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Alinsky and Lawfare in 2024 Election

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Posted By: earlybird, 9/21/2024 11:12:35 AM

Andrew Breitbart was well known in the grassroots Tea Party movement for his ability to turn Alinsky psychological weapons against those who deployed them. In fact, the gift that Breitbart carried was not Andrew’s snarky counter approach toward the Obama teams tactics, but rather his ability to understand the purpose of their approach. This naturally gifted insight always made Andrew a threat. Well before the Obama Marxists fully activated their weaponized government, Breitbart saw the Alinsky “methods” for what they were, the same tactics deployed by professional abusers. He knew we were headed into an era where “We the People” were in an abusive relationship with government.


Do newcomers know who Andrew Breitbart was?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: wretched man 7.24 9/21/2024 11:52:39 AM (No. 1799777)
Adding it ALL up: Since 2016, Trump has been a threat to the deep state, and the deep state and their minions have been out to get him, and us, and all that We The People represent. They will use any means they deem necessary, lawfare, cheating, and finally assassination. ALL this is a grand scheme by all its corrupt actors, as a coup d’etat against the republic itself. We The People just get in the way. BUT theirs is not the last word! Pray, people! “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit”, saith the LORD of hosts. Pray for national humbling, national repentance! “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.”
25 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: walcb 9/22/2024 8:10:05 AM (No. 1800156)
Cancelling 1000 ballots sent to a Wall Mart address accomplishes little, they will just send them to a different less obvious address. If the perpetrators are not jailed nothing is accomplished.
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 9/22/2024 8:48:36 AM (No. 1800182)
Breitbart was exceptional but awareness of trickery and deceit comes in degrees. Most of us heard Bathhouse Barry's first couple of speeches way back in 2007 and we knew immediately that we had a snake oil salesman running for president. The people who voted for him swallowed it hook, line and sinker. He said he was going to "fundamentally change America" and they got exactly what they voted for. Kamala is a dumber version of Obama but there is no doubt about what is going to happen if she slithers into the White House. That "middle class kid" intends to finish what Obama started and nobody will be smiling except Karl Marx and the leaders of the world's countries that are already communist.
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/22/2024 9:47:35 AM (No. 1800232)
FTA, the last full paragraph - "One of the biggest surprises to Satan this election cycle, has to be the unaffiliated organization and scale of this ballot integrity effort. The leftists are facing an army of mosquitos draining their fraudulent ballot supply. The radicals are now left swinging sledgehammer lawfare tools against quick moving mosquitos, and the Marxists are very unhappy about it." Sundance understands and so do we. Yes, I miss Andy, too. Don't we all. But we have ourselves and our resolve as Sundance notes. Let's win this thing and set leftism back for a long long time.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: ARKfamily 9/22/2024 9:54:54 AM (No. 1800239)
Well, first off, I do not view Kamala Harris as a legitimate candidate - she never primaried. Given that, I am reading on other websites that Kamala Harris has agreed to a debate with CNN. No kidding. She likes all of the gratuities with mainstream media. Who can blame Donald Trump not wanting to do another debate with all of their rules and conditions. All Donald Trump gets after a debate is being shot at. . .
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/22/2024 11:07:24 AM (No. 1800281)
Yes..I remember who Andrew Breitbart was....and followed his words ....never could get over his death at such a pivotal Barack HUSSEIN Obama bowed and scraped to the Middle East leaders and apologized ....on our behalf for the crusades....when he won I moved out of Chicago ...and have never looked back....
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Krause 9/22/2024 11:51:37 AM (No. 1800300)
Let's keep exposing the people involved in this criminal organization, vast as it is. Sounds like a lot of bad guys working against the American people.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 9/22/2024 12:37:58 PM (No. 1800337)
I loved Andrew (he hated being called Andy) from Greg's show Red Eye. We would tape it and watch it later since it was played at midnight. Andrew had a wicked sense of humor and knew how to ridicule the Left and destroy their arguments. He and Rush are greatly missed!
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The Abortion Lies Kamala Will Spew In
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Posted by earlybird 9/22/2024 3:43:00 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris will use her short appearance in Atlanta Friday afternoon to falsely blame Georgia’s lifesaving pro-life law for the deaths of at least two women. The untimely passings of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and their babies, however, had nothing to do with the Peach State’s protections and everything to do with Democrats and corporate media’s dangerous abortion rhetoric. ProPublica, an outlet known for doing Democrats’ dirty work, resurfaced Thurman’s and Miller’s 2022 passings this week in an attempt to vilify pro-life laws ahead of the 2024 election. The women’s deaths were both the direct result of a drug regimen responsible for more than half of the nation’s abortions.
Alinsky and Lawfare in 2024 Election 8 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/21/2024 11:12:35 AM Post Reply
Andrew Breitbart was well known in the grassroots Tea Party movement for his ability to turn Alinsky psychological weapons against those who deployed them. In fact, the gift that Breitbart carried was not Andrew’s snarky counter approach toward the Obama teams tactics, but rather his ability to understand the purpose of their approach. This naturally gifted insight always made Andrew a threat. Well before the Obama Marxists fully activated their weaponized government, Breitbart saw the Alinsky “methods” for what they were, the same tactics deployed by professional abusers. He knew we were headed into an era where “We the People” were in an abusive relationship with government.
95-Year-Old Builds Uber-Powerful Road
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Posted by earlybird 9/20/2024 3:24:42 PM Post Reply
Whenever Wes Creager drives to the Wood Shed Bar-B-Q on 7th Street—or any diner or drive-thru scattered through the small town of Hopkinsville, Kentucky—flash crowds seem to appear magically around his fantastic roadster. Creager always seems to start impromptu car shows. His hot-red roadster is a veritable chimera of a car. Fifty percent Cadillac, and registered as one, it has mixed DNA: Camaro doors, Mazda pop-up lamps, and a GMC grille. But it’s much more. The Creager Hybrid, as he named it, is undeniably a racecar.
Iran Hacked Trump Data, Sent It to Biden
Campaign: Here’s What We Know
3 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/20/2024 3:14:13 PM Post Reply
The FBI on Wednesday confirmed that Iran-backed hackers targeted former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and tried to deliver that information to President Joe Biden’s campaign earlier this year. The incident occurred over the summer, the FBI, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a statement. Timeline Iranian hackers in late June and early July sent what the agencies described as “unsolicited emails” to people associated with the Biden campaign. This came weeks before Biden announced in a statement that he was suspending his reelection bid before backing Vice President Kamala Harris,
Sheriff Arrested in Shooting Death of
Kentucky District Judge
1 reply
Posted by earlybird 9/20/2024 3:08:34 PM Post Reply
A district judge in Kentucky was fatally shot in the Letcher County Courthouse in Whitesburg on Thursday, Kentucky State Police said. A local sheriff has been charged in relation to the shooting. State police received a 911 call about shots being fired inside the Letcher County Courthouse just before 3 p.m. on Thursday. “Several law enforcement agencies and emergency medical services responded to the scene and located District Judge Kevin Mullins, 54, of Jackhorn, with multiple gunshot wounds,” Kentucky State Police spokesperson Sherry Bray said in an emailed statement to The Epoch Times.
Georgia Election Board Approves Rule Requiring
Hand Count of Ballots
4 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/20/2024 2:58:10 PM Post Reply
The Georgia Election Board has approved a new rule requiring election workers to hand count ballots in the November election and confirm that the numbers match machine counts before the vote can be certified. The rule, which was first proposed in August, passed in a 3–2 vote on the morning of Sept. 20, making Georgia the only state in the union to adopt such a requirement as part of its standard vote-counting.
Tax-Funded Group Sends Anti-White, Pro-Trans
Board Books To Wisconsin Daycares
6 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/19/2024 5:09:29 PM Post Reply
tax-funded organization sent “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Belonging Kits” to 300 daycares in Wisconsin this year that push leftist activism and expose very young children to racial hatred and queer relationships. The kits included nearly two dozen identity politics books for toddlers, “multicultural” play dough in six skin tones, a “Chilean rain stick,” and 12 “Diverse Family Structures” posters from Kaplan Early Learning Company that depict homosexual couples with children. “It’s okay to wonder: Am I a girl? Am I a boy? Am I both? Am I neither?”
Florida Governor DeSantis Says He Has
Not Spoken to President Trump Since 2nd
Assassination Attempt
5 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/17/2024 10:33:07 AM Post Reply
The alligator emojis are all giddy claiming Top Gov DeSantis, has kicked the feds out of Florida and taken custody of Ryan Wesley Routh. Apparently, the rumors of Ron DeSantis starting a state-level independent investigation has led the DeSantis supporters to believe Ron is doing something. However, there’s no truth to any of it. FACTS: Asked in a press conference today about the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the Florida governor told the media he had not talked to President Trump; however, he did expect an announcement to be “forthcoming” that Florida will investigate the events of the assassination attempt. The announcement will come sometime later on.
Florida Investigates Claims That Radical
Abortion Group ‘Forged’ Signatures
On Ballot Petition
3 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/15/2024 3:19:14 PM Post Reply
radical abortion group in Florida allegedly forged petition signatures for a proposed abortion amendment. The Florida Department of State has launched an investigation. “Our tolerance in the state of Florida for any type of election-related fraud is zero. We are not going to put up with it,” said Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in a roundtable Monday. “This group submitted dozens of petitions on behalf of dead people.” Floridians Protecting Freedom is pushing for an abortion amendment that would change the state constitution to protect the murder of unborn children before “viability.”
Nebraska Supreme Court Allows Radical
Unlimited Abortion Amendment To Make November Ballot
4 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/15/2024 3:16:03 PM Post Reply
radical amendment that threatens to ram unpopular abortion until birth into the Cornhusker State constitution will make the ballot in November despite its deceptive nature, the Nebraska Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Friday. Abortion in Nebraska is prohibited beyond 12 weeks gestation. The “Protect the Right to Abortion” ballot initiative, funded by Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union, however, seeks to enshrine abortion at any point in pregnancy in the state’s constitution. The proposed amendment leaves vague, undefined terms like “viability” up to the subjective judgment of a health care practitioner, not necessarily a doctor.
MAGA and MAHA 3 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/14/2024 11:35:24 AM Post Reply
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s former Vice-Presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan, continues to finance and produce high quality video content intended to unite the Donald Trump and RFK Jr movements while persuading moderate democrats to join the assembly. [Source Link] In this video Mrs Shanahan draws attention to the false and malicious narrative done by the hardwired leftists, communists and corporate financial groups who have Alinsky’d the MAGA movement for almost a decade. It is a very well-done production intended to stimulate a deeper review by those who perhaps only pay slight attention to national politics. WATCH: (Video)
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5 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/14/2024 11:25:51 AM Post Reply
Sharp tariff hikes on imports from China, including a 100 percent duty on electric vehicles (EVs), will take effect on Sept. 27, the Biden administration confirmed on Friday. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) confirmed most of the increased rates that the White House had announced in May, with some adjustments to the list. From Sept. 27, the tariff on EVs imported from China will quadruple from 25 percent to 100 percent.The USTR also confirmed a 100 percent tariff on needles and syringes, 50 percent tariffs on semiconductors, solar cells, facemasks, and surgical gloves, and 25 percent tariffs on EV and other batteries, battery parts, critical minerals,
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26 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 11:35:18 AM Post Reply
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Who could be in Harris’s Cabinet? Let
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Posted by 4250Luis 9/22/2024 7:55:17 AM Post Reply
As Democrats revel in Vice President Harris closing the polling gap against former President Trump, speculation is ramping up over who might serve in a potential Harris Cabinet if she prevails in November. Any Cabinet appointee would likely face a razor-thin Democratic-controlled or GOP-controlled Senate, meaning Harris would have to balance partisan realities with her desire to break the mold with her choices, like naming the first woman to head the Pentagon.“I’m sure it will be very diverse. I think it will be a mix of people who have been around Washington for a while in these kinds of roles because she respects that,
No One Elected Her: Why Does Jill Biden’s
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Legislation Folders?
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Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 1:50:40 AM Post Reply
A very curious image has been making the rounds on social media for a few days now and it’s raising some serious questions about who is really in charge of the country right now. It’s a picture of one of Joe Biden’s official legislation folders and it includes not only Joe Biden’s signature, but also Jill Biden’s. Why does her signature appear here? No one elected her to anything. Just this week, people across the country were shocked to see Jill Biden sitting at the head of the table at a Joe Biden cabinet meeting, now this. Conservative Twitter/X user Comfortably Smug posted the image:
Clueless or Deluded? 700 'National Security
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18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/22/2024 5:03:05 PM Post Reply
Of all the things that Kamala Harris is unfit to do, of all the duties she should never be entrusted with, commander-in-chief of the American armed forces and the national intelligence apparatus has to be at the top of the list. That is not, however, preventing over 700 "national security officials" from endorsing her in her POTUS run. That's an endorsement that is almost as chilling as her endorsement by the tax collectors union. This endorsement from "national security officials" reads like it was written on Opposite Day: More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris
Mass shooting in Alabama leaves 4 dead,
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17 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 9/22/2024 9:03:49 AM Post Reply
Four people were killed and at least 21 others were wounded in a mass shooting Saturday night in Birmingham, Alabama. Two men and a woman were killed at the scene in the 2000 block of Magnolia Avenue in the Five Points South area near the University of Alabama at Birmingham, while a fourth victim died at the university's hospital, Birmingham Police told The incident happened shortly after 11 p.m., Officer Truman Fitzgerald told the outlet.
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Posted by NorthernDog 9/22/2024 7:10:36 PM Post Reply
An Indian hospitality technology firm is set to buy Motel 6, the motel chain's parent company announced Friday. In a press release, Blackstone Real Estate said that it came to terms with Oravel Stays to take over G6 Hospitality, the umbrella brand that includes Motel 6 and Studio 6, in a $525 million transaction for the budget lodging chain. Based in Gurgaon in northern India, Oravel Stays operates hotels under the OYO brand, and says that the G6 companies will remain separate. "This acquisition is a significant milestone for a startup company like us to strengthen our international presence," Gautam
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/22/2024 5:06:36 PM Post Reply
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15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/22/2024 4:21:23 PM Post Reply
The Secret Service in America not only failed to protect President Trump from nearly getting assassinated on two occasions, but it’s so discombobulated that agents are now shooting themselves. WUSA 9 revealed today that a United States Secret Service (USSS) agent was on duty Saturday evening right before 8 p.m. when he “negligently” discharged his weapon and shot himself. The incident reportedly happened near 32nd and Fessenden Streets in northwest Washington, DC. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is expected to recover from his injuries. The Secret Service is not making any further details public at this time as they plan to investigate what happened.
Hollywood Mogul Barry Diller: Trump’s
‘a Rotten Person,’ Needs to Be ‘Pushed
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14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/22/2024 8:55:28 PM Post Reply
Media titan Barry Diller wants to see former President Donald Trump “pushed into the dust heap of history” come November, claiming a Kamala Harris presidency would be “extraordinarily healthy” for America. Speaking at a recent business summit in West Hollywood, Diller — the mogul who runs the left-wing Daily Beast, among many other media properties — glossed over the many failures of the Biden-Harris administration, including record consumer prices, an unprecedented tidal wave of illegal immigrants, and the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. None of that appears to matter to Diller. What does matter is getting rid of Trump.
Kamala Harris to skip traditional Al Smith
dinner, first time presidential candidate
has ducked charity event since 1984
11 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 1:47:09 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris has decided to dodge former president Trump and skip this year’s Al Smith Dinner — a major election year event that generations of candidates have attended — becoming the first presidential hopeful to duck out since failed presidential wannabe Walter Mondale in 1984. While Trump has agreed to go to the 79th iteration of the Archdiocese of New York’s dinner on Oct. 17, Harris’s camp says she will instead campaign in key battleground states on the final stretch before election day, her campaign told The Post.
At least 51 people killed in Iran coalmine explosion 10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/22/2024 7:50:22 AM Post Reply
A gas explosion in a coalmine in Iran’s South Khorasan province has killed at least 51 people and injured 20, Iran’s state media said. The accident was caused by a methane gas explosion in two blocks, B and C, of the mine run by the Madanjoo company, state media said on Sunday. The governor of South Khorasan province, Ali Akbar Rahimi, told state TV: “Seventy-six per cent of the country’s coal is provided from this region and around eight to 10 big companies are working in the region, including Madanjoo company.”
Simple, Basic, Georgia Election Ballot
Rule Sends Left-Wing Activists into Apoplexy
10 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/22/2024 7:36:15 AM Post Reply
A very simple ballot counting rule was affirmed by the Georgia election board on Friday in a 3-2 vote. The “hand count” ballot rule (183-1:12) is very basic and simple. Essentially it says all the paper ballots must be hand counted and matched to the number of people recorded electronically to the vote. Example, if 1,000 votes are electronically counted, there should be 1,000 physical ballots to match. This is not complicated and will not take much time. The ballots are not being checked for voting accuracy, or vote recording/candidate specifics.
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