Elite Europeans Losing Influence Resent Trump
Daily Signal,
Victor Davis Hanson
Original Article
Posted By: DVC,
1/24/2025 1:34:43 PM
This is the week of the inauguration of Donald Trump, but it also coincides, not just with Martin Luther King’s birthday—on the same day as the inauguration, but also the meeting of the world’s elite at Davos, Switzerland, lorded over by 86-year-old Klaus Schwab, who, created this organization.
If you don’t know what Davos is, don’t worry about it. It’s not that important, in some ways. I mean, it’s not doing a lot of good for the rest of us.
But it is important because it has aspirations that are quite dangerous. Basically, its premise is that if we got together all of the “smart people"
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
DVC 1/24/2025 1:46:10 PM (No. 1881081)
VDH reports that when the EU was formed, the EU combined GDP was about matching the USA GDP. Today, after a lot of WEF and leftist 'improvements' and green initiatives, the EU combined GDP is about 60% of the USA GDP. Lost 40% of their wealth, thanks to their wonderful leaders. But at least they have lots of 7th century barbarians destroying their countries.
47 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 1/24/2025 1:49:22 PM (No. 1881083)
The far left elitist pukes meet in Davos. The One World Order/Open Borders type. Many of them despise DJT. Don't be surprised if they are in agreement for a Global Tax. Nauseous pukes.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Vaquero45 1/24/2025 2:00:24 PM (No. 1881087)
Tell it like it is, VDH!
27 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
JSanders 1/24/2025 2:32:26 PM (No. 1881099)
Always a joy reading his insightful, thoughtful columns. Highly intelligent without being condescending, always full of facts expertly laid out for all to see.
30 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
privateer 1/24/2025 2:47:59 PM (No. 1881108)
Great and important column! Vitiates Davos Handily.
18 people like this.
Seeing that Gates was not in accompaniment with the other tech titans at the Inauguration, can we assume he was in Davos again this year?
15 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/24/2025 3:45:17 PM (No. 1881158)
Smart people aren't necessarily good people. The common goal seems to be money and cutting them off from ours is a fast way to stop them.
23 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/24/2025 3:47:01 PM (No. 1881159)
To enjoy the full advantage of VDH knowledge, be sure to buy his books. Each one is an entire college course.
18 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 1/24/2025 4:32:52 PM (No. 1881179)
I would say that the most sought after thing in Davos is power. Money sure, but most of these guys are already wealthy. But they are greedy. They are also soulless. For such people, all the money does NOT bring them happiness so they seek power to round fill their cups of happiness. But the truth is, power will not get them happiness either.
You really have to wonder WHY anyone would listen to people who have led them reliably to less prosperity and less security? Of course, some countries have no choice, they are not free to choose someone else.
This is also one of the most baffling questions about the dem party as well. They seem to be spectacularly bad at everything. At the root of all our persistent problems are Leftist/dem policy. The only problem for Conservative governing is that it expects personal responsibility. We, as individuals, have the problem to CHOOSE our direction; and influence our fate. But if we choose badly, we own it. Leftists offer a seductive, devilish alternative, that someone else is to blame. Weaker people are called to that if they can get away with it; which Leftists allow them to do. Conservatives do not and hold their feet to the fire to take responsibility for themselves and work harder at getting their ducks in a row.
To have TRUE success as countries and as a world, the Conservative path is the ONLY path to success for all. It's not a search for power but instead, personal accomplishment, and often being able to share it with others.
The US doesn't need Davos and it is likely that Davos will not survive without the US. Trump is torching the Left and if feels great.
31 people like this.
"elite Europeans"??? I call them Euroweenies.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 1/25/2025 8:10:44 AM (No. 1881594)
Poster #10, 80 years ago we called them Nazis and after 1945 we called them communists.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 1/25/2025 9:16:37 AM (No. 1881655)
Herr Klaus, you must now obey President Trump and sign ze papers.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
TCloud 1/25/2025 9:20:31 AM (No. 1881660)
He shook the bobbie pins from their hair!
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Zigrid 1/25/2025 10:36:59 AM (No. 1881729)
Excellent read...but then..Victor is always spot on.....yes the dudes in Davos have been plotting and planning the power and control of the world for years....President Trump 2016 set them back...but they cheated ole Joe into the White House and felt confident that heels up harris could continue the coverup...surprise...President Trump fooled them all and now they must eat some crow....as long as President Trump is in charge...with JD Vance waiting in the wings...I feel very safe....
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 1/25/2025 11:20:34 AM (No. 1881758)
These elite at Davos are arrogant wannabe Dictators. They are sickening with their condescension. They are repulsive.
On the other hand, President Trump is like a cold glass of water on a hot day. Refreshing.
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Reply 16 - Posted by:
Ashley Brenton 1/25/2025 11:20:56 AM (No. 1881759)
The elite in Europe are not shy in telling everyone exactly who they are. Within the last few years some of them have openly called for political internet memes to be censored on the grounds that they make EU bureaucrats look ridiculous.
Can't have people who went to university specifically to get degrees in government administration being made to look like fools with an image and a bit of sarcastic text now, can we?
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Reply 17 - Posted by:
PrayerWarrior 1/25/2025 11:31:27 AM (No. 1881767)
Reply 11 - Posted by: Maggie2u
80 years ago we called them Nazis and after 1945 we called them communists.
THANK YOU! You are so right. We are watching old movies from the 1950s about communism and they took up where Hitler/Nazis left off. It's all about power and control of the masses.
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When Kaiser Klaus smirked when he said (in essence) “everyvone must get ze vaccine..” I knew it was not to “protect” us, it was to brutally harm us.
The Davos Devil Dominators must be muted and marginalized. Use their Alinsky tactics back on them and make their Sodom and Gomorrah Festival be what it is - a sewer of disgusting excess.
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Reply 19 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 1/25/2025 1:25:30 PM (No. 1881828)
SO? What are they gonna do? Put tariffs on American goods? Stop paying their fair share for NATO? Pee all other the USA at the UN and world events?... It's not like we haven't seen this behavior already; go ahead, 'make our day!'
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Reply 20 - Posted by:
Scout Finch 1/25/2025 8:35:15 PM (No. 1882018)
#9–you own Lucianne tonight. I’ve saved it in the vault.
2 people like this.
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