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God and the Trump Shooting

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Posted By: Beardo, 7/28/2024 12:31:29 PM

It seems like I’m constantly trying to come to an understanding or at least a settled position on how God involves himself in human affairs. The Trump shooting brought that to the surface again, simply because it couldn’t be scripted -- it felt beyond consequence. Also, many people of faith, including people that I see as nuanced and intelligent began claiming that it was almost beyond question, an act of God (Ben Shapiro, for instance). I’ve been all over the board over the years from “there’s no understanding God’s involvement” to determinism (more early in my Christian life), to compatibility, meaning that paradoxically God’s sovereignty and free will aren’t mutually exclusive.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 7/28/2024 12:51:15 PM (No. 1767862)
Good read. He lays it out as clearly as possible. Regarding determinism, I also used to struggle with it, (especially Calvinism and Armenianism) but came to believe the truth is in the middle. We are not puppets.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Italiano 7/28/2024 12:52:37 PM (No. 1767864)
Option 1.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: philsner 7/28/2024 1:03:52 PM (No. 1767868)
There are things about God we cannot know. Christians call them "mysteries". God IS involved! After all, he created everything that was created. We ask that God's will be done and leave the rest to him. We are instructed to have faith. It is humans who call bad things that happen "acts of God". Blaming God is not something I will do.
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: ARKfamily 7/28/2024 1:13:00 PM (No. 1767881)
#3, I have in my kitchen a sign that say, "God doesn't give us what we can handle, He helps us handle what we are given". We all have "Godwink" moments and they are God's mysterious ways!
19 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: wilarrbie 7/28/2024 1:20:32 PM (No. 1767886)
Thank you thank you !! for posting.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Birddog 7/28/2024 1:32:22 PM (No. 1767892)
The difference between life and death, catastrophe and "just a normal day" is often millimeters and milliseconds, I've had dozens of near death experiences in my younger days, gunfire, industrial accidents, motorcycle and car accidents, 14 car wrecks where the vehicle was totaled, only one of which was my fault, several drug overdoses, people right next to me killed, I used to think those events indicated I was one of the unluckiest people in the world, I now see them as being one of THE luckiest people in the world. Father Ed Dowling once said "I have to believe the only difference between heaven and hell is a New Pair of Glasses", an altered perspective, a new prism through which to view...and all of our perception DOES pass through a prism of personal perspective in one way or another. I used to be an evangelical atheist, was bound and determined that there was no Gawd, and compelled to prove it to any and all.One night I was soooo miserable, the woman I had been out with the night before was killed, and it was at least partially my fault, that I made a challenge to something I didn't believe in, on the off chance that maybe, just maybe....I WAS granted a sign, and in disbelief, thinking it was mere coincidence/happenstance demanded "Do that again". It was repeated immediately. I went from someone who sincerely believed there was no such thing as god, no such thing as miracles, to KNOWING there is a god, and there is nothing but miracles. I do not believe in god, I do not "believe" I am 6'1", or "Believe" that my eyes are blue, these are incontrovertible, FACTS that I KNOW to be true. God IS. My task from that day to this is to try to understand how to bend and match my life to what god wants from me(not for me), "It is a fathers good pleasure to give unto his children all things" to be of service to the rest of "Gods KIds". I do my best to do no harm, to help constantly anyone that comes onto my path in any way I can, even if just offering a kind word, a complement, a smile, an opened door, a reach to a high shelf for the short, a "You go first" at a door, an intersection, or a line. To be an asset to others, my neighborhood, the make up for the years I was a problem to them all. Yes there is Evil in the world, intentional evil and harm, but as much or more is caused by self centered, selfish, inconsideration...not caring what harm comes to others in quest of personal power, status or gain. Ego rather than Evil. An egotist has an over inflated sense of self,and makes it's related demands upon others. An Ego-ist has a 1st person singular perspective on the world and zero consideration of others...I try to have a 4th dimensional Birdseye/gods eye view of the world, my place and actions in it, and the pebble in a pond effects caused by me, and those by others. I used to feel dirty inside, and baaad things kept happening to me and around me that really were not my fault. Now? I feel clean inside and gooood things keep happening to me and around me that...really are not my fault. It Works.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 7/28/2024 2:06:39 PM (No. 1767913)
A well thought out and well stated point. I can agree with that. The adult child comparison is an apt one. Protecting a child from all things all too often creates a rotten, spoiled, arrogant brat. Character comes from working for and earning things, and things given to you easily are not much valued, whether it is a parent or from God. A good Christian friend when we were discussing how incredibly close that bullet passed, I said "He reached out and just touched the bullet." My shooter friend just puffed his cheeks and did a little "whoof" noise, meaning that "He just blew lightly deflect that bullet just enough."
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Cindiana 7/28/2024 2:07:25 PM (No. 1767914)
#6 shares one of the most beautiful posts I've ever read here. Sharing a story of the evolution of one's life, including the worst lows and shortcomings, is very powerful and inspiring. If only more people could open themselves to such a journey. Imagine the world we'd have if that were to happen. God has blessed the poster with an eternity of peace.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/28/2024 2:28:45 PM (No. 1767927)
Totally agree with #8 and many thanks to #6 for sharing such an inspiring story. I found it as interesting as the posted article.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: FormerDem 7/28/2024 3:20:53 PM (No. 1767949)
If God were so predictable, everyone would hide guns under churches. don't expect that.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: synchronicity 7/28/2024 3:55:11 PM (No. 1767959)
Thank you #6! CS Lewis said that friendship is born at that moment when you say to another person "What, you too, I thought I was the only one." This KNOWING has also made all the difference in my life.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 7/29/2024 12:15:43 AM (No. 1768170)
To Know Him (Jesus) is to have eternal life. It's that simple.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 7/29/2024 12:31:15 AM (No. 1768171)
A thought on God involves himself in human events. It is my belief as an intercessor of over 40 years that God works within limits to Himself to His people/peoples prayers/praying. For example, because millions of peoples have been praying for President Trump's safety and protection, I believe the Lord answered those prayers in a way that was miraculous and showed believers He hears and answers prayers. That one bullet didn't have to even touch Trump, but it showed God's Hand was there in response to our prayers. As far as Cory dying, he was a believer and it is comforting to know he is in heaven today. We leave the other questions to Him.
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Olympics Back-Tracks on Offensive Drag
Queen Opening Ceremonies Mocking Christians
11 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/30/2024 6:14:30 AM Post Reply
My colleague Mary Chastain shared her anger at the opening ceremony antics for the 2024 Paris Olympics, which appeared to mock the Last Supper (snip) Now the Olympics’ organizers are apologizing. (snip) However, the apologies and explanations are replete with moral scoldings, blaming us normals for our reactions. (snip) "it was not the Last Supper. It was a depiction of an ancient Greek Bacchanal." (snip) This sort of educated b---s--- requires you to ignore the simple fact that the Olympic presentation was literally called "La Cène Sur Un Scène Sur La Seine," i.e. "The Last Supper on a Stage on the Seine." They think you're easily gaslighted.
REPORT: Olympic Announcer Bob Ballard
Fired Over Joke About Women Taking Too
Long To Get Ready
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/29/2024 2:54:06 PM Post Reply
A veteran Eurosport announcer was fired for making a joke about women taking too long to get ready after the Australian Olympic swim team took the gold medal in Paris, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) reported Monday. Bob Ballard said that the 4x100m freestyle relay team were “finishing up” and “you know what women are like … hanging around, doing their make-up” as the team exited the pool deck, according to the BBC. Ballard, who has covered global sports since the 1980s, including numerous Olympic games and World Championships, apparently laughed when his broadcasting partner and former British swimming champion, Lizzie Simmonds, said his remark was “outrageous,” the BBC reported.
IRS Employees Owe $50 Million In Back
Taxes, Audit Finds
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/29/2024 1:39:04 PM Post Reply
Internal Revenue Service employees and contractors owe a collective $50 million in back taxes, a new audit by the Treasury Department’s inspector general found. Of the more than 3,800 IRS employees who owe back taxes, 2,000 have not even established a payment plan. More than 50 of these delinquent employees have remained employed by the IRS for five years or more. All told, nearly 150,000 federal employees failed to pay their taxes, owing a combined $1.5 billion. (snip) The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration reviewed 1,068 cases where IRS management had initiated disciplinary action against employees for tax issues, and found that management often went easy on them.
God and the Trump Shooting 13 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/28/2024 12:31:29 PM Post Reply
It seems like I’m constantly trying to come to an understanding or at least a settled position on how God involves himself in human affairs. The Trump shooting brought that to the surface again, simply because it couldn’t be scripted -- it felt beyond consequence. Also, many people of faith, including people that I see as nuanced and intelligent began claiming that it was almost beyond question, an act of God (Ben Shapiro, for instance). I’ve been all over the board over the years from “there’s no understanding God’s involvement” to determinism (more early in my Christian life), to compatibility, meaning that paradoxically God’s sovereignty and free will aren’t mutually exclusive.
Washington DC family lose custody of their
autistic son, 16, after refusing to let
him transition to a girl
15 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/27/2024 2:45:49 PM Post Reply
A military family who lost custody of their autistic son after they refused to transition his gender are suing a major DC hospital. The family said their boy had never shown any desire to become a girl until, at 16, he was hospitalized for self-harming after a bitter breakup with his girlfriend in 2021. Staff at Children's National Hospital informed the family that he wanted to be female and should be referred to using she/her pronouns going forward, the suit claims. (snip) The lawsuit says the child is currently living with the hospital's 'non-gendered' chaplain, Lavender Kelley, who regularly posts online about trans issues.
Is There Room in the Church for Polyamorous Priests? 27 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/27/2024 5:50:58 AM Post Reply
Some Episcopal priests with nontraditional views on sexuality and human relationships are beginning to assert what they see as their right to put those views into practice. (snip) This is not a previous era’s war over homosexuality, but rather a present-day struggle over polyamory — “many loves.” A broader term is “consensual nonmonogamy” — relationships where everyone involved knows about and consents to a lack of exclusivity in sexual or romantic expression.
Appeals court timeline suggests months
more of delay for Jack Smith’s documents
case against Trump
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/26/2024 1:33:42 PM Post Reply
Special counsel Jack Smith’s bid to revive the classified documents case against Donald Trump appears unlikely to be resolved or even argued in court before Election Day. Smith is appealing U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision last week to dismiss the case, (snip) Barring an effort by Smith to demand an expedited schedule, the 11th Circuit’s timeline suggests the effort by prosecutors to resuscitate the case is likely to stretch past the 2024 election. A Trump victory in the election is seen as a likely death knell for the case, as Trump’s Justice Department leaders would be expected to unravel the prosecution.
Trump leads 50%-43%, no Harris bump 13 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/26/2024 9:57:12 AM Post Reply
So much for the expected polling bump for Vice President Kamala Harris. In three surveys since she became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Harris has failed to overtake former President Donald Trump as his campaign feared would happen. Instead, the race remains where it has been for months, with Trump leading Harris both in new national head-to-head and battleground state surveys. Just out is the latest Rasmussen Reports poll shared with Secrets and taken over the past three nights. It shows Trump leading Harris with likely voters 50%-43%, well outside the margin of error. That is just a 1-point increase for Harris over Rasmussen’s last Biden-Trump head-to-head survey
BREAKING: Local law enforcement offered
drones to Secret Service ahead of Trump
assassination attempt—Secret Service
DECLINED: whistleblower
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/25/2024 3:21:18 PM Post Reply
Senator Josh Hawley revealed on Thursday that a whistleblower has come forward telling him that local law enforcement partners offered drones to the Secret Service ahead of the Butler, Pennsylvania rally where gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate Trump, but the Secret Service declined the offer. "According to one whistleblower, the night before the rally, US Secret Service repeatedly denied offers from a local law enforcement partner to utilize drone technology to secure the rally," Hawley wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. "This means that the technology was both available to USSS and able to be deployed to secure the sight."
Six House Dems vote with GOP to condemn
Kamala Harris for 'border czar' role
0 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/25/2024 2:22:45 PM Post Reply
The House of Representatives voted along bipartisan lines to condemn Vice President Kamala Harris' handling of the U.S. southern border, the first piece of legislation targeting Harris since she became the Democrats' presumptive 2024 nominee. Six Democrats joined all Republicans in voting for the measure, which passed 220-196. The House Democrats who voted for the resolution are Reps. Jared Golden, D-Maine, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., Mary Peltola, D-Alaska, Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, Don Davis, D-N.C., and Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo. For years, Republicans have accused Harris of failing her job as "border czar" after President Biden handed her the task of mitigating the "root causes" of illegal immigration in 2021.
Trump gunman Thomas Crooks likely had
a Gab account that he used to ‘support’
President Biden, site’s CEO says
1 reply
Posted by Beardo 7/25/2024 2:09:35 PM Post Reply
The gunman who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump appears to have used the controversial alt-right favored social media platform Gab to spread messages “in support of President Biden,” according to the platform’s founder. Gab CEO Andrew Torba said he learned Wednesday that Thomas Matthew Crooks “may have had an account on our platform” after getting “an emergency disclosure request from a law enforcement agency.” (snip) “While the account made very few posts on the site, the majority of them were in support of President Biden,” said the CEO (snip) “A number of posts in particular expressed support for President Biden’s COVID lockdowns, border policies and executive orders.”
Black Lives Matter Turns on Democratic
Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed
as Nominee
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/23/2024 8:43:53 PM Post Reply
Cosmic justice sometimes comes with a dose of irony. Black Lives Matter, the insidious Marxist organization Democrats used to foment violence during the race-mongering madness of 2020, has issued a public objection to party leaders’ swift coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee. (snip) To its credit, BLM called out party leaders’ apparent coup against Biden. “Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” the statement continued.
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'No one is above the law': Biden calls
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38 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 7/29/2024 6:44:56 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called for major changes to the Supreme Court on Monday, including a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for presidents, impose term limits for justices and stipulate an enforceable code of ethicst. In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Biden said "no one is above the law." “Not the president of the United States,” he wrote. “Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one.” In July, the Supreme Court ruled that presidents cannot be prosecuted for "official acts" during their time in office. The court's ruling stemmed from a case concerning former President Donald Trump.
Interns Were Warned Not to Look Kamala
in the Eye: "That privilege was only allowed
to senior staff members."
29 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/29/2024 3:41:09 PM Post Reply
The “public servants” in Washington D.C. act like our masters. And it’s an open secret that not only are many members of Congress horrible bosses, the more ‘officially oppressed’ Congressmembers (and some of the most socialist ones like Sen. Bernie Sanders) are the absolutely worst and nastiest bosses. [SNIP] Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day. As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”
Biden formally unveils plan to overhaul
Supreme Court — with focus on limiting
Trump’s powers
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/29/2024 9:09:39 AM Post Reply
President Biden formally unveiled his planned overhaul of the Supreme Court on Monday — with a clear eye on limiting the powers of former President Donald Trump should he succeed him. The commander-in-chief took the unusual step of unveiling his major planned policy steps in a newspaper op-ed, with the Washington Post helpfully telling readers: “The writer is president of the United States.” The president laid out three main changes to the court — which he said is “mired in a crisis of ethics” — including term limits and a binding code of conduct.
AOC claims J.D. Vance and Republicans
are running on an 'incel platform': Squad
member says GOP is 'obsessed' with women
and 'watching what LGBTQ people do'
24 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/29/2024 3:56:09 PM Post Reply
Squad leader AOC sounded off on Donald Trump and running mate J.D. Vance's 'SUPER weird' political platform, saying they're trying to attract sexually frustrated voters. [SNIP] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's assault on Trump and Vance supporters was accompanied by a flurry of insults at the Republican presidential ticket, calling the GOP pair 'creepy' and 'abnormal.' 'Being obsessed with repressing women is goofy,' AOC posted on X in response to a post from former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. 'Trying to watch what LGBTQ+ people do all the time is abnormal.'
Kamala reportedly ignoring her daily presidential
intelligence briefs
23 replies
Posted by DVC 7/29/2024 4:43:00 PM Post Reply
What kind of president would Kamala Harris be if she were in office and another 9/11 struck? According to reporter Seymour Hersh, probably a pretty surprised one. She doesn't read her daily presidential intelligence briefings, because, well, that's "homework." Kamala doesn't do homework, as previous reports have noted. [snip] Kamala would be the nominee if she could perform, and here was Obama's concern: "One possible drawback, I was told, was Harris’s sometime disdain for the work of the US Intelligence Community. She is known not to be especially interested in the President’s Daily Brief, a highly classified summary of current intelligence..."
Does “accepting” gays mean we have
to pay them to mock our religion?
23 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/29/2024 12:27:11 AM Post Reply
Twenty-six years ago, a young man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and strung up on a Wyoming barbed wire fence to die. The beating and murder were because Shepard was gay. The perps were quickly found, tried for murder, convicted, and sentenced to prison. They’re still there. It was a good news story about bad news and was widely reported. But it wasn’t true. It has since been shown that Shepard and one of the perps were in the drug business together. Shepard was due to receive a $10,000 shipment of meth. The perp himself was gay and had been in a gay relationship with Shepard.
Republicans for Harris! 18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/30/2024 7:30:00 AM Post Reply
Yes, you read that right. According to the website Michigan News Source, the group Republican Voters Against Trump is rolling out a campaign featuring disgruntled GOP voters who are standing with Kamala Harris this election. "Fiddlesticks," say you? Watch the ad below, says I. [Video] In addition to the ad above, Michigan News Source said the PAC had started a $500,000 billboard campaign in several swing states. The campaign is aimed at getting Trump voters to switch sides (and presumably sell their souls) and join Team Harris. The campaign includes 76 billboards showing alleged former Trump voters from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin with the message:
Maduro is declared winner in Venezuela’s
presidential election as opposition claims
it prevailed
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/29/2024 2:58:26 AM Post Reply
CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela’s opposition claimed victory in Sunday’s presidential election, setting up a showdown with the government, which earlier declared President Nicolás Maduro the winner. “The Venezuelans and the entire world know what happened,” opposition candidate Edmundo González said in his first remarks. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado said the margin of González’s victory was “overwhelming” based on voting tallies it had received from campaign representatives from about 40% of ballot boxes nationwide. The National Electoral Council, which is controlled by Maduro loyalists, earlier said Maduro had secured 51% of the vote to 44% for González. But it didn’t release the tallies from each of the 30,000 polling booths nationwide,
Archbishop Viganò Calls Emanuel Macron’s
Wife a ‘Transvestite’ and Mocks Michelle
Obama as a ‘Muscular Man in a Wig’
While Condemning the ‘Satanic Olympics’
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/29/2024 2:21:14 PM Post Reply
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again taken a firm stance against the moral decay of contemporary society, particularly targeting prominent political figures like French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife and former First Lady Michelle Obama. Viganò’s remarks come as he condemns the “Satanic Olympics” for their corruption and moral ambiguity surrounding the event. As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, during the Olympic Games opening ceremony, a group of provocatively dressed drag queens stood behind a long table, appearing to recreate the Lord’s Supper.
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper withdraws
from race to be Harris' vice presidential
running mate
16 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/29/2024 9:45:04 PM Post Reply
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper issued a statement on Monday night signaling that he's removed himself from contention as a vice presidential running mate for presidential candidate Kamala Harris. "I strongly support Vice President Harris' campaign for President. I know she's going to win and I was honored to be considered for this role. This just wasn't the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket," he said in a post on X. (Snip) Moments after Cooper issued his statement, he delivered remarks on a “White Dudes for Harris" Zoom call, but did
REPORT: Olympic Announcer Bob Ballard
Fired Over Joke About Women Taking Too
Long To Get Ready
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/29/2024 2:54:06 PM Post Reply
A veteran Eurosport announcer was fired for making a joke about women taking too long to get ready after the Australian Olympic swim team took the gold medal in Paris, the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) reported Monday. Bob Ballard said that the 4x100m freestyle relay team were “finishing up” and “you know what women are like … hanging around, doing their make-up” as the team exited the pool deck, according to the BBC. Ballard, who has covered global sports since the 1980s, including numerous Olympic games and World Championships, apparently laughed when his broadcasting partner and former British swimming champion, Lizzie Simmonds, said his remark was “outrageous,” the BBC reported.
Nothing Is Out Of Bounds In Attacking
Kackling Kamala
16 replies
Posted by DW626 7/29/2024 5:27:12 AM Post Reply
One of the challenges of defeating Kamala Harris is figuring out just what to slam her on. There are so many powerful lines of attack to use against this leftist hack that it takes some consideration to figure out which is the most effective. But already, some Republicans are trying to help leftists place some of the most potent attacks are being put off limits. We’re being told there are certain things we just can’t say about her. We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh. We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire.
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