Something About School Shootings
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.,
5/29/2022 5:16:25 AM
Every mass school shooting strikes terror in parents’ hearts and grief in the communities in which they occur. You might from press coverage have the idea that they are a regular occurrence, but, in fact, they remain rare -- 13 mass school shootings since 1966.
Still, like all seemingly incomprehensible tragedies it causes a search for meaning. After all, people my age went to schools where there were rifle clubs. Kids in those clubs regularly brought their weapons to school, and yet there weren’t any school shootings. (I expect in some rural areas of the country this may still be the case.)
Reply 1 - Posted by:
MrDeplorable 5/29/2022 6:09:55 AM (No. 1169140)
The only thing more astounding than the BREADTH of this author’s knowledge and expertise is the DEPTH of same.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
F15 Gork 5/29/2022 7:21:16 AM (No. 1169181)
I’m still bewildered about anyone propping a door open with shooting going on outside. That’s time to batten down the hatch’s and secure in place. I sure wouldn’t want to be the one who left the barn door open. Might be one of the dead teachers?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
jimboscott 5/29/2022 7:41:04 AM (No. 1169204)
One more thing that ties all of these school shooters together...
They all grew up in a post-Christian world in which they were taught that their very existence is owed to a random event of incalculable luck involving no external intelligent agent and, therefore, no ultimate purpose for life itself. Against this backdrop of purposeless existence, it is easy to see how someone could succumb to their anger and instability and scream out for recognition of any kind, even the very worst kind.
In a Godless world, one cannot make a lasting argument that these kids did anything wrong that is anything other than opinion.
If life is meaningless (and that is what is being taught) and there is no God, then these shooters aren't even doing anything wrong... because one person's wrong can just as easily be another person's right.
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This twisted 18 year old did not leave "a trail of crumbs". He used a neon sign to announce his plans.
Unless he was known for outrageous plans that never happened, every person who saw his social media post, and did nothing to alert the police has blood on their hands too.
The school and the police could not have done a worse job!!!!! I don't know of a school anywhere that doesn't go into lockdown immediately upon hearing of a shooting within a mile of their school.
Everyone in leadership should be fired for not training their teachers or their police officers how to handle this unlikely event.
How much more does it take to convince people to home school, if they are mentally able to do so. Give up your luxuries and protect those children.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
cor-vet 5/29/2022 8:47:48 AM (No. 1169259)
In the fall, at least where I went to school in a small Iowa town, you could see the shotguns in the back windows of the pick-ups, in anticipation of the after school/football practice pheasant hunt. Nobody even thought of shooting anyone. If two guys had a beef, it was fists that settled the argument! The good old days of the early 60's.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
udanja99 5/29/2022 9:17:38 AM (No. 1169284)
This is the first that I’ve read of the teacher propping open the door after the shooting started outside. Perhaps she/he did it to ease the process of possibly evacuating the school. That’s the only reason I can imagine why it was done.
I grew up in an era when boys would bring their rifles to school for show and tell. The two factors between then and now are God being removed from the public square and the legalizing of abortion on demand. We can thank Madaline O’Hair, Harry Blackmum and Margaret Sanger for our current situation.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
franq 5/29/2022 9:22:01 AM (No. 1169288)
Correct me if I'm wrong, a cursory search seemed to reveal these massacres (not just schools) occur most when a Dem is in the White House.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
Goose 5/29/2022 9:28:19 AM (No. 1169295)
I'm so old that I can rmember that the go-to solution to this type of problem was to send in social workers, not heavily armed police.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
MDConservative 5/29/2022 10:05:50 AM (No. 1169331)
FTA: "He then climbed a fence and entered the school grounds, began firing without interference at 11:40. By 11:44 the local police arrived at the school."
The WSJ's timeline Feldman uses is different than others report more recently. The police, according to various accounts, began arriving at 11:31 (the SRO officer, who reportedly mistook a teacher on the grounds for the gunman, driving past the actual shooter). The shooter entered the school through the open door at 11:33, apparently verified by video. The first police (three local cops) entered the building at 11:35, then retreated.
This case isn't about police response times, but their inaction and ineptitude after arrival. It's also about "security" - with an unnamed teacher (one can imagine why no name) propping the entry door open. A simple locked door would have at least stymied the shooter for a few minutes, perhaps long enough for effective police response outside the school.
More cops in schools certainly isn't the answer. Armed teachers are unlikely to have made any difference - the shooter always gets the first shots while they're reaching for their weapons. There's no evidence any survival drill skills were exercised by the kids under attack.
And let's not lose sight that "You might from press coverage have the idea that they are a regular occurrence, but, in fact, they remain rare -- 13 mass school shootings since 1966." Actually, one has a greater chance of being hit by lightning than being involved in any sort of school shooting. No one demands we need more lightning rods.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
RadioGuy77 5/29/2022 10:28:33 AM (No. 1169353)
From the Gossip pages: Was this an illegal alien, supplied with 1: really expensive guns and 2: an expensive scope and 3: high-quantity of high-quality bullets?????
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 5/29/2022 10:49:54 AM (No. 1169387)
Truth....they are rare in the USA. There have been 13 since 1966, not the lying propaganda garbage that the Enemedia puts out of a couple a week.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
DVC 5/29/2022 11:32:25 AM (No. 1169446)
Re #2, almost certainly was one of the teachers who died, or possibly done at her direction by a student. Either way, propping open classroom doors, or having them unlocked during class time should now be known by everyone as a very bad idea.
Like aircraft crashes.....the rules get "written in blood of innocents" in these attacks on schools. And apparently nothing was learned by the people in charge at this school from the Parkland, Florida case. Even after attending multiple training classes, the "School Police Chief" didn't follow the training.
I wonder if he is in that job because he's somebody's relative or something like that.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
jacksin5 5/29/2022 11:38:29 AM (No. 1169449)
Many school districts on Maine have installed a Sally Port in the entryway so that an administrator can visually see the visitor, and when satisfies, can buzz them in. Also, all classrooms are equipped with solid wood doors and electronic hardware, that in case of danger, can be remotely locked down. School shooter drills are regularly held to make sure every staff member knows what to do in case of emergency.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
OZZCAR 5/29/2022 12:46:03 PM (No. 1169537)
The Deep State (Democrat Party) orchestrated the theft of a national election and succeeded, think about that for a minute. It isn't a stretch to believe that they are behind all of the mass shootings. The media certainly spends more time on the political aspects than the actual atrocities. The next election may prove to be the most important in America's history, count on the Deep State to pull out all the stops to take our eyes off the ball. Riots, disease, open boarders, sexual predation of children, manufactured inflation, food shortages, manufactured racism, perverse public education, all of these things and more characterize the Deep State's efforts to destroy America. So the murder of children is just another in their self serving tactic in their evil game. Our guns is what this is all about, our guns are all that is between us and these monsters and their agenda, they will not stop trying to take them away.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Highlander 5/29/2022 12:49:24 PM (No. 1169539)
All week, last week, we teachers were told to stand at the door during period transitions. As soon as the bell rang, we shut the doors, locked. Here in Blue California.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
bighambone 5/29/2022 12:55:44 PM (No. 1169542)
In the old days violent or potentially violent mental cases and people with extreme anti social behavior were detained in mental health facilities, but now after being identified as such, are given some pills to take and are sent home. In your lifetime how many grandsons have you heard about who shot their grandmothers in the face?
That’s what these school shootings are all about. As if the gun shop owner who sold the Uvalde perpetrator the two rifles actually was aware of the true facts of the perpetrator’s mental and emotional conditions that obviously did not comport with the requirements and qualifications listed on the ATF background form that all prospective firearms owners are supposed to fill out and put down correctly that is the basis for an official ATF background investigation completed before the sale of the rifles took place, there was a chance that the rifles would not have been sold to him, but there are big loopholes written into the ATF form, like the person easily lying about his mental and emotional conditions. If the true facts of this particular perpetrator’s mental and emotional health were known would you sell him a firearm?
A few months before all this occurred, the perpetrator apparently asked his sister, an active duty member of the US Navy to purchase firearms for him and she refused to do so. Who knows a person better than members of that person’s family? Maybe there should be a requirement added to that ATF form that potential firearms purchasers obtain on the ATF Form the certifications from three law abiding people who are members of his family, or persons who have known him for some years, that the prospective firearm purchaser is of sound mental and emotional condition and thus qualified to become a firearms owner.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
YorkieMom 5/29/2022 11:02:38 PM (No. 1169969)
When I taught school, if there was an alert close by our school, we did what was called Shelter in Place. Locking our classroom door was the first thing on the list.
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