Trump Slashes ALL South Africa Aid, Cites
Anti-White Government Policy
PJ Media,
Ben Bartee
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
3/12/2025 3:13:51 AM
The communists who’ve run South Africa into the dirt since the end of apartheid — increasingly brazen in their genocidal anti-white rhetoric and deeds — may have not expected any real pushback on their illiberal racism. And why wouldn’t they expect immunity? They had gotten away with it for decades under all previous U.S. presidents, even while they touted the “international rules-based order” that is neoliberalism. (As a side note, you can always tell that Trump's writing his own communications, whether on Truth Social or elsewhere, by his telltale use of random ALL CAPS and random capitalization of the first letter of non-proper nouns in the middle of sentences.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
5 handicap 3/12/2025 6:00:58 AM (No. 1913084)
Further, Trump aughta Blockade the country as well!
18 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Birddog 3/12/2025 6:03:00 AM (No. 1913085)
The current government in SA may tip over from racist/marxist rhetoric to Terrorist/genocidal action...and upon becoming designated terrorists get treated as such....I have very good South African friend/neighbor and business associate living here, while his family remains there, they were original Dutch East India workers until the Base there was abandoned, then taken over by Brits.They have sold all of their Farms, but still own lots of commercial buildings and manufacturing...he worries that euro powers, and ANZAC cannot mount and field an invasion enough to "save" the locals, I had to explain to him how the use of aircraft carries could/would totally alter the situation IF the reason for deployment was "Anti Terror"....SA does not have anything to counteract modern air dominance, or that can reach a carrier offshore. SA has THREE separate capitols, one for Administration, one for legislation, and the third is the home of the judicial system and the Banking. Currently it is the Administration areas that are most radical, then the Legislative area. The Judicial/Banking/Education are is well to the west, well armed, with LOTS of experienced leaders/military. logistics experts. Large enough airfields to convert to transport of goods, manpower, soldier/supplies...and airwings of any size once secured. The ports would be next. The potential Battle space and enemy id similar in many ways to the actions against ISIS....BUT...faaar removed from recruits for the terrorists, once they are reduced to "No active armored vehicles" they can be mopped up pretty quickly by the "Homefront" people, who are NOT just the "Whites". SA "Officially" has Blacks, Coloreds, Indians, and Whites, the new govt has a slim majority, drawn only from a plurality of the most radical Blacks. Other govts enjoyed support from across all segments,as must the next govt there.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
skacmar 3/12/2025 7:20:07 AM (No. 1913115)
Wait just a minute! I thought Trump took his marching orders from South African Elon Musk (according to liberal media). Media claims Musk is a loyal South African. Also, any blockade of aide to SA would get the Congressional Black Caucus in a tizzy with claims that it proves Trump hates black people.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Venturer 3/12/2025 8:13:02 AM (No. 1913153)
White South Africans still living there are similar to whites left over in America's Democrat cities.
They are forever in danger and cannot afford to leave.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 3/12/2025 9:36:27 AM (No. 1913196)
Commies and leftists everywhere - - will take to the streets in massive protests - - against this racist apartheid South African government - - - - - - won't they?
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Jesuslover54 3/12/2025 9:42:24 AM (No. 1913199)
The Chinese will probably move in -- but they'll get ripped off, too.
Another African country ruled by, and ruined by, African blacks.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
chance_232 3/12/2025 9:49:34 AM (No. 1913203)
SA was once sufficiently advanced that they were able to develope nukes. It once had a self sufficient thriving economy. Now it's taking handouts from Uncle Sugar. Zimbabwe part deux.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
udanja99 3/12/2025 9:51:04 AM (No. 1913204)
I wish we would stop ALL foreign aid to every other country on the planet until we get our own financial house in order. Let them sink or swim on their own. Then maybe they’ll learn how to bring themselves up and pick up a little gratitude along the way. I’ve worked and paid taxes for more than 50 years and I’m sick to death of funding a bunch of ingrates who hate me, whether it be SA or Germany.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Strike3 3/12/2025 10:14:25 AM (No. 1913222)
Racist! The black folk deserve their reparations.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
HerbVA 3/12/2025 10:34:11 AM (No. 1913241)
From the jungles of Africa to the jungles of large American cities, it is quite obvious those people are incapable of self-government.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
velirotta 3/12/2025 10:59:40 AM (No. 1913254)
This article isn't clear about what "aid" is being cancelled. Why would the US be routinely sending aid $$$ to South Africa in the first place?
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 3/12/2025 2:48:20 PM (No. 1913368)
S. Africa is headed for Zimbabwe / Rhodesia where the locals begged white farmers to come back after they killed many of them, and they (the locals) realized they didn't know anything about farming.
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