Biden administration seeks to punish oil companies
American Thinker,
Eric Utter
Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac,
12/17/2024 10:10:45 AM
The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that the Biden administration’s stunningly unjust Department of Justice “quietly weighed in on litigation pending before the Supreme Court this week, siding with liberal cities and states that are seeking to force the nation's largest oil companies to pay billions of dollars in damages for global warming.”
Biden’s Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar, is pushing the Supreme Court to give its imprimatur to the notion that states can make laws mandating that oil companies pay “the costs of global climate change.” Prelogar is also urging SCOTUS to “allow Democratic states to pursue their individual lawsuits against the various companies.”
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
bpl40 12/17/2024 10:26:07 AM (No. 1856410)
In a way this is not bad. let this come in front of the Conservative SCOTUS. Let the "settled science" be put to test in front of the world. They are going to find there is no there, there.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 12/17/2024 10:33:53 AM (No. 1856416)
If any doubted that Obama and his running dogs in the media want to destroy this country, here is the proof. It's being deliberately done, folks, and the media dare "not call it treason".
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Trump Won 12/17/2024 10:49:18 AM (No. 1856429)
Every liberal lunatic that wants to ban fossil fuels should be required to listen to Billy Bob Thornton's soliliquy about wind turbines and fossil fuels on Taylor Sheridan's 'Landman.' Brilliant!
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
paral04 12/17/2024 10:55:33 AM (No. 1856435)
I would like to see how the initiators of this law suit prove that oil has caused global warming when scientists have just stated that our climate is cooling. This should be fun to watch.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Venturer 12/17/2024 11:30:14 AM (No. 1856462)
He already screwed over coal when he closed the Powder River Basin, now he is going after oil.
January 20 cannot come fast enough.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 12/17/2024 11:30:32 AM (No. 1856463)
Democrats are looking for a new revenue source and using the tobacco settlement as their template.
Of course, they blew through that settlement money so quickly and never improved the health of anyone in the process.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
DVC 12/17/2024 11:50:30 AM (No. 1856479)
Those who would 'ban fossil fuels' should be required to immediately stop using aircraft, automobiles, being in any building heated by anything but solar power, eating any food not planted, grown and harvested without any diesel tractors, combines,etc. and only traveling by bicycle for the rest of their lives.
7 people like this.
Can't allow them to use bicycles either, since the metal came from a foundry, the tires from petrochemicals as well as the paint. Let them walk, or maybe buy a horse...
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 12/17/2024 12:19:17 PM (No. 1856493)
There are a lot of holes in what they are trying to do.
First, oil, as produced, does not cause global warming. It is the USE of the oil by millions of people that MIGHT (not really) cause warming.
Next, despite decades of trying, we still do not have models that work and therefore cannot say for sure that warming is happening or how much. This makes it impossible to fairly apportion damage, if any.
How much warming is being produced via natural mechanisms. To apportion damages, you would have to know this. AND if the temperature rises 1 degree, exactly how much damage is done? Who is claiming damage? If I move from northern US to Florida, the average temperature is much higher. Am I damaged? The people who flock to Florida to live and vacation don't seem to think so.
If the SCOTUS were liberal, none of this reality would matter. Only the feelz would count. Fortunately a Conservative court is going to follow legal precedent and want to know who is being damaged, how, how much, and many, many other things that the Left has no answers for.
Further, the harder we look at this issue, the less clear it seems to become. That's not a good sign. Knowledge should be increasing over time and more answers should be forthcoming. That they are not is a sign of a significantly faulty premise and people willing to "fake it until they make it".
Fortunately, it seems we are on the downhill side of getting this farce thrown out. It is deeply entrenched and it won't happen without some struggle, but public support in the US is NOT there, especially when the crazy costs and damage to society get totaled up.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/17/2024 12:28:27 PM (No. 1856502)
Hasn't he punished everybody enough already? Besides, they would have to prove that there is such a thing as Global Warming, or Climate Change or whatever the boogeyman of the day is.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 12/17/2024 1:29:12 PM (No. 1856538)
When an addict buys illegal drugs from a pusher, both are guilty of perpetrating a crime.
So...If oil companies are guilty of a crime by producing oil and selling gasoline, then shouldn't anyone who has bought gasoline also be named as a defendant?
Oh...and good luck with that.
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