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President Trump Announces 2025 Transition Team

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Posted By: FlyRight, 8/17/2024 5:22:28 AM

With the announcement of the 2025 transition team well in advance, you might note that President Donald Trump is taking a much more aggressive stance on the vetting of potential members of his administration. This is a critical and necessary proactive plan; it should be considered a very good sign. President Trump has appointed Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick as co-chairs of the transition team. However, President Trump has also appointed JD Vance, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump as honorary chairs, likely with veto authority over any staffing recommendation.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: petrichor 8/17/2024 6:34:28 AM (No. 1779589)
He was new to the game in 2016. Hopefully, he'll give every potential person a second look this time. It's politics and not business.
32 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Rumblehog 8/17/2024 7:28:31 AM (No. 1779614)
Infuriating Democrats every step of the way... this is going to trigger them in a huge way. Can't wait to hear the Dem caterwauling over Trump being "overly optimistic," with childish cries of, "He has to win it first!"
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: sagman 8/17/2024 7:55:10 AM (No. 1779631)
A cautionary note about what we are up against. The other day I initiated a rare political discussion with a relative I like. Salt-of-the-earth guy, a tradesman, and interested in the election. I didn't know where he stood re Trump and Harris; curious, I asked. He said he would not have voted for Biden, intending to sit this one out because he despises Trump. Now he'll vote for Harris. I had no intention of getting into an argument but felt compelled to ask if he knew who Harris is, her background, her positions in the past, e. g., mandatory gun buyback, fracking, the border, and so on. Sort of, he said. But his disdain for Trump made everything else irrelevant. Why? Because he thought Trump is a blowhard who bears responsibility for the J6 riots. He listened to what I said in response, but I knew he was locked into his viewpoint and wouldn't budge. I thought about this conversation afterwards. Why is he oblivious to what a Harris presidency would mean for him and his family, for the nation? He tries to stay current and he's not dumb. You can guess: he gets his news from the lamestream media and thinks it's gospel. He isn't aware they shape/omit the news to push their agenda. We tend to think that DJT will blow the other side away, that nobody outside the Dem base could possibly go for Harris. But I wonder, how many millions of uninformed, under informed, and /misinformed voters are out there, and will they take us all of the cliff?
76 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 8/17/2024 8:32:28 AM (No. 1779658)
(Good MORNING, Sagman.) My relative is in lockstep with yours. Except my relative is 97, has a very high IQ, and lives in Swampville. If we discuss politics, and we usually don’t, he always asks my “source” for anything I tell him. HIS sources are: WaPo, NBCABCCBSNPR, and occasionally, the Times. I don’t know if he realizes he is being manipulated, or he hates PDJT that much. My small, optimistic consolation to the general concern is that now, more than ever, alternative news sources are available. AND, everyone has been negatively affected by the policies of the husk currently sitting behind the Resolute Desk. Those 2 facts keep me hopeful. But if things go south, we’re done. Pray.
42 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/17/2024 9:45:47 AM (No. 1779704)
The President was wise to get out in front and assemble a transition team now. However, I take #3's story seriously at the same time. The msm has been preying on the minds of all Americans for a long time. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. Our public education system has made it so. Shaping opinion in the minds of Americans now comes at an early age. In the eyes of the msm and the education system, ignorance is their friend. Individualism is their enemy. Consequently, people hear what they want to hear and ignore what they don't want to hear. The political views of one of my daughter-in -laws is similar #3's relative. It's all about hate trump and J6. She will vote dim not because she prefers Kamalie, but because she hates Trump. Several other L.Dotters have recently commented that a massive voter turnout will be required to push Trump over the finish line. This is because the invasion of illegals from the southern border many of whom will be allowed to register to vote will bring millions more votes to Kamalie and down-ballot candidates. The dims' ballot-harvesting machine is locked and loaded. But the RNC has assembled a ballot-harvesting and poll-watching machine of its own. Expect anything between today and election day. As one example, the WHO's mpox global emergency. How convenient. A possible terrorist attack resulting in delaying the election? Who knows. The minds of all Americans will be under severe assault by the msm and SM. This all being said, I remain cautiously optimistic that Donald J. Trump will be sworn into office in January 2025.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/17/2024 9:47:23 AM (No. 1779706)
Excellent idea...this time he knows the hidden rinos to mess with his plans...I think this is a good plan because he will go into the White House with his guard up...and no lying Ryan to mess with his wonder the democrats are having nervous breakdowns...and ole Joe is shaking up the obama cabal to the core....wonder what he has planned....
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: franq 8/17/2024 9:51:14 AM (No. 1779707)
Let none of us forget the spectre of the judge's threat to sentence Trump in September. They still have wrenches to throw in the gears.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: RCFLyer98 8/17/2024 10:05:57 AM (No. 1779720)
Agree completely Sagman, poster #3. How anyone can like 4-5 dollar gasoline vs. 2-2.50 dollar gasoline, or 5 dollar box of cereal vs. 2-3 dollar box of cereal, wide open borders to closed borders, truth vs. falsehoods, is simply beyond me. I do not understand the hatred of Trump to the point of voting for someone who will destroy you. I do not get it. This is not like a football game . . . my team is better than yours and I want to be on the winning side. This is about survival.
28 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: 3XALADY 8/17/2024 11:18:31 AM (No. 1779787)
CNN, MSNBC and the lying media spews Trump hatred 24/7 and they eat it up. How many millions do you think watches the View every day and thrives on what they throw up. Just remember the George Floyd riots and BLM and how many participated. I think we are in a world of hurt at election time, which ever way it goes.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: earlybird 8/17/2024 12:28:29 PM (No. 1779820)
It doesn't take much to make us go "all wobbly", does it? Mrs. Thatcher knew that. One or two anecdotal reports of anti-Trumpers appear to make us shake in our shoes. Create doubt. That is so Republican.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: crashnburn 8/17/2024 12:42:46 PM (No. 1779826)
It's not doubt. It's being realistic. We need to double and redouble our efforts to stymie DemonicRat cheating and get the legitimate vote out. Dan Bongino says everyone should take ten people with them to the polls. Ten is the minimum.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: vinegrower 8/17/2024 1:16:33 PM (No. 1779836)
I think many voters who despise Trump were still not willing to vote for Biden. Now that Kamala has been handed the Dem candidate position these same people seem willing to vote for her, paying no attention to her past stated policies and doctrine. Very short sighted on their part to vote against their own best interests. As a woman I hate to admit it but a majority of these voters are most likely women. Why do women vote with their emotions?
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Reply 13 - Posted by: earlybird 8/17/2024 2:14:39 PM (No. 1779867)
When it is personal vs. policy, it is far easier to go the lazy way and judge on personal trivia - not liking the cut of someone's jib- rather than analyze policies. The TV outlets mentioned feed that laziness.
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: earlybird 8/17/2024 3:21:49 PM (No. 1779906)
Why would a Conservative "despise" Trump? What could he have done to engender such a strong emotional feeling in someone ostensibly on the same side ? As for women, the smartest women I know (one a former Dem) have been all in ror him since 2016. A doctor, a teacher, a psychologist...
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Reply 15 - Posted by: earlybird 8/17/2024 4:13:59 PM (No. 1779926)
"We need to double and redouble our efforts to stymie DemonicRat cheating and get the legitimate vote out" Yes. That is positive and proactive. We know we are up against shameless power-hungry cheaters. I have a problem when we engage in pearl-clutching...
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Reply 16 - Posted by: YorkieMom 8/17/2024 4:41:08 PM (No. 1779940)
#3 is the voice of reason. 90% of my family is conservative and will vote for Trump, even though some wish he'd tone it down a little and stick to policy more than insults. The 10% have been around the conservative family members all of their life and will never vote for Trump or any other Republican. They also won't look at Fox or any conservative news. The rest of us shake our heads and wonder what happened to them. Different reasons, but mostly we think they just don't have any common sense and one family member mainly loves Democrats because of the freebies. He'd rather have the handouts and not have to do hard work to get ahead. It's always been "the economy, stupid," but that won't sway the far left. Let's hope it sways the independents.
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Deborah Grannet 8/17/2024 6:07:19 PM (No. 1779979)
Had an experience similar to #3 a few days ago. Ran into an old friend who only wants to talk politics when SHE'S doing the talking, with talking points exclusively from CNN. Hates Trump violently and holds him responsible for J6. When I brought up the BLM riots, she suddenly wants to 'look forward, not backward.' She says Trump will be Hitler if he wins, although she couldn't explain that or cite any examples of his Hitler-like behavior. When I noted that current policies were hurting me and many others I know, she literally sneered, 'How are they hurting you?' I asked her if she'd been to a grocery store lately, and she said, sure she goes all the time, as if food prices are not an issue. She also sneeringly asked, what news do you watch, Fox? I replied that I watched Fox some but had many sources for my news. (She seemed visibly confused at the idea that one could have more than one news source.) This is a woman in her mid-80s; she and her husband have old-style pensions which apparently are protecting them from the current day-to-day economic realities. She is a total ignoramus when it comes to knowing what is going on in the world, which is always apparent in any conversation with her. She made the statement that we shouldn't discuss politics, that I was her friend and that was all that mattered. The thing is, I don't think I AM her friend, and I sort of hope not to run into her again any time soon. The fact that she gets to air her political views while not allowing me to air mine, coupled with the fact that she is too lazy to truly seek the facts as she cavalierly wrecks my freedom and my country, pretty much torpedos our friendship. I have quite a few friends and co-workers like this-- I can only pray that there are many who are keeping their mouths shut but voting for Trump. (Although God only knows what we'll have to put up with if Trump wins.)
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Reply 18 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 8/17/2024 6:20:49 PM (No. 1779989)
#17, well spoken, ma'am. Let us stick to our guns and preserve the United States of America, as founded. I can't even discuss politics with my own kids. I don't know what contaminated them. The schools? SM? The msm?
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Reply 19 - Posted by: thefield 8/17/2024 8:28:47 PM (No. 1780022)
The appointment of this team , had to drive Ms Harris crazy.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/18/2024 6:03:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/17/2024 5:41:32 AM Post Reply
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President Trump Announces 2025 Transition Team 19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/17/2024 5:22:28 AM Post Reply
With the announcement of the 2025 transition team well in advance, you might note that President Donald Trump is taking a much more aggressive stance on the vetting of potential members of his administration. This is a critical and necessary proactive plan; it should be considered a very good sign. President Trump has appointed Linda McMahon and Howard Lutnick as co-chairs of the transition team. However, President Trump has also appointed JD Vance, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump as honorary chairs, likely with veto authority over any staffing recommendation.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/15/2024 12:23:11 PM Post Reply
Rebellious France is not only a far-left party, it is also a party tinged with anti-Semitism and counts supporters of Islamism and terrorist groups such as Hamas in its ranks. The left-wing coalition has clearly been gaining ground. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of Rebellious France, to emphasize that he accepts anti-Semitism and supports Hamas and Islamism, gave a speech about his party's results while standing on stage next to an Islamist pro-Hamas activist, newly-elected Member of European Parliament Rima Hassan. Hassan wore a keffiyeh and displayed on her clothes a small Palestinian flag.
AP Publishes Hilarious Headline: "News
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3 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2024 6:12:18 AM Post Reply
Remember when the Politico story first hit about the stupid leaking from inside the Trump campaign and I said, “they got nothing.” Politico sat on the story for 19-days while they talked to the leaker and reviewed the information they were sharing. That’s how you know there was nothing in the leaked files from the “Trump insider.” Because if there was anything damaging, it would be 24/7 publishing with hundreds of stories about it. However, with nothing of value coming from the DHS leak to Politico, the Associated Press now spins the story to proclaim the magnanimity of the media for not reporting on “hacked” documents. Too Funny!
Democrats are hiding the rise in violent
crime with tricky statistics
12 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2024 6:10:34 AM Post Reply
“Make no mistake, violent crime was up under Donald Trump,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz warned in his first speech as Kamala Harris’ running mate. “If you look this up at home,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg claimed last month, “you will know that crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump. Why would America want to go back to the higher crime we experienced under Donald Trump?” But the opposite is true: Between 2016 and 2020, violent crime fell by 17% under Trump — and soared by 43% under Biden between 2020 and 2022. Of course, news outlets routinely assert that Americans are mistaken in believing that violent crime is rising.
Kamala Harris’ campaign team is editing
news headlines in her favor — without
outlets’ knowledge: report
9 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/14/2024 6:07:29 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign team has been silently editing news headlines in Google search results to make it seem like major news outlets are on her side, according to a report. The altered headlines — all paired with a “Paid for by Harris for President” banner — were changed without the news outlets’ knowledge, Axios reported Tuesday. Nearly a dozen publishers were swept up in the faux headline campaign, including major companies like The Guardian, Reuters, CBS News, The Associated Press and PBS.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2024 9:41:24 AM Post Reply
→ A VEEP of her own: Fresh from poisoning Joe Biden’s cornflakes, Kamala Harris announced that Minnesota governor Tim Walz will be her vice presidential running mate, leading the population of the 49 states that aren’t Minnesota to shout out a collective: Tim who? Personally, I find it kind of bizarre: she could have gone with a literal astronaut, but apparently Harris preferred the guy who’s never even seen the earth from outer space and whose biggest claim to fame is making “weird” happen.
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Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2024 9:33:33 AM Post Reply
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Posted by FlyRight 8/9/2024 9:04:22 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris has hardly taken a question since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee nearly three weeks ago. But that hasn’t stopped her from riding a wave of media hype into a statistical tie with Donald Trump, all without having to explain her newfound positions or Biden administration record. The Trump campaign has a plan to put pressure on Harris and bring her into the spotlight, and it starts with Senator J.D. Vance, insiders told the Caller.
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Posted by sunset 8/18/2024 2:38:20 AM Post Reply
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Revealed: The NINE different pronouns
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:24:56 AM Post Reply
The presidential campaign for Kamala Harris is now including special pronoun options for job applicants, as part of their commitment to diversity and inclusion. The job application for the Harris campaign includes nine different options for pronouns, including 'xe/xem,' 'ze/hir,' 'ey/em,' 'fae/faer' and 'hu/hu.' 'Fae/faer,' indicates a gender-fluid person but non-masculine, sometimes of Celtic origin. 'Hu/hu,' pronouns are third person gender-neutral pronouns referring to both a man and a woman. The other pronouns are considered gender neutral.
Dems Given Security Warning Ahead of DNC
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Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 1:13:34 AM Post Reply
The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) is scheduled to take place next week from August 19-22, 2024 in Chicago. However, the city is bracing for the chaos of up to 100,000 pro-Hamas protesters flooding the streets and has instituted new courtroom procedures to streamline the process in the event of mass arrests. It is also hoping to avoid the bad optics of the 1968 DNC convention that saw then-Mayor Richard J. Daley ring the convention site with barbed wire and ultimately call in the National Guard to quell the violence.
Internet divided as Kamala reveals secret
guilty pleasure that got her through the
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19 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 1:09:56 AM Post Reply
Her words may often come in salad form but when it comes to stress eating Kamala Harris prefers a very cheesy crunchy snack. The vice president has left the internet divided after learning the Democratic presidential nominee's guilty pleasure is Nacho Cheese Doritos - a treat she said soothed her soul after what she labeled the 'shock and dismay' of the 2016 election. In a fundraising email her team sent out on Friday night, Harris revealed she ate an entire bag of the flavored tortilla chips by herself that night.
Report: The Liberal Late Night Shows That
No One Watches Are on Their Way Out
17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:06:09 PM Post Reply
Over the last decade, late night shows (with the single exception of Greg Gutfeld) have become nothing more than infomercials for the Democrat party. It has gotten to the point where almost the only guests on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert are Democrat politicians and hosts from CNN or MSNBC. Millions of Americans have been turned off and have tuned out. As a result, many of these shows are going to be phased out eventually. The New York Post reports: The end is nigh for snoozefest late-night talk shows In an interview this week, Jimmy Kimmel conceded that the end is nigh for late-night talk shows.
Did You Know? Democrats Are Using Organization
with 50,000 Physicians and Software Giant
Epic to Sign Up Patients to Vote – Includes
a Script for Undocumented Aliens – Led
By Harvard Dr. Linked to Kamala Harris
17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 9:13:07 AM Post Reply
Vot-ER is a group of 50,000 physicians who are signing up patients to vote in the 2024 election. The group is led by Dr. Dr. Alister Martin who served as a White House Fellow in the office of Kamala Harris. Dr. Kat Lindley joined Tom Basile on Newsmax Saturday morning to discuss this latest attempt by the Biden regime to use doctors to register patients to vote. Tom Basile: A code blue for election integrity. Why do doctors need to know your voter registration status? Why would they be tapped to help ensure you’re registered to vote?
Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020? 15 replies
Posted by Dodge Boy 8/18/2024 8:57:54 AM Post Reply
A plot to steal the 2024 election from President Trump is well underway, and not just by suppressing information online or dragging Trump through the court system. Those are instances of throwing anything and everything at the wall hoping something sticks, but not the master plan. The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. We know this because those behind these plots are openly revealing them. A recent joint CISA and FBI press release warned of potential “attacks on election infrastructure that support election operations, which could hinder public access to election information.”
Harris holds thin lead over Trump as DNC
approaches: poll
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/18/2024 8:10:42 PM Post Reply
Vice President Harris is holding a narrow lead over former President Trump ahead of the Democratic National Convention next week, according to a new poll. The ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll found Harris has 49 percent of support among registered voters while Trump has 45 percent and 5 percent said they would back someone else. This shows Harris pulling ahead, as a previous ABC News/Washington Post/Ipsos poll conducted last month showed President Biden and Trump tied at 46 percent of support each. Harris also holds a thin lead over Trump when third-party candidates are added to the mix. The poll showed Harris with 47 percent of support, Trump with 44 percent
Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right
Now: ‘Violent Crime Dropping’ Edition
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/18/2024 11:33:21 AM Post Reply
Axios headline, April 12: “New data shows violent crime dropping sharply in major U.S. cities.” That assertion, the article merrily stated, “puts a serious dent in one of the most frequently used lines of attack by former President Trump and his allies, who have sought to tie Democrats to the issue since 2020.” And it comes surely by coincidence as freshly anointed Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris gives herself a makeover as a hard ass on crime rather than the effusive “defund the police” candidate she ran as in 2020.
Raffensperger blasts proposed rule requiring
hand count of ballots at Georgia polling places
13 replies
Posted by snakeoil 8/18/2024 9:28:16 PM Post Reply
ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia’s secretary of state on Thursday came out against election rule changes pending before the State Election Board, specifically rejecting a proposal to count ballots by hand at polling places on election night. At a meeting in July, the board advanced a proposal that would require three separate poll workers to count ballots at voting precincts on election night to make sure they match the number of ballots recorded by voting machines. That proposal has been posted for public comment and the board is set to vote Monday whether to adopt it.
Why Did Barack Obama and Eric Holder Select Kamala? 13 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/18/2024 4:44:31 PM Post Reply
The DNC Convention starts tomorrow. I have been requested to repost “THE BIG WHY” explanation. When we understand just how much corruption was needed in the weaponization of the modern IC, we start to understand why the effort to hide it will continue. President Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder did not create a weaponized DOJ and FBI; instead, what they did was take the preexisting system and retool it, so the weapons only targeted one side of the political continuum. This point is where many people understandably get confused.
Planned Parenthood to Offer Free Abortions,
Vasectomies at the DNC
12 replies
Posted by Imright 8/18/2024 2:24:12 PM Post Reply
Abortion behemoth Planned Parenthood will offer free medication abortions and vasectomies during the Democratic National Convention (DNC). A mobile health center run by Planned Parenthood Great Rivers will set up shop near the convention and provide these services the first two days of the convention, according to The New York Times. The Times noted that there’s already a waiting list for vasectomies. This, the Times reported, shows the Democrats’ “head-on display of a new, unbridled abortion politics” (via NYT):
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