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The Big Guy’s Treason

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Posted By: Christopher L, 1/30/2025 12:35:21 PM

To me it was obvious from the start that claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, although pushed intensely and for a very long time by the leftist media, were nothing but a gigantic hoax. Joe Biden was the head of a lucrative crime family – even if the Democratic Party, the legacy media, the CIA, FBI, IRS, Department of Justice and even if 51 high-ranking veterans of intelligence organizations asserted that Hunter Biden’s laptop bore all the marks of Russian disinformation. Seeing through these bald-faced lies wasn’t brain surgery. 

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 1/30/2025 1:51:35 PM (No. 1885488)
It's time to claw back all the corrupt tens of millions of dollars in bribes paid to the Biden Crime Family. Even if they're immune from incarceration - - that doesn't mean that they get to keep the money. And if it can't be paid back in cash - - then confiscate the mansions, the beach houses, the luxury cars, and the offshore bank accounts. It's time for the Biden Crime Family to pay - - and to pay BIGLY!
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Hazymac 1/30/2025 1:53:49 PM (No. 1885489)
Must read essay. Nice summary by Bawer. The Bidens employed over twenty shell corporations that produced no apparent goods or services. In addition, they amassed over 170 Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) from major banks, impossible for those not laundering large amounts of dark money. The choice beachfront place in Brandon Falls aka Rehoboth Beach was purchased less than a decade ago with more than $2.7 million in cash. How does a career politician come up with that kind of money? President Truman said that any career politician who is rich is a crook. That's true.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: FJB 1/30/2025 2:39:16 PM (No. 1885501)
Biden belongs in prison.
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To Be Consistent with the George Santos
Precedent, Raphael Warnock Must be Expelled
from Congress
5 replies
Posted by Christopher L 2/2/2025 1:44:14 PM Post Reply
Representative George Santos was expelled from Congress for embellishing his resume and for allegations of misconduct, including the illegal diversion of campaign funds for personal uses. Senator Raphael Warnock (D – GA) was Chairman of a “non-partisan” group that engaged in a massive violation of campaign finance laws in 2018. The “non-partisan” group led by Warnock spent millions of dollars illegally attempting to influence the outcome of the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election If George Santos’ fabulism and misallocation of funds warranted his expulsion, then Senator Raphael Warnock needs to be promptly expelled from Congress too.
The Big Guy’s Treason 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 1/30/2025 12:35:21 PM Post Reply
To me it was obvious from the start that claims about Donald Trump’s ties to Russia, although pushed intensely and for a very long time by the leftist media, were nothing but a gigantic hoax. Joe Biden was the head of a lucrative crime family – even if the Democratic Party, the legacy media, the CIA, FBI, IRS, Department of Justice and even if 51 high-ranking veterans of intelligence organizations asserted that Hunter Biden’s laptop bore all the marks of Russian disinformation. Seeing through these bald-faced lies wasn’t brain surgery. 
Communist Vietnam Follows Libertarian
Milei's Path in a Surprising Turn
1 reply
Posted by Christopher L 1/18/2025 2:36:15 PM Post Reply
The Vietnamese Communist Party has decided to embark on a bold path towards restructuring its state apparatus, following the global trend recently led by other countries. The new plan is inspired by the radical reforms implemented in Argentina by President Javier Milei, which seek to drastically reduce the size of the state and ease the bureaucratic burden. Under the banner of "administrative reform", the Vietnamese government has announced its intention to reduce approximately 20% of government ministries and agencies, as well as the number of public employees.
Fiction to reality: Will the U.S. ever
embrace insect cuisine?
14 replies
Posted by Christopher L 1/17/2025 3:31:12 PM Post Reply
Western culture has long painted eating bugs as backward and gross. But learned disgust can be overcome — if the conditions are right. After the ninth epidemic of mad cow disease, everyone was already eating insects.said Nai Nai. Nai Nai and Grace squatted in a corner soaking the cocoons in steaming hot water. Grace always liked to stir the paddle, loosening any stray dirt or leaf debris off the floating swaddled worms. It was Nai Nai’s role to take the washed cocoons, and with sharp knife, pluck out the plump meat inside. Clean and quick.
Surprise! Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass
is a life-long rabid supporter of communism
and the Cuban dictatorship
19 replies
Posted by Christopher L 1/14/2025 2:07:29 PM Post Reply
Is there a connection between Castro, Inc. and the fires that are ravaging Los Angeles? Yes, definitely. Karen Bass, the city’s mayor, has not only visited Cuba numerous times while serving in public office here in the U.S., but also volunteered to harvest sugarcane with the Venceremos Brigade organized by Fidel Castro in 1969, which served as a training program for leftist American agitators, spies, and terrorists. And when Fidel Castro died in 2016, she whined loudly about what “a great loss to the Cuban people” the passing of their “commander in chief” was.
FBI Is Still Hiding Details of Russiagate,
Newly Released Document Shows
5 replies
Posted by Christopher L 1/11/2025 1:51:44 PM Post Reply
As Donald Trump re-enters the White House on a pledge to end national security state overreach, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is still hiding critical details on the Russia conspiracy investigation that engulfed his first term. In response to a Freedom of Information request filed by RealClearInvestigations in August 2022, the FBI on Dec. 31, more than two years later, released a heavily redacted copy of the document that opened an explosive and unprecedented counterintelligence probe of the sitting president as an agent of the Russian government. 
Musk on the German Election 6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 1/2/2025 5:59:05 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk has raised eyebrows to DefCon1 with his recent endorsement of the insurgent AfD (“Alternative for Germany”) Party in Germany’s snap election next month, in the pages of DieWelt, one of Germany’s leading newspapers. AfD has a checkered character, but like Marine le Pen in France, it seems the unified front of the established political parties against considering AfD as part of any governing coalition is only helping AfD’s appeal to fed-up German voters (just like endless lawsuits against Trump helped him with many voters). An English translation of Musk’s article is out today. Judge for yourself.
Why They Hate Kash Patel 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 12/18/2024 5:00:48 PM Post Reply
In early 2018, members of the House Intelligence Committee investigating the FBI’s malfeasance in the Russia Collusion hoax met with then Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Kash Patel, then serving as senior aide to that committee, attended the meeting on behalf of the committee’s chair at the time, California Republican Devin Nunes. Rosenstein had good reason to be worried about that investigation. In early 2017, he signed one of the FISA warrant applications the Justice Department used to spy on Trump campaign figure Carter Page. it was based on false information provided by a subcontractor for the Clinton campaign.
The Constitution Does Not Grant Birthright
Citizenship to the Children of Illegal Immigrants
21 replies
Posted by Christopher L 12/16/2024 3:54:43 PM Post Reply
Dozens of media outlets are reporting in unison that Donald Trump cannot stop the U.S. government from awarding birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants. They claim this is the case because the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires it. In reality, the legislative history of the 14th Amendment is clear that it only grants birthright citizenship to the children of people who are legally and permanently living in the United States. This does not apply to the children of illegal immigrants, temporary residents, visitors, or tourists.
Crime of the Century? 12 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/22/2024 1:37:36 PM Post Reply
If my father had been alive, I wouldn’t have done it. He was a doctor who had a diverse background in medical research, medical writing and editing, both private and hospital practice But my father wasn’t alive when COVID came along, and so I got the damned Pfizer jab – twice – without giving it much thought at all. In retrospect I feel like a fool. it didn’t occur to me that the corporate media and Big Pharma might team up with the Deep State to push life-threatening drugs on the whole world
Tina Peters appeal filed while justice
awaits Jena Griswold
2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/19/2024 4:05:51 PM Post Reply
The legal journey of Tina Peters, former Clerk and Recorder of Mesa County, Colorado, has become emblematic of the contentious debates surrounding election integrity and judicial fairness.  Peters now seeks bond pending appeal, citing significant procedural and constitutional concerns in her trial. Peters was convicted on charges that stemmed from her decision to hire a cybersecurity expert to create forensic images of Mesa County’s election management system . This action followed a directive from the Colorado Secretary of State to perform a software update, which Peters believed might erase key election records. Her intent was to comply with federal laws
PASSWORD WARS: The Difference Between
the Fabricated Password ‘Breach’ Charges
Against TINA PETERS and the HUGE Actual
Password Breach by Colorado SOS Jena Griswold.
2 replies
Posted by Christopher L 11/1/2024 1:22:53 PM Post Reply
As Steve Bannon would likely say, “Jena Griswold, Suck on This”. Your recent despicable dodging and cover-up interview with Kyle Clark from 9News in Denver leaves zero doubt in anyone’s rational mind that the Contrived Password Divulgence Charges levied upon former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters were solely fabricated to put her in prison. During this SOS Griswold interview, she emphasized how the BIOS Passwords on her SOS website were incomplete, and thus unusable. However, according to a well respected security expert, this is likely not true
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Female Pilot Rebecca Lobach’s Entire
Social Media Scrubbed before Army Released
Her Name – So What Are They Hiding?
46 replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/2/2025 10:29:28 AM Post Reply
On Saturday the US Army released the name of the pilot of the US Army Blackhawk helicopter that flew into a passenger jet landing at Reagan National Airport. The crash was on Wednesday. The third pilot’s name, Rebecca Lobach, was finally released on Saturday, three days later. All 64 passengers in the jet were killed. The three pilots in the Blackhawk helicopter also died in the explosive crash. Kristinn Taylor at The Gateway Pundit reported: After withholding at the request of the family the name of the female pilot killed in the mid-air collision Wednesday night between an Army Black Hawk helicopter and a PSA/American Airlines passenger plane on final approach to Reagan National Airport
Army refuses to identify female Black
Hawk pilot killed in DC collision
44 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 2:23:31 AM Post Reply
The Army is refusing to name the female pilot killed aboard the military helicopter that collided with a passenger jet flying into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Wednesday. In an announcement Friday, the Army, which disclosed the names of the two other soldiers in the chopper who died, said the woman’s family requested her identity be withheld from the public. “At the request of the family, the name of the third Soldier will not be released at this time,” the Army Public Affairs wrote on their website.
DOJ Opens Investigation into Chuck Schumer
For Threatening Supreme Court Justices
33 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 8:29:07 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice has opened an investigation into Chuck Schumer for threatening Supreme Court justices. According to The Washington Post, interim D.C. U.S. attorney Edward R. Martin, Jr. is looking to scrutinize Democratic leaders and former Justice Department officials. Among them is the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in connection with comments regarding Trump’s Supreme Court justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. During a pro-abortion rally back in 2020, Schumer said that the two justices would “pay the price” for overturning Roe vs Wade, a decision that they eventually handed down two years later.
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth Declares
End of ‘Cultural Awareness Months’
at Department of Defense
33 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 2:49:40 AM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth on Friday issued guidance to the entire Department of Defense to end the practice of celebrating months tied to racial or gender identities using official resources. He said in his guidance: “Our unity and purpose are instrumental to meeting the Department’s warfighting mission. Efforts to divide the force – to put one group ahead of another – erode camaraderie and threaten mission execution.” He added: Going forward, DoD Components and Military Departments will not use official resources, to include man-hours, to host celebrations or events related to cultural awareness months, including National African American/Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander
BREAKING: DNC Elects Anti-Gun Activist
David Hogg as Vice Chair
32 replies
Posted by Imright 2/2/2025 8:26:53 AM Post Reply
They actually did it. Democrats have just elected David Hogg as the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Ken Martin of Minnesota won the race for Chair. The diversity obsessed Democrats just elected two white guys to lead their party. (X Video) This is the new ‘youth’ voice of the Democratic party. (X Video) The Post Millennial reports: BREAKING: Anti-gun influencer David Hogg elected Vice-Chair of DNC Left-wing social media influencer David Hogg has been elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), making history as the first member of Generation Z to assume the position.
Democrat Arizona Governor Katie
Hobbs Under Fire After $339 Million “Disappeared”
from State Budget as Hobbs’ Budget Director
Mysteriously Resigns
29 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 2:21:34 AM Post Reply
Arizona State Representative Alex Kolodin called Arizona’s illegitimate Democrat governor out in a letter to her office Thursday after $339 million “disappeared” from the state budget. Kolodin told The Gateway Pundit, “Maybe somebody’s siphoning off some funds.” He clarified, “Maybe some are mistakes. Who knows? But they don’t match up.” This is not the first, nor the second, time Hobbs has come under scrutiny for mismanagement or corruption involving large sums of money. As The Gateway Pundit reported, in November, Hobbs was in the spotlight after her Office of Tourism awarded a $700,000 contract to create a hideous new state logo
Canada, Mexico strike back with retaliatory
tariffs on American goods hours after
Trump’s executive action
26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 10:42:41 PM Post Reply
Canada and Mexico’s top leaders blasted President Trump Saturday hours after he imposed a 25% tariff on the neighboring countries — and announced they would retaliate by enforcing their own on the US. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau revealed he and Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo agreed to work together to push back against Trump’s long-awaited taxing program, which he claimed was aimed at halting the influx of drugs into the US. Trump put a 25% tariff on Canadian and Mexican imports, while Chinese products will receive a more modest 10% tariff.
James Carville Throws Kamala Harris Under
the Bus: ‘Couldn’t Put Together a
Sentence’ (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 2/2/2025 8:29:37 AM Post Reply
James Carville has been complaining about his party for months and now he is telling everyone what he really thought of Kamala Harris as a candidate. It’s not good. He threw Harris under the bus as a ‘seventh string’ quarterback who ‘couldn’t put together a sentence.’ Carville made the remarks during a live event for Firing Line. Transcript via Real Clear Politics:JAMES CARVILLE: We ran a presidential election. If we were playing a Super Bowl, we started our 7th-string quarterback. That’s what happened. You can’t address a problem unless you’re honest about a problem. And none of this was inevitable. Now, if you were to put the staggering talent that exists
Lloyd Austin’s Ex-Chief of Staff Attacks
Pete Hegseth Over Plane Crash
24 replies
Posted by Imright 2/2/2025 12:46:01 PM Post Reply
Former President Joe Biden’s Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, and former Chief of Staff, Kelly Magsamen, have sparked controversy by launching a personal attack on Pete Hegseth after a fatal plane crash involving a military helicopter and an American Airlines aircraft. In a sharp rebuke, the former defense official, who helped Austin cover up his absence from the Pentagon during a health crisis in January 2024, attacked Hegseth for his comments about DEI and falsely accused him of blaming the female co-pilot, Capt. Rebecca Lobach, for the incident.
Canada Has Detailed Retaliation Plan to
Harm Republican States the Most in Response
to Trump’s Tariffs
24 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 10:45:36 PM Post Reply
Why is Canada targeting Republican-led states? President Trump officially imposed tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China on Saturday after they had ignored his threats. Trump slapped the tariffs on the three countries under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. 25% tariffs on all Mexico imports 25% tariffs on nearly all Canadian imports — 10% on Canadian energy resources 10% tariffs on all China imports “Today, I have implemented a 25% Tariff on Imports from Mexico and Canada (10% on Canadian Energy), and a 10% additional Tariff on China.
Deep State Crackdown: 50 Ex-Intelligence
Operatives, Including Brennan, Bolton,
and Clapper, Banned from U.S. Facilities
by Trump Administration Due to National
Security Concerns
21 replies
Posted by Imright 2/1/2025 8:16:14 AM Post Reply
The Trump administration has issued a directive to ban 50 former intelligence officials, including high-profile figures like John Brennan, John Bolton, and James Clapper, from accessing secure U.S. government facilities. This decision comes after these officials misleadingly characterized Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation. In 2020, it was 51 lying intelligence officials who were quarterbacked by Anthony Blinken to pull off the greatest election fraud in American history. It was Tony Blinken who was in charge of collecting signatures from corrupt and partisan Trump-hating intelligence officials to sign off on the letter that the laptop was a Russian op.
Faulty Electric Buses Cause Massive Headaches
for Multiple School Districts
20 replies
Posted by Imright 2/2/2025 3:49:49 AM Post Reply
The administration of now-former President Joe Biden tried to bankroll the use of electric school buses at government schools across the country. But as the electric buses continue to have massive reliability issues, some schools regret taking the federal handouts and now want help from the Environmental Protection Agency to get themselves out of the program. Maine Department of Education Commissioner Pender Makin wrote a letter to the agency voicing concerns with the program, asking for waived penalties for not using buses provided by manufacturer Lion Electric, according to a Monday report from WGME-TV in Portland, Maine. “Specifically, we urge the agency to pursue legal remedies,
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