A Tale of Two Parties
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: 4250Luis,
12/8/2024 4:58:53 AM
Eighty-three years after the disastrous sneak attack on Pearl Harbor which galvanized our nation to prepare for a long fight and ultimate victory, we have a clearer picture of how Barack Obama (and through him, President Biden) destroyed his party and with it many of our institutions. We now have a leader and a plan to restore their strength. Much has been written about why the Democrats suffered such a devastating loss in the election, but I’m inclined to place great weight on the views expressed by Adam Mill in Chronicles Magazine who argues persuasively that the Democrats’ decision-making process doomed their chances, a process unlikely to soon change.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 12/8/2024 6:55:04 AM (No. 1850579)
An OUTSTANDING review of the structural weaknesses of the dem party. The primary goal of the dem party is to hold their conglomeration of disparate misfits together on election day; simply put, to win elections and hold on to power. The "leadership's" job is to herd cats, which, as most of us know, is a pointless task.
If this were to become clear knowledge to most people, the dems would be out of power permanently. Fortunately for them, the dems have been aided in hiding their truth from the public by their propaganda media and the corrupt government Deep State.
But a new day has dawned with Trump's appearance on the political stage. It's hard to be sure if Trump saw all this from the beginning and has been working toward a "fix" or has been driven by his outstanding instincts to understand people. I suspect the latter. So what has Trump done?
First, he recognized that government is NOT serving the American People very well. As a businessman, ESPECIALLY in the hotel business, he KNOWS customer service is critical. In addition, he has a deep love for America and wants to see it deliver on the promises of its inception. So, he promised the People he would work toward that and won in 2016. He got to work trying to clean things up and get government to work for the People. We know the mess he ran into.
Next, he recognized that the American People really didn't know how bad the government is. Why? Because the media wasn't telling them and were lying about, well, almost everything. He knew the Press had great Constitutional freedom to act as it wishes, for good or bad and Trump respects the law. However, he could call them out. "Fake News" and "Enemies of the American People" were the labels he applied, and the People began to watch the media and realize that Trump was right. Now, the dems depend greatly on the media to spin lies for them, i.e. propaganda, so this was a masterstroke to weaken a corrupt media and the dem party. They were terrified. Their reaction was/is to double down and dig the hole they were in even deeper. Now the dems, in trying to defend their media, had to come out of the shadows and was tied themselves to the lies and corruption. Now media and dems stand naked and shivering in the cold winds of reality. AND they still seem unable to act in any useful way to dig themselves out of their own mess.
Finally, Trump realized that the law, a world he knows intimately as a developer in New York, was being perverted by Leftist judges. In his first term he appointed LOTS of truly Conservative judges, dedicated to Constitutionally based law. That set the foundation for many decisions that placed powerful tools in Trump's hands. First, federal agencies have been limited in their power to what has been specifically assigned them in law. Most laws establishing agencies are sloppy and do NOT assign them specific powers. No law saying so, no power. That chops the legs out from many of the worst Leftist agencies abusing the People. Law suits are coming to eviscerate such agencies, IF we even need to wait that long.
The second decision is that, Constitutionally, the President as sole Chief Executive is EXACTLY that. The President is, within the bounds of law, in charge of the executive branch. Period. That means that all these troublesome agencies are subject to Trump's control. Further, there are agencies that seemed to have popped up WITHOUT any legal basis. Trump can eliminate them with a pen stroke. For legally established agencies he can fire anyone he wants, reduce staff, limit their scope and their spending, even lock them in a building without any communication or authority.
Trump is choosing people to carry out these things by his orders. There's going to be a "Whole lot of shaking goin on!". And there isn't much the dems, media, or Deep State will be able to do to stop it.
64 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
Sully 12/8/2024 7:01:45 AM (No. 1850584)
"...we have a clearer picture of how Barack Obama destroyed his party and with it many of our institutions."
What joy, to see this scoundrel wrapped in tinsel exposed for the corrupt commie that he is. A hater of our country intent on destroying it, posing as an erudite patriot.
He's already losing his composure. Watch him sputter like his teleprompter has betrayed him. He can't stay glib while exposed to sunlight. He orchestrated the weaponization of the deep state against US citizens. He is now exposed, naked as a licorice whip. And about as strong.
The dem facade is crumbling to reveal their wickedness, And President Trump isn't even in office yet. God bless him and protect him.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
EVRgreen4058 12/8/2024 8:01:08 AM (No. 1850619)
Excellent Post #1- Minorities can never assume leadership of a nation and we have seen the fallout when these maniacs think the bottom line with anything is knowing the pronouns of those involved ? Time for them to just move on with their lives and let the rest of us do the same. Most Americans are not prejudiced against anyone or anything but Obama's crew made sure we were or if we weren't we had to be ??? Cut the BS and lets move on with this Nation so everyone does have that equal chance at success. MAGA
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/8/2024 8:04:31 AM (No. 1850621)
A top tier piece, even for Clarice. It should make most of us feel ashamed that we gave the democrats even one bit of compliance since the evil days of Obama and his third world crime syndicate. We should have pilloried and cursed Biden at every turn instead of patiently waiting out the final days of his sleazy disaster of an administration.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 12/8/2024 9:07:56 AM (No. 1850673)
FTA - "And while Obama looks increasingly crushed by the results of the last election, even to the point where his usually glib patter is failing him, the world is treating Trump, even before the inauguration, as our head of state."
This is an interesting comparison of a fake leader (Obie) and a real leader (Trump). And the rest of the world notices.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Zigrid 12/8/2024 9:11:37 AM (No. 1850677)
I'm so sick of the Dems on the television trying to justify their loss to uninformed voters...when all along the reason they lost so miserably is just the opposite...the reason the dens lost so badly is "informed voters"... who rose up and took back control of their government from the illegal Kenyan who tried to destroy America...with help from the washington elites...who consider themselves better than just ordinary Americans...surprise Obama!!
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Kafka2 12/8/2024 10:42:50 AM (No. 1850735)
#6 Zigrid I agree with you. It was informed voters that made the difference. However, there are still a lot of uninformed and misinformed voters out there. The margin of victory in most races was measured in single digits. When you consider how outrageous the constant slander and lies told by the Democrats and MSM were, it is amazing so many people believed them.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
DVC 12/8/2024 12:35:17 PM (No. 1850794)
Clarice covers a broad swath of things, and hits all the right high points. I'll just address one.
The Congressional report on COVID fraud is a good start. Many, many people in positions of power must be removed from ALL current and future power after their corrupt and deadly actions during the Dem-panic. Fauci should be prosecuted for mass murder for both funding the creation of the virus and for blocking HCQ and ivermectin, cheap, safe and effective treatments in favor of the mRNA shots which did not prevent infection, did not prevent transmission and which killed or otherwise harmed millions.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Starboard_side 12/8/2024 12:36:23 PM (No. 1850796)
Exposing the truth and making sure its available for everyone to review is important as many of the Democrat claims over the past 10 years will be shown to be bogus thus also ensnaring their messengers (compliant media).
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
danu 12/8/2024 2:28:12 PM (No. 1850853)
everybody but obozo knew... he was 'sooo overrrrr' when he stamped his wee foot
and nagged at black men to vote for scamzilla.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
NeonVortex 12/8/2024 6:52:35 PM (No. 1850971)
Gives one hope that these degenerates are, and will remain, their own worst enemies.
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