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Team Trump Has To Relentlessly Hammer
On The Failed Biden-Harris Economy

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 8/8/2024 5:46:28 PM

It can’t be denied that Kamala Harris is a midwit, a jabbering cackler and an unaccomplished office holder, all of which should be pointed out aggressively between now and Nov. 5. But the Trump campaign has to make even more noise about the economy. James Carville was right when he famously said “it’s the economy, stupid,” and there’s much about this one that isn’t healthy. Carville, a Bill Clinton strategist, insisted that the 1992 campaign to unseat President George H.W. Bush was about the country’s economy. As Nov. 3 approached, “Americans were in a sour mood about the direction of

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Reply 1 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/8/2024 6:39:13 PM (No. 1774999)
People really think everybody else is braindead. Does anyone seriously think we don't know Harris and the Minnesota guy is a disaster? Trump pushes everybody off the stage, Biden the most recent, and Trump already has Kamala set up for a debate in Sept, where he will push her off the stage.
3 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 8/8/2024 6:42:53 PM (No. 1775002)
Failed economy - Inflation Open border - Crime Woke culture - DEI, Transgenderism, CRT Dishonesty - Take your pick. Keep hammering. Stay away from the personal. Avoid 2020 elections. Even lawfare.
6 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Lucky5 8/8/2024 7:11:49 PM (No. 1775015)
We win on everything except juinile name calling and distractions like if she is Indian or Black. Please sir stay on track.
4 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jalo1951 8/8/2024 7:19:09 PM (No. 1775021)
The economy encompasses most of our other problems. It's like one big ball of wax and other problems stick to it. Illegal aliens cause major economical problems on so many levels. Tax and spend and spend and spend (including the Monopoly Money they keep cranking out and passing out). That makes inflation go bananas. More economy issues. The fact that they enjoy f-ing with our energy supply makes costs go up because our economy runs on energy. Housing issues, transportation issues, medical issues, hit them hard. So many problems they have caused with no intention of helping, only hurting us further. Yes, give up the name calling, the past election (even though I believe they stole it), attack her past beliefs, her inability to do anything (border anyone) and no clear ideas other than lean left like there is no tomorrow. It is all intertwined. Get to it. Stay focused. Educate the public with the truth of your administration, their administration, use the numbers to your advantage. It's like "if mama ain't happy then nobody is happy". If the economy isn't humming along then nothing good is going on. Do not let them undo the mess they have made these past 3.5 years. Do not let them memory hole their failures. When you cannot give the definition of a woman (an adult female) then you certainly cannot be trusted with anything else. And don't forget to push their love of lying.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 8/8/2024 8:38:54 PM (No. 1775040)
Hammer the FAILED Biden-Harris economy? Yes! Amen!!
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Geoman 8/8/2024 9:27:06 PM (No. 1775052)
Re: #4 - Well articulated and I believe accurate. So far, the thread replies are all in agreement.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: 24tea@Mag 8/9/2024 12:21:47 AM (No. 1775076)
Why not hammer on the failed economy. They won’t & all the administration does is lie. All lying liberals.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/9/2024 6:11:49 AM (No. 1775134)
So concerning the name calling, I have a few comments. It is okay for the other side to attribute malicious accusations to Donald Trump's character? Russian colluder, rapist, felon, you name it. While Donald Trump uses adjectives (SLEEPY Joe Biden), they can use court systems to marginalize, label him, and destroy his character. Yes, I agree Donald Trump is not perfect but I have to take a good look at when someone tells me he is mean and insulting. My definitions are much different. Kamala Harris running as President of the USA is illegitimate and insulting to the election process as there was no primary. Taking a shot at Donald Trump definitely falls into the mean category. Downright nasty. So if you want a smooth talker, talk is cheap. I want someone who will walk the walk. . .
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Reply 9 - Posted by: ARKfamily 8/9/2024 7:45:20 AM (No. 1775185)
An additional remark. So Donald Trump and JD Vance are supposed to just be quiet when Democrats/liberals actually started the name calling. Might I remind everyone of the one word being used right now that started it: weird.
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/9/2024 8:42:03 AM Post Reply
The Democratic Party’s mess will be hard to clean up. By pushing Vice President Kamala Harris forward as the official candidate, and deep-sixing President Joe Biden’s campaign, it’s created a political mess. It’s the party’s fault for lying about Biden’s obvious mental decline. Who’s to blame? The I&I/TIPP Poll has some answers. Things have gotten worse for the Democrats, not better, with the selection of far-left Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Harris’ running mate, after the somewhat more moderate Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania backed out of the running. Apparently, as a Jew, Shapiro didn’t have the stomach to hear extremist, pro-terrorist Democrat
Team Trump Has To Relentlessly Hammer
On The Failed Biden-Harris Economy
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/8/2024 5:46:28 PM Post Reply
It can’t be denied that Kamala Harris is a midwit, a jabbering cackler and an unaccomplished office holder, all of which should be pointed out aggressively between now and Nov. 5. But the Trump campaign has to make even more noise about the economy. James Carville was right when he famously said “it’s the economy, stupid,” and there’s much about this one that isn’t healthy. Carville, a Bill Clinton strategist, insisted that the 1992 campaign to unseat President George H.W. Bush was about the country’s economy. As Nov. 3 approached, “Americans were in a sour mood about the direction of
By Picking Walz, Harris Confirms That
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/7/2024 9:01:15 AM Post Reply
There’s a reason nobody expected far-left Kamala Harris to pick a far-left governor from a deep blue state as her running mate. It’s never worked. In the wake of Jimmy Carter’s crushing defeat in 1980 and repeated Democratic losses thereafter, the party decided that to win presidential elections they had to at least appear as moderates. Bill Clinton won by labeling himself a “new Democrat” and picked Al Gore, then a fellow moderate Southerner. Gore in turn tapped Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Barack Obama tried to position himself to the right of John McCain and ran with Scranton Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton picked
Kamala Harris Has A Serious ‘Project
2025’ Problem Of Her Own
4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/6/2024 8:49:52 AM Post Reply
If you didn’t know any better, you might think that Kamala Harris was running against some guy named “Project 2025.” She brings it up in every speech. Her campaign has said that “Project 2025” is on the ballot. But it’s not the lies she and the media are spreading about Project 2025. It’s the fact that Harris doesn’t have one herself that should trouble voters most. [snip] Trump and his campaign have repeatedly made it clear that this isn’t his agenda. And, indeed, he has detailed plans posted on his campaign website – not to mention a track record of success as president. But Harris? She has no policy agenda whatsoever. None.
Trump, Harris Neck And Neck, But Her Post-Biden
‘Honeymoon’ With Voters Might Not
Last: I&I/TIPP Poll
5 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/5/2024 12:51:43 AM Post Reply
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Turns Out We Were Right: Dems Were Playing
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13 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/3/2024 10:24:33 AM Post Reply
Back in February, we noticed a spate of articles claiming that there was no way that Joe Biden would not be the Democrats’ nominee. “In the span of two days,” we wrote, “articles started appearing making the exact same argument: That Joe Biden will definitely, no questions asked, be the nominee come November.” (See: “Are Dems Actually ‘Stuck With Biden’? Or Are They Playing A Long Con?” February 14, 2024.) We noticed that these articles — all written by supposed political pros — made the same argument: It’s too late for Biden to step aside. Party elites are all behind Biden. There’s
The World Held Hostage, Day 300: Countering
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1 reply
Posted by RockyTCB 8/2/2024 12:19:42 PM Post Reply
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Kamala’s Marxist Roots 4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/2/2024 12:15:28 PM Post Reply
When The Economist tried last week to excuse Kamala Harris’ frequent discharges of incoherent nonsense, it opened a door that Harris and her team probably wish would stay hidden from the wider public. But there it is. “​​Republicans who have mocked Ms. Harris for word-salad speeches will find precedent in her father’s writing,” The Economist said last week, because his is “sprinkled with obscurantist theorizing.” And who is Harris’ father?
Clips Of Harris Talking Are The New ‘Cheap Fakes’ 10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/31/2024 8:55:32 AM Post Reply
Credit where due, the New York Times published a report on Monday noting that Kamala Harris has a lot of far-left baggage that she will be struggling with now that the Democratic Party has anointed her as its presidential candidate. Indeed, she does. And there are reams of videos showcasing her extremist views across the board, fracking, defunding police, abortion, amnesty for illegals, socializing medicine. But then the Times manages to sabotage its own reporting with this line: “video clips of her old statements and interviews are being weaponized as Republicans aim to define her as a left-wing radical
Kamala The Authoritarian Calls Election
A ‘Fight For Freedom’
16 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/30/2024 8:57:24 AM Post Reply
At her rallies, Vice President Kamala Harris has been portraying the November election as a “fight for freedom.” That’s rich coming from someone who spent her entire career attacking freedom – like those enshrined in the Bill of Rights. In Milwaukee last week, Harris started the crowd chanting “We’re not going back!” After going back and forth with the audience, Harris then says: “And I’ll tell you why we’re not going back, because ours is a fight for the future. And it is a fight for freedom.” What are the freedoms she’s talking about? She can only conjure up three.
About That Kamala Harris Ad 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/29/2024 8:33:32 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’ first presidential campaign ad focuses on “freedom.” This might be the most absurd political claim in our lifetimes. The Democratic Party is not interested in liberty. It is concerned with nothing more than expanding its power. When Harris says in her ad “We choose freedom,” what liberties is she referring to? She never says. Because she can’t. She mentions a few examples – the freedom to “get ahead” and to “be safe from gun violence” – and both are meaningless. The first “freedoms” is part of our American DNA. What has kept people from getting ahead is a federal, state, and local government framework,
Never Underestimate Joe’s Ability To
Foul Things Up
8 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/26/2024 8:45:22 AM Post Reply
Not long after the global temperature, which doesn’t actually exist in any statistically meaningful way, blew through the mark at which we are supposed to start burning, and days after a new paper showed that the global warming narrative is exactly backward, the Biden administration awarded $4.3 billion in climate grants. It’s the work of an incompetent. As well as that of an ideologue, which is equally as dangerous, since ideologues tend to refuse to listen to reason. In 2020, when Joe Biden was running for office, he was thoroughly sullied when Barack Obama,
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International Olympic Committee President
Says Chromosomes Don’t Determine Sex:
‘Not True Anymore’
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/9/2024 3:35:28 PM Post Reply
The president of the Olympics’s governing body no longer believes in basic human biology when it comes to determining a person’s biological sex, a testament to the influence of progressive gender ideology across many major institutions. International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach suggested during a press conference Friday that identifying people’s biological sex based on their chromosomes is outdated. His comments came in response to a question about the recent controversy over two boxers competing in the women’s division after failing sex-identification tests administered by an outside sports body last year.
Kamala Harris Chooses VP with Deep Ties
to Communist China: Tim Walz Visited China
Over 30 Times, Had a Special Work Visa,
Set Up a Student Program to Travel in
China, and Even Honeymooned There
26 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/8/2024 11:11:41 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has selected Tim Walz as her running mate for the upcoming election. This decision raises serious concerns about national security and the integrity of American values, given Walz’s radical policies and extensive ties to Communist China. Senior reporter Paul Sperry from RealClear Investigations recently uncovered a disturbing pattern in Walz’s relationship with China. According to investigative journalist Paul Sperry on X, Walz traveled to China annually from 1996 until at least 2003. His travels were not merely for tourism; he was granted a special work visa by the Chinese government, which raises questions about his loyalties and motivations.
Is Kamala Black? 20 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/9/2024 11:49:21 AM Post Reply
Probably inadvertently and for all the wrong reasons, Donald Trump made an important point last week when he said of the Democrats’ most recent presidential nominee, Kamala Harris: “She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black.” Cue media exploding in ritualistic rage at Trump for his “racist attack.”(snip) In fact, it actually is important that Harris is not a foundational black American (FBA), but rather, the child of immigrants. I know we don’t talk about it nearly enough, but remember slavery?
So what happens when you put Tampon Tim's
maxipad dispenser in the boys' bathroom
at a typical high school?
19 replies
Posted by rememberwhen 8/9/2024 3:43:59 PM Post Reply
For weird characters like Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now Kamala Harris's running mate, there is no such thing as human nature. Which is why he and his woke coevals are constantly in for a surprise when they make human beings into their guinea pigs for a Better World. And this is particularly obvious in matters involving children and their identities. It's very well known that boys, when given Barbie dolls to play with will turn them into guns for cowboy play. Writer Kira Davis saw what happened when Tim Walz's wokesterly idea of putting tampon and maxipad dispensers in the boys' room of her kids' high school in California.
Why Harris isn’t taking questions 18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/8/2024 3:25:55 PM Post Reply
There is a line in the movie “Bull Durham” where CRASH DAVIS, the sage journeyman catcher played by KEVIN COSTNER, tells “NUKE” LaLOOSH, the young fireballer portrayed by TIM ROBBINS, that you never, uh, mess with a winning streak. The same holds true in politics. Vice President KAMALA HARRIS has been on a remarkable heater ever since replacing President JOE BIDEN atop the Democratic ticket, raising ridiculous amounts of money, meeting massive, euphoric crowds wherever she’s gone and instantly rising in the polls.
Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To
Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations
And Pride Parades
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/8/2024 10:21:03 AM Post Reply
Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz attends a church that preaches beliefs related to gender, race and sexuality that many Christian denominations strongly oppose. (snip) Materials published by Pilgrim Lutheran Church instruct parishioners not to refer to God using male pronouns, push congregants to support reparation funds, encourage them to celebrate Ramadan and include a modified gender-neutral version of the Lord’s Prayer, among other liberal practices. Pilgrim Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a mainline protestant denomination that has been criticized by some conservative Christians for ordaining transgender and lesbian bishops as well as for its embrace of LGBT ideology.
Do We Have an MIA President? What is Biden Doing? 17 replies
Posted by Imright 8/8/2024 8:07:48 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is headed to Delaware again Thursday after holding an empty public schedule since he returned to the White House Monday. He was also in Delaware last weekend. (X's) During the daily briefing at the White House Wednesday, Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre falsely claimed reporters have had access to Biden. (X Video) Meanwhile, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in hot water with the White House after telling CNN Biden dropped out of the 2024 race due to a lack of stamina. She also revealed she hasn't spoken to Biden since he dropped out while laughably claiming she had nothing to do with his exit and
Kamala's VP Pick Tim Walz Has History
of Embellishing His Military Record and
Claiming He Fought in Iraq
17 replies
Posted by FlyRight 8/8/2024 7:26:38 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris hired Eric Holder to do the background vetting on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, prior to the announcement of Walz being her VP candidate. Keep in mind, Barack Obama and Eric Holder do not have any issues with Tim Walz as the VP candidate. Factually, Walz is a very unstable person, prone to an intemperate disposition, has no problem targeting children for his fetish ideology under the guise of gender reassignment (cutting off the genitals of children), and is a proud Marxist. Against the backdrop of ‘who he is’ the difference between ‘who he presents himself to be‘ is the real issue.
How Trump Can Win – or Lose – the Election 17 replies
Posted by Harlowe 8/8/2024 12:01:46 AM Post Reply
The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state. [Snip] However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists.
Kamala Harris scolds anti-Israel hecklers
chanting ‘We Won’t Vote for Genocide!’
in Michigan: ‘If you want Donald Trump
to win, then say that’
16 replies
Posted by Imright 8/8/2024 1:53:25 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris told anti-Israel hecklers who interrupted her Detroit campaign rally Wednesday night that their activism risks handing the Nov. 5 election to former President Donald Trump. “Kamala! Kamala! You Can’t Hide! We Won’t Vote for Genocide!” a group of protesters chanted. “You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking,” the 59-year-old Democratic presidential nominee said after a series of disruptions — pausing to stare down the demonstrators. Moments earlier, Harris had tried to wait out the ruckus, saying with a more patient tone, “I’m here because we believe in democracy. Everyone’s voice matters, but I am speaking now.”
Joe Biden’s Schedule This Week Included
Two Phone Calls, One Meeting and Then
Off to the Beach!
15 replies
Posted by Imright 8/9/2024 2:16:45 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s schedule this week has people once again wondering why this man is still the President of the United States. His official schedule listed two phone calls and one meeting, followed by an early weekend departure to his Delaware beach house on Thursday. What other job in the world would include this kind of schedule? There are major events unfolding across the country and Joe seems to be on a permanent vacation. (X) The Daily Wire reported: Biden’s Schedule For The Week Includes 2 Phone Calls And 1 Meeting Before He Leaves For His Beach House
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media
is 'discontinuing' after Elon Musk's X
filed an antitrust lawsuit against it
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/8/2024 1:57:52 PM Post Reply
The advertising trade group The World Federation of Advertisers told its members on Thursday that it was "discontinuing" activities for its Global Alliance for Responsible Media initiative following an antitrust lawsuit filed by Elon Musk's X against the company earlier this week. Stephan Loerke, the CEO of the WFA, wrote in an email to members, seen by Business Insider, that the decision was "not made lightly" but that GARM is a not-for-profit organization with limited resources. Loerke said that the WFA and GARM intended to contest the allegations in X's suit in court and were confident the outcome
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