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A green card processing change means US
could lose thousands of faith leaders
from abroad

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Posted By: Moritz55, 9/29/2023 12:41:14 PM

For more than two hours on a Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Gustavo Castillo led the Pentecostal congregation he’s been growing in this Minneapolis suburb through prayer, Scriptures, rousing music and sometimes tearful testimonials. But it all may end soon. A sudden procedural change in how the federal government processes green cards for foreign-born religious workers, together with historic highs in numbers of illegal border crossers, means that thousands of clergy like him are losing the ability to remain in this country. “We were right on the edge of becoming permanent residents, and boom, this changed,” Colombia-born Castillo said as his wife rocked their 7-month-old boy, a U.S. citizen by birth.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: sanspeur 9/29/2023 12:46:22 PM (No. 1565670)
all the mendicant , itinerant “priests ,ministers , shamans , gurus , yoga teachers and some snake oil reps “ .Those of the “churchs that support the illegal alien “harvesting “ for parishes and profit . The winnowing might be a good thing now .??.
5 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: kono 9/29/2023 1:37:42 PM (No. 1565691)
Just dandy. No more day of rest for the shrinking number of American pastors. Their primary source for assistants and fill-ins could be going away, while hordes of border jumpers are being allowed to come wherever they want and are even being flown there for free by our tax dollars. F 'em, Lord. (And, yeah, that has to be 'forgive' and not the 'f' word alternative that I wish we could use with impunity...)
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BarryNo 9/29/2023 1:37:51 PM (No. 1565692)
Good!!! I'm willing to bet the majority are jihadists who are piosly trying to "save" the US from its sins.
5 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 9/29/2023 2:30:04 PM (No. 1565710)
Only godless commies need apply.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 9/29/2023 6:12:29 PM (No. 1565817)
Not an error accident. The leftist hate and fear religion.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: columba 9/29/2023 7:56:30 PM (No. 1565865)
The Associated Press indicates that the mention of (shudder) GOD is not good for America.
1 person likes this.

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A green card processing change means US
could lose thousands of faith leaders
from abroad
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/29/2023 12:41:14 PM Post Reply
For more than two hours on a Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Gustavo Castillo led the Pentecostal congregation he’s been growing in this Minneapolis suburb through prayer, Scriptures, rousing music and sometimes tearful testimonials. But it all may end soon. A sudden procedural change in how the federal government processes green cards for foreign-born religious workers, together with historic highs in numbers of illegal border crossers, means that thousands of clergy like him are losing the ability to remain in this country. “We were right on the edge of becoming permanent residents, and boom, this changed,” Colombia-born Castillo said as his wife rocked their 7-month-old boy, a U.S. citizen by birth.
Victor Davis Hanson: Republicans Need
To Unite Around A Candidate And Have A
Unity Party
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/28/2023 1:28:52 PM Post Reply
Victor Davis Hanson said Wednesday on FNC's "The Ingraham Angle" that Republicans need to unite behind former President Trump: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: I think if this debate degenerates into a melodrama or psycho-drama between Mike Pence and Ramaswamy and Chris Christie and you don't have the leading candidates, the leading opposition to Trump, it will be a futile effort. These candidates have to show solidarity with a MAGA agenda and they have to distinguish themselves, obviously, as candidates from Trump. And there is not a lot of ways to do it except the only thing I can think of is they have to make the argument
Secretive Dem donor network moves to aid
Biden by kneecapping 2024 third-party efforts
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/27/2023 1:40:48 PM Post Reply
A secretive network of the nation's wealthiest Democrat donors has moved to undercut attempts to get a third-party presidential challenger on the 2024 ballot in an effort to aid President Biden. The Democracy Alliance, the left's premiere big-money donor club, recently held private discussions with left-wing organizations to prevent likely donors from contributing money to No Labels, a bi-partisan organization pushing for an independent presidential candidate, Politico reported.
Democrat San Francisco mayor announces
plan to require drug testing, treatment
to receive homeless services
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/27/2023 1:01:11 PM Post Reply
Democratic San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Tuesday unveiled a plan to require anyone receiving welfare to comply with mandatory drug testing and treatment programs amid growing pressure to get ahold of the city’s homeless and fentanyl crises — the same day a new primary challenger in next year's election entered the race. Announcing the proposal with Supervisor Matt Dorsey, a recovering addict and former spokesperson for the police department, Breed said the new initiative would require individuals with substance use disorders who want to access county-funded cash assistance to be enrolled in treatment and services.
Wednesday’s GOP Debate, Which Is Being
Skipped by President Trump, Could Be Decisive
Event of the Party’s 2024 Nomination Process
8 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/27/2023 12:36:40 PM Post Reply
Wednesday’s debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library may be the most important debate of the 2023 Republican presidential nomination process. It is to the candidates’ advantage that President Trump will be in Michigan addressing auto industry employees amid the United Auto Workers strike. His absence will create a space in which they can talk about the solutions America needs. If Mr. Trump were there, everyone else would be overshadowed — and all news coverage would obsess over him and various reactions to him. As we saw in the first debate, when given a chance to talk about issues and ideas, the candidates are competent and interesting.
UAW should have hired Hunter Biden 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/26/2023 2:17:00 AM Post Reply
He led Jesus’ donkey into Jerusalem. He freed Nelson Mandela from prison on Robben Island. He carried Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. And he gently assisted George Floyd in his final day of “hooping” before the Great Black Man was handed over to authorities to be crucified and martyred for all of time. So it is only fitting that President Biden would put politics aside and bravely venture out to Michigan this week to join a picket line of striking autoworkers. Sacrifice. Solidarity. Selflessness.
Can conservatives still win 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/24/2023 4:05:46 PM Post Reply
Conservatives enjoy popular support on the vast majority of current issues. But that does not necessarily translate into winning presidential elections, which is of course the only sure way of enacting conservative political agendas. Yet victory is possible for conservatives, as long as they learn from the past. Take the potpourri of current controversies over illegal immigration, rising crime, fossil-fuel independence, the economy in general, and an array of cultural concerns—from the indoctrination of the dogma of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the fact of transgendered men participating in women’s sports. In these hot-button-issue debates, the conservative side usually wins the support of the American people, at least in opinion polls.
House Republicans are turning potential
glory days into a ‘clown show’ with
government shutdown looming
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/24/2023 1:50:07 PM Post Reply
The president is politically weak and mentally feeble. The country hungers for a change and even most Democrats are ready to abandon Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In the Senate, Dems hold a one-vote margin, but one member has just been indicted on explosive federal charges and another shows serious symptoms of dementia. A third insists on wearing shorts and sweatshirts on the Senate floor, so to keep him happy and present, the majority leader eliminated the dress code. Meanwhile, many urban areas were besieged by crime and overrun with tent cities before Biden’s open-border policy let in millions of unvetted, illegal crossers needing food, shelter and health care.
Dallas Dem Party blasts 'self centered'
mayor's 'values' for switching to GOP:
'Insult to the electorate'
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/23/2023 2:12:55 PM Post Reply
Texas Democrats are slamming Dallas, Texas, Mayor Eric Johnson after he announced on Friday that he will officially leave the party and become a Republican. "I think this today's announcement is nothing short of an insult to the electorate, specifically here in Dallas County and the city of Dallas," Kardal Coleman, chair of the Dallas County Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital on Friday. "Voters elected Mayor Johnson and were told that they were going to get a certain set of values, which he failed to deliver on. So now he's switching up his political party. This is not just strictly about partisanship. I think this is a self-centered agenda
'Let Bird Kids Fly’: Therapist’s memes
mocking adults enabling child transition
go viral
11 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/23/2023 11:11:18 AM Post Reply
A therapist is using satirical memes about the plight of "Bird Kids" to mock trans-activists' arguments supporting medical gender transitions for children. Stephanie Winn, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Portland, Oregon, started a meme campaign about a fictional subgroup of kids who identify as birds, likening discrimination they face to the debates over medical intervention for gender-confused minors, parental rights and mental health issues among transgender youth. Her satirical comparisons have garnered hundreds of thousands of viewers and captured the attention of prominent figures like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk.
Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts
on the hot seat before Congress
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/21/2023 1:14:41 PM Post Reply
You would think that an attorney general who has presided over the embarrassing debacle of the Hunter Biden investigation would express contrition, or maybe a little anger at the underlings who have shamed him, when he is hauled before a congressional committee to explain his failures. But alas, Merrick Garland is just another Mr. Magoo. His department is ablaze but he knows nothing. The nation’s chief law enforcement officer has no special insight into the malfeasance unfolding under his nose. He is just an oblivious bystander, unperturbed by the tyrannical turn the DOJ has taken under his leadership, persecuting his boss’s political enemies and coddling the crooked president’s crooked relatives.
Hispanics are running away from Democrats.
Bidenomics is making things even worse
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/20/2023 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
The biggest story of Hispanic Heritage Month, which began last Friday, is that Hispanics are coming home to the Republican Party. Earlier this month, the New York Times published a bombshell article headlined "Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden." The piece chronicles the ongoing political migration among minorities, especially Hispanics, from Democrats to Republicans. It highlights twelve "high-quality" 2024 election polls that show Biden holds a mere 50% to 40% lead among Hispanic voters. That's down significantly from the 65% of Hispanics who voted for him in 2020. This polling destroys the media narrative that Republicans are a racist party.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulls fire
alarm as Dems try to delay vote on GOP
stopgap spending bill
35 replies
Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 3:14:07 PM Post Reply
Socialist Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pulled the fire alarm in a House office building Saturday as Democrats tried to delay a vote on a Republican stopgap spending bill, according to the GOP-controlled Administration Committee. The wild incident in the Cannon Building was caught on camera and confirmed by several witnesses, according to Politico. Bowman “pulled a fire alarm in Cannon this morning,” a panel spokesperson told the outlet. “An investigation into why it was pulled is underway.” Staten Island GOP Rep. Nicole Malliotakis’ office told The Post they would move to have Bowman expelled from the chamber.
Meghan Markle 'in running for Dianne Feinstein's
Senator seat in bid for office'
29 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 9/30/2023 3:06:20 PM Post Reply
Meghan Markle is reportedly "in the running to fill Dianne Feinstein's California Senator seat" as the Duchess considers a run for office. According to a major Democratic donor close to Californian Governor Gavin Newsom, who is set to choose Feinstein's replacement, the possibility of the Duchess of Sussex running is not impossible. Although a long-shot replacement for the 90-year-old pioneer, there is speculation Meghan could serve out the remaining 13 months of Feinstein's term. A source told the Mail on Sunday: "Meghan is definitely a long-shot but in the craziness that is US politics these days it's not an impossibility.
Rolls-Royce to stop manufacturing gasoline
cars by the end of the decade, teases
electric car
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 9:58:23 AM Post Reply
Rolls-Royce, the British manufacturer of very large and very expensive cars and SUVs powered by 12-cylinder engines, announced Wednesday that it will stop selling gasoline powered vehicles by 2030. From then on, Rolls-Royce will be all electric. The automaker also announced the name of the first electric Rolls-Royce, the Spectre, which will go on sale in about two years.
Republicans Draft Resolution to Expel
Jamaal Bowman from Congress
25 replies
Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 6:33:42 PM Post Reply
Republicans have drafted a resolution to expel Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) after he allegedly pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote on a bill to avert a government shutdown. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) authored the resolution, which is expected to be formally filed Monday when the House is next in session. Expulsion is the most serious form of disciplinary action available to the House for its own members. Only five members have been expelled from the House in history. (X) Bowman’s alleged actions are being investigated by the House Administration Committee and the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and elicited widespread condemnation from his Republican colleagues.
Hillary Is Back 20 replies
Posted by DW626 9/30/2023 6:41:11 AM Post Reply
Sheeee's baaaaack! Yes, America's cold sore, Hillary Clinton, is back in the news. She's hoping the newly resurrected Clinton Global Initiative (the fake charity but real influence-peddling operation that temporarily closed its doors while being investigated for engaging in pay-to-play fraud) can make a financial killing off all the real killing going on in Ukraine. CGI is ready to help the widowed, orphaned, and suffering people of Ukraine by collecting large sums of money that will go a long way to supporting the Clintons' lavish lifestyles. What remains of their tax-free charitable "services" can then be distributed among their army of cronies desperate for an easy payday.
Trump Does Brutal Spot-on Imitation of
Biden Getting Lost on Stage
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/30/2023 9:58:57 AM Post Reply
Forner President Donald Trump spoke to the California GOP Convention on Friday. Trump chastised the Democrats, saying they brought the state homelessness, open borders, high taxes, inequality, “woke tech tyrants,” and rising crime, but that "help was on the way. " He verbally drew a sharp contrast between himself and the current occupant of the White House, Joe Biden, questioning whether Biden was fit for the office. Trump also mimicked Biden's tendency to get lost on the stage and not know where he was going. “Does anybody think he’s going to make it to the starting gate?” Trump asked the audience in Anaheim, receiving a resounding reply of “no!”
The Right Is Not Happy With Fox’s Dana
Perino For Introducing ‘The Amazing’
Hillary Clinton at Conference
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/30/2023 6:25:25 PM Post Reply
Fox News anchor Dana Perino is being criticized by some the right for her attendance at a Clinton Global Initiative conference earlier this month, where she introduced “the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton.” Perino, who served in George W. Bush’s administration as press secretary, moderated a panel about “Journalism on the Front Lines” before handing the floor over to the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee for president. She was asked to participate by Fox’s sister outlet, the Wall Street Journal; the Journal‘s Evan Gershkovich has been detained in Russia since March on espionage charges.
Dianne Feinstein leaves stunning properties
to her and billionaire husband’s feuding daughters
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 4:14:28 AM Post Reply
Dianne Feinstein was one of the Senate’s richest members throughout her trailblazing career — thanks to her billionaire husband. While others in Congress struggled to make ends meet, sleeping in their offices to save on rent, Feinstein commuted from San Francisco aboard a Gulfstream G650 jet (pre-owned, the aircraft averages $61,815,000), sported expensive jewelry and flitted from one mansion to the next. (snip) The biggest single item in the estate is the couple’s home in San Francisco; Feinstein resided in a three-story 1917 Italianate mansion on the famed Lyon Steps. Its landscaped gardens have stunning views over the Bay, and it has a valuation to match: $21 million.
Developing: McCarthy Reportedly Lied Again
– Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding
with McConnell and Biden
16 replies
Posted by DW626 9/30/2023 8:49:44 PM Post Reply
Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass. With a 335-91 vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6 billion in funding for Ukraine. The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor.
Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway? 16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/30/2023 2:04:37 PM Post Reply
The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck — and that’s putting it mildly. If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal. The leftist Univision moderator — Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón — who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration. (X) She also went after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, repeating a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris claiming
The Legacy Dianne Feinstein Left California:
Cr-p And Crime
16 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/30/2023 10:34:46 AM Post Reply
With the passing of longtime Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Friday, colleagues from across the political aisle have released a bevy of statements remembering the Golden State’s golden gal. While President Joe Biden described Feinstein as a “kind and loyal friend,” Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, characterized the California Democrat as a “true public servant” with whom he had a “wonderful working relationship” and “will miss.” Other Democrat and Republican senators such as Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Susan Collins, R–Maine, and Marco Rubio, R-Fla., also offered their condolences and fond memories of Feinstein.
The backlash to 'two-parent privilege' continues 16 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/30/2023 9:08:11 AM Post Reply
I’ve seen a couple of articles now responding to economist Melissa Kearney’s book titled “The Two-Parent Privilege.” (snip) Case in point, Jill Filipovic has an opinion piece for CNN arguing in a very roundabout fashion that conservatives are to blame for the decline of marriage. (snip) "The problem is that decades of largely conservative policy-making have fueled inequality, gutted the working class, left a generation of men isolated and under-employed and unmoored, impoverished families and made it harder for women to both control their own fertility and find suitable partners."
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