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Trump Needs to Make an Example of General Milley

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Posted By: DW626, 12/3/2024 1:55:11 PM

In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term. Which path Trump should take all depends on whether one believes the last eight years were normal partisan squabbles or if one believes that something monumental happened

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/3/2024 2:01:42 PM (No. 1847517)
I agree very much with the headline. Milley was a traitor, and decided on his own that the Constitution, which makes the President the Commander in Chief, no longer applied. This is pure treason, and him contacting the top military in China is absolutely traitorous, against US interests. Milley should be court martialed for treason and imprisoned for many years. This sort of corrupt, criminal behavior, by a man who swore an oath to "protect and preserve the Constitution".....where that Constitution designates the President as Commander in Chief, cannot be ignored. It must be pointed out, made and example of and he needs to be severely punished.
152 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 12/3/2024 2:09:30 PM (No. 1847524)
Mark "OttoMoll" Milley was most likely a central figure in the deadly and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. In addition, leaving military equipment for the terrorist. There are evil people in this world
84 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JonR 12/3/2024 2:17:37 PM (No. 1847533)
It is absolutely essential to the preservation of the constitution of the United States, as well as the country as a whole that this traitor be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law!
86 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 12/3/2024 2:26:05 PM (No. 1847544)
Nah, Trump needs to make an example of PRIVATE (E-1) Milley, soon to be stationed at Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks.
88 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 12/3/2024 2:54:53 PM (No. 1847555)
The movie '7 Days in May' comes to mind, not too different.
36 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FormerDem 12/3/2024 2:54:56 PM (No. 1847556)
General Milley set the worst possible example and he must go. It is not uncharitable as far as that goes.
48 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Vaquero45 12/3/2024 3:02:57 PM (No. 1847560)
33 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: rochow 12/3/2024 3:54:12 PM (No. 1847576)
Milley and Fauci. As someone wrote the other day about F. Tree, rope, Fauci' Anyone see the clown in chief saluting F. yesterday? Milley told the Chinese that he would call them in case then President Trump would press 'the button'. What a swine and this piece of filth calls himself a general. Strip him of all his decoration, into the fire and then court marshal this dirt bag.
49 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Schnapps 12/3/2024 4:06:59 PM (No. 1847586)
A short video clip of President Trump ripping the starred epaulettes and insignia from (Thoroughly Modern) Milley's jacket would make my day.
52 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Venturer 12/3/2024 4:08:39 PM (No. 1847587)
Some things can be looked over, and others cannot. Disobeying a direct order of the Commander in Chief is one of the things that should not be overlooked, nor should the Treason of the Vindmans.
79 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 12/3/2024 4:35:35 PM (No. 1847602)
We used to hang people for treason. That needs to be revived.
44 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Sergeant Major 12/3/2024 7:45:18 PM (No. 1847726)
Poster #4 and Fort Leavenworth. Milley would look great in a white t shirt and red ball cap. The uniform of the Fort's prisoners on work detail. Would actually be good for his health, would drop a lot of those extra pounds.
30 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: govlawyer 12/4/2024 6:19:38 AM (No. 1847879)
Maybe we can get the Taliban to sell us one of the rifles left behind and use it to house a live round for the firing squad; life in Leavenworth is too good for that traitor.
16 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: bpl40 12/4/2024 6:58:23 AM (No. 1847894)
The Constitution requires death by hanging for high treason. That may be a bit too much. But dishonorable discharge, stripped of rank and pension will be enough warning to wannabes.
26 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 5 handicap 12/4/2024 7:14:33 AM (No. 1847912)
Congratulations. Welcome to the Party Chris... Many of us have been saying this ever since he retired! T R E A S O N, is the proper charge!
27 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: billa57 12/4/2024 7:22:25 AM (No. 1847917)
The first people he contacted when President Trump questioned the bogus 2020 election was the CCP military. Not to mention the sabotaging of the Afghanistan pull out. He needs to be brought to justice.
30 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Ketchuplover 12/4/2024 7:56:31 AM (No. 1847930)
Just look at the side-by-side pictures of him and Gen. Eisenhower and compare the colorful patches of color over their hearts and you'll know all you need to know.
11 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 12/4/2024 8:22:38 AM (No. 1847946)
FYA - "Finally, and most controversially, he was telling his counterpart in China that he would let them know if an attack or other action was coming from the United States. He defended this as normal “deconfliction” communications, but these secret talks took place without authorization from either the Secretary of Defense or the president." If this is documented evidence, Millie is in trouble. Really big trouble.
25 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Miceal 12/4/2024 9:35:18 AM (No. 1847998)
Treason is the charge, no punishment is off the table. I volunteer to sit on the Courts Martial board...
10 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: hershey 12/4/2024 9:47:04 AM (No. 1848009)
Unfortunately, he isn't the only one that needs to be held to account...
11 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: little guy 12/4/2024 10:04:28 AM (No. 1848025)
Not being a military man myself, I don't know what you do to a retired 4 Star general who is proven to have overstepped his authority but years ago --- by his own admission! On more than one occasion, Milley stated he unilaterally called our sworn enemy, China, to tell them HE would disobey a direct order from the POTUS! From where did he believe he had this authority? And he supposedly threatened at least 2 three-star generals not to do anything either. Do you take away his 4 stars in retrospect? Remove his pension? Court martial someone no longer in the armed forces? Just sayin'
11 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Zigrid 12/4/2024 10:22:17 AM (No. 1848047)
Milk toast Milley is a joke....and his call to china warning them about President Trump was a treasonous act and he needs to be count martialed...he is no longer the darling of the elites in DC...he is ostracized and ridiculed by his wonder the establishment is so anxious to stop Hegreth as secretary of defense....they know what's coming if he's confirmed...Afganistans pullout was his fault and he must be called to account for his behavior...
11 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Rumblehog 12/4/2024 11:06:42 AM (No. 1848085)
President Trump, foremost, we need a TRUE Secretary of Defense, not that horny celebrity Fox News dude, who can take command on Day One and start whipping 4-star butt into line around the most exclusive boys' club called," the Pentagon." He (yes, it MUST be a HE) must bring the UCMJ back to rule over all branches of service and to apply from O-10 to E-1. And, while he's at it, he needs to fire 2/3rds of the 44 active duty 4-Stars currently occupying plush offices with personal chauffeured limo transporting him both hither and yon. Bonus Question: Did you know there is a 4-Star presiding over something known as the, "Public Health Service Commissioned Corps?"
6 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Geoman 12/4/2024 11:24:05 AM (No. 1848102)
FTA: "...he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term." Trump could do just that but I believe that "punishing the most insubordinate offenders from his first term" would be wrong, only different by degrees than a traffic cop who once observed a specific vehicle and driver traveling 75 mph in a 45 mph speed zone, verified by radar, but electing to take no enforcement action at the time the offense was observed, only to decide four years later to locate and arrest the offender for both speeding and reckless driving. In hindsight, the officer believes that the excessive speed in the context of the normal flow of traffic posed a significant danger to others. Relative to Milley, I believe that there were actionable reasons why Trump should have canned Milley, as well as his first Chief of Staff, during his first term. Doing as the author suggests by calling MIlley back into active duty to court martial him, largely based on the words of Bob Woodward, initially famous for railroading Nixon out of office in '74, would be out of character for Trump, himself the target of leftists media activists, especially when there are so many fresh alligators in the Swamp that need skinnin'. On another note, Treason, as an offense, is uniquely specified in the Constitution: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." Treason was later statutorily defined by 18 US Code 2381, the language of which, in tracking with the Constitution, implies a war time setting. It makes no sense to claim a part-time trading partner nation with whom the U S has disputes is such an enemy. With full control of Congress, statutes could be re-written to be more specific to broaden the definition or context of "levying war" and "enemy."
3 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: lynngirl122 12/4/2024 12:21:31 PM (No. 1848135)
At my signal unleash hell.
6 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: LadyVet 12/4/2024 3:05:32 PM (No. 1848229)
Overlooked in this and other discussions us the role of Nancy Pelosi who was Speaker during that period. The woman was/is full of vile and toxicity, bordering on outright lunacy when it comes to dealing with Republicans, especially Donald Trump. She built up things in her mind that convinced her aging paranoid self that Donald Trump was capable of heinous acts against his fellow Americans , and that he was likely to implement Stalinesque military actions. SHE was the one who started usurping Presidential power, contacting Milley at the JCOS and giving him orders, filling him full of of delusional views about Trump. SHE was the one who decided that neither police or National Guard was needed on Jan 6. SHE was the one filling the Capitol police with fear of the normal American citizens who were in DC on Jan 6. It was this fear that lead AOC to state that she was in fear of being raped and murdered (but is now OK supporting those who raped and murdered Israeli women). It instilled fear in the cop who pulled the trigger and killed Ashli Babbit and that vicious black female cop who clubbed Rosane Boyland to death in that tunnel. And much to his discredit, Milley also bought into her fears and delusions.
4 people like this.

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Anthony Fauci loses $15-million taxpayer-funded
security detail
15 replies
Posted by DW626 12/24/2024 3:16:27 PM Post Reply
Jon Michael Raasch at the Daily Mail just reported that the U.S. Marshals Service “quietly dropped” a two-year, fifteen-million-dollar deal to protect Anthony Fauci, all covered by the U.S. taxpayers of course. My initial thought? It’s about darn time, and I want to be reimbursed NOW. (I myself had no idea that on top of his outrageous “highest-ever” federal pension, he was receiving private security on my dime.) Per Raasch: Dr. Fauci, who has an estimated $11 million net worth, was constantly surrounded by U.S. Marshals at the time whether he was at home or going to TV studios to film interviews.
The Seminal Event in the First Quarter
of the 21st Century
15 replies
Posted by DW626 12/24/2024 6:25:48 AM Post Reply
Recently, I was asked what I thought was the seminal event in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The past twenty-five years, beginning in January of 2000, have been fraught with wars, terrorism, religious persecution, natural disasters, political intrigue, and financial instability. Yet nothing compares to the impact, both short and long-term, of the global elites’ malevolent exploitation of the COVID-19 pandemic to permanently embed an authoritarian international world order. The politically motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in March 2020, unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco.
No Daniel Pennys: Migrant sets woman on
fire in New York subway as cops bumble
and Gov. Hochul touts making subway 'safer'
13 replies
Posted by DW626 12/22/2024 8:30:38 PM Post Reply
In a grotesque confluence of all the horrid doings in wokester New York City, a Guatemalan migrant brazenly set a woman on fire in broad daylight in the New York subway just to watch her burn, and no Daniel Pennys came forward to stop the barbaric crime. According to the New York Post: A Guatemalan migrant has been arrested for allegedly lighting a sleeping subway rider on fire in Brooklyn on Sunday morning — then watching as his innocent victim burned to death in what the police commissioner called “one of the most depraved crimes one person could possibly commit.”
Fauci Is Back! 16 replies
Posted by DW626 12/19/2024 4:56:17 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s reputation has long polarized public opinion. Whereas some view him as a scientific beacon guiding the world through a pandemic, others criticize his perceived inconsistency, advocacy for extreme policies, and support for ethically questionable research. Fauci’s recent article in Clinical Infectious Diseases, subtitled “Shared Lessons from Two Pandemics,” further deepens the divide. Despite being framed as a “viewpoint” piece, the article raises serious concerns about Fauci’s injection of political bias and selective presentation of facts.
Can Fauci skate with a pardon? 5 replies
Posted by DW626 12/11/2024 1:16:39 PM Post Reply
Regardless of a presidential pardon, Dr. Anthony Fauci remains subject to possible prosecution for violations of state criminal codes that he (and other named officials) allegedly committed during the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf of hundreds of aggrieved families of lost loved ones during the pandemic, extensive legal briefs requesting criminal investigations of alleged state crimes have been submitted by the Vires Law Group, West Palm Beach, Fla., to attorneys general in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. View the Texas filing here.
Ex-FBI Agent Convicted of Stealing Cash—Including
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14 replies
Posted by DW626 12/3/2024 2:08:03 PM Post Reply
A former Houston FBI agent has been convicted for repeatedly stealing money while conducting searches, including from a Jan. 6 protestor. Nicholas Anthony Williams stole more than $10,000 during searches and faces up to 10 years in federal prison and potentially a $250,000 fine. He was convicted in September and will be sentenced in January. This incident highlights once again the corruption within the FBI, the need for reform, and also the unfair treatment of Jan. 6 protestors. Federal court documents, according to Houston Public Media, detail how Williams — who was on the criminal violent gang and counterterrorism squads
Trump Needs to Make an Example of General Milley 26 replies
Posted by DW626 12/3/2024 1:55:11 PM Post Reply
In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term. Which path Trump should take all depends on whether one believes the last eight years were normal partisan squabbles or if one believes that something monumental happened
What the Democrats never do? 5 replies
Posted by DW626 12/3/2024 6:33:26 AM Post Reply
The word on the streets of D.C. and among the media swells is that Democrats are demoralized, shocked, and devastated, that they are blaming everyone but themselves and Kamala Harris for their losses. Only Carville is furious at the right people — young, arrogant campaign workers and Kamala herself. Curiously, it was Carville who once said “When you dehumanize a group, there’s lasting consequences because they know that they’re being dehumanized.” Well dehumanize us they certainly did. And even Carville realized that Kamala was a terrible candidate; Walz was worse.
Just How Stupid Do They Think We Are? 14 replies
Posted by DW626 12/2/2024 1:41:46 PM Post Reply
The more I think about Joe Biden's pardon of his bagman/tax-cheat son, Hunter, the angrier I get — but maybe not for the reason you think. As I'm sure you're well aware by now, père Biden's blanket pardon forgives all of Hunter's transgressions going back ten years, when father (then vice president) and son were both playing footsie with Vladimir Putin's old cronies in Kyiv. Burisma? Pardoned. Million-dollar tax evasion? Ditto. Gun offenses, all of it. Then there's the Big Lie because it isn't Joe Biden without one.
Hunter’s Creditor Speaks Out on No-Consequences Pardon 8 replies
Posted by DW626 12/2/2024 1:35:15 PM Post Reply
They say crime doesn’t pay, and in the case of Hunter Biden, one could certainly say that the criminal doesn’t pay. A man to whom Hunter reportedly owes over $300,000 is not exactly thrilled at Hunter‘s blanket pardon from his senile father. Despite ample evidence of sexual crimes (including potential sex trafficking and pedophilia), tax evasion, illegal possession of a firearm, and participating in his father‘s illicit foreign influence/money laundering, Hunter Biden has received a pardon from Old Joe, who thereby breaks his promise
Biden's Hunter Pardon Sends Dems Into Chaos 4 replies
Posted by DW626 12/2/2024 1:15:45 PM Post Reply
Late Sunday night and as one of his final acts, President Joe Biden officially pardoned his son, Hunter Biden. The younger Biden's crimes, which were conducted on behalf of the entire family, were broadly wiped away. In fact, the pardon spans from 2014-2024. For years President Biden publicly claimed he wouldn't pardon his son, a point that was often reiterated by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre. And yet, the deed is done and now Democrats are at each others throats over the move.
It finally dawns on Clooney that his BFF
Obama made him his patsy -report
22 replies
Posted by DW626 12/2/2024 5:52:11 AM Post Reply
It's not easy being George Clooney these days. The realization has finally hit him that Obama, his best friend forever, used him for a patsy in the recent election. First he had him hold a fundraiser for Joe Biden, where he could clearly see Joe's senilkity, and then he had Clooney write the editorial for the New York Times calling on Democrats to get that guy out of there. Now that the electoral disaster has happened for the Democrats as a result, Obama has left Clooney holding the bag.
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Posted by Imright 12/24/2024 2:19:14 PM Post Reply
Christianity today is “paganism” and Christians are “pagans” and “not believers,” according to Florida Imam Abu Usama At-Thahabi, who urged Muslims to reject Western cultural influences and warned them against wishing others a “merry Christmas” or even “happy holidays.” In his Friday, December 20, sermon at the Masjid As-Sunnah mosque and Islamic center serving the Orlando, Florida, area, the American-born Abu Usama delivered a scathing critique of Christianity, declaring it polluted with pagan practices, while urging Muslims to remain steadfast in their identity.
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Biden for controversial commutations:
‘Death penalty is racist’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2024 12:31:36 AM Post Reply
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) commended President Biden Monday for commuting the sentences of 37 federal inmates on death row, arguing that capital punishment is “racist.” “There is no action more powerful or righteous than sparing someone’s life, and today President Biden is doing just that,” the member of the far-left “Squad” of liberal lawmakers said in a statement. Pressley, 50, described the 82-year-old commander in chief’s decision to spare dozens of convicted murderers and rapists from death as a “historic and groundbreaking act of compassion that will save lives, address the deep racial disparities in our criminal legal system, and send a powerful message about redemption, decency, and humanity.”
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/24/2024 7:45:33 PM Post Reply
A gay Georgia couple convicted of sickening sexually abuse of their two adopted sons will spend the rest of the lives behind bars. William and Zachary Zulock, 34 and 36, were each sentenced last week to 100 years in prison without the possibility of parole, the Walton County District Attorney’s office announced. “These two Defendants truly created a house of horrors and put their extremely dark desires above everything and everyone else,” said District Attorney Randy McGinley, according to WSB-TV.
Disney’s ‘Star Wars’ Star Mark Hamill’s
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/24/2024 8:13:50 PM Post Reply
Some fans were shocked upon seeing the unhinged, anti-Trump diatribe delivered by Star Wars star Mark Hamill who went into a spittle-specked rage over Trump while defiantly claiming he does not care how many fans he upsets with his hate for the President-elect. Hamill cemented himself into pop culture fame with his role as Like Skywalker in Star Wars and later as the voice of Batman’s The Joker in a series of hit animated movies. But in his interview on a recent episode of the Politickin Podcast hosted by extremist Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom, Hamill seemed more like a crazed Joker than a serene
A Daily Wire Investigation: Are There
Really 15K Trans Military Members?
16 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2024 3:52:17 PM Post Reply
When the London Times published a late November report claiming that Donald Trump plans to “kick transgender troops out of the military,” leftist groups and media outlets clamored against the idea, warning that an estimated 15,000 transgender troops would be impacted. There’s no evidence this figure is even close to accurate. That startlingly high figure of 15,000 trans-identifying troops has been pushed, without sourcing, by major news outlets including the London Times,, and Newsweek. Rachel Branaman, a spokeswoman for the pro-LGBTQ Modern Military Association of America, used the number to suggest that any future Trump administration action to remove these troops would imperil the country’s war-fighting ability
Anthony Fauci loses $15-million taxpayer-funded
security detail
15 replies
Posted by DW626 12/24/2024 3:16:27 PM Post Reply
Jon Michael Raasch at the Daily Mail just reported that the U.S. Marshals Service “quietly dropped” a two-year, fifteen-million-dollar deal to protect Anthony Fauci, all covered by the U.S. taxpayers of course. My initial thought? It’s about darn time, and I want to be reimbursed NOW. (I myself had no idea that on top of his outrageous “highest-ever” federal pension, he was receiving private security on my dime.) Per Raasch: Dr. Fauci, who has an estimated $11 million net worth, was constantly surrounded by U.S. Marshals at the time whether he was at home or going to TV studios to film interviews.
Why did no one help her? Fatal subway
burning exposes New York City’s sad
disconnect to humanity
15 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 12/24/2024 1:14:02 PM Post Reply
No one helped. The bystanders were too busy filming. The cops? Well, instead of wrapping their jackets around a burning woman in an F train stopped at the Coney Island-Stillwell Avenue Station on Sunday morning, they walked by.Sebastian Zapeta-Calil was charged with murder for allegedly setting a sleeping straphanger on fire in Brooklyn. G.N.Miller/NYPost Then there was Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, the animal charged with lighting the match that set the innocent subway rider on fire — thus igniting a hellscape that feels like a metaphor for New York City’s decaying underground. The footage itself is a dystopian horror show:
The Seminal Event in the First Quarter
of the 21st Century
15 replies
Posted by DW626 12/24/2024 6:25:48 AM Post Reply
Recently, I was asked what I thought was the seminal event in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The past twenty-five years, beginning in January of 2000, have been fraught with wars, terrorism, religious persecution, natural disasters, political intrigue, and financial instability. Yet nothing compares to the impact, both short and long-term, of the global elites’ malevolent exploitation of the COVID-19 pandemic to permanently embed an authoritarian international world order. The politically motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in March 2020, unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco.
Wipe Away As Much of Joe Biden’s Legacy
As Possible
15 replies
Posted by Imright 12/24/2024 12:46:32 AM Post Reply
‘Twas the night before Christmas and…you know the drill. Since it is Christmas tomorrow and we are only three weeks away from booting Joe Biden and the Democrats out of power, it’s time to get the professional cleaners to come out and remove the stench of what they’ve done over the last four years. The budget and the country need a deep, deep cleaning to remove what it is they’ve done, then we need to resolve to never allow it to happen again.Joe Biden’s legacy is disgraceful. May his last memory be one of realizing the American people rejected him and what he’d done, overwhelmingly favoring his opponent
Border Czar Mayorkas Admits He Could Have
Blocked Migration Flood
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/24/2024 2:07:59 PM Post Reply
Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday that he and his deputies could have blocked more migrants at the southern border. “We would have taken executive action more rapidly,” if he had known in 2020 [emphasis added] that the Republicans would reject his January 2024 border bill, Mayorkas told CBS News on December 22. “This was not incompetence,” countered Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration reform. ‘This was a deliberate plan to remake the country through immigration … [and] they were trying to create a [political] situation where they thought they could force the Republicans to capitulate and basically codify open borders,” said Mehlman.
Disney withdraws from ‘culture wars’
amid bruising encounters with Trump and DeSantis
13 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/24/2024 1:42:32 PM Post Reply
Disney’s recent decision to pull a transgender storyline from one of its upcoming movies appears to be its latest attempt to avoid generating political controversy after the company became the center of a debate over “wokeism” last year. The company, run by Bob Iger, has found itself in the midst of several “culture wars” over the last few years after pledging to “further strengthen our commitment to diversity and inclusion everywhere” in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Disney chose to make its theme parks more inclusive, such as adopting more gender-neutral greetings, and has made a conscious effort to include more diverse characters, for example, introducing its first
Illegal Alien, Accused of Killing 12-Year-Old
Travis Wolfe, Freed from Jail to Spend
Holidays with Family
11 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/24/2024 8:56:30 PM Post Reply
An illegal alien accused of causing the crash that killed 12-year-old Travis Wolfe in Hazelwood, Missouri, last year is now out of jail without paying any bail. Endrina Bracho, an illegal alien from Venezuela, was charged in March with one count of first-degree involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of child endangerment, and one count of driving without a license after allegedly causing a December 2023 crash that left Wolfe dead and his parents, Timothy and Stephanie Wolfe, injured.
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