America Becoming Less Christian Is A Problem
For Everyone
The Federalist,
John Daniel Davidson
Original Article
Posted By: Harlowe,
3/15/2025 12:01:11 AM
A major survey on the religious landscape of America was just released by Pew Research Center, and what it reveals about the decline of Christianity should alarm every American, whether or not one is Christian. ...if America loses the Christian faith from which our system of government is derived, we will lose everything that makes America what it is. All of the rights and freedoms we enjoy, the rule of law, the checks and balances on government power, all of that will disappear. [Snip] The practice of the Christian faith is deteriorating as well.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jalo1951 3/15/2025 1:17:52 AM (No. 1914718)
I remember Glenn Beck being hung out to dry over his comments on the muslim caliphate. It would not be a vicious war. But they would flood other countries. They would populate them by having as many children as possible and build up the muslim believers. They would eventually take over. It would take a long time but they don't have a problem with that. Slow steady takeover. While it is much worse in the EU it is happening here. Their common goal is to overtake. Don't kid yourself.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
JimBob 3/15/2025 1:48:20 AM (No. 1914721)
A couple of thoughts:
I believe a lot of Catholics left the Catholic church when the scandals broke regarding the Wholesale -if not Industrial- scale of the Pedophile Priests. Of course this was joyfully rammed down everyone's throats by the Lamestreams, who for decades have worked with the Communists to destroy American culture, and the Catholic religion is a significant part of that. But the Catholic church bureaucracy has shown itself to be morally corrupt and weak.
On a related front, several of the main Protestant organizations have been taken over by sex perverts, with the result that a lot of people have walked away from them also.
The schools and the combined pop culture- TV/music/radio/online- either ignores religion or denigrates it, and has been doing so since at least the 1960's.
The high-profile scandals of several of the so-called 'Mega-Churches' and preachers.... remember Jim & Tammy Baker? Just one of many 'big-name' TV preachers who turned out to be crooked or perverts.
I think there is a solid foundation of decent Americans with decent morals, but they have been lied to and betrayed by the 'religious leaders', and so they have walked away.
A note on polling..... anyone with two brain cells to rub together realizes that if you fill out an online poll, or answer a polling question, YOUR RESPONSE goes into the BIG DATA database, to be sold and exploited.
Do not forget that it was not long ago that the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION was actively pursuing Catholics as 'Domestic Terrorists'.
Gee, you expect someone to answer an ONLINE POLL with a 'YES!' to THAT?
I would expect that a LOT of people either refuse to answer at all, or give a neutral, non-committal answer, something that will not be used against them.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
cmardh 3/15/2025 2:22:56 AM (No. 1914723)
Rashida Tlaib is the oldest of 14 children…….just sayin’ 🤷♀️
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 3/15/2025 4:25:30 AM (No. 1914731)
Does that mean less Christian, or just less religious? From what I've seen, only the "mainline" denoms are low in new memberships. The Non-Doms are growing by leaps and bounds. It's hard to find a parking place in the gravel lots. Wealthy main-line places of worship have state-of-the-art parking spaces, including many for "handicapped."
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rather Read 3/15/2025 6:27:35 AM (No. 1914754)
I have been a member of my local Catholic church for all my life. I'm 74. I was baptized there and fully expect to be buried there. The church was started there in 1854 by a Dutch priest who ministered to the many Irish families who worked on the local railroads. Our church has been growing and growing and every Sunday and Saturday evening Mass is full. We have young families with children, a parish school and the faith of the parish is deep. There are a lot of quiet Christians out there still. Our local Methodist churches have split from the main branch (which is woke) and they follow the old norms.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
philsner 3/15/2025 7:37:29 AM (No. 1914773)
Captain Obvious has sent the memo. Why do you think liberals hate Christians? Why do you think Christians are persecuted and martyred in totalitarian countries?
Because, where there is Christ, there is truth. What has this country been operating on under liberal control? Anything but truth.
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I grew up in the south in the time when we had at least one week-long revival a year at my church.
You invited lost people because you knew they would hear a clear gospel message.
My current young pastor admitted he had never even been to a revival. Today's seminary-style preaching is an intellectual watered down version of what we grew up hearing.
The church has morphed into a social club for people of faith that does not impact the world around it. The preaching is not designed to convict anyone of sin, but hopes to inspire the attendees to do good works.
It is no surprise that as my generation dies off, the church attendance and impact and tithing has all declined.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 3/15/2025 7:53:52 AM (No. 1914782)
We left our First United Methodist because of the woke bishops trying to force wokeness on the churches, whether they liked it or not. Gay marriage and the usual litany of woke demands. As a result, many members left and formed another local Methodist Church. This has not been an unusual result nationwide. They (the bishops) have managed to tear apart the FMUC simply because of their political ideology. The left truly destroys whatever they get involved in. We had gay members, and they were welcomed as fellow seekers in Christ in spite of the Old Testament prohibitions, they were welcomed into our church, but the "our way or the highway" attitude angered and saddened many members. A lot were faithful attendees and generous tithers. We moved to the non-PCUSA Presbyterian Church here. The polls don't show this. Christianity may have declined somewhat, but many are still seeking a place for peace and their spiritual needs, but the outright arrogance from our trend following and overly political leadership has driven may away. This is the attitude of the left in all things...agree with us or else.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/15/2025 8:02:33 AM (No. 1914783)
The participants in Christianity are not the problem. Their ministers, priests and leadership going woke and stupid over such things as immigration, LGBTQ "acceptance" and Climate Change is. Catholics finding out that they were actively supporting illegal immigration was a huge shock and now many pews are empty. A church with a rainbow flag flying outside is an indication that the minister is not working for God or the people.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Sully 3/15/2025 8:09:56 AM (No. 1914786)
People in this country have abandoned faith and large families because of 1) hedonism in youth and 2) materialism in adulthood.
2 good signs:
My local Catholic Church is busting out with children.
My Church in generals has seen a large batch of permanent deacons who are orthodox conservative. These great men were formed in the real world, not the perverted seminaries and bring a real, sincere, informed faith to the flick.
Oh, also, if you wanna fill the country with conservative Catholics embrace legal Hispanic immigration. They love family, work, small business and will save the country.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
BarryNo 3/15/2025 8:18:46 AM (No. 1914791)
When the churches themselves turn away from Christianity, it will seem like America is becoming less Christian. Most of the leaders of the denominations are wolves compared to the sheep they are supposed to lead.
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#1, I think of this often. Local governments are getting more and more SUPs for mosques, especially in lovely rural areas, as if they're on some mission to take over. What occurred a lot during the Biden years, if a SUP were delayed or denied, they'd enlist DOJ to go after and sue local governments for RLUIPA. Hopefully now that changes.
Their facilities can attract thousands and come with plenty of other headaches and disadvantages. Their expectations and demands are high. For example, they can drain local police for traffic control daily for multiple prayer gathering times. And yes, in Europe, we all see how they're taking over churches.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/15/2025 8:45:18 AM (No. 1914805)
Maybe it’s the area I live in, but the two churches I attend on a regular basis are packed to the gills at every service over the weekend. Both are very conservative.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/15/2025 9:15:50 AM (No. 1914814)
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Think it's bad now? Best be ready.
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 3/15/2025 9:18:14 AM (No. 1914817)
From time to time, I follow Jonathan Cahn and his videos. He was the first person of the cloth to conclude that President Trump surviving the attempt on his life on July 13th, 2024 in Butler, PA was Devine Intervention. He attributed Trump's reelection victory to Devine Intervention as well. But Pastor Cahn also made it clear that since America has now been given another chance to go on as "one nation under God", all Americans must now embrace God. Can we do it.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
franq 3/15/2025 9:19:23 AM (No. 1914818)
Correct, #14. The worldwide apostasy precedes the arrival of the man of sin (Antichrist).
The Bible stated this 2,000 years ago.
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
FormerDem 3/15/2025 9:31:13 AM (No. 1914825)
A different take is that Christianity as it was in say 1950 was a social convention. That is the part that is dying out. But it is more like a tree that is pruned - those ideas of Christianity had death within them anyway - that pretense is as good as the real thing, various heresis, etc. They were rotten and have dropped off. Christianity as it lives now, is increasingly a matter of red hot believers, who have, like, read the Catechism, often working their way through the Bible, understand this is tough stuff. This has happened before - perhaps many times but let us recall Athanasius contra mundum, let us recall that he won, and let us imitate him.
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Reply 18 - Posted by:
Sanddollar 3/15/2025 9:43:58 AM (No. 1914829)
Some concerning trends from the article:
The percentage of those from the Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist faith went from 4.7% in 2007 to 7.1% today. Second, of the 62% who say they are Christian, only one 1/3 of them attend church either in person or on-line at least once a month.
Number 7 your description of your church sounds like mine, a spiritual social club where we have a weak sermon that makes everyone feel comfortable with some lively music but not a rock band.
During Lent our minister now lists a "contemporary text" and an "ancient text." The contemporary one might be a writer with no religious beliefs. The ancient text is a Psalm. I see this as equating the Bible to just a text like a quotation from Maya Angelou or John O'Donohue.
"...on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18b
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 3/15/2025 9:52:10 AM (No. 1914831)
I think you will find people still believe in God; they just don't believe in religion. It kind of makes sense.
All too often religions and churches are just like any other social organization where a few benefit at the expense of everyone else. How many religions are there in the world? Depending on who you ask, it is in the thousands. God did not create all those religions. That means humanity did.
I'm willing to bet it isn't just Christianity that is losing membership. Probably all organizations are. All too often you see 'leaders' that are after wealth and power at the expense of everyone else. Nobody wants to be part of that. Interact with people and inevitably stumble across those that are 'nasty pieces of work' who are to be avoided. You will find many organizations that are growing are run by tyrants. Islam likes to claim they are the fastest growing religion, but they are doing that at the point of a gun. God never created Islam.
I do believe in a God. By that, I mean a creator. Humanity and the universe are far too complex to be a product of random chance. I believe God is connected to every living creature, and God does communicate to all of us. It's that quiet voice in the back of one's head that warns us when we are about to do something dishonest, foolish, or stupid. You just have to listen for that voice. Don't let the world around you drown it out. It will help you.
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
chance_232 3/15/2025 10:16:14 AM (No. 1914844)
The "church" is just as culpable. The "church" has adopted or paid lip service to practically every liberal trope out there. The "church" is largely more interested in filling coffers and pews than in saving souls.
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Reply 21 - Posted by:
Zigrid 3/15/2025 10:22:22 AM (No. 1914849)
WE take one victory at a time...and President Trump being saved by an act of God has changed things....and I question any poll that calls and asks if I'm a Christian...could be a set up by muslim groups to ferret out and numbers......God knows if I'm a Christian..and that's all I need to know....He watches over me ...always...and when I go to Mass...I feel comfortable and attached to my faith...and the pews are filled...
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Reply 22 - Posted by:
dbdiva 3/15/2025 10:57:52 AM (No. 1914869)
So many great comments here. But to me #20 is the "nutshell" comment. Too many churches consider themselves to be successful based on the number of butts in the pews and the amount of money in the collection plates. The spiritual state of those butts is the last thing considered if at all. These churches seemingly exist to entertain and the pastors refuse to preach any sermon which might upset their congregants. I think if people leave a church service and they ain't squirmin', they didn't hear a sermon.
God is currently in the process of judging His church; that's pretty easy to see right now. Many "big" ministers have been exposed for abuse of minors, etc.
Lastly, Jesus didn't come to set up a religion; He came to restore our relationship with the Father.
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Reply 23 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 3/15/2025 12:15:56 PM (No. 1914909)
Here in Idaho bible churches are adding additional services to their normal Sunday services. In our town, several bible churches have 3 services (and one is adding one more) and one church has a Saturday night service. The Catholic Church's parking lot looks full on a Sunday morning. One church is going through the Book of Acts and another is teaching the Book of Mark. We attend both of the churches.
Idaho has a big Christian Community. We were just talking about it recently how all of the bible churches locally are full and thriving. It could be that we've had a lot of conservatives move here from the West Coast, specifically California.
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Reply 24 - Posted by:
Italiano 3/15/2025 12:25:16 PM (No. 1914914)
Christianity isn't a "religion," it's a relationship.
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Reply 25 - Posted by:
hurricanegirl 3/15/2025 12:49:32 PM (No. 1914930)
I hear many of you agreeing with this statement: "If God doesn't judge America, he's going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah."
I used to agree with that, but God has been renewing my mind to this truth: "If God DOES judge America, He's going to have to apologize to JESUS!"
We forget (or maybe we never knew) that Jesus' death on the cross paid for the sins of THE ENTIRE WORLD! 1 John 2:2 says, "and He Himself is the propitiation [the satisfying sacrifice] for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."
This means that everyone's sins have been (past tense) forgiven. Now there's only one sin left that is punishable--the sin of rejecting what Christ has done (this is the unforgiveable sin). So, no, God is NOT judging America, and He's not going to--He already did that on the cross.
If America goes to hell in a handbasket, we can blame ourselves for making stupid decisions, but we certainly can't "blame" God!
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Reply 26 - Posted by:
Harlowe 3/15/2025 2:59:08 PM (No. 1914978)
#4~ There is only One to judge; however, a word of caution about nondenominational churches has to do with doctrine. Significantly, nondenominational churches “often oppose a sacramental view of the Scriptures, treating Baptism as merely a personal affirmation of faith and denying Christ’s physical presence in the Lord’s Supper.” Christians must remain faithful to Biblical doctrine, to agreement in doctrine which is “not an option but is God’s will.”
#19~ “I think you will find people still believe in God; they just don't believe in religion. It kind of makes sense. ... I do believe in a God. ... It's that quiet voice in the back of one's head...” / It is sincerely hoped that belief in “a God” will lead to believe in “God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit” and, in so doing, accept the Bible as the “inerrant Word of God” that is the basis of faith, the basis of the “Church” and The Great Commission that Jesus gave the disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...” (Matthew 28:16:20) The “view of the Holy Spirit emphasizes the Spirit’s work through the single voice of sacred Scripture, it promotes unity, order, clarity and certainty, both in our hearts and in the Church.” Scripture tells of the Lord telling the prophet Elijah to “stand on the mount” before the Lord and as “the Lord passed by...” ... “And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” (1 Kings 19:10-12) What the Lord whispered “is a mystery.” It has been written that “God’s voice speaks to us in the quietness of the inspired pages of Scripture, by which He encourages us with the forgiveness, life and salvation in Jesus, the Word made flesh.”
#25~ “Now there's only one sin left that is punishable--“ / “Jesus said, ‘Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.’” (Matthew 12:31–32).
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Reply 27 - Posted by:
msjena 3/15/2025 3:55:15 PM (No. 1915000)
If this means mainstream "Christian" denominations that have been infected by leftwing politics and which no longer preach the Gospel, that is a good thing.
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During these disquieting times of worldwide turmoil, quite often Ldotters have referred to Ephesians 6:10-20 that teaches “...we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against ... spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places...” The news that Christianity continues to decline in this country is alarming, especially for people of faith who know when a nation abandons God, that nation becomes at risk for God’s judgment in one form or another, the most severe being abandoned by God as written in Psalm 9:15-17: “...The wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God.” America, take heed.