How the Left Plays the Long Game
American Thinker,
Rob Jenkins
Original Article
Posted By: DW626,
7/21/2024 11:27:29 AM
Remember that schoolyard game we used to play as children, where one person turns their back and everyone else runs toward them, until they turn around and you have to stop in your tracks? Then they turn their back again, and you see how close you can get before they spin back around?
Note that, if you’re one of the runners, you never have to go backward. You just stop and remain in place until they’re not looking, then move forward again.
That is essentially the story of Marxist leftism over the past 100 years or so
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Maggie2u 7/21/2024 11:55:15 AM (No. 1762568)
We need to get our K-12 education system back. Teach our young children how great our Country is, don't ignore the mistakes made, but they need to know how our country is the best in the world. If we can make them 'liberal proof' then when they get to college, they will be immune to the marxist professors trying to indoctrinate them.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
MickTurn 7/21/2024 12:00:44 PM (No. 1762573)
You forgot to mention the Machete's they are carrying and the Lawfare they are using behind the scenes...among the rest of their nasty tricks!
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Birddog 7/21/2024 12:10:59 PM (No. 1762586)
They refer to it as "Marxist" here...but t was codified by Mao..."Advance until you feel steel, then halt...when the steel wavers....advance"
It was also codified into the modern political construct of "Progress/Progressive"...Forward!...note they never answer when asked "Progress to WHAT? What is the goal, what is the end point?
Marx stated that Socialism is merely a temporary stepping stone to Full Communism...which was/is/will always be Full Totalitarianism, NO individual rights, No individual property, NO individual possessions, No individualism at Individuals. Every one a peon, a number, a null, a data point, a pawn, a serf....a slave.
Mao put it into practice, eradicated families, history, ALL written, learned,lived, collective experience, took an entire generation and gave them ONE BOOK, that was ALL they were allowed to learn, ALL they were allowed to Know. China had the longest documented history of any culture on the planet...he erased it ALL.
Today's "progressives" are more Maoist than anything else.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
clayusmcret 7/21/2024 2:31:44 PM (No. 1762676)
The left/communists have been playing the long game all along. Republicans only focus on the ongoing threat and when they think they've beat it, they head to the bar to celebrate their glorious victory....but the ongoing issue wasn't just a single issue. All of the "ongoing issues" are part of a very, very long game that the left thinks it will win eventually and they're ok with losing this down to get on to the next one. Someday, the GOP will realize they're being played and finally start taking the leftist threat seriously.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
cheeflo 7/21/2024 3:55:16 PM (No. 1762782)
If they were playing a long game in 2020, it sure hasn't played out the way they figured. Seems to me they were playing a very short game with no viable plan for what came next.
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