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Posts on Sunday, June 12, 2022

Retired four-star general John R. Allen
facing FBI probe resigns from influential
think tank
Posted by Dreadnought 6/12/2022 11:58:07 PM Post Reply
General John R. Allen has stepped down as president of the Brookings Institution after he was accused of lying and obstructing an FBI probe connected to an illegal lobbying campaign for Qatar. The retired four-star Marine, who became Brookings president in 2017, said in his resignation letter that he leaves the research institute with a “heavy heart,” according to Responsible Statecraft. “I know it is best for all concerned in this moment,” he said in his resignation letter that was obtained and posted by the online magazine of the Quincy Institute, which advocates for diplomacy and military restraint. The departure comes after he was placed on leave by Brookings Wednesday following explosive
Senate Gun Deal Looks OK [Updated] replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/12/2022 11:51:26 PM Post Reply
A bipartisan group of senators have announced an agreement on gun legislation. I am not sure whether their deal has been reduced to legislative language, and I don’t know whether it will get through the Senate, or whether Democrats in the House will vote for it. (If I were a Democrat, I would think that the deal is extremely weak, and its main effect may be to take gun control off the table in November.) As summarized by the senators’ press release (link above), the deal sounds pretty good to me. There is no foolishness about “assault weapons.” It includes a focus on mental health, recognizing
Kinzinger: If Trump Believes 2020 Election
Was Stolen, He’s Not Mentally Capable
to Be President
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 11:06:09 PM Post Reply
Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation” that if former President Donald Trump truly believed he won the 2020 presidential election, he was not mentally capable of being president. Partial transcript as follows: JOHN DICKERSON: Let me ask you about one of the findings on Thursday evening, one of the things we were shown for the first time is several people close to the president telling him there was no widespread fraud, he was going to lose, that’s what the numbers showed. How many people do you think in his- close to him were sending him that message? KINZINGER: Well, I look, we’re gonna get
Joe Biden Mocks Gun Owners During California
Fundraiser: ‘You’re a Danger to Yourself’
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 11:02:36 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden ridiculed lawful gun owners on Friday evening during a fundraiser with Democrat elites in California.The president spoke at an event in Beverly Hills, California, raising the issue of gun control as a major priority for his administration.During the event, Biden told a story of what it was like when he was campaigning in Delaware after supporting the ban of some semi-automatic weapons and capacity limits on ammunition magazines in the 1990s.Biden explained that when gun owners would approach him and criticize him for trying to take their guns away, he would ridicule them for owning high-capacity semiautomatic rifles.
Biden's Memory Fails Him Again During
a Disastrous 'Summit of the Americas'
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 10:45:41 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s memory appeared to fail him again on Sunday as he gave remarks at the Summit of the Americas. The meeting, being held in California, was attended by a group of Western Hemisphere nations, with corruption and migration, eventually becoming illegal immigration into the United States, taking center stage. In an attempt to pass the buck, Biden forgot the president he used to work for again, a “mistake” he’s made numerous times going back to the 2020 presidential campaign. (Tweet/Video) There are real consequences for real people to having an invalid as President of the United States. That’s become abundantly clear as the Southern Border has descended into chaos
Supreme Court to Decide Historic Cases
on Abortion, Guns, Religious Liberty by July
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 10:40:07 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON, DC – Time is ticking as the Supreme Court has three weeks left on its official calendar to decide 29 cases – including six major cases, half of which are likely historic – or extend its sessions into July, with profound decisions to make on abortion, the Second Amendment, and religious liberty. The Supreme Court’s term begins on the first Monday of October until the first Monday of the following year’s October. But even though the court’s term technically continues throughout the summer and early autumn –
Liz Cheney Uses January 6 Committee for
Political Retaliation, Subpoenas Primary
Opponent’s Campaign Adviser
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 10:36:09 PM Post Reply
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) appears to have used the January 6 committee as a political weapon against her primary opponent. It is no secret that Liz Cheney’s political career as an establishment Republican took a nosedive into oblivion when she sided with the Democrats in their January 6 witch hunt. Since then, her primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, has been trouncing Cheney in the polls and now leads by a whopping 30 points. After a dismal first hearing for the January 6 committee that pulled in just 19 million viewers across the United States, Liz Cheney has now subpoenaed
Jake Paul slams Biden for high gas prices,
inflation, soaring rents and his 'incomprehensible
language' - and says anyone who voted
for him and 'doesn't regret it is the
American problem'
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 10:06:18 PM Post Reply
Controversial YouTuber-turned-boxer Jake Paul has taken to Twitter to air his grievances over President Biden and the state of the economy. Paul posted a direct message aimed at Biden in which he listed reasons as to why the country wasn't doing well and where it was heading. 'Biden accomplishments 1. Highest gas prices 2. Worst inflation 3. Plummeting crypto prices 4. Highest rent prices ever 5. Created new incomprehensible language,' he began. Paul wasn't finished and left a parting shot in his Saturday night message.
'So far, so good': Country star Toby Keith,
60, announces that he has stomach cancer
and has been undergoing chemotherapy since
last year
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 9:59:57 PM Post Reply
Toby Keith announced on Sunday that he had been battling cancer since late last year.In a statement posted to social media, the 60-year-old country music singer shared that he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, which he was battling aggressively with several treatments.Although he was light on details about his current condition and prognosis, he said things were 'So far, so good.' (Photo) 'Last fall I was diagnosed with stomach cancer,' Keith began his statement. 'I've spent the last 6 months receiving chemo, radiation and surgery.'He seemed upbeat about his condition and was looking forward to some down time.
NYC man nabbed in subway slashings had
just been freed after knife dispute with cops
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 9:54:15 PM Post Reply
A Queens man was arrested over the weekend for two random subway slashings in as many days—crimes he allegedly committed after being picked up, then let go, for brandishing a knife at cops. Donny Ubiera, 32, stabbed two straphangers—one in the face and the other in the neck—without provocation in separate incidents Friday and Saturday morning along the Flushing-to-Midtown No. 7 subway line, the NYPD said in a statement. The accused serial slasher had just gotten out of jail Thursday—with a single night of “time served”—for allegedly refusing to put down a large knife when confronted by Queens officers on the street
Navy issues ‘safety pause’ after recent
deadly aircraft crashes
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 9:28:11 PM Post Reply
The Navy has ordered all aircraft to take a one-day “safety pause” after several recent crashes resulted in the deaths of five Marines and a Navy pilot. The pause takes effect on Monday for all non-deployed units to “review risk-management practices” and carry out training on “error-management processes”, the Navy said in a press release on Saturday.(Snip)On Wednesday, five Marines were killed when their MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor aircraft crashed in a remote area of Imperial County around 30 miles north of the Mexican border. The Marines said on Saturday a “mishap” had occurred during a routine flight training exercise.
January 6 committee members claim they
have enough evidence for the DOJ to begin
investigating a criminal indictment for Trump
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 8:12:59 PM Post Reply
Members of the House committee investigating the Capitol riot said Sunday they have uncovered enough evidence for the Justice Department to consider a criminal indictment against Donald Trump for seeking to overturn his 2020 election defeat. 'I would like to see the Justice Department investigate any credible allegation of criminal activity on the part of Donald Trump or anyone else,' said committee member Rep. Adam Schiff.He later added: 'They need to be investigated if there's credible evidence, which I think there is.' The committee held its first public hearing last week, with members laying out their case against Trump
Senators Reach Agreement on Gun Control,
Including Red Flag Laws to Take Guns from
Law-Abiding Americans – Here Are the
10 Republicans Who Joined the Dems
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 8:10:42 PM Post Reply
A group of bipartisan senators on Sunday reached an agreement on principle for gun legislation which includes ‘red flag’ laws. 10 Republicans joined the Democrats and bowed to their demands.“The group on the release includes Republican Sens. John Cornyn of Texas, Thom Tillis and Richard Burr of North Carolina, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.” – CNN reported.
Michael Avenatti to plead guilty in remaining
criminal cases
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2022 6:58:36 PM Post Reply
Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, has reportedly decided to plead guilty in the remaining criminal cases against him. Avenatti is charged with 36 counts of fraud, embezzlement, perjury, failure to pay taxes, and other financial-related crimes. In a filing before a federal judge in Southern California on Sunday, Avenatti said he wanted to change his plea (to) guilty, setting in motion the end of his criminal litigation.
Emmer tries to temper GOP confidence in
a House rout in the midterms
Posted by voxpopuli 6/12/2022 4:28:29 PM Post Reply
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) knew he had a problem when Newt Gingrich showed up at the House GOP retreat in Florida in March. Gingrich led the 1994 midterm blowout that helped Republicans gain 54 seats and their first majority in 40 years, the type of midterm result that today’s GOP lawmakers seemed to think is possible, given President Biden’s miserable job approval and inflation’s continuing to soar. (snip) “I will tell you from a political standpoint, we’ve looked at this across the country. The issues that matter most to the people out there are inflation and the economy,” he said.
Regrets? Not Really replies
Posted by earlybird 6/12/2022 4:21:34 PM Post Reply
There’s a bit of a buzz today because of a NYT times article on Saturday that more or less throws Zhou under the bus. It seems Dems don’t want him to run again in 2024—that’s for those who missed that he “ran” in 2020. But most of the quotes of Dems from the article—(snip) indicate little in the way of regret in any substantive way. Yes, they regret that they appear to be headed for a serious shellacking in November and they prefer to put the blame for that on the hapless Zhou. Of course, they don’t accept the reality of their predicament—the real reasons behind it
Democrat Senators Unveil a Dangerously
Asinine Plan to Subvert the Coming Abortion Ruling
Posted by earlybird 6/12/2022 3:53:02 PM Post Reply
Though we can’t know for sure, Monday could finally mark the day that the Dobbs decision, which is reportedly going to overturn Roe v. Wade, is released by the Supreme Court.(snip)far-left groups are already planning to commit what I’ve been assured is an insurrection, surrounding the Supreme Court in an effort to stop it from functioning. (snip) A preview of that happened last night after Democrat senators, including Maggie Hassan and Elizabeth Warren, unveiled a dangerously asinine plan to undermine the coming abortion ruling.(snip) the crazy ranges from using federal funds to fly women out of state for abortions to using the HHS as a national abortion service provider.
The New York Times turns on Biden replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/12/2022 3:38:54 PM Post Reply
It is an axiomatic fact that the mainstream media functions as the propaganda wing for the Washington Democrat establishment. In fact, the news media should not be seen as a separate entity but instead as a department within the Democrat party. Reading an op-ed in the New York Times or the WaPo or watching a show on MSNBC doesn’t provide insight into what the editors or presenter are thinking, but instead what the Democrat Establishment is thinking or wants their voters to think. The NYT was among those who actively promoted Joe Biden during the Presidential contest in 2020 and cheered his ‘victory’
COVID Vaccines Linked to New Type of Incurable,
Fatal Degenerative Brain Disorder
Posted by earlybird 6/12/2022 2:51:47 PM Post Reply
Studies suggest a link between an incurable and fatal prion disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and COVID-19 vaccines. Researchers believe the prion region from the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant’s spike protein was incorporated into mRNA vaccines and adenovirus vector vaccines — given to hundreds of millions of humans — and that it can cause a new type of rapidly progressing sporadic CJD. According to Mayo Clinic, CJD is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death. Although the Omicron variant does not have a prion region on its spike protein, current COVID-19 vaccines still use the genetic material — including the prion region — of the parent Wuhan strain.
Judge Sides With Home Depot After Company
Banned Employees From Wearing BLM
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 1:51:37 PM Post Reply
Home Depot stood up against the left and refused to go woke. And guess what? It worked. A judge sided with Home Depot after the home improvement company banned its employees from wearing Black Lives Matter logos. Administrative law judge Paul Bogas ruled that the complaint raised by the U.S. National Labor Relations Board's (NLRB) general counsel did not have enough legal grounds to advance in court. The complaint came last year after the NLRB accused Home Depot of "selectively and disparately” enforcing workers a dress code that targeted BLM.
Red-Pilled Bill Maher Agrees With Kellyanne
Conway, Slams New York Times for Burying
Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2022 1:46:22 PM Post Reply
Bill Maher is getting more red-pilled by the day, and now the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh or rather the Leftist media’s nothing-to-see-here non-coverage of the attempt took him to new heights of clear-sightedness. On Friday, Maher actually agreed with his guest, Kellyanne Conway, that the New York Times’ coverage of the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life was a clear indication that the Times and its establishment media allies are not news outlets but simply propaganda arms for the hard Left. Has Bill Maher been replaced, invasion-of-the-body-snatchers style, by a conservative double?
Bipartisan Group of Democrat and RINO
Senators Come to Agreement on Electoral
Count Act — Will Require 20% of Congress
to Challenge a State’s Electoral Votes
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 1:46:16 PM Post Reply
The Electoral Count Act is a proposed United States federal law that adjusts the procedures set out in the US Constitution for the counting of electoral votes following a presidential election. The Act was first enacted by Congress in 1887, ten years after the disputed 1876 presidential election, in which several states submitted competing slates of electors and a divided Congress was unable to resolve the deadlock for weeks.Via Wikipedia — Under the Twelfth Amendment, the vice president
Flashback: Never Forget — FBI Admitted
to Running Operatives in the Crowd at
the US Capitol – It was a SETUP (Video)
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 1:42:17 PM Post Reply
American Stasi --The FBI admitted in September 2021 to The New York Times that they had informants and operatives inside groups attending the January 6 rallies in Washington DC. This never made it into the January 6 Committee’s public show trial of President Trump and his MAGA movement last Thursday night. The FBI finally admitted they infiltrated the Jan. 6 rallies with informants. In fact, one of the first “protesters” inside the US Capitol was an FBI informant.
UK leaders warn Prince Charles to stay
out of politics after comments on asylum-seekers policy
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 1:38:05 PM Post Reply
A royal rift is growing between Britain’s government leaders and the nation’s future king after Prince Charles reportedly called the controversial new policy to send asylum seekers to Rwanda “appalling.” Members of United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s cabinet have warned the Prince of Wales to stop meddling in public policy over fears that a political king would cause a constitutional crisis, according to The Sunday Times. The royals released a statement in response to the admonishment Saturday stating Charles, 73, would be “politically neutral” when he inherits the throne, even as courtiers said the prince intends to be more forward in stating his views than his mother
3 men try stealing $4,200 liquor bottle,
only to get away with cheap decoy
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 1:29:25 PM Post Reply
Houston—Police are looking for three men caught on camera robbing a liquor store in west Houston but managed to only get away with a cheap decoy bottle. The Houston Police Department said it happened on Monday, May 23rd around 2 p.m. when three unidentified men walked into a liquor store in the 2800 block of Katy Freeway. Officials said the three men crowd around a locked display case of alcohol. That's when authorities said the men asked about a $4,200 bottle that was locked in the case. When an employee unlocked it and pulled out the bottle, one of the men snatched it from the employee before running out
As France goes to the polls, voters are
asking: who really is Emmanuel Macron?
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 12:47:40 PM Post Reply
In the autumn of 2018, as the gilets jaunes movement took off, Emmanuel Macron faced a crisis in France that also represented a personal political failure. A little more than a year previously, he had arrived at the Elysée, elected on a centrist, social-liberal, pro-Europe agenda. He embodied fierce opposition to national populism, yet now seemed the president on whose watch populism in France was growing. At the time, I wrote an article for the Guardian asking if centrist and anti-populist leaders were creating breeding grounds for the populists they had sworn to defeat. Barack Obama, after all, had been followed by Donald Trump.
Food prices set to soar even MORE: Kraft,
Tyson and McDonald's owners say higher
fuel, labor and ingredient costs will
be passed on to customers
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 12:33:47 PM Post Reply
The already exorbitant prices American consumers are spending on groceries is expected to increase even more as company executives continue to pass on the high costs of fuel, labor and ingredients onto shoppers.Executives at companies like Kraft Heinz, Tyson Foods and even eateries like McDonalds have announced they will continue to raise prices, as they face these higher costs, according to the Wall Street Journal. Kraft, for example, notified retailers on Monday that it would raise prices in August on items ranging from Miracle Whip and Classico pasta sauce to Maxwell House coffee products and some deli meats.
Insurrection! Leftist Groups Join Together
to Blockade Supreme Court on Monday —
With Possibility of Abortion Ruling
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 12:27:46 PM Post Reply
Monday, June 13th, is listed as one of the Supreme Court decision days. The much anticipated Roe v Wade decision is expected sometime this month. It could be tomorrow. In anticipation of this historic decision far left groups are joining together in a planned insurrection and blockade of the US Supreme Court. The far left group Shut Down DC announced last week that they will shut down and blockade the streets around the Supreme Court on Monday.
Will FDA Allow Pfizer, Moderna to Skip
Clinical Trials for Future COVID Vaccines?
Posted by earlybird 6/12/2022 12:25:18 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee will vote June 28 on something called the “Future Framework,” a scheme that would allow Pfizer and Moderna to “reformulate” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in perpetuity, without conducting clinical trials on the new vaccines. (snip) Pfizer and Moderna have a problem — their COVID-19 shots do NOT work. Everyone knows this. The shots do not stop infection, transmission, hospitalization, or death. Over half a billion doses of this product have been injected into Americans in the past 17 months and these shots have made NO discernible impact on the course of the pandemic. Far more Americans have died of coronavirus since the introduction of
The Show Trial Is Back replies
Posted by sagman 6/12/2022 12:12:31 PM Post Reply
The judges also acted as jury. Their guilty verdict was inevitable — one of them, I.T. Nikitchenko, declared prior to the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal on which he served that judicial impartiality would “lead to unnecessary delays.” – Piers Brendon writing on Stalin’s show trials. They’re baaaack. Like a horror flick that has been sequeled out and prequeled out to the last dollar, the Orange Man horror show has come back. Or maybe it’s the old circus, with Adam Schiff, channeling P. T. (There’s a sucker born every minute”) Barnum, calling out, “Hurry, hurry, hurry into the Big Top!”
'We hate our prices too': Minnesota gas
station sums up voters' frustration with
Bidenflation with sign on forecourt as
national average price hits $5 a gallon
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 11:46:00 AM Post Reply
One Minnesota gas station owner is empathizing with his customers as the national average price for a gallon of gasoline officially reached $5 a gallon for the first time in history.Chuck Graff, the owner of Murphy's Service Center in St. Anthony, put up a sign below his prices reading: 'We hate our gas prices too.''It's just kind of our way of letting the customer know that we feel their pain,' Graff told CBS Minnesota.And drivers say they appreciate the sentiment as they spend between $50 to $125 to fill up their tanks.
Video: Police Officer Finally Admits That
Patriot Front Was Infiltrated By 'Several'
Law Enforcement Members And That They
Were Working With The Feds – 31 Arrested
Near An Idaho Pride Event
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/12/2022 11:30:09 AM Post Reply
Authorities arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho Pride event Saturday after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear. The men were standing inside the truck wearing khakis, navy blue shirts and beige hats with white balaclavas covering their faces when Coeur d’Alene police stopped the U-Haul and began arresting them on the side of the road. “They came to riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said at a news conference.
A Heartwarming Headline replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2022 11:03:17 AM Post Reply
It comes from the U.K., via the London Times: “Ministers quietly abandon ‘green crap’ as focus shifts to food security.” The threat of starvation, like the prospect of hanging, concentrates the mind: "Boris Johnson has scaled back plans to rewild the country as the government retreats from the green agenda to focus on the cost-of-living crisis. (Snip) Environmentalists are irate, mostly because they hate modern farming, which relies on fertilizers that come in large part from natural gas, as well as other chemicals needed to control pests. Sure, we could go back to farming techniques of, say, the 17th century. And thereby support a global population equal
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Criticizes
Texas Governor Greg Abbott for Refusing
to Send Illegal Aliens Back to Mexico
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 10:28:51 AM Post Reply
While Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is known for his staunch opposition to the Wuhan virus lockdowns, he has gradually built a reputation as a budding immigration patriot. According to a report by Brandon Walters at Texas Scorecard, DeSantis is pushing the envelope by criticizing Texas Governor Greg Abbott for his refusal to send illegal aliens back to Mexico.(Snip)“They let them come across and then you give them to the feds, and the feds just release them anyways,” DeSantis declared, per a report from Florida Politics. “What they need to do, Texas, is Texas should just send them back across the border.” “Who cares what the feds are saying?
Summit of the Americas: Joe Biden turns
America into a beggar
Posted by PageTurner 6/12/2022 9:40:16 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden couldn't care less about Latin America, hasn't visited the place, hasn't visited even the border to the place, and now has a monster 15,000-strong migrant caravan heading to the U.S. which he will undoubtedly bow to, and let in. But here he was, host at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, and his lack of preparation pretty well made him, and America, beggars to the hemisphere's locals. And sure enough, it was accompanied by the stench of urine from the nearby bums populating blue Los Angeles, which made the picture complete. Start with the earliest controversy -- the invitation list.
Three arrested in connection to fatal
beating of Ohio teen Ethan Liming
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 9:33:28 AM Post Reply
Three men have been arrested in connection to the killing of a teenager outside LeBron James-founded Ohio high school in early June, federal authorities announced Saturday. Ethan Liming, 17, was found beaten to death on June 2 in the parking lot of I Promise School in Akron. In a press release, the US Marshals Service revealed that the federal entity’s Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force and Akron Police on Saturday morning arrested Deshawn Stafford Jr., 20, Tyler Stafford, 19 and Donovon Jones, 21, at two different residential buildings in Akron. Liming was brutally beaten to death at around 10:46 p.m. on June 2. Authorities have said the
Sexy trash cans? This Swedish city is
taking a risqué approach to garbage
Posted by Ribicon 6/12/2022 9:17:06 AM Post Reply
The Swedish city of Malmö is taking dirty talk to a whole new level in its latest effort to clean up the streets. By installing talking garbage cans that dish out racy audio messages after being fed trash, authorities are hoping for an increase in rubbish being deposited. Pedestrians that drop trash into one of two bins on the city's Davidshallsbron bridge are rewarded with extremely positive feedback from a sultry female voice, who offers a range of responses. "Oh, right there, yes!", "Come back soon and do that again!" and "Mmm, a bit more to the left next time," feature among the programmed messages.
January 6 House Committee repeats Trump
‘Stand by, Proud Boys’ myth
Posted by JonMoseley 6/12/2022 8:48:04 AM Post Reply
On June 9, the “Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol” of the U.S. House of Representatives held a rare evening hearing. As predicted in the run up news leaks, the Committee repeated the myth that Donald Trump told Proud Boys to “stand by.” That is, Trump critics have claimed for years that Trump asked the Proud Boys to stand ready to pounce. Prosecutors in indictments and court motions and also the civil lawsuits repeat this same lie. In reality, this comes from the September 29, 2020, presidential debate in Columbus, Ohio.Joe Biden –
PHOTOS: ‘First in the Nation’ DeSantis
Flotilla Takes Over Jacksonville, Florida
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/12/2022 8:40:17 AM Post Reply
Enthusiastic Floridians gathered in Jacksonville, Florida, in a massive show of support for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) via a boat parade on the St. Johns River, which Duval County Republican chairman Dean Black described as the “first in the nation DeSantis Flotilla.” It is estimated that thousands participated in the event, as 1,300 boats registered for the parade alone. As witnessed by Breitbart News, nearly all of the vessels had several individuals aboard, suggesting that the preliminary estimations of turnout are likely accurate. Supporters also gathered along the sidelines and aboard the USS Orleck, “one of the most decorated US Navy ships since WWII,”
Unity And Healing? Pro-Abortion Group
Targets Amy Coney-Barrett’s Kids And Church
Posted by PeterWolosin 6/12/2022 8:23:59 AM Post Reply
In December 2020, shortly after it became clear that Joe Biden would indeed be inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, he continued with a familiar narrative when he stated, “The integrity of our elections remains intact. Now it is time to turn the page, to unite, to heal.” During the campaign and prior to the election, when Biden wasn’t demonizing Republicans and depicting Donald Trump as the Anti-Christ out of one side of his mouth, he was advocating for a big, nationwide group hug out of the other. Now, through almost seventeen months of his presidency, ask yourself: Has President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party succeeded
Jill Biden Brags at Hollywood Fundraiser:
After Trump, People Come to Me Saying
‘I Feel Like I Can Breathe’
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 8:07:04 AM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden reportedly trashed former President Donald Trump at a glitzy Hollywood fundraiser on Friday, bragging that since Trump left office, people have come up to her saying “I feel like I can breathe.”The Bidens attended a Los Angeles fundraiser thrown by Democratic mega-donor Haim Saban and his wife, Cheryl. The event was intended to raise money for Democratic National Committee’s Democratic Grassroots Victory Fund, with tickets starting at $1,000 per person and going as high as a whopping $36,500.In her address to the donors assembled on Friday evening, Jill Biden brought up the January 6 riot
Reagan's 'tear down this wall' speech
still teaches how to confront Russia
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 8:05:07 AM Post Reply
June 12 marks the anniversary of perhaps the most memorable moment of the presidency of Ronald Reagan — his famed "tear down this wall" speech, which he delivered in West Berlin 35 years ago today. Few speeches have been as critical to the perseverance of freedom and democracy across the globe as was this one. With the utterance of one simple global rallying cry — "tear down this wall!" — Reagan ignited a flame that would destroy the Berlin Wall, dissolve the Soviet Union, and kindle free elections that ousted communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe just a few years later.
Andrew Giuliani banned from GOP debate
at WCBS studio over refusal to provide
vax proof
Posted by Imright 6/12/2022 7:56:08 AM Post Reply
New York gubernatorial hopeful Andrew Giuliani said he’s been banned from appearing in-person at a Monday debate against his GOP primary opponents because he’s refused to provide proof he’s vaccinated against COVID-19.Giuliani, 36, announced he would hold a press conference Sunday morning to “protest vaccine mandates that continue to discriminate against first responders and healthcare workers,” according to a news release.Giuliani has previously touted that he was unvaccinated, but his announcement on Saturday said only he refused to provide proof of his status.
Biden’s WHO Takeover replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2022 7:41:30 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration’s bid to surrender American control over public health emergencies in the United States to the World Health Organization fell short at the UN’s 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva last month, but there is no reason to believe Biden won’t try again. This drive is part of our illegitimate placeholder president’s effort to undo all the good things that former President Donald Trump accomplished. Trump slashed U.S. funding of WHO and served notice the country would pull out of the Communist Chinese-influenced agency, but Joe Biden aims to super-charge WHO’s authority in world affairs by amending an international pandemic treaty known as the International Health Regulations
How Secret Soviet Killings Led to COVID Tyranny replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/12/2022 7:35:52 AM Post Reply
As the mournful notes of the cello brought the four minutes of The Dying Swan to a close at The Hague on January 24, 1931, the audience was in tears. Throughout the performance, there had been no dancer — only a moving spotlight emphasizing the absence of Anna Pavlova, the ballerina the world loved. (Snip) For Soviet émigrés of the time, the empty stage, the melancholic music, and the spotlight sans performer were poignant symbols of the hundreds of thousands of "liternoye" killings — secret, disguised liquidations staged as natural deaths or suicides — ordered by Joseph Stalin. His targets were not just rivals in the USSR,
The Management of Fanaticism replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/12/2022 7:12:55 AM Post Reply
The second worst fate that can befall an agitator is when nobody takes his fiery exhortations seriously. But by far the worst fate is when the crowds take him literally; because then he faces something far more frightening than the mere customary order he is trying to overthrow: he faces the full import of a radical vision taken to its ultimate conclusion. One of the biggest hazards in the social change business is runaway virtue. Ideology in the lives of true believers often becomes an end in itself and this becomes a problem for practical politicians who want to come across as radical but not insane, and are embarrassed
Ron DeSantis: ‘Bidenflation’ Report
Is ‘Brutal’ for American Families
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 6/12/2022 6:25:52 AM Post Reply
The latest economic report is “brutal” and follows a series of missteps from the Biden administration and Democrats who are in total control in Washington, DC, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said on Friday ahead of signing a bill caring for retired police dogs. “I think it’s sad to see some of the economic numbers with Bidenflation coming out — 8.6 percent. They tried to say — first, they said it wasn’t going to happen, was transitory and it would basically kind of solve itself,” DeSantis said at the start of the press conference in Bunnell, Florida.
Google will pay $118M to settle gender
discrimination lawsuit with more than
15,000 female staff after paying them
$17,000 less than men in similar roles
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2022 4:53:10 AM Post Reply
Google's parent company Alphabet will pay $118 million to 15,500 current and former female employees in order to settle a class action lawsuit that has been in the works for five years. The plaintiffs in the case account for a broad range of roles within the company, including managers, engineers, sales representatives and at least one pre school teacher. They accused Google of putting overqualified women in roles that were paid less, denying promotions to women and generally paying female employees on average close to $17,000 less than men.
The Democrats: 'A Criminal Organization' replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2022 4:37:44 AM Post Reply
More than a decade ago, Michael Walsh dubbed the Democrats, “A criminal organization masquerading as a political party.” I once thought this was overstating the matter, but I no longer do. If you can’t fully accept this characterization, recent events surrounding the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, should unshutter your eyes and let in the light. Democratic leaders are encouraging lawless, threatening behavior against Supreme Court justices, and their attorney general refuses to enforce the law against such behavior. This criminal organization has a huge public relations outfit working around the clock for it, the Major Media,
'Young Sheldon' Rerun Crushes J6 Hearing
in TV Ratings
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/12/2022 3:18:04 AM Post Reply
Democrats were promising that the prime-time TV extravaganza presented by the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2020 riot at the Capitol last Thursday would be “must-see TV.” Apparently, most Americans decided it was “must miss.” The Nielsen ratings for that night are out, and it appears that the audience for the event was smaller than for a Young Sheldon rerun episode that CBS ran in the same time period the previous week. The audience for the “Capitol Assault Hearings” was about the same size as nightly news broadcasts last week, according to the ratings. Nearly every major news network and the Big Three of CBS, NBC, and ABC covered the hearings.
Socialized Medicine Fail: Watch Nurse
Tell Patients in British Emergency Room
They Might Wait 13 Hours to See a Doc
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/12/2022 3:12:54 AM Post Reply
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has given the world plenty of examples showing why America should run from socialized medicine, such as soulless, bureaucratic decision-making and long wait times for planned procedures. Now, a shocking new video shows yet another reason: insufficient service for the community, resulting in waits of seven-and-a-half hours and up for emergency room visitors to see a doctor. A video that was taken in the Harlow A&E (Accident and Emergency) waiting room, part of the Princess Alexandra hospital NHS trust in Essex, UK, has gone viral. Filmed late Monday afternoon, the footage shows a nurse addressing the people waiting in the crowded room.
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