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American Self-Government is Falling Apart

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Posted By: jimincalif, 8/22/2023 9:40:15 PM

The American system does not require unanimity. In fact, its design presumes deep disagreement on matters of morality and policy. This is why questions like religion are left to individual conscience, and why most policy is left to states or even smaller units, where the law’s touch will not be felt as harshly, because it reflects the more similar values of a smaller group. Finally, regardless of who has the reins of the federal government, the Constitution renders a great deal of substantive activity off limits, as exemplified by the Bill of Rights.


I don’t see his suggested tactics as realistic, uniparty GOP will never do it. But he concludes “things are coming apart”, perhaps in a matter of months.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Corndoggies 8/22/2023 9:53:33 PM (No. 1540418)
We have way too many people employed by Uncle Sam. Just this past week a bunch of low level staffers met in Indianapolis to “figure out” how to make voting easier. It certainly wasn’t to make it more secure. What a waste of money. We could get rid of probably 90% of state and local government and be better off. All they do is make more laws cause they have to earn they’re keep so to speak. So yeah things are falling apart because the average citizen/slave has looked behind the curtain and we don’t like what we’ve seen.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: davew 8/22/2023 9:57:51 PM (No. 1540419)
2016 was tragedy. 2020 was farce. What comes after farce? The American Experiment failed.
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Lake Dweller 8/22/2023 10:03:01 PM (No. 1540421)
I understand why Soros and his ilk are doing this, but why are suburban women going along with it? I guess they worship abortion. Or do they worship Satan?
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MFM 8/22/2023 10:03:23 PM (No. 1540422)
I feel hard COVID lockdowns coming later this fall with no elections in 2024...I pray that I am wrong as the Country will not survive in its current form.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/22/2023 10:43:34 PM (No. 1540428)
Very interesting essay by Chris Roach. But, agree, I don't think his remedy is realistic. It is hard to decide if America's future will follow the political upheaval seen in Russia, Chile, or France. FTA - " We are nearing the point of no return. No matter what political tactics make sense, all of us should be as prepared as possible for disorder, persecution, and chaos in the months ahead. Things are coming apart." This is the reality. Consider Roach's words. Read the writings in the literature that describe the eight stages of the rise and fall of great civilizations. The United States of America is in the eighth and final stage. Our lady, the Statue of Liberty, weeps for us. Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves. Has God, our Heavenly Father abandoned us. To put it another way, have we abandoned God, our Heavenly Father.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: rememberwhen 8/22/2023 10:54:35 PM (No. 1540433)
Boycotting the election would be asinine. IMM, only a closet RINO would suggest it. That would hand the White House to the Dims without their even having to stuff the ballot box. And we'd likely never have another meaningful election.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 8/23/2023 1:40:56 AM (No. 1540450)
4 more years of Commie rule and we are over! You are on your own now!
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Timber Queen 8/23/2023 2:29:47 AM (No. 1540456)
The author's suggestion of boycotting the election is only if President Trump is found guilty of one of their nebulous crimes and put in jail. Under those circumstances, I would certainly boycott the election. As Mr. Roach points out; it will be very bad world PR for the United States to have half its citizens not vote and the "winning" tally be 99% for Biden/Harris/Newsome (pick the mannequin of your choice). However, his idea of Republican led legislatures abandoning the presidential vote in their states is pipe dream - a Mendocino County pipe dream, if y'know what I'm sayin'. There is no denying our nation, our Constitutional Republic, is in dire peril. President Trump is a great man, and is making great personal sacrifices to fight for the survival of our country. Our duty is to support him with our prayers and our voices; to stand beside him as long as he stands; and should he falter, to pick up the banner. Destiny calls us. Our forefathers and mothers call us. In God We Trust. MAGA REVENGE - TRUMP 2024
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Rinktum 8/23/2023 3:49:31 AM (No. 1540470)
It is not conservatives who have moved from the ethos that has made this country exceptional. It is the godless left that rejects the very foundation of the Republic. As it stands today, there is no discussion to be had with the people who would steal what they could not win with a working philosophy that it is their way or the highway. They have illegitimately installed themselves in power and will not relinquish it. It will have to be wrenched from their hands. We all want to go back to the way it was, but that is no longer an option. When you have a government hostile to its citizens and one that acts lawlessly, complete defeat is the only option because nothing short of this will deter them. They will not stop their corruption and election theft and when you come to such an impasse, there are few options left. The question remains, will the American people allow this lawlessness to go on and surrender to the country to them? We cannot look to the corrupt political class to articulate a way forward because they are mired in the corruption that swallows everyone in Washington DC. The few who understand our plight and are willing to confront the lawlessness are not enough. It does not look good for the Republic unless by an act of divine intervention this evil can be defeated.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Strike3 8/23/2023 5:24:15 AM (No. 1540496)
The principles are intact. Our problem is that evil has permeated the topmost layers and they have become a ruling class, aka dictatorship, instead of a government.
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: franq 8/23/2023 6:01:45 AM (No. 1540505)
We need God, through his Son Jesus in our lives. The Bible makes it clear that "kings" will not save us. Only when we are led by God can we know a peace (I admit, hard to find sometimes) that passes understanding. I find myself skimming headlines now, not reading the details, since the time spent doing it profits little. Look to God and his Word.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Are You Serious 8/23/2023 7:31:13 AM (No. 1540554)
The GOP cannot be counted will take the mobilization of millions of citizens marching on DC with the intent of removing the current govt BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY to effect any real change.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: FJB 8/23/2023 9:10:56 AM (No. 1540631)
Our son says Newsmax is too pro-Ukraine War.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: hershey 8/23/2023 9:50:54 AM (No. 1540664)
Poster #5 has hit it right on the head...this country has fallen into apostasy and 9/11 was our wakeup call. God has pulled his protection from us and we are being pulled down. This experiment in government was founded on Gods principals and we have fallen short..I would suggest your read 'The Harbinger' by Jonathan Cahn...he is a 'today' prophet and tells what is happening. How can God bless a country whose leaders lie, cheat and steal, and commit immoral acts, and a country whose government pays people to murder babies in the name of 'reproductive health'?
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Reply 15 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/23/2023 10:20:23 AM (No. 1540687)
My guess is we are heading towards a corrupt tyrannical oligarchic dictatorship. We are halfway there already. Hopefully our 'leaders' will be loyal to the country, but don't bet on it. They can be bought. There is a large 'For Sale' sign on the DC border. Elections will be fake if they are held at all. The two party system is just for show. They control who gets nominated. They are looking for a fight. They enjoy too much support to be overthrown easily if at all.
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American Self-Government is Falling Apart 15 replies
Posted by jimincalif 8/22/2023 9:40:15 PM Post Reply
The American system does not require unanimity. In fact, its design presumes deep disagreement on matters of morality and policy. This is why questions like religion are left to individual conscience, and why most policy is left to states or even smaller units, where the law’s touch will not be felt as harshly, because it reflects the more similar values of a smaller group. Finally, regardless of who has the reins of the federal government, the Constitution renders a great deal of substantive activity off limits, as exemplified by the Bill of Rights.
Welcome To The Banana Republic of Biden! 20 replies
Posted by jimincalif 8/9/2022 9:07:37 PM Post Reply
Two weeks ago, I warned my readers (on Substack of course) that Democrats were preparing to arrest President Trump on bogus charges to stop him from winning the 2024 election. As I wrote in that article on July 27th: “Democrats were hoping to dent Trump’s popularity with the January 6th Unselect Committee televised hearings but nobody’s watching it (outside Washington) and nobody cares. Since that gambit has failed, Democrats seem to think that arresting President Trump on bogus charges and trying him in a kangaroo court is their only remaining option.”
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Posted by jimincalif 7/13/2022 5:52:11 PM Post Reply
In the United States, Congress passes laws but exempts its members from the laws' reach. Presidents sign "executive orders" that are nowhere mentioned in the Constitution. Courts often make policy and change or obstruct laws by "interpreting" the Constitution to fit the policy preferences of judges. The laws are often applied unequally depending on the person violating them. The families of our governing elites often enrich themselves and acquire wealth and privileges on that basis alone. During the COVID-19 pandemic, governors, mayors, and other members of the ruling class imposed restrictions that they arrogantly ignored.
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Posted by jimincalif 2/1/2022 6:02:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by jimincalif 7/29/2021 3:31:17 PM Post Reply
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The End 24 replies
Posted by jimincalif 1/8/2021 5:36:36 PM Post Reply
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Cal ISO Issues Stage 3 Emergency Notice,
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Posted by jimincalif 8/14/2020 11:39:48 PM Post Reply
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — The California Independent System Operator Friday declared a statewide Stage 3 Electrical Emergency due to high heat and increased electricity demand — initiating rotating outages throughout the state — for the first time since 2001. “Several days ago we started seeing the weather forecast and we knew this was going to be a uniquely excessive, very hot heat wave,” Ann Gonzales, of Cal, ISO said.
"By Any Means Necessary": New Boise billboard touts
Black, Brown contributions to America
35 replies
Posted by jimincalif 8/14/2020 10:01:14 AM Post Reply
Commuters driving into downtown Boise the morning of Aug. 13 may have seen a new colorful billboard sign that reads “Black & Brown Folks Built This Country / (And We’re Doing It Again) / Join Us Or Get Out Of The Way.” It’s a strong phrase, and activist/organizer Tanisha Jae Newton said they are radically unapologetic about it. “This message is for folks within impacted communities to know that people recognize them and see them and their power,” said Newton. “These communities need hope and empowerment.”
It's Time for Trump to Come Home to His Voters 6 replies
Posted by jimincalif 5/8/2020 8:02:55 PM Post Reply
Historians recognize some U.S. presidential elections as realignment elections — elections that fundamentally alter and reconfigure the various voting constituencies of our major political parties. The 2016 presidential election was one such realignment election. The preexisting blue-red partisan split was, at its core, deeply artificial: Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party had merely been operating along slightly different points within a broader mutually shared neoliberal paradigm.
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Posted by jimincalif 5/8/2020 12:12:59 PM Post Reply
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L.A. Mayor Bass: Lack of Consequences
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Posted by ladydawgfan 8/27/2023 12:00:47 AM Post Reply
On Friday’s broadcast of “The Issue Is,” Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass stated that the issue of retail theft in the city has “nothing to do” with a lack of consequences for crime in the city and “things like this happen” when there are profits. Bass said, “Well, you know what, things like this happen when there [are] profits to be made, and law enforcement put the task force together that I’m supportive of, and it has a number of different agencies, the city attorney, the district attorney, etc., all at the table. And I will tell you that, just the other day, they made eleven arrests.
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Posted by Imright 8/26/2023 2:12:43 PM Post Reply
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“No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten
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Posted by 4250Luis 8/27/2023 7:26:16 AM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that InfoWars published insider information that alleges the TSA and US Border Patrol will be moving back to 2020-era COVID-19 mandates and restrictions starting in mid-September through mid-October, to include mask mandates on all flights. This is in addition to the confirmed mask-mandate reinstatement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA, and Lionsgate Studios in Santa Monica, CA.
New Hampshire Secretary of State Weighs
Using 14th Amendment to Keep Trump Off Ballot
27 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2023 1:55:50 PM Post Reply
New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan (R) is consulting with the state attorney general to determine if the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment empowers him to keep former President Donald Trump off the 2024 presidential ballot. As secretary of state, Scanlan oversees New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary that will take place at the beginning of 2024. However, Scanlan has caught wind of scholars’ recent arguments that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Disqualification Clause prohibits Trump from being on the presidential ballot. As ABC7 Chicago detailed:
Can Any amount of alcohol be beneficial
for our health? Daily Mail put the question
to six leading experts and got Very mixed
answers - as Biden's booze czar considers
crackdown on drinking limits
24 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2023 9:12:58 PM Post Reply revealed this week how the Biden administration was considering slashing alcohol guidelines to just two drinks per week. Dr George Koob, America's alcohol czar, said that evidence had increasingly indicated no amount of alcohol was good for human health. Yet every year, studies hint that when consumed in moderation, there may be mild benefits to drinking alcohol. The theories range from booze acting as a way to de-stress to health benefits gained from consuming the antioxidants in wine, but none of these have ever been proven definitively. We put the question of whether any amount of alcohol can be beneficial to six experts —
Must Be Nice: Hunter Biden Has Moved Into
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Posted by Imright 8/27/2023 8:23:28 AM Post Reply
While Democrats and the media are giddy over Trump being treated like a common criminal, President Biden’s son Hunter has been moved into a Malibu home that costs a stunning $15,800 per month. Hunter’s taxpayer funded Secret Service detail is living in a nearby home with a similar price tag. Hunter must be selling a lot of those high-priced paintings these days. The Daily Mail reports: EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden moves into $15,800-a-month Malibu home with wife Melissa and son Beau – as Secret Service hunkers down across the road in taxpayer-funded crash pad
Canada's foreign affairs minister Melanie
Joly says she's keeping an eye on US in
case it becomes 'authoritarian regime'
after 2024 election
21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2023 10:50:14 PM Post Reply
A Canadian lawmaker has revealed a 'game-plan' is being devised on how to respond if the US becomes a far-right, authoritarian regime, following the presidential election. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says Canada is keeping a close eye on who is going to be America's next leader, the National Post reports. 'We are certainly working on scenarios,' Joly told a Montreal radio station in French during an interview this week. 'In general, there is our game plan, precisely to be able to manage what could be a rather difficult situation.
Was New York’s 2022 General Election Valid? 21 replies
Posted by Imright 8/26/2023 6:02:14 PM Post Reply
I have a reason for hope, for all of America. Our founders defined a profound national identity for us to be and become, in our Declaration of Independence. They said: 1. We are created beings, living in a miraculous world. 2. Each of our unique lives is equally significant in the eyes of our Creator. 3. No government can claim authority over us as long as we adhere to the laws we consent to be governed by. They also provided a toolkit for maintaining this national identity. Right now we need to be looking in that toolkit for every peaceable remedy to defeat
Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows
He is Not a Registered Republican, and
Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate
in 2016
21 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/26/2023 3:39:00 PM Post Reply
In a recent revelation, GOP presidential candidate Hirsh Singh has brought to light controversial details concerning Vivek Ramaswamy’s political affiliations and voting history. Documentation obtained from the Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections suggests that Ramaswamy is not a registered Republican but, rather, a registered “Unaffiliated” voter. In an X post (formerly Twitter), Singh wrote, “Per documentation received by Vivek Ramswamy’s Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections Vivek is not a registered Republican, but Registered Unaffiliated and never voted in a Republican Primary in his entire life.”
‘Trump is a brother now’: Did Trump’s
black support just SKYROCKET overnight?
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 8/26/2023 8:54:19 PM Post Reply
It appears that black support for former President Trump is skyrocketing in the wake of his surrender in Fulton County, followed by his booking and a now-infamous mugshot. Now viral video of Trump’s motorcade reportedly rolling through urban Atlanta showed black residents lining the streets to cheer him on and offering their support yelling, “Free Trump!” [Video] As Trump turned himself in on Thursday, “Blacks for Trump” also lined the street outside of the Fulton County jailhouse. The organization’s founder, Maurice Symonette, spoke to Rolling Out about the group showing up to the jail to support the former president. “Why are you all out here in Atlanta to support Trump?"
Court Rules Biological Man Allowed In Sorority 19 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/27/2023 6:11:55 AM Post Reply
A federal district court ruled Friday that a national sorority organization did not violate its own bylaws by allowing a biological man to live in a sorority house and dismissed the complaint from sorority sisters, according to court documents. Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) sorority sisters sued the national organization in March for admitting a biological male into the University of Wyoming chapter, alleging that the national organization violated its bylaws and that 6 foot 2 biological male Artemis Langford, who identifies as trans, watched women in the house get undressed.
Legendary Guitarist Carlos Santana Blasted
As 'Anti-Trans' After Making Scientifically
Accurate Statement
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/26/2023 3:29:59 PM Post Reply
Carlos Santana is a rock music legend and an absolutely fantastic guitar player, one of the greatest of all time. Since he’s Latino, you’d think he would have a few extra layers of immunity from the rabid online cancel culture mob, but alas, all of that is forgotten when you dare to make a scientifically accurate statement that bursts the LGBTQ community’s bubble of delusion. The “T” in “LGBTQ” stands for transgender, by the way. According to Breitbart News, the media is now slamming Santana as “anti-transgender” because he stated the clear biological truth that “a woman is a woman and a man is a man” during one of his recent
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