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EXCLUSIVE: Rasmussen Reports Talks Trump's
Momentum and the Debate

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Posted By: Judy W., 9/11/2024 9:07:41 PM

Last month, I spoke with Mark Mitchell, the head pollster at Rasmussen Reports, about Kamala’s bounce in the polls and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s impact on the presidential race. Things have definitely changed since then as Trump has gained momentum in the polls, betting markets, and Nate Silver’s election forecast model. So, I followed up with Mitchell to discuss recent developments in the race, including the debate Tuesday night as well as the latest New York Times/Siena College poll, which showed Donald Trump edging ahead of Kamala Harris. This was a development that took many by surprise — except the folks at Rasmussen Reports.


Rasmussen is the most reliable pollster.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Catherine 9/11/2024 9:58:01 PM (No. 1794187)
As I've sad a few times, the only poll we need are the tens of thousands who show up at anything where Trump will be. Biden couldn't fill a phone booth. Harris pays for a few busloads now and then. All these pollsters are frauds but do agree that Rasmussen used to be the best. Not sure about now.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Strike3 9/12/2024 9:34:03 AM (No. 1794390)
There are many ways to spin or explain Harris' unpopularity with sane Americans but she shares the same trait that Hillary has, she's unlikable. Her obvious ego, inflated with nothing but air, and her lack of any presidential qualities turns off everyone except the lunatic leftists who are focused on "control of their own bodies" which means that doctors may kill their babies at their demand. All abortion laws are applied to doctors, not the female patients who seek them out. The money made by the medical industry and organizations like Planned Parenthood (a misnomer) on abortion as a means of birth control is disgusting. If a pollster wants to create a biased poll in favor of Harris, all they have to do is interview the fat females with green hair and they easily get their numbers. Most polling, like most of the media reporting, is dishonest.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: crashnburn 9/12/2024 6:11:01 PM (No. 1794654)
Right. CommieLaLa has delusions of her own mediocrity.
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The Honk, Bray and Superior Smirk of the
Genocidal Left.
1 reply
Posted by Judy W. 9/14/2024 10:15:29 AM Post Reply
“Many lies spewed on ABC last night, but PLEASE NOTE, THE INTERNET IS FOREVER AND MUCH BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN KAMALA’S LIES AND ABC’S GASLIGHTING. (global citizen fact checkers are on it)” - Kevin Fernandes, Instagram Independent media is 10X the size of legacy media, and the ‘internet’, engaged, creative and smart, is 100X independent media. The take down was delicious fun, illuminating and a clear signifier of an engaged, revitalized citizenry looking forward with relish to the end of cultural Marxism, tyranny and the perpetual threat of a impending crash so large, we will all be eating our pets. Nevertheless, the debate on Tuesday night required some recovery.
The media war against Israel 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/14/2024 9:05:02 AM Post Reply
The apparent bias of the ABC TV moderators in failing to call out the falsehoods reportedly spoken by US Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party presidential candidate, in the debate with former President Donald Trump this week has attracted much critical comment. (Snip)And the picture of Israel that’s been painted over the last few decades — and even more intensely since the October 7 Hamas-led pogrom against southern Israel communities — is a vicious and wildly distorted caricature. Last week, a high-ranking delegation of former NATO military officers was in Israel on a fact-finding mission to assess the conduct of the Israeli Defence Forces. Members of the group subsequently expressed admiration
EXCLUSIVE: Rasmussen Reports Talks Trump's
Momentum and the Debate
3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2024 9:07:41 PM Post Reply
Last month, I spoke with Mark Mitchell, the head pollster at Rasmussen Reports, about Kamala’s bounce in the polls and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s impact on the presidential race. Things have definitely changed since then as Trump has gained momentum in the polls, betting markets, and Nate Silver’s election forecast model. So, I followed up with Mitchell to discuss recent developments in the race, including the debate Tuesday night as well as the latest New York Times/Siena College poll, which showed Donald Trump edging ahead of Kamala Harris. This was a development that took many by surprise — except the folks at Rasmussen Reports.
Does racial diversity cause lower fertility? 10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/9/2024 9:30:00 AM Post Reply
I know, it sounds like a far right conspiracy theory, however: (Snip) In the United States, local measures of racial and ethnic diversity are robustly associated with lower birth rates. A one standard deviation decrease in racial concentration (having people of many different races nearby) or increase in racial isolation (being from a numerically smaller race in that area) is associated with 0.064 and 0.044 fewer children, respectively, after controlling for many other drivers of birth rates. (Snip) The rise in racial diversity in the US since 1970 explains 44% of the decline in birth rates during that period, and 89% of the drop since 2006.
World Economic Forum Finally Tells the
Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’
of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New
World Order
7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/9/2024 7:45:05 AM Post Reply
They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity. I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order. Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.
Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5 19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2024 8:32:07 AM Post Reply
True the Vote the first citizen voter integrity group in the 21st century, was started by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2009. At the time, she had been managing a manufacturing plant that supplied parts to the oil and gas industry in Texas for eleven years. Interviewed last month Patriots with Grit, she explained, “I had never been interested in politics, but after ‘09, I found government was everywhere, my kids school, health care, oil and gas, regulations out of control. How could citizens engage?” Engelbrecht hasn’t been out of court one day since 09, and the pretty blond country club woman today has the stripped down looks of a real fighter.
Former PFLP hostage reveals what 1970
hijacking really looked like - opinion
5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/8/2024 6:44:18 AM Post Reply
I grew up in Trenton, New Jersey. I was interested only in what the Baltimore Orioles, my favorite baseball team, did the night before and whether Brooks Robinson made any great plays or had any clutch hits. In the summer of 1970, my parents, my four siblings, and I made our first trip to Israel. My father, the principal of a Jewish day school, returned home early, and the rest of us flew home on September 6, Labor Day weekend. After taking off from Frankfurt, Germany, where we had stopped for a refueling, we were hijacked over Brussels, Belgium. I vividly remember the hijackers running up the aisle
The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It 15 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/25/2024 7:02:01 AM Post Reply
After engineer and data scientist Kim Brooks worked on cleaning the voter rolls in Georgia for a year, she realized she was on a stationary bicycle. She’d clear a name for various reasons, dead, felon, stolen ID, living at a seasonal campground for twenty years, duplicate, moved out of state, 200 years old, etc., and back it would come within a month. At that juncture she realized that a program within the Georgia voter registration database was methodically adding back fake names.
1066 and All This 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/16/2024 9:41:47 AM Post Reply
The Norman Conquest was the single most significant event to ever affect the English. It forever changed our language, our ruling class, our style of government, and the relationship between our kings and leaders and our common folk. For the old Anglo-Saxon nobility, it was a near genocidal catastrophe. Almost all of the Anglo-Saxon nobles saw their lands and property seized by their conquerors. Within a few short years most of the greatest lords were dead, if they hadn’t already been slaughtered at Hastings. Some of their lesser kind tried to sustain rebellion and resistance, the most famous of these being Hereward the Wake, who would become a particularly beloved
EU Commissioner Makes Fool of Himself 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/14/2024 12:15:01 PM Post Reply
At dinner last night with an old friend in Vienna, he proposed that many officials in the European Union are now suffering from the syndrome that Dietrich Bonhoeffer described in the 1943 essay “Von der Dummheit” (“On Stupidity”). As Bonhoeffer described it, under the pressure of ideology and propaganda, many people—including those blessed with high native intelligence—may be seized by stupidity. Literally, they find themselves doing incredibly stupid things and participating in incredibly stupid enterprises that make no sense to people of ordinary prudence who have, for whatever reasons, remained immune to the stupidity contagion. The occasion of my friend’s reflections was the news that EU Commissioner
Harris' Walz Problem Just Got Even Messier 11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/10/2024 10:17:24 AM Post Reply
Since he was selected as Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate earlier this week, there has been considerable chatter about the headache that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) has caused. (Snip) As Gabe Kaminsky of the Washington Examiner reported about Walz and Imam Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota: Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim cleric who celebrated Hamas‘s Oct. 7 attack last year on Israel and promoted a film popular among Neo-Nazis that glorifies Adolf Hitler, the Washington Examiner found.
The Sins of Omission 14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/10/2024 8:21:31 AM Post Reply
Way back in 1999 a young Haley Joel Osment said “I see dead people”. (Snip) I was suddenly reminded of the film when thinking about the way the mainstream media work and the odd way those of us not reliant on them now inhabit an entirely different reality to those of us who do get our understanding of the world purely from mainstream sources. The mainstream media of course selectively report the news. They constantly try to focus attention in one direction, and divert attention from another direction. Everything they allow to be seen is filtered through a lens of perpetual and oppressive bias.
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Chris Wallace: As 'Famous Gangster Actor,'
Robert De Niro Has Street Cred to Call
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34 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/14/2024 8:26:21 AM Post Reply
Along with Hollywood "Meathead" Rob Reiner, La La Land's Robert De Niro is undoubtedly one of the most Trump-loathing people on the planet. The venom spewed by these two leftists against the former president is so toxic that the unintended humor is off the charts. Toss Chris Wallace, former host of "Fox News Sunday," now a CNN simp, into the mix, and it doesn't get any better. Such was the case on Friday when Wallace trotted onto the set of "CNN News Central" to pimp his latest episode of HBO Max's "Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace?" with De Niro. In both shows, Wallace fawned over TDS-riddled De Niro
Oregon reveals hundreds of non-citizens
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28 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/14/2024 12:41:49 PM Post Reply
More than 300 non-citizens in Oregon eligible to apply for driver’s licenses were also mistakenly registered to vote, officials admitted this week in what they chalked up to be a “data entry issue.” In an initial analysis, the Oregon Department of Transportation found that 306 non-citizens statewide were registered to vote and two have cast ballots in elections since 2021, according to reports. It is illegal for for a non-citizen to cast a ballot in a federal election. Officials expect to find more instances of the error as they continue to investigate, DMV Administrator Amy Joyce told The Oregonian on Friday. “It’s basically a data entry issue,” said Kevin Glenn, spokesperson
JD Vance's childcare plan ticked off some
parents and grandparents. There's a way
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27 replies
Posted by sunset 9/15/2024 4:59:41 AM Post Reply
Linda C., a retired deputy sheriff in California, considers herself politically independent. She voted for former President Donald Trump in 2016 and then for President Joe Biden in 2020. But this year, she feels strongly about supporting the Democratic ticket, largely because of the stances Republicans, including Trump's running mate, Sen. JD Vance, have taken on childcare. She was particularly perturbed by Vance's recent suggestion that grandparents and other family members "help out a little bit more" with childrearing to relieve the burden of childcare costs.
Stormy Daniels Fears Trump Will Try Her
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25 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/14/2024 6:51:20 PM Post Reply
Left-wing porn star Stormy Daniels says she’s afraid that former President Donald Trump will have her tried for treason if he wins the 2024 election.[Snip] Daniels, who told Rolling Stone she’s currently “living in an RV,” still has to pay Trump’s legal fees related to a separate defamation case. In the meantime, she has been on tour doing a stand-up comedy routine and lambasting the former president. She noted to the magazine that she feels she has lost more than she has gained.
Democratic congressman claims Electoral
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for Jan. 6 Capitol riot
25 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/14/2024 12:05:07 AM Post Reply
Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., slammed the Electoral College as an "obsolete" system from the 18th century that is deadly for Americans.Raskin spoke with The Free Speech project at the Riggs Library in Washington D.C. on Friday. The congressman expounded on a variety of topics, particularly his efforts to discredit and ultimately circumvent the Electoral College in the name of protecting American democracy. "We passed the nation’s first National Popular Vote Interstate Compact," he said, touting his work. "We initiated that, we’re now more than two thirds of the way there, because it’s 2024.
Brian Stelter: Image of Kamala Harris
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 2:10:08 AM Post Reply
The potato has returned. Brian Stelter is back on the air at CNN and it’s almost like he never left. During a recent segment on Kamala Harris, Stelter suggested that the image of Harris as the young ‘hope and change’ candidate is more important than anything she actually says about what she would do as president. He also cheered for the image of Harris speaking at rallies. Has anyone told Brian that the campaign has to bus people in for these events? Breitbart News reports:
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Posted by FlyRight 9/14/2024 7:12:53 PM Post Reply
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Harris Campaign Aide Hesitant to Have
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19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/14/2024 10:21:24 AM Post Reply
A Harris campaign aide who focuses on climate change once promoted the anti-natalist view that the potential for widespread environmental destruction is a reason not to have children. Camila Thorndike, the climate engagement director for Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign, told the Washington Post in 2022 that fears of climate change have factored into her hesitation to have children. “It’s coming partly from a place of love for my hypothetical child,” she said.
Harris dodges question on lowering prices
by describing 'middle-class' roots: Neighbors
'proud of their lawn'
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/14/2024 3:15:13 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris was criticized Friday for a lengthy response about her "middle-class" upbringing that spoke about people's pride in their lawns but did little to address a question about her economic policies. In her first solo sit-down TV interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Harris was asked by Philadelphia's 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff about what "specific" plans she has to bring down prices for Americans. "Well, I'll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid," Harris responded. "My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager.
Making A Fat Joke Could Land You In Hot
Water At Northwestern University
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/15/2024 10:33:31 AM Post Reply
Northwestern University, a prestigious college in Illinois, recently adopted a policy that would punish students for making fat jokes. The university included weight and height on its list of “protected characteristics” in its 2024 discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct policy, placing the traits alongside attributes like race and gender. Making jokes about these protected characteristics runs afoul of the policy and can result in sanctions for students, staff or faculty, according to the university.
6 Dirty RINOs Sign Pledge with Democrats
to Certify the Results of the 2024 Election
– Without Knowing the Details
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/15/2024 12:58:40 AM Post Reply
In yet another clear sign that the swamp is alive and well in Washington, more than 30 House members—including a disgraceful six Republicans—have joined hands with Democrats to sign a so-called “bipartisan” pledge that seeks to undermine the true voice of the American people before the 2024 election even takes place. The pledge, deceptively named the “Unity Commitment,” pretends to “safeguard” the election, but in reality, it’s nothing more than an effort to rubber-stamp the will of establishment elites and globalist politicians. Leading this charge are Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), who are rallying members of Congress to commit to upholding whatever result comes from the 2024 election—
3 Americans in Congo sentenced to death
after coup attempt
15 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/14/2024 9:45:03 PM Post Reply
Three American citizens have been sentenced to death in Congo after being convicted on charges of participating in a coup attempt, with one telling a court that his father — who led the failed effort — "had threatened to kill us if we did not follow his orders." A lawyer representing 21-year-olds Marcel Malanga and Tyler Thompson Jr. and 36-year-old Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun, is now planning to appeal the verdict following the botched attack orchestrated by Malanga’s father, Christian Malanga, in May that targeted the presidential palace and a close ally of President Felix Tshisekedi
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