The Never-ending Hunt for
a Trump Crime
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.,
5/2/2021 6:52:05 AM
The news that federal investigators searched and seized electronic devices from the apartment and office of Rudy Giuliani, a Trump lawyer, raises so many questions and involves so much missing information that even someone as skilled a mystery writer as Patricia Cornwell might have difficulty unraveling the story. I’m not that person, unfortunately, but let me try to make some sense out of this crime story.
President Biden’s son, Hunter, had a lucrative position with a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, and it raised suspicions that this created a conflict of interest respecting U.S. policy toward Ukraine. Suspicions about improper influence upon the Bidens by certain Ukrainian officials were heightened
Reply 1 - Posted by:
LanceLink1 5/2/2021 7:15:01 AM (No. 773042)
If you need more evidence this federal government is broken and no longer representing the people read the article and understand it's implications. After that if you are not angry or at least concerned, and we couldn't keep our republic like Franklin said.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
rfr46 5/2/2021 7:29:28 AM (No. 773052)
Where in the world is the FBI director, Mr. Wray? I am beginning to think that he is not incompetent but dirty.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
spacer 5/2/2021 7:38:40 AM (No. 773060)
Not to go to far back into the dark shadowy alleys of the fbi but has anyone found out how 1000 or so fbi files showed up in First Lady Hillarys desk drawer?
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 5/2/2021 8:08:26 AM (No. 773096)
At least they didn't show up with a SWAT team and CNN recording the whole time like they did with Roger Stone.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
wakeupcall 5/2/2021 8:21:24 AM (No. 773115)
Marxist Communist Global One World Government democrats, republicrats GOPe, entrenched in power everywhere, government, education, businesses, etc., all working to destroy America from within.
Speaking of democrats, and republicrats GOPe, working for the Marxist Communist Globalist One World Government.
America was warned multiple times by American loving Nationalists who saved America during WW2.
General MacArthur "Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within, infiltrated into positions of public trust, into journalism, the press, the radio & the school"
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur - Warning of American Communism from within May 15, 1952.
"Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions," stated General Douglas MacArthur in Lansing, Michigan, May 15, 1952
General Douglas MacArthur addressed Massachusetts State Legislature in Boston, July 25, 1951:
"I have seen since my return to my native land after an absence of many years our material progress has been little short of phenomenal.
It is not of any external threat that I concern myself but rather of insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions, these institutions which formerly we hailed as something beyond question of challenge, those institutions we proudly called the American way of life.
Foremost of these forces is that directly, or even more frequently indirectly, allied with the scourge of imperialistic Communism.
It has infiltrated into positions of public trust and responsibility, into journalism, the press, the radio and the school.
It seeks through covert manipulation of the civil power and the media of public information and education to pervert the truth, impair respect for moral values, suppress human freedom and representative government, and in the end destroy our faith in our religious teachings.
This evil force, with neither spiritual base nor moral standard, rallies the abnormal and subnormal elements among our citizenry and applies internal pressure against all things we hold descent and all things that we hold right the type of pressure which has caused many Christian nations abroad to fall and their own cherished freedoms to languish in the shackles of complete suppression.
As it has happened there it can happen here. Our need for patriotic fervor and religious devotion was never more impelling.
There can be no compromise with atheistic Communism, no half way in the preservation of freedom and religion. It must be all or nothing."
MacArthur warned in his Farewell Address to Congress, April 19. 1951:
"The Communist threat is a global one Under no circumstances must Formosa (Taiwan) fall under Communist control.
"Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions," stated General Douglas MacArthur in Lansing, Michigan, May 15, 1952.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Rinktum 5/2/2021 8:36:27 AM (No. 773137)
The fish rots from the head down and apparently many if not all of our agencies are run by arrogant lawless individuals who believe they are above the law.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
BillW. 5/2/2021 9:17:54 AM (No. 773184)
"They" spent five years making things up to damage America. Period. Now "they're" finishing the job.
17 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
reefdiver 5/2/2021 9:34:10 AM (No. 773207)
A coup d'état from within the government means that elections may be meaningless.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
bubby 5/2/2021 9:50:31 AM (No. 773226)
Just more from the DOJ/FBI as they practice “Show me the "Republican" and I’ll show you the crime.”- with apologies to Lavrentiy Beria! There is no doubt in my mind the real target is President Trump. The deep state wants to get a felony conviction President Trump to keep him from running for President again! “It is not enough to simply beat Trump, He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.” David Plouffe obama staffer.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
MDConservative 5/2/2021 10:54:07 AM (No. 773289)
Remember those halcyon days in the aftermath of 9/11, when "national security" was the basis for everything and anything the Government did? Like create that Homeland Security monstrosity and FISA courts? And some here warned of the eventual consequences...and were dismissed by the hysterics? They now have the monsters they asked's your "national security" these days?
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
DVC 5/2/2021 11:14:26 AM (No. 773313)
#1, not broken.
They are following the path of all other vicious, soulless dictatorships. FBI is now equivalent to the KGB. The Post Office has become a version of Stasi. The Department of Injustice is the nexus of injustice and political criminal activity in our country.
Evil is running the bureaucracy and we cannot move forward until there is a complete cleanout, not just one person or five changed at the top. EVERY SINGLE person at DoJ needs to be fired, and reliable patriots replace them.
I don't think the odds of that happening are very high without a real bunch of violence, unfortunately. I think that if we really try to take things back, the leftists will get violent, and we'll either fold or fight back. And I tend to doubt that enough Americans are willing to do what is required to recover our nation.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 5/2/2021 12:07:00 PM (No. 773364)
#2 Wray hasn't been clean since the beginning. He is dirty, dirty, dirty. He has covered up, refused Congress subpoena documents that would help President Trump since he was hired. Wray is connected to the swamp ala the former FBI Directors Comey and Mueller. Why President Trump nominated Wray is a mystery unless Pence (Swamp) suggested him. And now we know Pence's character, not good.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Krause 5/2/2021 12:47:20 PM (No. 773399)
FTA: Yesterday’s [New York]Times story vaguely reported that the criminal investigation involves Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine. Today’s Times story is ambiguous about Giuliani’s status: “The warrants do not accuse Mr. Giuliani of wrongdoing, but they underscore his legal peril: They indicate a judge has found that investigators have probable cause to believe that a crime was committed and that the search would turn up evidence of that crime.”
Key term is 'a judge.' As in any judge that you can find to do your bidding. There seems to be quite a few of these around. You may have to go several states away though.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
DVC 5/2/2021 3:48:16 PM (No. 773493)
The FBI and DoJ are working today exactly the way the KGB worked in the darkest soviet times in Russia.
And Barr probably was helping them to try to impeach Trump.
Barr is as dirty as any of them.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
stablemoney 5/2/2021 9:13:16 PM (No. 773641)
Actually, probable cause is required to begin an investigation. Apparently another law considered broken by the left. I cannot name any law the left follows.
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The Deep State guys create situations that are so convoluted and often tedious that the normal person wants to avoid knowing anything about them. This one, like everything involving the Bidens, needs to be known widely, and shared throughout the conservative media.