Mark Milley: pardons and mutiny
American Thinker,
Mike McDaniel
Original Article
Posted By: DW626,
1/22/2025 1:45:45 PM
While it’s true pardoned members of Joe Biden’s crime family can be interviewed by the FBI, and lying to an agent is a crime, they don’t have to speak with federal agents. It’s equally true they can be subpoenaed by Congress and may be prosecuted for perjury, but I’m quite sure that like James Comey, Christopher Wray and a variety of other swamp dwellers, they’ll suddenly develop very bad memories. It’s equally likely Former General Mark Milley, also pardoned by Biden’s handlers, will suffer memory loss.
There is, however, one consequence, small for most Americans, but large indeed for a perfumed prince of the Pentagon:
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
vrb8m 1/22/2025 1:59:16 PM (No. 1879313)
Call him back and bust his a**.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
sunnyday 1/22/2025 2:05:57 PM (No. 1879317)
Does he get to keep his pension?
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
itsonlyme 1/22/2025 2:09:18 PM (No. 1879319)
Former General Mark "IDon'tRecall,Senator" Milley
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 1/22/2025 2:29:37 PM (No. 1879324)
There are many ways to shame and exclude these people. A simple one is to remove his picture and hang it in a bathroom. Another would be to exclude him from all ceremonies and gatherings. Revoke his security clearance. Don't allow him on military bases. Drag him before LOTS of investigations. It will get very tiring and embarrassing to keep saying "I don't recall.". Embarrass him. Shun him. Shut him out.
43 people like this.
If nothing else, recall him to active duty, then try him for violations of the UCMJ, strip a star from him, and give him a BCD...
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
MickTurn 1/22/2025 2:53:03 PM (No. 1879332)
Those Pardoned by Joey Briben have one huge problem. They can NOT plead the fifth. IF they don't answer congressional or grand jury questions they can then be prosecuted for THAT CRIME, if they DO talk then everyone else that was partners in their crime are now fitted with a legal prosecution target on their forehead.
Thanks Joey for letting us KNOW who all the CRIMINALS REALLY ARE!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 1/22/2025 3:26:40 PM (No. 1879361)
Milley is a traitor, a mutineer, a criminal. He should have his rank reduced and his pension matched to his new, reduced rank. About 2st Lt would be good, Milley would look good with butter bars.
18 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
Geoman 1/22/2025 3:41:27 PM (No. 1879371)
The article shows Milley's official portrait with him in uniform, crammed full of ribbons, badges, and hash marks denoting years of service in contrast with General Eisenhower's official picture of him wearing a relatively uncluttered uniform; however, Eisenhower was a five-star general and was the Supreme Allied Commander of the allied forces in the European theater of operations, a real war-fighter. That reminded me of my WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veteran father, who refused to display on his dress uniform any of the 12 decorations he received during multiple combat tours in the air over Vietnam. He never said why he would not add his Vietnam era medals to his Air Force blue uniform "salad," although I suspect it was a form of silent protest over the U.S. abandonment of the humble, primitive but fierce and highly effective, Laotian Hmong fighters who would go into hostile territory to retrieve downed U.S. pilots and airmen who managed to bail out of battle damaged aircraft close to the Laotian/North Vietnamese border on return from missions over North Vietnam. Many of the Laotian fighters carried 18th century flintlock rifles and bolo knives made from the leaf springs of destroyed U.S. Jeeps but were intelligent enough to be trained on modern communications equipment and taught to fly propeller-driven war planes from the U.S inventory. When the U.S. pulled out of SE Asia, a bloodbath among the Laotian Hmong occurred, with only a fraction of the remote hill-dwelling population making it to the U.S. through refugee camps in Thailand.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 1/22/2025 4:31:08 PM (No. 1879388)
Not so fast, Millie. Civil court lurks, pal.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
PostAway 1/22/2025 5:48:44 PM (No. 1879420)
I hope that the military begins to shun the gaudy pridefulness that Milley displays on his uniform. He has a more flamboyant array of medals than a teenaged Girl Scout has patches on her merit badge sash and the medals he received for doing things like popping popcorn in Doha and finding both shoes after a bender at Ft. DeRussy is even less impressive.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Hard Nard 1/22/2025 6:30:43 PM (No. 1879445)
He should be stripped of his security access, that would keep him from being able to register as a lobbyist for the military in any nation.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
preciosodrogas 1/22/2025 7:05:17 PM (No. 1879472)
Sometimes I get confused when I see salad like this. I have to look twice to make sure it isn't a NORK general of one from some South American country. It is unseemly for a person to be that desperate for attention. He gathered ribbons for administrative efforts. I think that falls under doing his job, if he does a good job he gets promoted not a medal.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
NYbob 1/23/2025 1:26:52 AM (No. 1879696)
He conspired with Chinese COMMUNISTS to give them the most top secret information from PRESIDENT Trump. He was going to ALERT them about US military actions.
Good grief, if this isn't Benedick Arnold level sedition and treason, nothing is. Arrest his fat behind for looking cross-eyed and shuffle HIM through the justice system for 4 years, or send him to GITMO and let a team of combat hardened military judges decide his fate. Give this worm what he deserves.
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