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Hispanics are running away from Democrats.
Bidenomics is making things even worse

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Posted By: Moritz55, 9/20/2023 10:24:31 AM

The biggest story of Hispanic Heritage Month, which began last Friday, is that Hispanics are coming home to the Republican Party. Earlier this month, the New York Times published a bombshell article headlined "Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden." The piece chronicles the ongoing political migration among minorities, especially Hispanics, from Democrats to Republicans. It highlights twelve "high-quality" 2024 election polls that show Biden holds a mere 50% to 40% lead among Hispanic voters. That's down significantly from the 65% of Hispanics who voted for him in 2020. This polling destroys the media narrative that Republicans are a racist party.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 9/20/2023 10:38:10 AM (No. 1559919)
Time to line up the ballot printers, mules, Dominion machines and corrupt judges! We know the routine by now.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 9/20/2023 10:58:17 AM (No. 1559929)
Hispanics and blacks. Democrats don't understand their horrible actions affect everyone in the country, not just conservatives.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: john56 9/20/2023 11:12:44 AM (No. 1559950)
If ... and it is a big IF ... the Republicans can pull 10% of the Black vote and 40% of the Hispanic vote, Democrats can't win a race for dog catcher outside of Washington, Baltimore, and Atlanta.
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: formerNYer 9/20/2023 11:42:23 AM (No. 1559971)
The Liar-in-Chief, will win with 90 million votes in 2024.
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 9/20/2023 12:04:09 PM (No. 1559990)
But still 50%.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Starboard_side 9/20/2023 3:52:09 PM (No. 1560106)
Sounds promising and just maybe they see how the horrendous border policies have created a system that's far worse than anything could have imagined, especially with how the woman and children are being abused.
2 people like this.

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Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts
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Posted by Moritz55 9/21/2023 1:14:41 PM Post Reply
You would think that an attorney general who has presided over the embarrassing debacle of the Hunter Biden investigation would express contrition, or maybe a little anger at the underlings who have shamed him, when he is hauled before a congressional committee to explain his failures. But alas, Merrick Garland is just another Mr. Magoo. His department is ablaze but he knows nothing. The nation’s chief law enforcement officer has no special insight into the malfeasance unfolding under his nose. He is just an oblivious bystander, unperturbed by the tyrannical turn the DOJ has taken under his leadership, persecuting his boss’s political enemies and coddling the crooked president’s crooked relatives.
Hispanics are running away from Democrats.
Bidenomics is making things even worse
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/20/2023 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
The biggest story of Hispanic Heritage Month, which began last Friday, is that Hispanics are coming home to the Republican Party. Earlier this month, the New York Times published a bombshell article headlined "Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden." The piece chronicles the ongoing political migration among minorities, especially Hispanics, from Democrats to Republicans. It highlights twelve "high-quality" 2024 election polls that show Biden holds a mere 50% to 40% lead among Hispanic voters. That's down significantly from the 65% of Hispanics who voted for him in 2020. This polling destroys the media narrative that Republicans are a racist party.
Why 2024 Could Become the ‘Competency Election’ 5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/20/2023 12:50:00 AM Post Reply
During the 1988 presidential campaign, Democrat Michael Dukakis, in accepting his party’s nomination, famously declared that “(t)his election is not about ideology. It’s about competence.” Dukakis sought to assert the declining relevance of what he termed “political labels,” at a time when President Ronald Reagan was set to conclude two terms of conservative executive governance. His efforts to compete on more favorable terrain failed: The Democratic nominee lost in a 40-state, 426-electoral vote landslide to Vice President George H.W. Bush. What proved a futile point of attempted differentiation in 1988 might have greater resonance in 2024. Citizens’ faith in government at all levels
5 Wrong Predictions Ruining Democrats’
Plan For 2024
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 10:56:43 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday, The Washington Post’s David Ignatius called for pulling the plug on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. “I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection,” said the man frequently considered the media’s mouthpiece for intelligence agencies. “If he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.” Just 10 months ago, Biden and the Democrats had a surprisingly good midterm election. So what has Ignatius — and the deep state apparatus he speaks for — so gloomy? Quite simply, 2023 has not gone according to plan. Democrats were never planning to run on Joe Biden’s accomplishments.
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Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 4:43:03 PM Post Reply
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Policy Positions
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 12:57:49 PM Post Reply
Appearing on Fox News with Shannon Bream two weekends ago, Mike Pence disqualified himself as a GOP candidate for the 2024 nomination by vowing to continue the failed policies of the Biden administration, which have brought America closer to a direct conflict with Russia. Three days ago, Pence repeated his desire for Ukraine to fight until all territory is recovered from Russia. Appearing before NewsNation, he emphasized support for emergency funding for Ukraine. "Give [Ukraine] the resources that they need to fight and to win and to drive that Russian military back... Because it's in our interests, and I think, ultimately, it's in the interests
White House, Hunter Biden’s team keep
shifting goalposts in denying Joe’s
involvement with businesses
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 10:41:08 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s lawyer declared last Thursday that the first son "did not share" his business or his profits with his father, marking another notable shift in the narrative responding to allegations linking President Biden to his son’s shady business dealings. Abbe Lowell, who has been aggressively defending Hunter, said he can "categorically" declare that Biden was not involved in Hunter's previous business dealings and did not profit from any of them. "I can tell you that Hunter did not share his business with his dad," Lowell told CNN on Thursday. "I can tell you that he did not share money from his businesses with his dad. And as the evidence
How Biden Will Circle The Wagons 10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 10:30:06 AM Post Reply
The strategies of saving the Biden presidency from an impeachment and a Senate trial despite overwhelming evidence of his corruption are starting to emerge. The Family is confronted with damning evidence from the laptop, from the testimonies of Hunter’s business associates Bobulinksi and Archer, from Ukrainian oligarchs and Viktor Shokin, from IRS whistleblowers, from FBI writs, from a likely pseudonymous Biden trove of 4,000 emails to his son and associates, and from the absolute paranoia of a White House that must constantly change its narrative of denials to adjust to a growing portrait of utter corruption, bribery, and perhaps even the treason of warping U.S. policy to fit Biden family interests.
The tragic results of Biden’s deadly
open borders policy
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/18/2023 12:28:16 PM Post Reply
It’s hard to look at the photo of 1-year-old Nicholas Feliz-Dominici, who died from fentanyl exposure at a Bronx day care Friday. So handsome with his little suspenders and blue bow tie, his crisp white shirt and tiny sneakers, he looks directly into the camera with a purposeful air. You can tell, just by looking at him, that this was a well-loved child. Just imagine his poor mother, packing his bag for the day, getting him dressed, dropping him off at the new day-care center, giving him a kiss and maybe feeling a little guilty as she heads off to work. It’s what working mothers do every day across this city.
Hunter Biden's texts, emails contradict
lawyer's claim that he 'did not share'
money from businesses with dad
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/18/2023 11:26:34 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's attorney recently claimed his client "did not share money" from his business dealings with his dad, President Biden, but a 2019 text message and multiple emails appear to contradict this claim. Abbe Lowell, who has been aggressively defending Hunter, said in a recent interview that he can "categorically" declare that President Biden was not involved in Hunter's previous business dealings and did not profit from any of them. "I can tell you that Hunter did not share his business with his dad," Lowell said during a recent CNN interview. "I can tell you that he did not share money from his businesses with his dad.
Former Special Forces soldier launches
campaign in Virginia to flip swing House
seat from Democrats
3 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/18/2023 10:42:29 AM Post Reply
A former U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret and combat veteran announced Monday he was joining the race to try and flip what could be one of 2024's most competitive congressional seats from the Democrats. Republican Derrick Anderson, who served six tours of duty throughout the Middle East as part of the Global War on Terror, told Fox News Digital he could "no longer remain silent on the sidelines." Anderson added he is running to bring leadership to Virginia's 7th Congressional District, which he argues is lacking under Democrat Rep. Abigail Spanberger. "I have spent my life serving this country overseas, including combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Watching
Hunter Biden sues IRS, alleges agents
tried to 'target' and 'embarrass' him
21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/18/2023 10:36:08 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's attorneys filed a lawsuit against the IRS on Monday, alleging that agents have "targeted and sought to embarrass" the president's son. Biden's Monday morning filing cites two major examples in IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, two whistleblowers who claimed the IRS mishandled aspects of its investigation into Biden. Biden's lawsuit seeks for the court to declare that the IRS "willfully, knowingly, and/or by gross negligence, unlawfully disclosed Mr. Biden's confidential tax information." In addition, Biden is demanding $1,000 in damages for "each and every unauthorized disclosure of his tax returns,"
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Breaking Big: Via House Judiciary Committee
Republicans – FBI LOST COUNT of How
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Crowd on January 6!
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Posted by Imright 9/20/2023 9:02:31 AM Post Reply
The House Judiciary Republicans sent out an explosive letter on Tuesday night that CHANGES EVERYTHING! The House Judiciary Republicans sent out a letter Tuesday that includes transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono. D’Antuono testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6. In fact, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd they they had no idea how many were actually there that day!
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Posted by Beardo 9/20/2023 11:51:52 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis engaged former U.S. President Bill Clinton via zoom Monday, stressing the urgency of addressing the climate change “catastrophe,” the migration “crisis,” and war. (snip) The pope reiterated his intention of releasing a second document on the environment later this month, eight years after the publication of his encyclical “Laudato Sì” on the same theme. In late August, Francis said it is time (for) world leaders to “listen to science and institute a rapid and equitable transition to end the era of fossil fuel.” It is “absurd to permit the continued exploration and expansion of fossil fuel infrastructures,” he declared in his message for the September 1 Feast of Creation.
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/20/2023 1:50:37 AM Post Reply
Remember James Clapper and John Brennan? It's easy to forget given how much has transpired since both men consistently led the news throughout the Trump administration. At one time, though, their involvement in Crossfire Hurricane, otherwise known as the Russia collusion investigation was really big news. For those less initiated, here's a quick refresher. Clapper was Barack Obama's DNI and has been credibly accused of lying to Congress. Meanwhile, Brennan is Obama's former CIA Director and has been credibly accused of doing the same. Both men lived on cable news after Trump's inauguration, making all kinds of wild, unsubstantiated claims related to nefarious Russian collusion supposedly committed by
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Posted by Imright 9/21/2023 2:24:51 AM Post Reply
A F-35 jet could have crashed on Sunday due to poor weather in South Carolina, new audio suggests - as questions mount as to why the disastrous training exercise was allowed to proceed. The F-35B Lightning II which the unnamed Marine pilot was flying is believed to be at risk of malfunctions if it flies in thunderstorms, according to a Forbes investigation in November. Its sister jet, the F-35A, is more severely affected and cannot fly within 25 miles of lightning.
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Posted by zephyrgirl 9/21/2023 1:26:09 PM Post Reply
A 63-year-old hiker was rescued Friday at Grand Canyon National Park after he was injured in a fall and his group of friends left him behind to continue their “backpacking adventure,” authorities said. Five friends were backpacking on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park along the Kanab Creek when one of them, a 63-year-old male, fell and suffered a traumatic injury to his shoulder, the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue said.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott deploys National
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Posted by Imright 9/21/2023 2:17:46 AM Post Reply
Greg Abbott has deployed the National Guard to re-install razor wire to deter migrants - as one mayor declared an emergency amid an influx of 14,000 people. The Texas Governor launched a blistering attack on Joe Biden on Wednesday, slamming him for 'cutting the wire' and assuring Texans he was having it repaired. He shared footage of members of the Texas National Guard unravelling the new barrier before putting it up along the besieged banks of the Rio Grande.
Jesus Alaya, 17, is named as driver of
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retired cop Andreas Probts while he cycled
- with he and passenger Jzamir Keys, 16,
both set to be charged as adults with murder
24 replies
Posted by Ebenezer 9/21/2023 8:51:14 AM Post Reply
Two teenage boys believed to be behind the sick hit-and-run homicide of a retired police chief in Las Vegas have been named as they are charged as adults. Jesus Ayala, 17, and Jzamir Keys, 16, are suspected of intentionally striking Andreas Probst, 64, while he was riding his bicycle down an empty highway in the northwest of the city at around 6am on August 14. Ayala was arrested the same day accused of being the motorist behind the wheel of the 2016 Hyundai Elantra which hit the retired cop.
Disney Signals Retreat in the Culture
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23 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/21/2023 8:30:14 AM Post Reply
Disney CEO Bob Iger has quietly stated he's pulling his company out of the culture wars and returning to entertainment for entertainment's sake. Iger's comment came during a meeting with investors on September 19 at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida. According to an analyst note on Wednesday, Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger told investors the company will "quiet the noise" in a culture war that has pitted social conservatives against the global media and entertainment conglomerate.
Michael Bloomberg pumps $500 million into
bid to close all US coal plants
21 replies
Posted by Imright 9/20/2023 3:01:17 PM Post Reply
United Nations, (Reuters) - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced on Wednesday he will pump $500 million into the next phase of his energy transition campaign, aiming to shut down "every last" coal plant in the United States and slash gas-fired capacity in half by 2030. The $500 million infusion into his decade-long Beyond Carbon initiative aims to "finish the job on coal" by working with state and local organizations to force the closure of the roughly 150 coal plants that have not yet retired, slash current gas generation in half and block the construction of new gas-fired plants.
Biden Lays a Booby Trap for a Republican President 20 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/20/2023 4:33:42 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is setting a booby trap in case a Republican wins the presidency in 2024. On Friday, the White House unveiled a proposed rule that would make it even harder than in the past for an incoming Republican president to wrestle control of the left-leaning federal bureaucracy and actually implement the conservative policies promised to voters. Of the 2.2 million federal civil workers, only 4,000 are presidential appointees. The rest stay in their jobs, from one administration to the next, protected by rules that make it nearly impossible to discipline or replace them.
Biden leads Trump by 6 points in election
rematch — assuming ex-president is convicted: poll
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/21/2023 3:37:12 PM Post Reply
President Biden leads Donald Trump by six points in a potential 2024 election matchup if the former president ends up convicted of any of the four felony indictments levied against him, a new poll shows. Biden, 80, would prevail by a margin of 45% to 39% over Trump, 77, in the event of a post-conviction ballot, according to a WPA Intelligence survey exclusively shared with The Post. If the former president is not convicted on any counts, Biden would still hold a slight lead over Trump in the general election — garnering 43% of voters support compared to Trump’s 41% and 11% of voters undecided.
Durbin, No. 2 Senate Democrat, disagrees
with change to dress code: ‘We need
to have standards’
18 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 9/21/2023 12:44:18 PM Post Reply
Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) says he is “concerned” about a decision to loosen the Senate’s dress code to allow senators to wear whatever they want on the chamber floor, arguing “we need to have standards.” Durbin, the No. 2-ranking Senate Democrat and chairman of the powerful Judiciary Committee, signaled he’s not ready to let hoodies, blue jeans or shorts become the norm on the Senate floor, which has been the venue of many important historic moments over the years. (Snip) Durbin acknowledged that changing the Senate’s dress code would accommodate his colleague, first-term Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.), who’s
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