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About That Kamala Harris Ad

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 7/29/2024 8:33:32 AM

Kamala Harris’ first presidential campaign ad focuses on “freedom.” This might be the most absurd political claim in our lifetimes. The Democratic Party is not interested in liberty. It is concerned with nothing more than expanding its power. When Harris says in her ad “We choose freedom,” what liberties is she referring to? She never says. Because she can’t. She mentions a few examples – the freedom to “get ahead” and to “be safe from gun violence” – and both are meaningless. The first “freedoms” is part of our American DNA. What has kept people from getting ahead is a federal, state, and local government framework,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Italiano 7/29/2024 9:03:36 AM (No. 1768315)
Kamala Harris. The worst that there has ever been. The worst that ever will be. America has hit rock bottom.
7 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DiegoDude 7/29/2024 9:04:58 AM (No. 1768318)
"Freedom" as she defines it. Which means government will be up my @$$ like sn endoscope.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: ARKfamily 7/29/2024 9:34:23 AM (No. 1768340)
If she believes in freedom, she would have requested a new primary. . .
8 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: chillijilli 7/29/2024 9:47:50 AM (No. 1768354)
Why are we letting HER define the terms? She's successfully kept her message simple so far---vague, yes, but simple. She knows that as soon as we attack her haziness we will have to respond with DETAILS and unfortunately our public attention span glazes over when anyone speaks with facts. She's trying to define conservatives as old-school, backward-looking, and fearful of the future. We're letting her do that! We should have our own message--- that sometimes returning to a successful past strategy is the best option. Forging ahead solely for the sake of appearing super progressive hasn't worked and it takes COURAGE to consider retreating to proven but less radical agendas! We have got to STOP being on the defensive with her. There are plenty of creative ways to do that without attacking her personally because in that purview she's coiled and ready to strike with racist and sexist accusations.
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: paral04 7/29/2024 11:28:27 AM (No. 1768414)
The only freedoms we have lost have been over the past three and a half years or so. Just look at how the COVID mess was handled. If you didn't comply with shots you losing your job. Little kids were forced to take experimental shots and healthy young people dies on the athletic fields while elderly people were thrown onto ventilators to die. Anyone who mentioned that Ivermectin was treatment was banished .. I don't call that Democracy.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: kono 7/29/2024 12:06:38 PM (No. 1768438)
It's all about the "freedom" to have sex with anybody or anything, and the "freedom" to kill a baby if you conceive one that you don't want. And the "freedom" from adult responsibility, with government serving as our babysitters. Otherwise called authoritarian socialism..
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 7/29/2024 1:28:35 PM (No. 1768490)
The closing line “ winners don’t quit on themselves “- a dig at Biden? Terrible ad.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: halfnorsk 7/29/2024 1:51:43 PM (No. 1768500)
"This might be the most absurd political claim in our lifetimes." Naturally--because Kamalala may well be the most absurd presidential candidate of our lifetimes. (Although FJB is a close second.)
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Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 7/30/2024 4:46:27 AM (No. 1768914)
DNC talking points that mean nothing, but the sheeple MSM lap it up.
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About That Kamala Harris Ad 9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 7/29/2024 8:33:32 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris’ first presidential campaign ad focuses on “freedom.” This might be the most absurd political claim in our lifetimes. The Democratic Party is not interested in liberty. It is concerned with nothing more than expanding its power. When Harris says in her ad “We choose freedom,” what liberties is she referring to? She never says. Because she can’t. She mentions a few examples – the freedom to “get ahead” and to “be safe from gun violence” – and both are meaningless. The first “freedoms” is part of our American DNA. What has kept people from getting ahead is a federal, state, and local government framework,
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