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Posts on Sunday, July 10, 2022

Prince George steals the show during Wimbledon debut replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 11:07:29 PM Post Reply
It wouldn’t be a British sporting event without a young royal’s silly faces stealing the show. The eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton made a surprise appearance at the Wimbledon finals on Sunday, weeks after his little brother, Prince Louis, went viral for his wacky expressions at the Queen’s Jubilee. The 8-year-old royal joined his parents in the royal box during the men’s finals and was seen pulling funny faces throughout the match. Dressed in a blue suit, Prince George sat between the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Exclusive: 10K Migrants Cross into Texas
Border Town in Six Days
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:55:07 PM Post Reply
EAGLE PASS, Texas — One Texas border town now leads the nation in migrant crossings and apprehensions. Nearly 10,000 migrants illegally crossed the border into Eagle Pass, Texas, during the past six days, according to a source operating under the umbrella of U.S Customs and Border Protection. Once a city with fewer migrant apprehensions than most other southwest border cities, Eagle Pass is now ground zero for the Biden administration’s continuing border crisis. The source says migrant apprehensions in the city numbered nearly 10,000 over a six-day period ending on July 9 making it the leading crossing point in the nation for migrants.
Biden Blames Republicans For Soaring Gas Prices replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:43:39 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden blamed Republicans for soaring gas prices in a Sunday tweet, moving on from the “Putin-price hike” shtick. Biden attempted to shift blame onto Republicans as a way to drive up support amongst voters for the November midterms. “Republicans are doing nothing but obstructing our efforts to crack down on gas-price gouging, lower food prices, lower healthcare costs, and hopefully, soon, lower your prescription drug costs,” Biden tweeted. “This is not right. And that’s why this election is going to be so darn important.” (Tweet)
Illinois Top Democrat Spent Millions
Meddling in GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Posted by formerNYer 7/10/2022 10:31:31 PM Post Reply
On June 28, Illinois held its gubernatorial primary election, which featured several Republican candidates, including Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin, State Senator Darren Bailey, and political outsider Jesse Sullivan. Irvin, a popular local official who happens to be black, had been the favorite among the GOP candidates. But a funny thing happened in the months leading up to the vote. When the ballots were tallied, Irvin ended up in third place, well behind Bailey and the upstart Sullivan.
“We Have No Plan for This Except Sitting
Around Hoping He Dies” – NBC Panelists
Are Openly Wishing for Trump’s Death (Video)
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:17:23 PM Post Reply
Earlier today on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd MSNBC hack accidentally slipped up and said the silent part out loud. Democrats and Never-Trumpers want Trump dead. During a discussion on whether President Trump will run again in 2024 one of the guests, Mark Leibovich, admitted Democrats have no plan for Trump’s three-peat except hoping he dies. Mark Leibovich: “Look we have no plan for this, except sitting around hoping [Trump] dies.”
Twitter hires top Delaware law firm Watchell,
Lipton Rosen & Katz to sue Elon Musk for
pulling out of $44bn bid to buy the social
media firm
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:13:48 PM Post Reply
Twitter has hired a heavy-hitting Delaware-based law firm to sue Elon Musk for backing out of his $44billion deal to buy the company. The social media giant hired the Watchell, Lipton Rosen & Katz, and plans to file suit against Musk early this week, Bloomberg reported. The hiring of Wachtell gives the company access to lawyers Leo Strine and Bill Savitt, who previously served as Chancellors of the Delaware Chancery Court where the lawsuit would be heard. Delaware's chancery courts deal with non-jury proceedings overseen by judges known as chancellors.
Someday, Maybe, a Canadian Reckoning replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/10/2022 9:25:45 PM Post Reply
According to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his chief accountant Chrystia Freeland, runaway inflation and the recession it announces are something of a godsend. Price increases, she said in a recent address, are “a reminder of why climate action is so important, and why we have to work…faster towards a green economy.” The benefits, according to this authority, are clear: More green energy, lower prices. The claim is so fatuous as to induce intellectual migraine. Over the last few hours, I have been reviewing our last week’s expenditures and current financial status, and I find the red column expanding faster than Freeland’s race to Green:
Albany TV anchor Heather Kovar suspended
after slurring through broadcast
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 9:13:17 PM Post Reply
Albany TV news anchor Heather Kovar shocked viewers over the weekend when she slurred her words and appeared disheveled during an evening broadcast—and the station told The Post on Sunday that she has been suspended from her job. The CBS 6 anchor was jittery and wide-eyed during her Saturday segments and at times incoherent. At one point while trying to pivot between segments, Kovar said, “And so, moving on tonight, is we have to tell you also, you know, like other news that’s happening in the area, and across the area, in the nation.”(Snip)She quickly changed subjects during the report, too, saying bizarrely, “Well, hello! Good afternoon!
WATCH: 150-Strong Chicago Mob Attacks
Trooper’s Vehicle, Breaks Windshield
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 8:47:02 PM Post Reply
Illinois State Police (ISP) are investigating mob violence against a trooper that happened early Sunday in Chicago. The incident happened just prior to 2:00 a.m. at Division Street and Elston Avenue, ISP said in a social media post on Tuesday: An ISP trooper was driving southbound on I-90 near Division St. and noticed congestion on the exit ramp and eastbound traffic on Division completely stopped. When the trooper approached the intersection of Division and Elston there were several vehicles blocking the intersection and people engaging in reckless driving stunts. A mob of approximately 100 people surrounded the trooper’s squad car, jumping on its hood, shattering the windshield, kicking
Messaging Perfection: The political ad
that reduced leftists to childish insults
Posted by DVC 7/10/2022 8:35:14 PM Post Reply
We call it "messaging perfection" when you can cross an invisible line and make several unassailable points that the anti-liberty left can't touch without resorting to childish insults. If you haven't seen the ad, here it is in all its glory: Aside from quibbling over the loading of just 28 rounds into a 30-round magazine and a spotless kitchen that puts us to shame, the advert is perfect in that it takes on the far left's gun confiscation agenda head-on with a bit of history. It's a one-two punch of perfection that inspired YouTuber Johnny B' to say that he laughed until he cried when watching it.
Liz Cheney's Latest Fans: Democratic Donors replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/10/2022 8:32:14 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — As one of the nation’s biggest Democratic donors, film producer Jeffrey Katzenberg helped make Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton into Hollywood darlings. But this year, he is backing a surprise candidate: Rep. Liz Cheney, the staunchly conservative Wyoming Republican. (Snip) To help Cheney bolster her chances in Wyoming’s upcoming Republican primary — she is facing a Trump-backed opponent — Katzenberg and his wife have donated more than $43,000 to her campaign and groups supporting her. Katzenberg said his contributions went beyond that sum but declined to provide further details, saying only that he was talking up Cheney, the
Judge stops Idaho university from punishing
Christian students for opposing gay marriage
Posted by Beardo 7/10/2022 6:45:11 PM Post Reply
A judge issued a temporary block to a university policy that censored three Christian students who had expressed opposition to same-sex marriage on religious grounds. (snip) According to the lawsuit, the students attended an LGBT event on campus with the intention of representing a biblical perspective on marriage and sexual ethics. When a student asked them about their views, they offered their perspectives and gave the unnamed student a note expressing an interest in continuing the dialogue. Instead of the conversation continuing, the three students were given “no-contact orders,” which barred them from further communication with the student that they had dialogued with.
Yosemite fire grows as crews protect iconic sequoias replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 6:20:27 PM Post Reply
WAWONA, Calif. — A wildfire threatening the largest grove of giant sequoias in Yosemite National Park more than doubled in size in a day, and firefighters were working in difficult terrain Sunday to protect the iconic trees and a small mountain town. Campers and residents near the blaze were evacuated but the rest of the sprawling park in California remained open, though heavy smoke obscured scenic vistas and created unhealthy air quality. “Today it's actually the smokiest that we’ve seen,” Nancy Phillipe, a Yosemite fire information spokesperson, said Sunday. “Up until this morning, the park has not been in that unhealthy category, but that is where we are now.”
Buttigieg on Kavanaugh Restaurant Protesters:
‘People Are Upset’
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 5:52:08 PM Post Reply
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on this week’s broadcast of Fox News Sunday that it was appropriate for demonstrators to protest outside a restaurant where Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was dining. Buttigieg said, “You’re never going to be free from criticism or peaceful protests, people exercising their First Amendment rights, and that That’s what happened in this case. Remember, the justice never even came into contact with these protesters, reportedly didn’t see or hear them. And these protesters are upset because a right, an important right that the majority of Americans support, was taken away.”
US vehicle safety watchdog investigating
Tesla crash that killed 2 in Florida
Posted by mc squared 7/10/2022 5:38:26 PM Post Reply
The US federal vehicle auto watchdog dispatched investigators to probe yet another Tesla crash — this time one along Interstate 75 in Florida that killed two people last week. A Special Crash Investigations team was sent to probe the fatal collission Wednesday, where a 2015 model year Tesla hit the back of a semi-trailer at a rest area near Gainesville, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Friday. The agency would not divulge if the Tesla was using the company’s partially automated driving technology. The vehicle was traveling on Interstate 75 about 2 p.m. Wednesday when, for an unknown reason, it careened into a rest area.
Breaking: Trump Waives Executive Privilege
— Steve Bannon Willing to Testify Before
Sham Jan. 6 Committee of “Thugs and
Hacks” — It's About To Get Real!
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 5:29:56 PM Post Reply
Things are about to GET REAL! President Donald Trump reportedly waived Executive Privilege and will allow Steve Bannon to speak to Liz Cheney and the sham January 6 Committee. War Room engineer Grace Chong broke the news this morning on GETTR. Grace Chong: “President Trump waived Executive privilege on Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon’s attorney Robert Costello letter to Bernie Thompson below requesting to set a date for Bannon to appear to testify publicly
An Auschwitz Survivor Blesses His Grandson's Marriage replies
Posted by Timber Queen 7/10/2022 5:25:45 PM Post Reply
My wife, daughter, and I traveled east last week to go to a wedding. Before we headed back home, we went to visit my aunt. (snip) The conversation at one point turned very serious. She said, “When I think back on the 20th century and what event struck me the most, I must say that it was the Holocaust. The newspapers and newsreels were filled with it day after day.” My aunt was a teenager at the end of the war, a time in which deep and lasting impressions are made.
Stelter Allows Former Ministry of Truth
Head to Spread Disinformation
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 5:18:48 PM Post Reply
On Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, host Brian Stelter spent the opening monologue of his show in a tizzy over the amount of disinformation on the internet and in American politics in general. So naturally, Stelter decided to bring the former head of President Joe Biden's Ministry of Truth Nina Jankowicz to help her rehabilitate her image. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Jankowicz spread disinformation herself during the interview.
Biden urges women to keep protesting abortion
ruling during Delaware bike ride
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 5:11:33 PM Post Reply
President Biden on Sunday encouraged women to keep protesting the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade — and said he was mulling declaring a public health emergency to free up federal resources for abortion access. “Keep protesting. Keep making your point. It’s critically important,” Biden, who was on a bike ride near his family’s Delaware beach house, told those who have been demonstrating against the June 24 ruling. Biden, 79, also said that he asked his staff “whether I have the authority” to announce the health emergency and what the impact would be,
Trump Influence 'Diminishing,' GOP Governor
Hogan Points to Primary Losses
Posted by Beardo 7/10/2022 4:42:04 PM Post Reply
Maryland's Governor Larry Hogan, a Republican, assessed Sunday that Donald Trump's "influence is diminishing," pointing to significant primary losses by GOP candidates endorsed by the former president. Hogan has long been critical of Trump, with the GOP governor repeatedly clashing publicly with the ex-president throughout his White House tenure. Following the 2020 election and the pro-Trump January 6, 2021 attack against the U.S. Capitol, Hogan has condemned the former president's election lies and his efforts to subvert democracy.
Floating Abortion Clinic Proposed Off
U.S. Coast to Avoid State Bans
Posted by Beardo 7/10/2022 4:36:32 PM Post Reply
A California doctor is planning to offer abortions on a "floating clinic" in the Gulf of Mexico to circumvent state bans on the procedure. (snip) The plan is for the ship to act as a "comprehensive" reproductive health clinic with a full team of licensed health care providers offering surgical abortions up to 14 weeks, contraception and other care to patients living in states where such services are restricted, according to its website. "Those in the most southern parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Texas may be closer to the coast than to facilities in bordering states where abortion and reproductive health care are available," the website states.
Biden Will Pledge $100 Million to Palestinian
Hospitals, Sources Say
Posted by NorthernDog 7/10/2022 4:11:41 PM Post Reply
When President Biden visits the Middle East this week, he will pledge $100 million in funding to Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem, five Israeli officials told Axios. Two sources said that the president has asked Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates to match the funding pledge, which Axios described as an effort to engage the nations with the Israeli-Palestinian issue. On Saturday, the UAE announced $25 million in aid to Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem, but the other two Gulf countries have not given the White House any funding commitments. The Biden administration likewise asked Israel to provide
The Rise of Hispanic Religious Republicans replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/10/2022 3:53:11 PM Post Reply
The New York Times is famous for its anthropological studies of conservatives — what wags have called “gorillas in the mist” coverage. The newspaper’s latest anthropological installment is “The Rise of the Far-Right Latina.” That smearing label tells us less about the three Hispanic Texas Republicans profiled in the piece than it does the paper’s hysterical liberal bias and the left’s general obtuseness. Even prosaic conservatism, grounded in the country’s history and traditions, qualifies as “far-right” to woke reporters like Jennifer Medina, who never bothers to examine in the article the “far-left” character of the Democratic Party and progressive movement that is driving Hispanics into the arms of the GOP.
Our ‘High Noon’ Has Come replies
Posted by DW626 7/10/2022 3:50:40 PM Post Reply
Many years ago, when Roger Ebert reported John Wayne’s comment about the great movie “High Noon,” I was surprised. “What a piece of you-know-what that was,” Wayne said. “Here’s a town full of people who have ridden in covered wagons all the way across the plains, fightin’ off Indians and drought and wild animals in order to settle down and make themselves a homestead. And then when three no-good bad guys walk into town and the marshal asks for a little help, everybody in town gets shy. If I’d been the marshal, I would have been so goddamned disgusted with those chicken-livered yellow sons
New Survey Reveals Significant Doubts
About Masks And Vaccines
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2022 3:24:22 PM Post Reply
Asked to look back at the pandemic and assess public health recommendations aimed at limiting Covid-19 spread, only about half of Americans now think masks and vaccines have been very effective or extremely effective. That's the finding of a new Pew Research survey of more than 10,000 adults, which provides insights into Americans' thinking about many aspects of the pandemic. Only 48% think "wearing masks around other people indoors" has been extremely or very effective; 23% give masks a lukewarm "somewhat effective" grade. Defying two years of public health preaching, 28% say they're either "not too" or "not at all effective."
Bannon initiates talks with January 6
panel on testifying over Capitol attack
Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2022 3:04:58 PM Post Reply
Steve Bannon, the onetime strategist to Donald Trump who was involved in the former president’s efforts to invalidate his defeat in the 2020 election, has opened discussions with the House January 6 select committee about testifying to the inquiry into the Capitol attack. The offer of cooperation could mark a breakthrough for the panel, which has sought Bannon’s testimony for months, believing he could provide unique insight into the inner-workings of Trump’s unlawful push to stop the congressional certification of his loss to Joe Biden from taking place. Bannon signalled in an email to the select committee, first obtained by the Guardian, that he was prepared to initiate discussions
VP Kamala Harris accuses Texas Gov. Greg
Abbott of 'flame throwing' for defying
Biden and ordering arrest of illegal migrants:
Suggests the 'so-called leader should
focus on solution not attacks'
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 2:57:57 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris accused Texas Governor Greg Abbott of 'flame throwing' on Sunday after the Republican official directed state law enforcement officers to round up migrants and send them to federal border crossings. Abbott signed an executive order on Thursday allowing the Texas National Guard and Texas Department of Public Safety to arrest undocumented migrants and return them to the border.(Snip)'I would suggest that so-called leaders focus on solutions instead of attacks if they really are concerned about a problem, and that includes on the issue of immigration,' Harris responded. In a direct jab at Donald Trump, she said the previous presidential administration created 'a badly broken'
Nara police chief admits security failure,
takes responsibility for Shinzo Abe’s death
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 2:42:40 PM Post Reply
The police chief of the prefecture where former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated this week said he bears responsibility for his death. Nara Prefectural police Chief Tomoaki Onizuka said Mr. Abe‘s security personnel followed the lead of the plan he put forward, and he “takes responsibility” for his killing. “I feel the weight of my responsibility,” Mr. Onizuka said at the Saturday press conference. He added: “After the first report of the incident came at 11:30 a.m., and the situation was revealed, it was the height of the guilt and regret I’ve felt in my 27 years in law enforcement.”
When Will GOP Leadership Come
Out and Say It? Biden is a Traitor. He
Must be Impeached, Then Indicted for Treason.
Posted by pros7767 7/10/2022 2:17:47 PM Post Reply
It’s all out in the open now. We have a traitor and suicide bomber in the White House. No one is even bothering to hide it. Biden is clearly a suicide bomber, owned by the Chinese Communist Party and the Mexican Drug Cartel, and put in place to destroy America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, and most importantly, the great American middle class. I learned this plan at Columbia University, Class of ’83, alongside my classmate Barack Obama (who was never actually seen in any class at Columbia- but that’s a story for another day). The plan we learned at Columbia was called “Cloward-Piven.”
Shinzo Abe: Japanese voters back party
of former PM amid shooting fallout
Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2022 1:48:11 PM Post Reply
Japan’s ruling party has won a comfortable victory in elections overshadowed by the assassination of the former prime minister, Shinzo Abe. Exit polls showed that the Liberal Democratic party (LDP), which Abe led until he resigned in 2020, had secured more than half the 125 seats being contested in the 248-seat upper house. The LDP and its junior coalition partner, Komeito, were projected to win more than 63 seats, according to a Kyodo news agency exit poll. The public broadcaster NHK said the parties would win between 69 and 83 seats. The coalition needed to secure 55 seats to retain their majority in the upper house – the less powerfu
The U.S. Has Now Spent More in Ukraine
Than in the First 5 Years in Afghanistan
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 1:43:15 PM Post Reply
The United States is fighting a proxy war in Ukraine against Russian aggression, and we’re not doing it on the cheap. The Biden administration announced on Friday that we were sending another $400 million in military aid to Ukraine. This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed victory over the eastern Luhansk region last week. Putin jumped the gun a little, although Russian troops hold the upper hand throughout most of the region. The problem for Putin is that those pesky Ukrainians refuse to surrender.
Trump Lights It up at Rally in Alaska,
With Humor and Skewering of Joe Biden
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 1:28:56 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump held another “Save America” rally on Saturday, this time in Anchorage, Alaska. (Tweet/Video) Trump didn’t hold back either on politics or the topics of the day. He called out Elon Musk for calling off his effort to buy Twitter. He’s likely now to end up in court on the matter. “Elon. Elon. Elon. He’s not going to buy Twitter,” Trump said after encouraging those in attendance to use a competing social media platform, Truth Social. “And where did you hear that before? From me,” he added.
The Other Special Relationship replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 1:24:36 PM Post Reply
This week, President Joe Biden will visit Israel as part of a longer tour of the Middle East. The visit was stimulated by an invitation in April from former prime minister Naftali Bennett. Just three months later, Biden will face a caretaker government heading for elections and an agenda dominated by high oil prices and hopes of containing Russian influence. Relations with the Palestinian Authority have also been roiled by an inconclusive State Department report about the death of the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Despite these unsettled conditions, we can expect Biden to echo John F. Kennedy in proclaiming a "special relationship"
Soros Gets a Shock When He Tries to Buy
Local Radio Station with Conservative
Latina Behind the Mic
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/10/2022 1:23:45 PM Post Reply
It’s safe to say that Democrats have noticed the recent exodus of large numbers of Hispanic voters from their party. Because they know that in a close election, a one- or two-point shift in the minority vote could sway the outcome of the race, panicked party leaders are looking for ways to stop the bleeding. Master of the universe George Soros, who understands the significance of politics at the local level, has backed a group that plans to purchase 18 conservative Hispanic radio stations for $60 million later this year, according to Fox News. The deal is currently awaiting approval from the Federal Communication Commission.
AP fact-checkers pounce on Shinzo Abe
meme about having info that will lead
to arrest of Hillary
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 1:20:37 PM Post Reply
Corporate media’s efforts to bend over backward to protect the reputations of their favored public figures led some outlets to make themselves the punchline Friday when they saw fit to fact-check a meme that mused a potential connection between the recent assassination of the former prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, and the former secretary of state. Hillary Clinton’s renowned link to mysterious deaths is unsurpassed in the morbid circles of social media humor, and while many would have considered a joke about Abe having dirt on her to fall into the category of “too soon,” the Associated Press demonstrated their stance that the former first lady’s reputation demands protection.
Chicago's 4th of July weekend death toll
surpassed the Highland Park shooting.
'I thought there would be more outcry,'
mother says
Posted by NorthernDog 7/10/2022 12:46:35 PM Post Reply
Angela Gregg's 4-year-old son, Mychal Moultry Jr., known to loved ones as MJ, was killed by a stray bullet while getting his hair braided last year during Labor Day weekend in Chicago's South Side neighborhood Woodlawn. (Snip) Gregg recalls having to move mountains to get any public and media attention on his case. Like many people, she was horrified by what happened in Highland Park, Illinois, on Monday, but she couldn't help but notice the difference in reaction to the tragedy that shattered her world. MJ was Gregg's only child, and in the 10 months since his death, no one
The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda replies
Posted by DVC 7/10/2022 11:41:25 AM Post Reply
“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized The film clearly illustrates the depopulation agenda is not a conspiracy theory. It’s reality, and it’s happening worldwide. The HPV vaccine and the COVID shots also have adverse impacts on fertility that are being ignored
Germany’s Leftist Govt Will Give Residency
to 130,000 Failed Asylum Seekers
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 11:34:23 AM Post Reply
Germany’s leftist coalition government, led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz, has announced it is looking to give residency to some 130,000 failed asylum seekers as part of an overhaul of the country’s immigration system. The government is set to give a one-year residency to migrants who failed in their attempts to claim asylum in Germany but were given so-called tolerance status as the government determined that they were not able to return to their countries of origin.(Snip)German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser commented on the new policy on Wednesday by saying: “We are a diverse immigration country. Now we want to become a better integration country.”
Biden's Descent Continues replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/10/2022 11:32:16 AM Post Reply
The New York Post headline reads “Biden’s approval rating craters to 30% after brutal week.” Reading the same poll, RedState’s Nick Arama comments perceptively on the numbers in “Prepare for the Biden Tantrum.” What more is to be said? The reported poll is one of registered voters. If it were filtered to reflect likely voters, I have to think the results would be slightly worse. On that point, we shall see. I think that every time Biden makes a public appearance he loses ground. He is visibly infirm. He sounds stupid. How many times can he say “Not a joke” without someone giving him the hook. It’s a joke!
3 key lessons my sister with Down syndrome
taught me about life
Posted by Beardo 7/10/2022 11:31:48 AM Post Reply
Looking back on my life and career as a CEO, I can say I’ve had a great number of successes. I’ve been able to lead in ways that made a genuine difference and can put my family first. Some of that’s just a matter of being fearless and working hard. But much of it is because I had an amazing older sister, Beth, with Down syndrome. She taught me three lessons that have had a profound, positive influence on the way I approach the world and life. Those lessons continue to shape my outlook and behavior, and they can do the same for you.
Leftists Offer Reward for Whereabouts
of Justices Who Voted to Overturn Roe
v. Wade
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 11:21:03 AM Post Reply
A leftist group is offering rewards for people to report the whereabouts of specific Supreme Court Justices, according to the New York Post. The justices were those who recently voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the outlet said. “DC Service Industry Workers… If you see Kavanaugh, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney Barrett or Roberts DM us with the details!” ShutDownDC wrote in a social media post on Friday: (Tweet) “We’ll venmo you $50 for a confirmed sighting and $200 if they’re still there 30 mins after your message,” the group added. Social media users offered their opinions regarding the post, one person writing, “The left out here making the right look good.
Pregnant woman given HOV ticket argues
fetus is passenger, post-Roe
Posted by zoidberg 7/10/2022 11:20:41 AM Post Reply
A pregnant Texas woman who was ticketed for driving in the HOV lane suggested that Roe v. Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court means that her fetus counted as a passenger, and that she should not have been cited. Brandy Bottone was recently driving down Central Expressway in Dallas when she was stopped by a sheriff’s deputy at an HOV checkpoint to see whether there were at least two occupants per vehicle as mandated.
Why red states are winning replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/10/2022 11:19:16 AM Post Reply
The numbers are in: Red states are winning the post-COVID economic realignment, reports the Wall Street Journal, and blue states are losing. The overall share of US jobs in red states has jumped more than half a percentage point since February 2020. And red states as a group have not only won back all their pandemic job losses; they’ve added around 341,000 more — even as blue states still face an ugly deficit of 1.3 million jobs as of May. To understand why, look no further than at New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s
Trump complains Biden’s 2020 victory
was ‘mathematically impossible’ in
new documentary 'Unprecedented' - where
ex-president also attacks Facebook and
Twitter as 'thugs' for banning him after
January 6
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 11:12:56 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump claimed Joe Biden's 2020 victory was 'mathematically impossible' and raged about being banned from Twitter and Facebook in footage from the new documentary 'Unprecedented.' The three-episode series was released through Discovery+ overnight on Sunday and follows the ex-president and his family during their controversial last few months in the White House. 'I think I learned with the 2020 election, you have to be very untrusting,' Trump said in the series' third episode according to USA Today. The documentary reportedly shows the former president suggesting the presidential race would be unfair weeks before it actually took place in November,
Revealed: NASA's full picture set from
James Webb Telescope will show detailed
views of stellar nurseries with stars
larger than the sun and a galaxy group
290 million light-years away
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:59:33 AM Post Reply
NASA revealed the James Webb Telescope will target multiple spectacular cosmic objects - including far-flung stellar nurseries, a giant planet outside of our solar system and a galaxy group that's 290-million light-years away - ahead of the release of its first images. The space agency lists five main targets for the $10 billion telescope's first set of full-color scientific images being released on Tuesday, July 12 at 10:30 am EDT. 'Even after working on the program for many years, I’m as excited as everyone else who is anticipating the release of the first beautiful full-color images and data from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope –
Monticello goes woke, besmirches Thomas
Jefferson instead of celebrating Founding
Father’s legacy
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:54:41 AM Post Reply
Former President Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello mansion, now a Virginia tourist attraction, has reportedly gone woke, with employees going out of their way to smear and besmirch the Founding Father instead of celebrating his legacy. Recent reviews on the mansion’s Google page tell the whole story. “I expected more about the life of Jefferson (hence my rating of only 3 stars) and his accomplishments, but it was highly focused on all the aspects of slavery. I loved the grounds and the site itself but expected more about Thomas Jefferson overall accomplishments and his entire life not just his business exploits on the plantation,” one review reads.
NYC Bodega Worker Who Fought Off Ex-Convict
Freed Thanks to Reduced Bail
Posted by Yepper 7/10/2022 10:38:54 AM Post Reply
The Manhattan bodega worker held on a murder charge after an altercation with an ex-convict was freed Thursday thanks to reduced bail. Jose Alba’s family posted the lowered sum with help from his boss following a court hearing, the New York Post reported Thursday. The report continued: Alba, 61, was sent to Rikers Island on a whopping $250,000 bail — half of what prosecutors with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office had requested at his arraignment Saturday night, claiming the worker was a flight risk because of a planned trip to the Dominican Republic next week.
Christians are sick of being punished
for their views in America
Posted by Pinkpanther 7/10/2022 10:33:03 AM Post Reply
It may seem radical to say it these days, but it’s true: America is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. Words from scripture are inscribed on our money and our most hallowed institutions, including Congress, the US Supreme Court and state capitols everywhere. Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges our “Creator” as the being from whom all our rights flow. This does not mean that other religious groups are not welcome in America. Of course they are. People who practice no religion at all are also welcome. But while the First Amendment guarantees the free exercise of religion,
Biden faces doubt over story of 10-year-old
rape victim he used to push abortion order
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:31:56 AM Post Reply
President Biden is facing increasing skepticism after he repeated the horrifying story of a 10-year-old rape victim to push his executive order on abortion — without seeking any evidence that the tale is true. Biden on Friday raged against Ohio’s restrictive abortion law as he referenced the widely reported incident, in which a young girl was allegedly forced to travel across state lines to obtain an abortion after being raped. “Imagine being that little girl,” he said. “I’m serious, just imagine being that little girl. Ten years old!” But hours later,
Shock As 4chan Allegedly Cracks Hunter
Biden’s iCloud Account And Leaks Everything
– We Have Exclusive Photos & Screenshots
After 4Chan Took Down The Content
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/10/2022 10:29:10 AM Post Reply
RUMOURS circulating on social media on Sunday, July 10 suggest that 4chan, an anonymous English-language imageboard website, has apparently cracked Hunter Biden’s iPhone backup password and has begun leaking everything on the site. Senior Editor of Human Events, Jack Posobiec – who recently paid tribute to Dr Zelenko following his death – revealed that “4chan has already created torrents for the Hunter Biden iPhone and iCloud backups and are now seeding them.” He continued: “That means even if 4chan gets shut down the copies will still be out there.”
Report: January 6 Committee Avoids Asking
Cipollone Questions That Could Implicate
Hutchinson in Perjury
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 10:29:07 AM Post Reply
The January 6 Committee avoided asking former White House counsel Pat Cipollone questions about what star witness Cassidy Hutchinson said last month that she heard him say during the Capitol riot, the New York Times has reported. By failing to ask Cipollone to confirm or deny the sensational statements attributed to him — such as that Trump officials could be “charged with every crime imaginable” by going to the Capitol during the riot — they avoided contradicting her. Hutchinson’s testimony, which was entirely based on hearsay, was treated as a major breakthrough for the committee because she appeared to implicate former President Donald Trump and key aides —
Party in the palace: Sri Lankans roam
President's compound, enjoying pillow
fights, the cricket, trying his private
gym and swimming pool – hours before
protestors torched the Prime Minister's
house as President and PM say they will quit
Posted by Ribicon 7/10/2022 10:18:59 AM Post Reply
More video has emerged overnight of Sri Lankan protestors having fun and enjoying themselves after they stormed the President's House and presidential compound on Saturday—until they set alight to the prime minister's residence. The raucous uprising was enough to force the resignation of Sri Lanka's President and Prime Minister, as months of frustration brought on by an unprecedented economic crisis boiled over. As well as holding an impromptu pool party, the protestors enjoyed a sing-along on the president's grand piano, a pillow fight in the prime minister's bedrooms, and even made time for a spot of weight-lifting in the president's private gym.(Snip)Hundreds of thousands of people
These Biden voters regret their 2020 choice
18 months into presidency
Posted by Moritz55 7/10/2022 9:46:52 AM Post Reply
Three people – a Black man, a trans woman and a homeless mother – all regret voting for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, each with unique reasoning. "I feel like I've been lied to by the media telling us Biden is the answer to all the country's problems," Mikaela Stekly told Fox News. "That's what I saw him as when I voted for him." "And they made [former President] Trump kind of the bad guy in the media, but things were a lot better when he was president," Stekly, a homeless single mother who blamed the president for her financial struggles, continued.
'I told you so': MacArthur called it 70
years ago
Posted by PageTurner 7/10/2022 9:23:48 AM Post Reply
As a young lieutenant in the U.S. Army, Douglas MacArthur served as an aide-de-camp to his father, General Arthur MacArthur, and visited Japan, China, Burma, India, Ceylon, Singapore, Java, and other Asian lands. In Reminiscences, his memoirs, MacArthur recalled: "We were nine months in travel, traversing countless miles of lands so rich in color, so fabled in legend, so vital to history that the experience was without doubt the most important factor of preparation in my entire life." MacArthur claimed to have foreseen his "destiny" in the "lands of the western Pacific and Indian Ocean." He wrote that "the future and, indeed, the very existence
Just how important is 'action on climate
change' to the world's general public?
Posted by PageTurner 7/10/2022 9:17:24 AM Post Reply
Over on LinkedIn, climate rationalist Bjorn Lomberg posted an interesting chart showing just how important global warming and climate change issues were to the world's public, citing a huge survey of 10 million conducted by the United Nations. The chart is here: (Snip for chart) The president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center was linking a peer-reviewed article he'd written, published at Science Direct, on the problems of climate change, in that the costs of its proposed solutions vastly outweigh the benefits of various state and corporate measures. That's a highly relevant topic in light of the collapse of the Sri Lankan government yesterday,
Breaking: Woke female Army soldier questions
loyalty to United States after Roe reversal
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 7/10/2022 9:14:25 AM Post Reply
A female US Army soldier took to TikTok to question her loyalty to the United States after the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade. "How am I supposed to wake up every day and put on a freaking uniform that says United States Army when the United States doesn't even give a rat's ass about me," the soldier said. In 2019, the Army advised soldiers not to use TikTok on government-owned phones, citing national security risks from the Chinese app. China-based employees also have access to US user data.
The Rise of Hispanic Religious Republicans replies
Posted by GustoGrabber 7/10/2022 8:35:19 AM Post Reply
The New York Times is famous for its anthropological studies of conservatives — what wags have called “gorillas in the mist” coverage. The newspaper’s latest anthropological installment is “The Rise of the Far-Right Latina.” That smearing label tells us less about the three Hispanic Texas Republicans profiled in the piece than it does the paper’s hysterical liberal bias and the left’s general obtuseness. Even prosaic conservatism, grounded in the country’s history and traditions, qualifies as “far-right” to woke reporters like Jennifer Medina, who never bothers to examine in the article the “far-left” character of the Democratic Party and progressive movement that is driving Hispanics into the arms of the GOP.
“He Was the Only One to Have the Balls
to Take on the Fake Media… and Hillary
Clinton” – Sarah Palin on President
Trump in 2016 Race
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 7:32:13 AM Post Reply
Sarah Palin shares why she supported candidate Trump early on in the 2016 Election. “There wa only one who wasn’t a politician thank the Lord. That was Donald Trump. And I knew out of all of them, because I knew them all. He was the only one to have the balls to take on the fake media, fake news [pointing at the media] and to take on Hillary Clinton. And he did it for you. He did it.” (Tweet/Video)
Latest Video Of Biden Botchery Should
Scare The Heck Out Of All Of Us [WATCH]
Posted by LoveYourCountry 7/10/2022 7:03:41 AM Post Reply
For so many Americans, particularly over the past ten years or so, politics is viewed as some sort of a game. You’re not voters, you’re fans, only the battle isn’t on a baseball field or a hockey rink, it’s within our government. It’s a phenomenon that has become increasingly evident on both sides of the political spectrum but is clearly more prevalent with our friends on the left. Just like we see with our favorite sports teams, so it is with our favorite political party or ideology. Perhaps next to a Georgia Bulldogs National Championship bumper sticker, we see a Biden-Harris decal displayed with equal pride.
While SCOTUS is at It, The National Firearms
Act is Largely Unconstitutional
Posted by Hazymac 7/10/2022 7:00:50 AM Post Reply
During Prohibition, Al Capone’s Chicago gang made the Thompson submachine gun a symbol of gang violence. The “Chicago Typewriter” could empty a hundred-round drum magazine in under ten seconds, and make headlines, while occasionally perforating both targets and bystanders. Congress saw an opportunity to “do something,” and “wasn’t willing to let a ‘crisis’ go to waste.” The ultimate result is the National Firearms Act of 1934 (“NFA”), which was later amended by the Gun Control Act of 1968 (“GCA”). The net result is that certain firearms and firearm-related items have seriously disfavored status, completely unrelated to anything having to do with crime or Constitution. The NFA states that for
Anatomy of a Really Vile Bit of Propaganda replies
Posted by DW626 7/10/2022 4:52:45 AM Post Reply
Last week at American Thinker, in discussing the Dobbs case, I prophesied, “and if your media sources resemble those I’ve seen, the moral angle will be played to the hilt with stories of exceptional cases being treated as the rule.” How right I was, as the story of a 10-year-old who was raped and had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get an abortion was highlighted in multiple media everywhere and used to discredit the Supreme Court justices who decided Dobbs and pro-life politicians.
Biden Admin Spends $1.5 Million on ‘Transgender
Programming’ for Inmates
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 3:50:45 AM Post Reply
The left is becoming more aggressive at pushing their transgender agenda on society, and it doesn’t seem like they’re going to stop forcing their woke narrative any time soon. In fact, prisoners will now have luxurious options when it comes to “transitioning,” and all paid for by the American people, of course. The Department of Justice (DOJ) entered a $1.5 million contract with a private company to develop a “transgender programming curriculum” to be used in prisons across the U.S.
13 Times Joe Biden Was Involved in Family
Business Corruption
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 3:39:53 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was involved in his corrupt family business at least 13 times over nine years. While Joe Biden and his staff have claimed seven times the president has had no part in the family business, overwhelming evidence suggests Joe Biden has not just been involved in the family business but has played a key role with his son Hunter and brother James. The evidence includes photos of Joe Biden meeting family business partners, Hunter’s former business partner’s testimony about Joe Biden’s involvement, Joe Biden flying to foreign countries to meet with Hunter’s business partners, and a voice recording of Joe Biden calling Hunter about a Chinese business deal.
Liz Cheney Funded by Obama, Hillary Donors
in GOP Primary
Posted by Imright 7/10/2022 3:37:52 AM Post Reply
Many of the Democrat political elites are funding Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) reelection bid in Wyoming’s Republican primary against Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman. While polling shows Hageman has taken a huge lead with the primary just around the corner, the American donor class has taken notice of Cheney’s shrinking chances of retaining her seat on August 16. Fearing Cheney may lose through a series of political miscalculations, establishment donors are coming out of the woodwork to protect one of their own.
Donald Trump Broke These People replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/10/2022 3:33:11 AM Post Reply
Back in 2019 I wrote a piece entitled, “Trump Tourette’s” about the unhinged reactions you get from leftists anytime you mention the 45th President of the United States. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a MAGA hat or casually explaining to someone how to play euchre, any even tangential mention of his last name set off leftists in an uncontrollable rage. That hasn’t changed in the three years since, but a new phenomenon has come along to join this affliction – Trump Withdrawal. Where Trump Tourette’s causes involuntary ramblings and frothing at the mouth, Trump Withdrawal causes those afflicted to make every single thing they can about Donald John Trump.
Prepare for the Biden Tantrum: These Are
the Lowest Poll Numbers Yet
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/10/2022 2:19:31 AM Post Reply
The Biden team declared that the problem was just messaging, that they were going to have Joe Biden go out and talk more. Biden had allegedly complained that his people were undercutting him by trying to walk back when he gaffed or said something that wasn’t true; he didn’t want them to do that anymore. So, how has that approach worked out for them? He already hit his lowest average poll number, according to Real Clear Politics, about a week ago at 38 percent approval. But now Biden has reached his lowest poll number ever. His number in the Civiqs poll just hit 30 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval. [Tweet]
Omicron OMG or LOL: New variant, same
old normal?
Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2022 1:00:44 AM Post Reply
Is America prepared for a new COVID-19 variant and the wave of infections it’s causing? Will vaccines hold up against it? More to the point, it’s already upon us … and doesn’t appear to be creating any new issues. That’s not to say that everyone’s sanguine about it. The teachers-union leader that fought to keep schools closed for the better part of two years declared that “Covid isn’t over” (via Twitchy): The Washington Post editorial board declared that the arrival of the latest variant, Omicron BA.5, means that “the finish line in this race is nowhere to be seen”: What’s BA.5? This is the latest subvariant of omicron,
White House Goes Weapons Hot on the Democrat
Base as Divisions Explode Into the Open
Posted by Dreadnought 7/10/2022 12:40:11 AM Post Reply
For my money, the Biden administration has been the most incoherent and disjointed of the modern era, and that qualifier is only included due to a lack of recorded detail prior. Press consternation over the “chaos” inside the former Trump administration seems laughably quaint now, as the current White House sets records for staff turnover. No one seems to know what’s going on, and that includes the president himself. Every public appearance just accentuates the dysfunction. Biden and his handlers are constantly reacting. Leadership and forethought are concepts so foreign that they might as well be of alien origin. Even the brightest minds would have a hard time keeping things
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