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Can conservatives still win

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Posted By: Moritz55, 9/24/2023 4:05:46 PM

Conservatives enjoy popular support on the vast majority of current issues. But that does not necessarily translate into winning presidential elections, which is of course the only sure way of enacting conservative political agendas. Yet victory is possible for conservatives, as long as they learn from the past. Take the potpourri of current controversies over illegal immigration, rising crime, fossil-fuel independence, the economy in general, and an array of cultural concerns—from the indoctrination of the dogma of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the fact of transgendered men participating in women’s sports. In these hot-button-issue debates, the conservative side usually wins the support of the American people, at least in opinion polls.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: plomke 9/24/2023 5:12:02 PM (No. 1562606)
Not if they are Bush Rove Romney Dole McConnell Ryan Boehner McCarthy "conservatives"...
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Reply 2 - Posted by: leonardo 9/24/2023 5:50:37 PM (No. 1562628)
Only if Conservatives can either eliminate cheating OR cheat equally well. So what are the odds?
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Reply 3 - Posted by: anniebc 9/24/2023 5:55:04 PM (No. 1562633)
The left has won almost all special elections around the country. They've pretty much turned PA blue. So, the answer to the Q is no, conservatives cannot win unless something is done about cheating. The Republican party is busy trying to give us a RINO as president, Conservatives have to fight the left and our own party. Get rid of Mitch's niece!
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Reply 4 - Posted by: Amoeba 9/24/2023 8:05:51 PM (No. 1562712)
The RNCe and GOPe have done NOTHING to make sure elections are secure from fraud. Look....I will vote for Trump as many times as I can. But even if he wins, its just a speed hump in the street to slow traffic. He will not change what the Bible says about the Last Days- which I believe we are close to the end.
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UAW should have hired Hunter Biden 1 reply
Posted by Moritz55 9/26/2023 2:17:00 AM Post Reply
He led Jesus’ donkey into Jerusalem. He freed Nelson Mandela from prison on Robben Island. He carried Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. And he gently assisted George Floyd in his final day of “hooping” before the Great Black Man was handed over to authorities to be crucified and martyred for all of time. So it is only fitting that President Biden would put politics aside and bravely venture out to Michigan this week to join a picket line of striking autoworkers. Sacrifice. Solidarity. Selflessness.
Can conservatives still win 4 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/24/2023 4:05:46 PM Post Reply
Conservatives enjoy popular support on the vast majority of current issues. But that does not necessarily translate into winning presidential elections, which is of course the only sure way of enacting conservative political agendas. Yet victory is possible for conservatives, as long as they learn from the past. Take the potpourri of current controversies over illegal immigration, rising crime, fossil-fuel independence, the economy in general, and an array of cultural concerns—from the indoctrination of the dogma of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the fact of transgendered men participating in women’s sports. In these hot-button-issue debates, the conservative side usually wins the support of the American people, at least in opinion polls.
House Republicans are turning potential
glory days into a ‘clown show’ with
government shutdown looming
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/24/2023 1:50:07 PM Post Reply
The president is politically weak and mentally feeble. The country hungers for a change and even most Democrats are ready to abandon Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In the Senate, Dems hold a one-vote margin, but one member has just been indicted on explosive federal charges and another shows serious symptoms of dementia. A third insists on wearing shorts and sweatshirts on the Senate floor, so to keep him happy and present, the majority leader eliminated the dress code. Meanwhile, many urban areas were besieged by crime and overrun with tent cities before Biden’s open-border policy let in millions of unvetted, illegal crossers needing food, shelter and health care.
Dallas Dem Party blasts 'self centered'
mayor's 'values' for switching to GOP:
'Insult to the electorate'
10 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/23/2023 2:12:55 PM Post Reply
Texas Democrats are slamming Dallas, Texas, Mayor Eric Johnson after he announced on Friday that he will officially leave the party and become a Republican. "I think this today's announcement is nothing short of an insult to the electorate, specifically here in Dallas County and the city of Dallas," Kardal Coleman, chair of the Dallas County Democratic Party, told Fox News Digital on Friday. "Voters elected Mayor Johnson and were told that they were going to get a certain set of values, which he failed to deliver on. So now he's switching up his political party. This is not just strictly about partisanship. I think this is a self-centered agenda
'Let Bird Kids Fly’: Therapist’s memes
mocking adults enabling child transition
go viral
11 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/23/2023 11:11:18 AM Post Reply
A therapist is using satirical memes about the plight of "Bird Kids" to mock trans-activists' arguments supporting medical gender transitions for children. Stephanie Winn, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Portland, Oregon, started a meme campaign about a fictional subgroup of kids who identify as birds, likening discrimination they face to the debates over medical intervention for gender-confused minors, parental rights and mental health issues among transgender youth. Her satirical comparisons have garnered hundreds of thousands of viewers and captured the attention of prominent figures like Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk.
Ignorant, pathetic Merrick Garland wilts
on the hot seat before Congress
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/21/2023 1:14:41 PM Post Reply
You would think that an attorney general who has presided over the embarrassing debacle of the Hunter Biden investigation would express contrition, or maybe a little anger at the underlings who have shamed him, when he is hauled before a congressional committee to explain his failures. But alas, Merrick Garland is just another Mr. Magoo. His department is ablaze but he knows nothing. The nation’s chief law enforcement officer has no special insight into the malfeasance unfolding under his nose. He is just an oblivious bystander, unperturbed by the tyrannical turn the DOJ has taken under his leadership, persecuting his boss’s political enemies and coddling the crooked president’s crooked relatives.
Hispanics are running away from Democrats.
Bidenomics is making things even worse
6 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/20/2023 10:24:31 AM Post Reply
The biggest story of Hispanic Heritage Month, which began last Friday, is that Hispanics are coming home to the Republican Party. Earlier this month, the New York Times published a bombshell article headlined "Consistent Signs of Erosion in Black and Hispanic Support for Biden." The piece chronicles the ongoing political migration among minorities, especially Hispanics, from Democrats to Republicans. It highlights twelve "high-quality" 2024 election polls that show Biden holds a mere 50% to 40% lead among Hispanic voters. That's down significantly from the 65% of Hispanics who voted for him in 2020. This polling destroys the media narrative that Republicans are a racist party.
Why 2024 Could Become the ‘Competency Election’ 5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/20/2023 12:50:00 AM Post Reply
During the 1988 presidential campaign, Democrat Michael Dukakis, in accepting his party’s nomination, famously declared that “(t)his election is not about ideology. It’s about competence.” Dukakis sought to assert the declining relevance of what he termed “political labels,” at a time when President Ronald Reagan was set to conclude two terms of conservative executive governance. His efforts to compete on more favorable terrain failed: The Democratic nominee lost in a 40-state, 426-electoral vote landslide to Vice President George H.W. Bush. What proved a futile point of attempted differentiation in 1988 might have greater resonance in 2024. Citizens’ faith in government at all levels
5 Wrong Predictions Ruining Democrats’
Plan For 2024
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 10:56:43 PM Post Reply
On Tuesday, The Washington Post’s David Ignatius called for pulling the plug on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. “I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection,” said the man frequently considered the media’s mouthpiece for intelligence agencies. “If he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.” Just 10 months ago, Biden and the Democrats had a surprisingly good midterm election. So what has Ignatius — and the deep state apparatus he speaks for — so gloomy? Quite simply, 2023 has not gone according to plan. Democrats were never planning to run on Joe Biden’s accomplishments.
Did Hunter Biden Lie to His Own Memoir? 9 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 4:43:03 PM Post Reply
In a raft of glowing reviews, Hunter Biden’s 2019 memoir “Beautiful Things” was celebrated as an “unflinchingly honest” (Entertainment Weekly), “confession and an act of contrition” (Guardian), that was “candid” and “doesn’t hold back details” (New York Times) of his substance abuse and broken relationships. While describing the book as an “unvarnished confessional,” the Washington Post exalted it as a “harrowing, relentless and a determined exercise in trying to seize his own narrative from the clutches of the Republicans and the press. In the years since, testimony from a former business partner, Devon Archer, and newly disclosed emails indicate that the president’s son’s memoir was an exercise in spin
Mike Pence's Out-of-Touch And Risky Foreign
Policy Positions
5 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 12:57:49 PM Post Reply
Appearing on Fox News with Shannon Bream two weekends ago, Mike Pence disqualified himself as a GOP candidate for the 2024 nomination by vowing to continue the failed policies of the Biden administration, which have brought America closer to a direct conflict with Russia. Three days ago, Pence repeated his desire for Ukraine to fight until all territory is recovered from Russia. Appearing before NewsNation, he emphasized support for emergency funding for Ukraine. "Give [Ukraine] the resources that they need to fight and to win and to drive that Russian military back... Because it's in our interests, and I think, ultimately, it's in the interests
White House, Hunter Biden’s team keep
shifting goalposts in denying Joe’s
involvement with businesses
7 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/19/2023 10:41:08 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s lawyer declared last Thursday that the first son "did not share" his business or his profits with his father, marking another notable shift in the narrative responding to allegations linking President Biden to his son’s shady business dealings. Abbe Lowell, who has been aggressively defending Hunter, said he can "categorically" declare that Biden was not involved in Hunter's previous business dealings and did not profit from any of them. "I can tell you that Hunter did not share his business with his dad," Lowell told CNN on Thursday. "I can tell you that he did not share money from his businesses with his dad. And as the evidence
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Michelle Obama to Rake in More Than $700,000
for One-Hour Lecture on “Diversity and
Inclusion” in Munich
32 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:57:49 PM Post Reply
Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be paid more than $700,000 for a one-hour lecture on “diversity and inclusion” in Munich. Nothing to see here. Move along. According to reports, Michelle Obama traveled from Mallorca to Munich to deliver a one-hour speech on “diversity and inclusion” at the “Britz & Pretzels” conference. Michelle Obama will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance. Sounds legit. (X) Excerpt from German newspaper Bild: Now she’s swapping paella for pretzels! After arriving in a private jet, Michelle checked into a luxury hotel in Munich.
‘He’ll Do It Again’: Hillary Clinton
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 1:18:34 AM Post Reply
Failed former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has warned that Russia could allegedly interfere with the U.S. elections in 2024. Speaking with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Hillary Clinton said that Russian President Vladimir Putin could indeed interfere again. “He has indeed interfered in our elections in the past,” Psaki began on her MSNBC show Inside With Jen Psaki. “It’s not something, as you experienced firsthand, is not something we talk about a lot. Do you fear that that is something that could be happening for 2024, do you think we should be talking about it more?”
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:42:41 PM Post Reply
Senator Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) maintained his innocence during a Monday morning press conference, insisting that the extensive corruption allegations laid out in a federal indictment unsealed Friday are false. Federal investigators found nearly half-a-million dollars in cash and roughly $100,000 in gold bars when they searched his New Jersey home in June of last year. The New Jersey lawmaker insisted during the press conference that the cash was withdrawn from his personal savings account in case of emergencies. “For 30 years I have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account which I have kept for emergencies, and because of the history
Clyburn: Biden Is ‘Not in Any Trouble
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:49:37 AM Post Reply
Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he guaranteed President Joe Biden was “not in any trouble with African-Americans in this country.” Anchor Kristen Welker said, “As you know, in a close election, every single vote counts and as we laid out, his support among African-Americans, latinos, young voters has dropped. How do you make sure they don’t stay at home, congressman?” Clyburn said, “They will not stay at home. We understand what’s at stake here.” He continued, “The problem with me is I spend too much time studying history, and I see what’s going on here. I know where the playbook
Fetterman’s Slovenliness Represents
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18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/25/2023 12:59:12 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Senate, once known as the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” will now permit its members to grace its chamber floor wearing whatever clothes—no matter how casual or unprofessional—they happen to fancy on any given day. Following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., decision earlier this week to have the sergeant-at-arms cease enforcing the Senate’s long-standing dress code, senators might be forgiven for trading in their traditional Brooks Brothers wares for that most chic of modern haberdashers: the local homeless shelter. There is one reason and one reason only for Schumer’s distasteful change in policy: The brain-damaged and cartoon-villain-resembling junior Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman,
David McCallum, 'NCIS' Star, Dead at 90 17 replies
Posted by FL_Absentee_Voter 9/25/2023 7:22:21 PM Post Reply
David McCallum has died. The actor, best known for his role as Ducky on NCIS, died on Monday of natural causes while surrounded by family at New York Presbyterian Hospital. [snip] "After returning from the hospital to their apartment, I asked my mother if she was OK before she went to sleep. Her answer was simply, 'Yes. But I do wish we had had a chance to grow old together.' She is 79, and dad just turned 90."
Biden Admin to Deport Christian Homeschool Family 17 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/25/2023 3:18:59 PM Post Reply
The Biden Administration has ordered a German homeschool family, who came to America legally, to leave the country. The move comes as the White House has turned a blind eye to millions of illegals invading the southern border. The Romeike family was forced to flee Germany in 2008 after they were persecuted by the government for homeschooling their children. The Germans levied fines against the family and threatened to take away their children. I documented the plight of the family for years when I was working at Fox News. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children eventually settled in eastern Tennessee and were granted indefinite deferred action status.
Deal! WGA, AMPTP Reach Historic Contract
Agreement to End 146-Day Writers Strike:
‘This Deal Is Exceptional’
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:38:34 AM Post Reply
Hollywood heaves a sigh of relief. The WGA and major studios and streamers have reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract that promises to end the 146-day strike that has taken a heavy toll across the content industry. Negotiators for the Writers Guild of America and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers reached the finish line Sunday after five consecutive days of negotiations. Day 4 on Saturday mostly involved lawyers for the guild and AMPTP hashing out the fine print of language around complicated and groundbreaking additions to the WGA’s Minimum Basic Agreement. The nitty-gritty details of language around the use of generative AI in content production
Trump goes GUN shopping with Marjorie
Taylor Greene: Former president poses
with a $829.99 9MM GLOCK with his face
on the grip in armory tour
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:51:51 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump considered buying a glock with his face on the grip during a visit to South Carolina on Monday, stopping at the Palmetto State Armory with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to examine the weapons available for purchase. The former president also posed with a special 'Trump edition' gun that features the Trump's photo on the handle and the words 'Trump 45' on the chamber. 'I'm going to buy one. I want to buy one,' Trump said after examining the weapon. 'Isn't glock a great gun?'One of the salespeople told the former president that Trump glock was a top seller.
Indicted Senator Bob Menendez to Announce
Reelection Bid Monday
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:19:07 AM Post Reply
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who was indicted days ago on federal bribery charges, is expected to announce on Monday that he intends to seek reelection, according to a report from the New Jersey Globe. Menendez has been defiant in the wake of the indictment, claiming that he’s being targeted for being Latino. “It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat,” he said in a statement. “I am not going anywhere.” The embattled senator’s forthcoming announcement comes as several high-profile Democrats have called on him to resign from the U.S. Senate.
More schools are adopting 4-day weeks.
For parents, the challenge is day 5
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 4:59:09 AM Post Reply
Independence, Mo.—It’s a Monday in September, but with schools closed, the three children in the Pruente household have nowhere to be. Callahan, 13, contorts herself into a backbend as 7-year-old Hudson fiddles with a balloon and 10-year-old Keegan plays the piano. Like a growing number of students around the U.S, the Pruente children are on a four-day school schedule, a change instituted this fall by their district in Independence, Missouri. To the kids, it’s terrific. “I have a three-day break of school!” exclaimed Hudson. But their mom, Brandi Pruente, who teaches French in a neighboring district in suburban Kansas City, is frustrated to find herself hunting for
Hannity will host "red state vs. blue
state" debate on Fox News Channel
15 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 5:12:09 PM Post Reply
Fox News Channel announced Monday that Sean Hannity will moderate a “red state vs. blue state” debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Hannity asked the two governors about debating each other and both agreed earlier this year. The debate will take place on November 30 in Georgia, with the venue to be announced. It will air in Hannity’s time slot that night. The debate will be 90 minutes. The two governors have a contentious relationship, to understate the relationship. Newsom began attacking DeSantis even before DeSantis entered the Republican presidential primary. So, Hannity challenged the two to a debate.
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