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California Dems Want State-Owned Oil Refineries

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Posted By: OhioNick, 9/28/2024 3:52:41 AM

It worked for Venezuela, it’s gonna work for California. [SNIP] Up next. State ownership of oil refineries. The California Energy Commission, meantime, has offered a list of 12 options for policymakers to help manage the industry decline while keeping gasoline prices stable and supply levels high. Beyond a minimum inventory mandate for gasoline storage, the possibilities include a limit on retail gasoline profit margins; a state lease or ownership of storage tanks and the gasoline that would fill them; a state lease or ownership of oceangoing tankers that hold emergency supplies of gasoline; and even a state takeover of one or more gasoline refineries.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Highlander 9/28/2024 5:22:29 AM (No. 1803527)
They’re the cause of the problem and now they’re going to fix the problem? Instead of high gas prices, we’ll have no gas. Typical communists; no sense of economics and understanding of supply and demand.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 9/28/2024 5:25:07 AM (No. 1803528)
If CA wants to own a refinery, raise the taxes on the sheeple who voted for them and use the money to build one. Keep your hands off other people's property.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 9/28/2024 6:21:18 AM (No. 1803582)
NO. Oil is a national concern and, given California's record of mucking up everything they touch, they can not be trusted to do anything right. Prices are not stable anywhere, they have been artificially lowered in the lead up to the election and will once again go through the roof if the Harris witch gets into office. If Newsom wants to control something he can start with his large criminal population and democrat politicians, but I repeat myself.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Venturer 9/28/2024 7:07:21 AM (No. 1803597)
I can't think of a better way to destroy the energy in California than to have the dipsticks in California government running it.
14 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: rikkitikki 9/28/2024 7:34:49 AM (No. 1803606)
It truly is a mystery to me why democrats believe the governement control of any commercial enterprise will improve the enterprise. I know there are many govt bureaucrats whose primary incentive is public service...but for every one of those, there is another whose only incentive is the preservation and perpetuation of their benefits. And that is a sure-fire recipe for inefficiency, waste, and corruption. Guaranteed, every time.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 9/28/2024 7:37:21 AM (No. 1803608)
This is how it started in Venezuela.
21 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 9/28/2024 7:39:40 AM (No. 1803610)
Heed the words of #6, we are faithfully following that pattern.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 9/28/2024 8:03:56 AM (No. 1803628)
Oh yeah... that'll increase supply and lower prices of oil and gasoline in California. Not. Has any member of that "Energy Commission" ever taken Economics 101 or worked in private industry?
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: franq 9/28/2024 8:32:23 AM (No. 1803647)
The Post Office is a shining example. Amtrak too.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: BarryNo 9/28/2024 8:47:59 AM (No. 1803657)
What that means is the any state relying on California refineries will be paying 3-5 times as much as anywhere else as Democrats pocket the change.
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: BarryNo 9/28/2024 8:51:06 AM (No. 1803659)
Speaking of fascism... That is fascism and is one of the first things Hitler did as he rose to power. Wonder when Newsome will have the unions slaughtered because they don't agree with him, all the time?
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 9/28/2024 9:06:53 AM (No. 1803672)
The CPC (Communist Party of California) is beginning the state control of anything it can seize. The CPC is no surprise. It's where Newsom is the Chairman. California is on the road to fubar.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: NorthernDog 9/28/2024 9:41:53 AM (No. 1803697)
CA is still pushing to outlaw gas powered vehicles too. So there will be less incentive to supply gasoline to the market.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 9/28/2024 10:19:13 AM (No. 1803733)
Guaranteed results will be fuel shortages, closed refineries, higher gas prices, and long lines at the pumps. Gas rationing will happen, too.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: paral04 9/28/2024 10:47:31 AM (No. 1803758)
Just what they need. A bunch of DEI loonies controlling the petroleum production and distribution in the state. They can't manage the street crime and homelessness and they want to screw that up also. Time for the Red Blooded Californians to say NO!
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bamboozle 9/28/2024 11:17:38 AM (No. 1803770)
Let's not forget the multibillion train to nowhere that after many years hasn't turned a wheel.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: curious1 9/28/2024 1:56:39 PM (No. 1803837)
#16, but I'll bet you it has enriched many a demo-commie and their 'friends'.
3 people like this.

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A controversial 'Venezuela Ahead' billboard
is greeting drivers coming to Colorado
from Wyoming
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 1:59:17 PM Post Reply
Drivers entering Colorado from Wyoming on Interstate 25 are being greeted by a controversial billboard that aims to warn travelers about what they may encounter ahead as they come into the state. The sign reads, "Venezuela Ahead, Be Prepared" on top of what resembles a Venezuelan flag. Small text on the billboard shows it was paid for by "Clipper Properties LLC, Tim Mellon, Member." [SNIP] Denver7 spoke with Jorge Fermín, an immigrant who recently arrived to Colorado from Venezuela, who said he was disappointed to hear about the billboard. "We feel attacked as a community," he said, in Spanish.
California Dems Want State-Owned Oil Refineries 17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 3:52:41 AM Post Reply
It worked for Venezuela, it’s gonna work for California. [SNIP] Up next. State ownership of oil refineries. The California Energy Commission, meantime, has offered a list of 12 options for policymakers to help manage the industry decline while keeping gasoline prices stable and supply levels high. Beyond a minimum inventory mandate for gasoline storage, the possibilities include a limit on retail gasoline profit margins; a state lease or ownership of storage tanks and the gasoline that would fill them; a state lease or ownership of oceangoing tankers that hold emergency supplies of gasoline; and even a state takeover of one or more gasoline refineries.
Secret Service Blocks Trump Rally to Protect
Foreign Dictators at UN
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 3:50:17 AM Post Reply
Not only did the Biden-Harris administration decide to admit sanctioned Iranian dictators (responsible for the murder of Americans) and other enemies from around the world to attend the UN’s grand terror shindig in New York, but it conveniently served as a pretext for shutting down an outdoor Trump rally. The Trump campaign had planned to host a rally in Wisconsin at an outdoor airport venue Saturday, but was told by the Secret Service that it did not have the manpower and assets to secure the venue while the United Nations General Assembly meeting was happening in New York.
REVEALED: Arizona sheriff's stern message
for Kamala Harris as ICE data reveals
600,000 criminal migrants loose in the US
17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/27/2024 3:21:52 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the U.S.-Mexico border near Douglas, Arizona, on Friday, and a local sheriff who will greet her at the airport revealed a message he will give her. Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels, who has served in his role as a border town lawman since 2012, told that his home has been ravaged by President Joe Biden and VP Harris's border policies. He described how the rural area has been swamped with deaths, tragedies and crime related to the border, and that the Biden-Harris agenda has caused irreparable damage.
Janet Jackson makes jaw-dropping claim
about Kamala Harris that aligns with one
of Trump's most notorious comments about VP
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/21/2024 8:17:26 PM Post Reply
Janet Jackson has claimed that Kamala Harris is not black - and that the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee has a white father. Jackson, 58, made the shocking assertion in an interview with The Guardian, when asked on her feelings about the United States having its first female black president. 'Well, you know what they supposedly said?' the singer answered. 'She’s not black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian.' 'Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched the news in a few days. I was told that they discovered her father was white.'
Chicago Teachers Told to Pass Every Migrant
Student Even If They Know Nothing
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/20/2024 6:22:11 PM Post Reply
Chicago has a $9.9 billion budget. Its teachers’ unions, who control the city and have one of their own in the mayor’s office, get everything from free abortions to weight loss surgeries, to $145,000 salaries even though their students know absolutely nothing. [SNIP] The teachers we spoke with work in CPS elementary schools and say they spoke no Spanish, while their migrant students spoke no English, making communication virtually impossible. They also added that because their schools were located in predominantly Black neighborhoods, they offered no English as a Second Language (ESL) support.
Biden-Harris Campaign Did Not Inform FBI
of Iranian Hackers Offering Stolen Trump
Info: Kamala campaign claims it was the
real victim
6 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/20/2024 6:16:22 PM Post Reply
Iran hacked the Trump campaign, stole vetting materials, and passed it along to the media and to the Biden-Harris campaign. According to the FBI, this was to sow chaos, rather than the obvious motive of helping the Democrats win. The Biden-Harris campaign did not respond to the Iranian emails by going to the FBI. It did not contact law enforcement at all. The media coverage is using all sorts of weasel words to explain the actions of the Biden-Harris campaign people. There are claims that they did not open the emails. The Biden-Harrs campaign claims that its people were the real victims of Iran.
Governor bans use of 'conversion therapy'
on LGBTQ+ minors in Kentucky
7 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/19/2024 1:17:40 PM Post Reply
Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear banned the use of “conversion therapy” on minors in Kentucky on Wednesday, calling his executive order a necessary step to protect children from a widely discredited practice that tries to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through counseling. The governor used his executive powers. [SNIP] “My faith teaches me that all children are children of God," Beshear said during the signing ceremony at the Kentucky Capitol. "And where practices are endangering and even harming those children, we must act. The practice of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ hurts our children.”
Pampered NY Times workers threaten to
strike on Election Day unless bosses agree
to their extreme demands
18 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/17/2024 9:43:26 PM Post Reply
Furious tech workers at the New York Times are threatening to strike on Election Day unless bosses meet their lengthy list of outlandish demands. Requests from the union members include a four-day work week for increased pay, unlimited sick leave and paid time off for pet bereavements, Semafor reports. Employees are also demanding trigger warnings around discussions of the news, banning scented products in break rooms and well as job security for foreign employees on visas in the event of layoffs.
Psychologists explain why Tim Walz - Kamala
Harris' VP pick - tells so many tall tales
8 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/14/2024 1:49:16 PM Post Reply
Democrats have painted Kamala Harris' vice presidential pick Tim Walz as a squeaky clean military veteran, small-town teacher and well-loved football coach. But as media scrutiny of the Democratic nominee ramps up, fact-checkers are increasingly poking holes in his public image. Mr Walz, governor of Minnesota and a less practiced politician on the national stage, has been accused of distorting the truth about his military record, his son's birth, his time as a football coach, and a DUI arrest after doing 100mph in a 55mph zone. Psychologists have suggested his string of mistruths represent a worrisome pattern of dishonesty.
Not Just Ohio: Small Pennsylvania Town
Also Mired in Tidal Wave of Haitian Migrants
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/14/2024 4:19:09 AM Post Reply
Charleroi, Pennsylvania, like Springfield, Ohio, is also experiencing a growing number of problems from a tidal wave of Haitian migrants flooding into their small town. While the media focuses on the woes of Springfield, Ohio, and its recent flood of Haitian migrants putting pressure on the small town, other small towns are experiencing similar problems. One of them is Charleroi, Pennsylvania, nestled on the banks of the Monongahela River south of Pittsburgh in the western part of the state. According to the activist group America-2100, the rural town has suffered a 2,000-percent increase in its population of Haitian migrants — and crime and traffic altercations have soared as a result.
Creeping Sharia in France: "We no longer
sell ham. Otherwise they’ll burn everything.”
25 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/12/2024 2:21:48 PM Post Reply
Muslims have been threatening boulangeries and restaurants in France, even those owned by non-Muslims, to become strictly halal. That means all pork products must be banned. Some outlets have had to ban alcohol, while others have declared that only men should shop in their stores during the week, and women only on weekends. [SNIP] After months of pressure and the latest altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Lyon), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that the boulangerie would stop selling pork products.
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Kamala Harris and Donald Trump neck and
neck in Wisconsin and Michigan: Polls
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 8:31:18 AM Post Reply
Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her Republican rival Donald Trump are in a tight race in the key states of Michigan and Wisconsin, according to an opinion poll by the New York Times and Siena College released on Saturday. The NYT/Siena College poll found that Harris received 48% support amongst likely voters in Michigan with Trump garnering 47%, while in Wisconsin Harris holds 49% support to Trump's 47%. The surveys were conducted by telephone between Sept. 21 to 26, where interviewers spoke with 688 likely voters in Michigan and 680 likely voters in Wisconsin.
VIce President Visits Border, Promises
to Get Tough on Immigration Next Year
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 12:41:25 AM Post Reply
Today Kamala Harris visited the border in Arizona and proposed a tougher plan to limit illegal immigration. But of course she's also the current Vice President in the administration with one of if not the worst immigration records in US history. She is essentially promising that, if elected, she will clean up her own mess. This really ought to be embarrassing to all involved but she seems to be getting the serious headlines she wanted out of it. Harris’s proposed executive action would build on President Joe Biden’s current policy of essentially closing the U.S. asylum system unless illegal border crossings stay below 1,500 daily crossings
Walmart and Target to make major policy
change to every store across California
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/28/2024 7:05:12 PM Post Reply
Walmart, Target, and Albertsons alongside other grocery giants are all making a big change to their stores in California. Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law banning plastic bags being used at such stores in the state. The change will take legal effect on January 1, 2026, and will affect all grocery stores.Some grocery chains such as Whole Foods have already phased out plastic bags at their checkouts nationwide. Consumers will be encouraged to bring their own bags to do their shopping, and those who do not will be offered a paper alternative. The new law will only affect the plastic bags
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed
by airstrike in Beirut: IDF
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/28/2024 4:35:22 AM Post Reply
Hassan Nasrallah — the secretary-general of Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah — was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Beirut on Friday in what is a major escalation in Israel’s military action in Lebanon, according to the Israeli Defense Forces “Hassan Nasrallah will no longer be able to terrorize the world,” the IDF claimed on X on Saturday. Nasrallah, 64, was in a bunker beneath the group’s main headquarters in Beirut Friday when Israeli warplanes dropped bombs that “leveled six buildings” and took out several Hezbollah honchos in a targeted attack on the longtime terror leader.
Hezbollah confirms Nasrallah is killed
after Israeli strike
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 8:38:07 AM Post Reply
JERUSALEM/BEIRUT - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been killed, the Iran-backed group said on Saturday, confirming his death after the Israeli military said it had eliminated him in an airstrike in Beirut the day before. His death marks a devastating blow to Hezbollah, as it reels from an intense campaign of Israeli attacks. It is also a huge blow to Iran, removing an influential ally who helped build Hezbollah into the linchpin of Tehran's constellation of allied groups in the Arab world. Hezbollah said in a statement that it would continue its battle against Israel "in support of Gaza and Palestine, and in defence of Lebanon and its steadfast
California Dems Want State-Owned Oil Refineries 17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 3:52:41 AM Post Reply
It worked for Venezuela, it’s gonna work for California. [SNIP] Up next. State ownership of oil refineries. The California Energy Commission, meantime, has offered a list of 12 options for policymakers to help manage the industry decline while keeping gasoline prices stable and supply levels high. Beyond a minimum inventory mandate for gasoline storage, the possibilities include a limit on retail gasoline profit margins; a state lease or ownership of storage tanks and the gasoline that would fill them; a state lease or ownership of oceangoing tankers that hold emergency supplies of gasoline; and even a state takeover of one or more gasoline refineries.
Trump scores epic CDC endorsement—and
his four-word COVID verdict must have
Fauci sweating bullets…
15 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/28/2024 7:40:24 AM Post Reply
Well, COVID is back on the menu—but not in the way you’d expect. This time, it’s playing right into President Trump’s hands, thanks to a CDC-related endorsement that’s left everyone stunned. Dr. Robert Redfield, Trump’s former CDC director, has just thrown his support behind 45 for president. And he’s dropped a COVID verdict that will leave you—and Fauci—shocked and awed. (Snip)And it’s clear that former CDC Director Robert Redfield knows President Trump had a better plan. That’s why he’s not only endorsing Trump for President but also making amends with his old nemesis, RFK Jr., and revealing some truths that will probably have Anthony Fauci sweating bullets
NYC business leaders scramble to deal
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Posted by Ida Lou Pino 9/28/2024 11:07:35 AM Post Reply
After the bombshell indictment of Eric Adams by a federal grand jury, New York City’s powerful business community is scrambling to figure out how to deal with the real possibility of a socialist taking over City Hall. Business titans are said to be terrified at the prospect of Jumaane Williams, the left-wing, anti-cop Public Advocate running the city if Adams is either forced to resign or removed by Gov. Kathy Hochul amid the corruption scandal that has engulfed his mayoralty. “This is scary stuff,” one top business leader told the Post.
Secret Service Blocks Trump Rally to Protect
Foreign Dictators at UN
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 3:50:17 AM Post Reply
Not only did the Biden-Harris administration decide to admit sanctioned Iranian dictators (responsible for the murder of Americans) and other enemies from around the world to attend the UN’s grand terror shindig in New York, but it conveniently served as a pretext for shutting down an outdoor Trump rally. The Trump campaign had planned to host a rally in Wisconsin at an outdoor airport venue Saturday, but was told by the Secret Service that it did not have the manpower and assets to secure the venue while the United Nations General Assembly meeting was happening in New York.
Donald Trump, 78, hurls worst slur yet
at Kamala Harris as November election approaches
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/28/2024 7:24:21 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump hurled his worst slur yet at Vice President Kamala Harris while speaking to his supporters in a small Wisconsin town on Saturday. The former president insulted Harris as he ranted about illegal border crossings, describing her as 'mentally impaired.' 'Kamala is mentally impaired. If a Republican did what she did that Republican would be impeached and removed from office and rightfully so for high crimes and misdemeanors,' Trump began.Trump claimed the Democratic nominee was responsible for migrants who have come into the country illegally and have committed crimes.
A controversial 'Venezuela Ahead' billboard
is greeting drivers coming to Colorado
from Wyoming
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/28/2024 1:59:17 PM Post Reply
Drivers entering Colorado from Wyoming on Interstate 25 are being greeted by a controversial billboard that aims to warn travelers about what they may encounter ahead as they come into the state. The sign reads, "Venezuela Ahead, Be Prepared" on top of what resembles a Venezuelan flag. Small text on the billboard shows it was paid for by "Clipper Properties LLC, Tim Mellon, Member." [SNIP] Denver7 spoke with Jorge Fermín, an immigrant who recently arrived to Colorado from Venezuela, who said he was disappointed to hear about the billboard. "We feel attacked as a community," he said, in Spanish.
Harris campaign to troll Trump during
Georgia-Alabama game with flyover banner: report
11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/28/2024 6:59:25 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris has reportedly arranged for a banner trolling former President Trump to fly over Bryant-Denny Stadium, where he is expected to make an appearance during Saturday’s SEC showdown between No. 2 Georgia and fourth-ranked Alabama. The Harris campaign plans to launch a new ad during the game that needles Trump on the prospect of a second presidential debate, The Associated Press reported. But according to other reports, she’s also planning a flyover in Tuscaloosa. A plane with the message "Trump’s Punting on 2nd Debate" is expected to fly over the stadium during the primetime matchup, The Washington Post reported Saturday. The game, a rematch
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