Trump supporters, “You know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” This among other things came in the context of a report in Newsweek to the effect that the federal government, and the FBI in particular, has “quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.” That seems… like a lot of people? In addition to the obvious observation that people like Hillary seem increasingly unmoored from reality, as well as wilfully deaf to the political consequences of their wordsmith
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Posted by ladydawgfan 10/7/2023 8:51:01 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/7/2023 6:29:51 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 12:26:40 AM Post Reply
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Wiping Israel off the Map 15 replies
Posted by Msquared112 10/7/2023 11:55:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 10/7/2023 7:10:47 AM Post Reply
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MSNBC: Israel Caused Attacks on It and
Made People Vote for Hamas
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Posted by Imright 10/7/2023 3:38:46 PM Post Reply
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