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The Election Vibes Are Shifting and I
Don’t Love It

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Posted By: crashnburn, 10/13/2024 12:30:38 PM

I swear to God that this is not about polls, although that Quinnipiac poll on Wednesday shook me up a little. And I understand that it’s hard to determine anything real with all the smoke and noise surrounding the campaign right now. And I also understand that a good fraction of my fellow citizens will believe anything they pick up while Doing Their Own Research on the Intertoobz. And I also understand that a larger fraction of my fellow citizens have surrendered to the Cult of the Vulgar Talking Yam.


From his comments, this guy is not only drinking the DemonRat Kool-Aid, but he's also swimming in it. And he's still depressed about QueMALA Sutra's chances are slipping away.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 10/13/2024 12:41:15 PM (No. 1812595)
As with all these people you have to wonder what they could possibly be hoping would happened if Kamala were electe
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: anniebc 10/13/2024 12:44:28 PM (No. 1812597)
We have no sympathy or empathy for you, Chuck. Go suffer in silence.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 10/13/2024 12:46:33 PM (No. 1812598)
Way too deep in metaphors, similes, and cheesy humor. But, "Cult of the Vulgar Talking Yam"? Count me in!
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: seamusm 10/13/2024 12:47:00 PM (No. 1812599)
Pierce is gonna give other DimoTwits a bad name.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 10/13/2024 12:56:00 PM (No. 1812606)
LOVE to see liberals twisting in the blustering wind of their own lies. I'm not sure if Pierce believes his own baloney or is just spewing dogma but the angst seems real and that's great! I look forward to Trump's success in the election and his second term and a renewed Country. Then, after NONE of the dem horror stories come true and the economy comes roaring back, we can say "TOLD YOU SO!" and elect Vance to his first term as President and carry on.
29 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 10/13/2024 12:57:44 PM (No. 1812609)
This guy is a self-parody of every stereotypical libtard. He repeats every trope the nasty left has thrown at Trump over the last nine years, and it's evident he truly believes every word of it. And he can't understand why the media elite have utterly failed in their assignment of selling the Myth of Kackles the Klown. Let me explain it to you, Chuckles. They're failing because they're trying to convince the unwashed masses that what the Rats are selling is filet mignon topped with foie gras and caviar, yet everyone paying attention can clearly see it isn't filet mignon, it's a t#rd on a plate, and no one is buying their gaslighting.
36 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Daisymay 10/13/2024 12:59:39 PM (No. 1812612)
Just goes to show ya that you can't make a Silk Purse out of a Sow's Ear, even if she has a Billion Dollars!
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: pixelero 10/13/2024 1:00:28 PM (No. 1812613)
From the tone of the first paragraph, this guy’s just a fool.
17 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DrOstrow 10/13/2024 1:18:25 PM (No. 1812624)
I've been wondering the same thing for weeks #1. It doesn't take a lot of insight to see where the country was on multiple issues. Lower energy prices, boarder being secured, businesses starting up, almost everything looked good. Yes I know, we had the covid fiasco but that could have been solved with a few judicious removals of certain individuals ! If you can remember Donald Trumps presidency and his accomplishments why in the name of Geronimo's h******s, would you want 4 MORE YEARS of the national disaster / administration we have been suffering under ?? Beats me and it makes no sense !!
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 10/13/2024 1:30:03 PM (No. 1812629)
Pierce has long been the archetype of what we know and dislike. The effete Manhattanite who ventures into 'flyover country' only under duress and protest and returns to write condescending tripe about those he has encountered - but he could have done that from his coffee shop seat in the Village. He wears a beard because he thinks it hides his weak - and now double - chin. He wears a broad-brimmed hat in some vague, vain attempt to look like Hemingway or an early 20th century adventurer. He lisps, he blinks violently, he thinks his utterances are important and you must listen. Pierce is the same individual who convinced a young Tiger Woods to allow Pierce to do one of these 'shadow' pieces, going everywhere with Woods for a dizzying few days as Woods attained early stardom. Woods told an adolescent, off-color joke. Pierce printed it in his story. Woods had opportunity to review the story before publication and asked Pierce to omit the joke, say it was off the record. Pierce refused, claiming Woods didn't invoke the magic words at the time. The controversy that followed was minor but it caused Woods to inherently distrust the media from that time forward - 28 years and counting. It made Woods robotic, evasive, curt etc. Media dutifully attributed to Woods' 'focus' and 'drive' and, as usual, refused to blame another member of the gutter press. As we know, Woods turned out to be less than an angel but Pierce was and is still a prig. His political writing is of the familiar but still strange variety: he believes and amplifies the worst, most easily disproven political cliches: Dems Good, GOP Bad. Dems are Racial Saviors, GOP are Nazis. And so on. It's the NY Times without the NY Times. Like so many of his media peers, he has watched the 'Democratic' party become Soviet in tactics, goals and outcomes. So-called candidates are chosen by a politburo and portrayed as that which they are not - as their leftist madness immediately upon gaining office demonstrates. Debate, legislation, compromise, consent of the governed, the social contract - these are all hindrances and thus become targets for destruction. Covid proved that.
15 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: NorthernDog 10/13/2024 1:38:08 PM (No. 1812636)
That's almost fun to read. Usually Dems think they have the election in the bag [even in 2016]. This time it's a slow twisting in the wind.
7 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: cThree 10/13/2024 1:54:06 PM (No. 1812643)
This is ENORMOUS fun to read. Thanks for posting! This effete popinjay writes, "It’s like watching reality getting the stuffing beaten out of it and having no real way of fighting back." That would be his own twisted version of reality, of course. What came to mind was the image of Icarus (of the Greek myth with Dedalus), anguished and falling as his wings fell apart, incapable of "fighting back," as reality—the actual reality—was fast closing in. Happy landing, nitwit.
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: helibobber 10/13/2024 1:54:08 PM (No. 1812644)
To quote Spiro Agnew, this guy is an indeed an "effete snob".
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Snow Possum 10/13/2024 2:08:55 PM (No. 1812651)
What utter nonsense. The author is mentally ill. Nothing else explains this article purporting to be reaching above truth while grasping nothing even in the same zip code as the truth.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Jimmy Mack 10/13/2024 2:12:43 PM (No. 1812652)
The author - Pierce - is now and has always been a left-wing hack.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: BarryNo 10/13/2024 2:38:18 PM (No. 1812660)
He doesn't see a problem with a culture who forces Heels-Up Harris on its voters? Cult of the talking Yam. That's real cute. I hope he's promised to leave the country if Trump wins.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Kate318 10/13/2024 2:48:02 PM (No. 1812665)
I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning. It smells like…victory. I’m running out of bumper sticker room, but may need to find space for Cult of the Vulgar Talking Yam. Such a girly insult.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Clearinnc 10/13/2024 2:51:21 PM (No. 1812668)
This is what the Esquire is now? Maybe it's always been a bastion of disillusioned and ill-informed, thumb-sucking baby wipes. He should read Bill Ackman's "33 reasons not to vote Democrat" on X to see just how singularly stupid he really is.
4 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: hershey 10/13/2024 3:14:23 PM (No. 1812679)
I thought Esquire was an English gentleman???
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: earlybird 10/13/2024 3:15:56 PM (No. 1812681)
Dear gang, Your replies are far beetter than this twit's scribblings...
9 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: paral04 10/13/2024 3:19:51 PM (No. 1812686)
Too bad amigo. Kamala is a inept, nasty individual who was useless as a VP and you want to endanger my grandsons so that idiot when she gets us into war. After what she and Biden have done to our military, depleted out munitions and fuel reserves so that we are sitting ducks.
6 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 10/13/2024 4:01:04 PM (No. 1812705)
Charlie, when you're not happy millions of us are very happy.
8 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/13/2024 4:22:42 PM (No. 1812713)
Thank goodness this article was ONLY an opinion piece by Charles P. Pierce who is himself, one of those pampered princes to whom most Americans are highly allergic. A set of fingerprints, a fanny and an opinion: all of ours are different from each others'. Get over it, we can't all be blonde with blue eyes. And why is he swearing to God? Did he just now learn that God places people in authority over the nations? (That makes me wonder what on earth did we do to deserve Obama OR Biden?) I'll join my hurricane friend under the dresser now.
2 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: your other brother 10/13/2024 4:33:20 PM (No. 1812718)
Get this guy some Xanax before he codes. He is about to have a psychotic break. Seriously dude you are seeing demons that only exist in your head.
2 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: ronniethek 10/13/2024 5:59:20 PM (No. 1812775)
The author is a total disrespectful schmuck. It takes nothing to be a Trump/Republican hater. No talent or brains required at all.
2 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: Strike3 10/13/2024 6:15:50 PM (No. 1812788)
It's a Trump hit piece not-so-cleverly disguised as a lamentation of the bad luck and bad choices of the democrats. There, I read it so you don't have to.
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Subsuburban 10/13/2024 6:20:39 PM (No. 1812795)
Sometimes I almost think these soi disant "journalists" actually believe the line of bull they pedal to the brainwashed "literati" who allegedly read their publcations. Almost.
1 person likes this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/13/2024 8:41:32 PM (No. 1812859)
Even the Rigged Democrap Polls show Scamala LOSING!
1 person likes this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: DVC 10/13/2024 11:03:39 PM (No. 1812906)
I thought the "Esquire" had a double E in the middle.
1 person likes this.

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FEMA temporarily pauses aid in parts of
NC over reported threats
4 replies
Posted by crashnburn 10/15/2024 2:43:59 PM Post Reply
(The Hill) – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporarily paused aid in parts of North Carolina this weekend after alleged threats targeted the agency’s personnel aiding in recovery efforts following Hurricane Helene. Ashe County Sheriff Phil Howell said in a statement Sunday that FEMA personnel in North Carolina’s “mountain region” were targeted by threats, prompting FEMA to take precautionary steps and temporarily pause aid operations at other FEMA sites. Neither Ashe County nor its surrounding counties were targeted by the threats, Howell said.
Kamala Harris: The Manufactured Candidate?
Why CBS's "60 Minutes" Edit Betrays The
Larger Problem
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Posted by crashnburn 10/13/2024 10:33:59 PM Post Reply
In the landscape of American political journalism, a troubling trend has emerged this election season: the selective editing of the news. The latest case study comes courtesy of “60 Minutes” of CBS News, whose apparent need to repackage Vice President Kamala Harris’ words into a neatly clipped soundbite is raising skepticism about the intent behind it. What makes the whole thing even more troubling is that they’ve withheld the full, unedited transcript of Kamala’s interview. They should have released it not because the Trump campaign labeled it “deceptively edited,” but because journalistic ethics demanded nothing less
The Election Vibes Are Shifting and I
Don’t Love It
29 replies
Posted by crashnburn 10/13/2024 12:30:38 PM Post Reply
I swear to God that this is not about polls, although that Quinnipiac poll on Wednesday shook me up a little. And I understand that it’s hard to determine anything real with all the smoke and noise surrounding the campaign right now. And I also understand that a good fraction of my fellow citizens will believe anything they pick up while Doing Their Own Research on the Intertoobz. And I also understand that a larger fraction of my fellow citizens have surrendered to the Cult of the Vulgar Talking Yam.
Why the American economy isn’t working
for most Americans | Opinion
13 replies
Posted by crashnburn 9/20/2024 6:07:08 PM Post Reply
Iam not crying for Carl Icahn, who has lost about $17 billion over the last few weeks as investors have fled Icahn Enterprises stock. I’m talking about it today because the saga offers an important lesson about why the American economy hasn’t been working for most Americans in this era of shareholder capitalism. Icahn was one of the first of the breed of corporate raiders — now more politely deemed “private equity” managers and “activist investors” — who take over or push corporations to make more money.
mRNA ‘VmRNA vaccines’ Must Be Banned
Once and for All
9 replies
Posted by crashnburn 9/30/2023 1:52:53 PM Post Reply
THOSE of us who knew from the beginning that the sequence of CoV-SARS-2 contained inserts which could not have possibly occurred naturally, and were similar to ones that had already been published from the Wuhan laboratory, have had to endure unbelievable scorn, scientific ostracism, and the ignominy of being “cancelled” by the mainstream media (MSM) as well as by professional colleagues for nearly three years now. In the summer of 2020 a paper I co-authored, describing the findings of an Anglo-Norwegian team of scientists who had demonstrated unique “fingerprints” of laboratory manipulation in the COVID virus, was suppressed in both the United States and UK.
Scientists Find Antibodies That Neutralize
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Posted by crashnburn 10/13/2022 5:44:54 PM Post Reply
Two antibodies have been uncovered that are so effective at neutralizing COVID-19 — and all of its variants — that they believe the antibodies could serve as an “effective substitute for vaccines” The antibodies — TAU-1109 and TAU-2310 — bind to a different area of the spike protein than other antibodies, one that doesn’t undergo many mutations TAU-1109 is 92% effective at neutralizing the omicron strain and 90% effective at neutralizing the delta strain TAU-2310 has an efficacy rate of 84% at neutralizing omicron and a 97% efficacy rate against the delta variant.
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness
Turns Negative Within Months: Study
5 replies
Posted by crashnburn 10/10/2022 12:24:19 PM Post Reply
The effectiveness of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine against infection turns negative over time, according to a new study that was funded by the vaccine maker. The effectiveness of three doses—a primary series and a booster—against infection remained above 50 percent after 150 days against BA.1, a subvariant of the Omicron virus variant, researchers estimated. But against more recent strains, including the currently-dominant BA.5, the effectiveness turned negative. Against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, the effectiveness went negative after 150 days. Against BA.1.12.1, the effectiveness turned negative after 91 days. Negative effectiveness means a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease the virus causes, than an unvaccinated person.
The Right Response to Mandates, Propaganda
and Censorship
1 reply
Posted by crashnburn 10/6/2022 1:12:58 PM Post Reply
STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Meryl Nass shares astonishing figures on the blatant PCR testing and case count frauds that occurred during the pandemic The FDA has given emergency use authorization to 281 tests for COVID-19 but not one has received approval; this means their manufacturers have zero liability if the tests don’t work The number of people who actually had and/or died from COVID in the beginning of the pandemic is unknown, because everybody who died “with COVID” was labeled a “COVID-caused” death Hospitals were financially incentivized to increase the number of COVID cases because they got paid more if their patients had a COVID-19 diagnosis
Peer-Reviewed Studies on Ivermectin Retracted
‘Without Explanation’: Dr. Pierre Kory
20 replies
Posted by crashnburn 9/26/2022 8:42:19 PM Post Reply
Both sides of the debate surrounding the controversial drug, ivermectin, agree it can kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. But some groups have characterized the drug as a COVID-19 “cure,” while others have classed it as “dangerous.” While many published studies advise against using ivermectin for COVID-19, studies that showed statistically-significant benefits for the treatment have been taken down and retracted “without explanation.” That’s according to Dr. Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care medicine specialist who is the president and co-founder of the Front Line Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).
Former CDC Director Fires Back at Fauci’s
‘Natural’ Claim
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Posted by crashnburn 7/26/2022 2:29:25 PM Post Reply
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield rejected White House adviser Anthony Fauci’s claims that it’s more likely COVID-19 originated naturally. In a recent interview, Fauci said he has an “open mind” but still believes that the virus occurred naturally after previously dismissing the theory that it emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in late 2019. “It looks very much like this was a natural occurrence, but you keep an open mind,” Fauci said
Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly
Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases
From COVID-19 Vaccines
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Posted by crashnburn 7/21/2022 2:22:46 PM Post Reply
Things have not been the same since June 2021 for 53-year-old Douglas Howey from Colorado. Around a year after he received the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the 6 foot 4 and a half inch paraplegic man who once weighed 262 pounds lost over 100 pounds after the sudden onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), an incurable and fatal disease that gradually kills a person’s motor neurons.Though he never told his doctors that he started developing symptoms a month after the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, his family thinks that his sudden sickness a month later and dramatic weight loss within weeks seemed like too much of a coincidence.
Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax
by 2028?
22 replies
Posted by crashnburn 7/19/2022 1:46:54 PM Post Reply
Via this genetic engineering experiment, they’ve literally injected ‘seeds of demise’ into everyday people like a cockroach spray. Based on a 2011 estimate, he believes an extra 700 million will be killed from this bioweapon – and they’ve known about the risks since 2005. David Martin, Ph.D., presents evidence that COVID-19 injections are not vaccines, but bioweapons that are being used as a form of genocide across the global population
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Former Fox News host's stunning condemnation
of Trump goes viral as star renounces
MAGA beliefs
59 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/14/2024 4:25:07 PM Post Reply
Former Fox News host Geraldo Rivera has condemned former president Donald Trump in a blistering message where he called him a loser as he endorsed Kamala Harris. Rivera took to X, formerly Twitter, to share a lengthy statement lambasting his former friend Trump for his unwillingness to accept the results of the 2020 election. 'Former President Trump is a sore loser who cannot be trusted to honor the Constitution,' the veteran journalist wrote on Monday. 'That is why I am voting for Kamala Harris to be our 47th President.' Geraldo recalled Trump being a 'loyal friend' to him during his presidency, which he called 'underrated.'
Harris Agrees to Interview with Fox News’
Bret Baier
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/14/2024 6:26:48 PM Post Reply
Fox News announced on Monday that Vice President Kamala Harris has agreed to be interviewed by the network’s chief political anchor, Bret Baier. The interview will air Wednesday evening in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. The announcement comes as Harris visits Erie on Monday, a hotly contested county that could decide the all-important battleground state’s fate come November. The event marks the first time the current Democratic frontrunner has ever participated in a sit-down interview with the network. “Special Report with Bret Baier…is home to the largest and most politically diverse audience in cable news, averaging 2.3 million viewers…with more Democrats and Independents tuning in to Baier
Exclusive: Drone swarms targeting US military
bases are operated by 'mother ship' UFO,
claims top Pentagon official
26 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2024 9:13:54 PM Post Reply
A retired, senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO 'mother ships' were spotted 'releasing swarms of smaller craft' — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases. His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative 'drone' incursions, that one general calls 'Close Encounters at Langley.' For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights' penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.
It’s time to talk about the rumors regarding
Tim Walz and teen boys
26 replies
Posted by DW626 10/14/2024 11:43:05 AM Post Reply
I’ve long found it peculiar that, way back in the 1990s, Tim Walz was taking the lead in promoting the new “Gay-Straight Alliance” club at the school where he worked. Usually, that’s something an openly gay teacher would do. However, when it’s an ostensibly straight teacher, my radar pings. But my pinging radar means nothing. What may also mean nothing is that two citizen journalists are alleging that they’ve found young men speaking anonymously about the fact that Walz groomed them while they were under his aegis in high school.
Bill Clinton goes off script as Harris
surrogate, blames Laken Riley’s killing
on bad border policy
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/14/2024 3:05:46 PM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that Laken Riley would “probably” still be alive if the Biden-Harris administration had done a better job of vetting the illegal immigrant accused of killing her. Campaigning on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris, Mr. Clinton created more problems for the Democrat by saying the man charged with the slaying, Jose Ibarra, should not have been able to slip through the cracks. “Well, if they all had been properly vetted, that probably would not have happened,” Mr. Clinton said at a campaign stop in Georgia. Mr. Clinton added that the nation needs properly vetted immigrants to help increase the nation’s declining birth rate
Biden-Harris Admin Paves Way
For Bureaucrats To Take Gender-Confused
Kids From ‘Non-Affirming’ Parents
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/15/2024 2:52:20 AM Post Reply
“Transphobia is child abuse,” Alex Roque, who runs the Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBTQ youth in New York City, asserted on a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) webinar last fall. In less than three minutes, he cast a vision for completely transforming child protective systems nationwide. Family rejection of a child’s gender identity cannot be dismissed as a personal view, he argued. Non-affirmation must be treated as abuse. “If they were denying them food or denying them access to school or denying other things, there would be headlines,” Roque continued. “There would be prosecution.”
Harris plans to legalize recreational
marijuana and create 'forgivable' loans
in bid to get black men out to vote
21 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2024 9:41:56 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has launched a series of measures to shore up the votes of black men amid fears they may not turn out for her on Election Day. It comes as polls showed her level of support among black men lower than that of Joe Biden in 2020 and Hillary Clinton in 2016. A New York Times poll last week showed 70 per cent of black male voters backing Harris, and 20 percent Donald Trump. Harris' figure was significantly down from the 85 percent who backed Joe Biden in 2020. In a stark intervention last week Barack Obama urged black men to vote for the Democratic nominee.
As A Teacher In 90s, Gwen Walz Brought
Up Sexual Orientation On First Day Of Class
20 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2024 8:50:23 PM Post Reply
Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s wife discussed sexual orientation in the classroom as a high school teacher, and spoke to at least one student about his sexuality before he had told his parents he identified as gay, the student said during a campaign event aimed at LGBTQ voters. Jacob Reitan, a former student of Gwen Walz when she taught at Mankato West High School in Minnesota, has said on numerous occasions that Gwen Walz told his entire class “on the very first day” of sophomore year that her class was a safe place for any student that identified as gay or lesbian.
Kamala Harris accused of 'worst word salad'
yet with bizarre explanation about constellations
20 replies
Posted by Imright 10/14/2024 1:04:01 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris launched into a bizarre explanation about stars and constellations to explain former President Donald Trump's actions. During an interview with Roland Martin released Monday, the commentator asked Harris to react to former Trump's frequent derision of big cities with large black communities, like Detroit, Chicago and Washington, D.C. 'I talked with somebody once who said, ''You know, if you just look at where the stars are in the sky, don't look at 'em as just random things,'' she said. 'If you just look at 'em as points, look at the constellation - what does it show you?''
100 Absentee Ballots Mysteriously Go Missing
in Michigan
18 replies
Posted by Imright 10/15/2024 7:26:22 AM Post Reply
The Grand Rapid City Clerk’s Office has announced that it is resending 100 absentee ballots after the original ballots mysteriously disappeared in the mail. Grand Rapids City Clerk Joel Hondorp revealed absentee ballots were sent out on September 26 but was later notified by 100 residents in northwest Grand Rapids that they never received them. Hondrop shared, “It’s common for some absentee ballots to get lost because the United States Postal Service has many moving pieces.” He added, “If a voter wants to know what the status of their ballot is, if they haven’t received it, they can go to and they can track their ballot that way.”
FOX News’ Trump-Hating RINO Bret Baier
Announces Interview with Kamala Harris
– GETS ROASTED ON X – Roseanne Barr
Wins the Day!
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/15/2024 2:02:52 AM Post Reply
FOX News Trump-hating RINO Bret Baier announced on Monday that he will be interviewing Kamala Harris on Wednesday. In August Kamala Harris refused to debate President Trump on FOX News. But now, with her numbers sagging, Kamala is willing to sit with Trump-hating RINO Bret Baier for an interview that is assuredly going to be a free ride for the Democratic nominee. Bret Baier has quite the record trashing President Trump. In 2023, Baier attacked President Trump for his classified documents scandal but defended dirty Mike Pence after he lied about not holding classified documents at his home.
World’s Largest State Sponsor Of Terrorism
Sets Sights On New Goal: Become A Vacation Destination
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/14/2024 10:54:54 AM Post Reply
The world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, is setting its sights on a new goal: to become a first-rate resort and tourism destination. (snip) “We must recognize that cultural heritage and tourism should become one of the country’s top three priorities. By promoting cultural diplomacy, we can aim for a future where tourism replaces the oil revenues as a primary economic driver,” Salehi-Amiri said. Salehi-Amiri explained that the goal is to attract 15 million tourists to Iran by 2028. He also went on to say that Iran should build hundreds of new hotels by that year.
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