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In Defense of Justice Amy Coney Barrett

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Posted By: sagman, 3/7/2025 1:54:41 PM

Yesterday, Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the 5–4 majority that ruled against President Trump in the case of Department of State v. AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition. This has occasioned a great deal of criticism of Barrett from the right — to the point at which many commentators have felt comfortable describing her as a “mistake,” or even as a “DEI hire.” Top Stories The Supreme Court Should Not Encourage a One-Judge Constitutional Crisis The Reality of Trump’s Executive Order to Abolish the Education Department Divided on Strategy, Democrats Keep Playing into Trump’s Hands: ‘We’re Coming Off as So Clueless’ This is nonsense. Barrett is a terrific justice . .


Yes, I know. It's National Review. And It's Cooke, who's never liked Trump. Like Alito, I was stunned by the decision to rule against the administration. But this is worth a read. Barrett has been savaged for joining Roberts and the libs on the court's refusal to rein in that district court judge. Cooke makes a pretty good case on holding off judgment on Barrett.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 3/7/2025 1:57:53 PM (No. 1910628)
Sorry - - I just don't trust her.
35 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: edgar 3/7/2025 2:11:39 PM (No. 1910631)
RINO's defending RINO's. What #1 said.
26 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: dwa 3/7/2025 2:15:52 PM (No. 1910633)
This is just the last vote by Barrett that shows she is not a conservative or a Constitutionalist. This writer makes no case that she is. She has repeatedly sided with the liberals on the Court and is more reliable to them than to the conservatives. If you look at her history before being a Justice, it is clear she is not a conservative and Constitutionalist. The only thing she was conservative on is Roe v Wade.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: NorthernDog 3/7/2025 2:24:53 PM (No. 1910639)
Hopefully the Wise Latinxette ''retires'' soon and Trump will get a chance to pick another justice.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: WesternTradition 3/7/2025 3:22:48 PM (No. 1910683)
It's National Review, what do you expect?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: sagman 3/7/2025 4:34:36 PM (No. 1910750)
It's certainly understandable to be skeptical of her, given some of her votes. But is she a Trump-hating lefty? I don't know. Is it possible she had perfectly good reasons to cast this particular vote? How many of us out here know the law the way she does? Perhaps she felt that this was not the best case to stop j
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Reply 7 - Posted by: sagman 3/7/2025 4:37:50 PM (No. 1910752)
to stop judicial overreach. This issue will come around again, and let's see what she does.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: CivilServant 3/7/2025 5:14:29 PM (No. 1910779)
Well, OP Mr. Coke’s qualifications and reasoning aside, the Judge in the case considered it a win and taking free rein, ordered full payment, sans review by Monday. One cannot reason away the allowance of the status quo continuing, disguised via Judicial fiat.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 3/7/2025 6:03:38 PM (No. 1910817)
I certainly don’t know law anywhere close to as well as she does. But, if we’re going on feelings rather than knowledge of the law, my feelings lead me to side against her votes and for Justices Alito’s and Thomas’s reasoning far more often than hers. That is not to say they can never make a mistake. However, they are the ones who have the unquestionable conservative credentials and experience necessary to override my feelings about the law.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: franco 3/7/2025 6:11:41 PM (No. 1910820)
Never heard of the author, and I haven't read NR since Buckley passed away. I have, however, read Mark Levin... extensively through his books. Dr. Levin says Barrett is a lost cause. That's an opinion I can take to the bank. Mr. Cooke's nuanced defense is a waste of time. And digital ink.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: sagman 3/7/2025 7:57:32 PM (No. 1910865)
Kagan and her two compatriots are lost causes. Is Barrett? Well, you can't be conservative and not be disappointed in Barrett. And yet, in the almost five years she's been on SCOTUS, she has voted with the conservatives. No, maddeningly, not all the time. But she isn't Souter. At least not yet.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: 5 handicap 3/8/2025 6:28:48 AM (No. 1911090)
HOGWASH! Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were both terrific intelligent Scientists, but that description did not save them from being Hanged for their Treason... So it is with Barrett!
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In Defense of Justice Amy Coney Barrett 12 replies
Posted by sagman 3/7/2025 1:54:41 PM Post Reply
Yesterday, Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the 5–4 majority that ruled against President Trump in the case of Department of State v. AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition. This has occasioned a great deal of criticism of Barrett from the right — to the point at which many commentators have felt comfortable describing her as a “mistake,” or even as a “DEI hire.” Top Stories The Supreme Court Should Not Encourage a One-Judge Constitutional Crisis The Reality of Trump’s Executive Order to Abolish the Education Department Divided on Strategy, Democrats Keep Playing into Trump’s Hands: ‘We’re Coming Off as So Clueless’ This is nonsense. Barrett is a terrific justice . .
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Posted by sagman 2/11/2025 5:07:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 2/9/2025 8:14:26 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 2/8/2025 2:38:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 8/17/2023 8:15:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 8/14/2023 8:32:11 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 8/10/2023 6:04:27 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 8/5/2023 6:06:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by sagman 7/29/2023 7:48:20 PM Post Reply
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On the Edge of an Abyss 28 replies
Posted by sagman 7/16/2023 9:17:23 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 3/8/2025 2:21:35 AM Post Reply
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