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'Loophole' that could see Biden booted
out the election race if he refuses to go

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Posted By: OhioNick, 7/20/2024 2:42:03 AM

Democrats are discussing a possible 'loophole' that can be used to boot Biden out of the presidential race of he refuses to drop out. Delegates at the Democratic National Convention are toying with the options they face if, by the time of the August convention, Biden has not yet stepped aside or dropped out of the race entirely. Politicians are considering a 'good-conscience loophole' that would enable them to vote for a new candidate. DNC delegate and political scientist Elaine Kamarck spoke with fellow delegates on Friday morning on a zoom call.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: singermom9 7/20/2024 3:04:43 AM (No. 1761486)
Funny, dems said Trump would not leave the WH and it turns out it is biden that will NOT go. They said Trump would be a felon making decisions in the WH. Turns out it is Hunter sitting in meetings w joey making decisions in the WH. So it is Hunter who is the felon in the WH. Dem voters wake up. Dems have LIED to you.
38 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: mifla 7/20/2024 3:38:33 AM (No. 1761487)
When all else fails, change or ignore the rules. - DNC Playbook
32 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Strike3 7/20/2024 5:34:59 AM (No. 1761530)
It's simple. When the Bidens are vacationing in Delaware, which is most of the time, move their stuff out of the White House and set it in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue. The DC homeless will take care of it.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Calvinesq 7/20/2024 7:06:41 AM (No. 1761580)
A "good-conscience loophole"? Really? Do Dems even have a conscience after all the lying and lawfare they have committed over the last eight years? Not only do they not have a conscience, they have no shame.
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 7/20/2024 7:26:56 AM (No. 1761594)
Different kind of lawfare and this time against their own.
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: greyseal 7/20/2024 7:47:50 AM (No. 1761608)
In truth, as much as I despise Slow Joe I want him to continue on as the Dims candidate. He's a known quantity and he isn't going to get any better between now and the election. Trump and Vance can continue to pummel him on his lousy record and his obvious dementia. After the last week, there is no chance in Hades that he'll get elected short of a flagrant cheating campaign and there are too many eyes on the process now (and we know how it works). I need more popcorn... greyseal
14 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: qr4j 7/20/2024 7:57:12 AM (No. 1761612)
The DNC acts as if Biden has suddenly shown himself to be unfit for duty. They act as if they haven’t been lying to cover for his demented gaffs for years. The DNC could have conducted a proper primary. They could have listened to criticism of Joe Biden. The Dems are losing. They deserve a political (not literal) bloodbath. They’ve earned one!
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bpl40 7/20/2024 7:58:02 AM (No. 1761613)
Some will respond to the call. Others will not. There will be a bloody floor fight within and between state delegations I am buying some pop corn!
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 7/20/2024 8:33:06 AM (No. 1761639)
A “loophole” to save democracy. Only a bunch of communists could come up with an idea like that. I want the DEImocrats to give us a lecture on their famous “disenfranchised voters” when they try to pull this off.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/20/2024 8:38:22 AM (No. 1761645)
The left are like the mafia. And while a stooge works his way in a part of the inner circle, he thinks it's great and hilarious to pull out every weapon and method in their arsenal to take out their enemies. He doesn't realize he's only there because he's useful for the moment. Then, one day, this insider starts getting that uneasy feeling he is being pushed out - there are meetings and discussions going on to which he is not invited. Sure enough, he finds out too late that the object of the next him. And of course, that moment of verification usually comes too late - at the moment of the actual hit. Joe's been an useful insider stooge for a long, long time. He's no longer useful, and the hit is coming
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: chance_232 7/20/2024 10:17:05 AM (No. 1761701)
So much for democrats defending “democracy”. Democrats are full of integrity and principles, until it’s inconvenient.
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Kafka2 7/20/2024 10:24:43 AM (No. 1761705)
Democrats managed to sell a candidate Biden that did not exist to rank and file Democrats in the primaries. They voted for a Biden that was advertised as physically robust and mentally sharp. In the pre-convention debate it became obvious that Biden was both physically and mentally feeble. Democrat politicians, realized that the real Biden would probably lose, decided to remove and replace him, destroying the results of the democratic primaries. To make it not look like they were not destroying democracy they launched a plan to force Biden to “voluntarily” withdraw from the race. Offended by this treatment, Biden is refusing to withdraw. Now the Democrats are considering a “good-conscience loophole” to allow delegates pledged to Biden to vote for somebody else. This would be laughable if it were not so deplorably hypocritical. This has nothing to do with conscience. It is only about winning no matter at what cost as the drive another stake in the heart of democracy.
7 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: formerNYer 7/20/2024 10:48:02 AM (No. 1761719)
biden the 'great unifier' has not only been the opposite, he has now caused bickering to his own party.
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: padiva 7/20/2024 11:22:24 AM (No. 1761762)
Democracy in the democrat party???? What they do speaks so loudly, I can't hear what they are saying.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: red1066 7/20/2024 1:27:45 PM (No. 1761853)
I know the article is about Joe Biteme, but I think it's geared more towards Jill Biteme. I envision Dr. Jill being dragged out of the White House with fingernail scratches on the walls and floors and with a few White House dinner plates in one hand and her screaming NOOOOO all the way out.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: crashnburn 7/20/2024 3:02:29 PM (No. 1761889)
As far as I’m concerned, DR Jill Biden is the Wicked Witch of the West Wing. Just throw some water on her and she’ll melt away. Then Joe Biden will allow himself be quietly led into his Delaware basement where Evan have all the ice cream he wants and still believe he’s still POTATUS!
1 person likes this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: crashnburn 7/20/2024 3:02:57 PM (No. 1761891)
He can have
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Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President
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Posted by OhioNick 7/24/2024 3:56:33 PM Post Reply
A Florida Congressman has slammed his Tennessee Republican counterpart for calling Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' - saying he might as well have used the N-word. Maxwell Frost, 27, erupted in fury after Representative Tim Burchett insisting on CNN that the vice president was not the Democratic candidate based on merit. 'They want to call her a DEI president, or a DEI candidate. She has more experience than Trump and J.D. Vance combined, times a million, right?' he told CNN's Jim Acosta Tuesday.
Mattel unveils first blind Barbie and
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Posted by OhioNick 7/23/2024 3:34:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 7/22/2024 6:23:48 PM Post Reply
I am careful about my words. I don’t throw around accusations, and, for the legal record, I am not here making an accusation. This essay is deliberately written so as to not be an act of defamation or of libel. [SNIP] Subsequent to the assassination attempt against President Trump last Saturday in Butler, PA, I need to talk about Dr Jill Biden and her office. I believe Dr Jill Biden and Hunter Biden and Dr Jill Biden’s staff need to be investigated subsequent to (my awkward grammar is to avoid the legal repercussions of saying, “in relation to”) the assassination attempt against President Trump.
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Assassination: Janet Napolitano's back
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Posted by OhioNick 7/22/2024 6:21:12 PM Post Reply
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Biden’s accomplishments as president
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Posted by OhioNick 7/22/2024 3:16:09 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 7/21/2024 8:11:25 PM Post Reply
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'Loophole' that could see Biden booted
out the election race if he refuses to go
17 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/20/2024 2:42:03 AM Post Reply
Democrats are discussing a possible 'loophole' that can be used to boot Biden out of the presidential race of he refuses to drop out. Delegates at the Democratic National Convention are toying with the options they face if, by the time of the August convention, Biden has not yet stepped aside or dropped out of the race entirely. Politicians are considering a 'good-conscience loophole' that would enable them to vote for a new candidate. DNC delegate and political scientist Elaine Kamarck spoke with fellow delegates on Friday morning on a zoom call.
Majority of Democrats think Kamala Harris
would make a good president, AP-NORC poll shows
42 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/19/2024 4:34:19 PM Post Reply
As President Joe Biden faces a growing drumbeat of pressure to drop his reelection bid, a majority of Democrats think his vice president would make a good president herself. A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say. Since Biden’s debate debacle on June 27, many Democrats have privately and even openly looked to Harris to step in and succeed Biden as the party’s presidential nominee.
Democratic donor: President Biden 'basically
has no support left' from the party
9 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/18/2024 5:23:34 PM Post Reply
As the list of Democrats in Congress calling for President Joe Biden to end his reelection bid grows, some long-time Democratic donors are joining efforts to urge the president to end his campaign. One of those donors is Whitney Tilson, and he explained to Scripps News that rumors casting doubt on President Biden's political future are continuing to spread throughout the party. [SNIP] Tilson says all of the recent blunders are "setting it up for him to step aside." "There's just extreme urgency here and Biden has basically no support left anywhere — almost anywhere — in the Democratic Party right now," Tilson added.
Most college students have little idea
how government works, new survey shows
12 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/18/2024 3:17:12 PM Post Reply
Just months before many college students will take part in their first Election Day, a survey has found a concerning amount of them don't actually know much about the background of what they're voting on. [SNIP] For example, only 31% of the more than 3,000 students surveyed knew James Madison was a Founding Father of the Constitution, and 60% couldn't identify term lengths for members of the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives. Only 27% knew Vice President Kamala Harris is the president of the U.S. Senate, 35% knew the House Speaker is Mike Johnson and one-third incorrectly thought the Constitution required the Supreme Court to have nine judges.
Bud Light slips even further down list
of America's favorite beers as underdog
shoots up rankings
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/18/2024 3:00:39 PM Post Reply
Bud Light's popularity continues to decline more than a year after a boycott disrupted the US beer industry. A backlash that began last April - after the beer giant used a transgender influencer in an advert - has snowballed, new sales figures show. Back then, Bud Light was the undisputed top-selling beer in American stores by a margin. It had held the place for decades. It fell below Modelo Especial last summer - and now it has slipped to No3 behind Michelob Ultra. Coors Light could overtake Bud Light by the end of the year if the fall in sales - shown in the graph below - continues.
The Protection of Divine Providence: Something
stood between Donald Trump and death last
Saturday evening.
4 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/17/2024 10:20:30 PM Post Reply
When the Founding Fathers mutually pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to each other, they did so “with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence.” [SNIP] Divine providence was also the only thing standing between Donald Trump and death Saturday evening. Had the would-be assassin’s bullet been a fraction of an inch to the right, we would be having a much different conversation right now. If the attempted murder of Donald Trump “is evidence of the reality of evil in the world,” as Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, said, Trump’s survival is evidence of divine providence.
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Mattel unveils first blind Barbie and
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Posted by OhioNick 7/23/2024 3:34:40 PM Post Reply
Mattel is adding a more diverse selection of Barbie dolls to its latest collection. [SNIP] “We recognize that Barbie is much more than just a doll; she represents self-expression and can create a sense of belonging," said Krista Berger, senior vice president of Barbie and global head of dolls, in a press release. “We proudly introduce a new blind Barbie doll and Black doll with Down syndrome to our Barbie Fashionistas line, reinforcing our commitment to creating products that represent global belonging and inclusivity in the doll aisle.”
MSNBC star Joy Reid says Americans of
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37 replies
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:22:34 PM Post Reply
Black Americans risk being shunned by their communities if they do not fall in line and vote for Kamala Harris, Joy Reid has warned her followers. The MSNBC host told them they were going to look 'real weird and real lonely' if they do not back the 'woman of color extraordinaire' in November's presidential election. And she renewed hostilities with black model Amber Rose who infuriated her by speaking in support of Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention last week.
Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President
Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word
33 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/24/2024 3:56:33 PM Post Reply
A Florida Congressman has slammed his Tennessee Republican counterpart for calling Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' - saying he might as well have used the N-word. Maxwell Frost, 27, erupted in fury after Representative Tim Burchett insisting on CNN that the vice president was not the Democratic candidate based on merit. 'They want to call her a DEI president, or a DEI candidate. She has more experience than Trump and J.D. Vance combined, times a million, right?' he told CNN's Jim Acosta Tuesday.
Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies
after assassination attempt
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 11:27:33 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies like the one where he was shot during an assassination attempt this month in Butler, Pennsylvania, according to two sources familiar with his campaign’s operations. The sources said current plans are to hold indoor rallies, but they also said it's possible Trump will participate in smaller outdoor events or larger rallies in facilities where entrances are more fully controlled and there are not issues with high ground nearby, like stadiums. Spokespeople for the Trump campaign and the Secret Service did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday night.
Running Kamala Harris may actually be
a political masterstroke for the Democrats
29 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 7/23/2024 6:53:37 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris will likely be the next president of the United States – and that’s overall good news if you care about democracy, justice and equality. Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to bow out of the presidential race clears the path for the country to elect its first woman and first woman of color as president. Even though the electoral fundamentals for this year’s election have always favored the Democrats – despite what numerous misleading polls have been showing (and with most of the news media reacting purely off those polls) – Harris’s selection will largely shore up the weaknesses that were dragging down Biden’s poll numbers.
Exclusive: Imprisoned 9/11 Terrorist Zacarias
Moussaoui Fears Execution If Trump Wins,
Requests Transfer to France
27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/24/2024 8:44:43 AM Post Reply
Zacarias Moussaoui was convicted and is serving a life sentence in the federal SuperMax facility in Colorado for being part of the 9/11 airliner hijacking operation that killed more than 3,000 citizens and destroyed the World Trade Center towers in New York. You can read his indictment here. A quick recap of his part in the terrorist mayhem from the Associated Press: Zacarias Moussaoui remains the only person ever convicted in a U.S. court in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks…. Moussaoui was arrested in August 2001, before the attacks, when his efforts to obtain advanced flight training drew suspicion. He was charged [that] December as being a member of the al-Qaida conspiracy
AOC Announces Plans to Boycott ‘War
Criminal’ Netanyahu’s Speech Before Congress
27 replies
Posted by Imright 7/24/2024 3:19:13 AM Post Reply
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced she is planning to boycott “war criminal” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress on Wednesday. In a post on X, Ocasio-Cortez described Netanyahu being invited to speak before a joint meeting of House and Senate members as being “a dark day” in the history of the United States. Netanyahu landed in the United States Monday evening ahead of his speech on Wednesday.“It is a dark day in US history when an authoritarian with warrant requests from the International Criminal Court is allowed to address a joint session of Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote. “40k Palestinians are dead. Hostages aren’t home. Netanyahu is a war criminal.
Democrat Civil War Watch: Has the Coup
Against Kamala Already Started?
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/23/2024 4:10:14 PM Post Reply
Soon after Joe Biden dropped out of the race, he endorsed Kamala Harris as his successor, and within a day and a half, she reportedly had secured support from enough delegates to win the nomination at the Democrats' upcoming convention. I'm not sure if that really means anything anymore, since Joe Biden had earned the necessary delegates democratically through the primary election process, and he's no longer in the race. Call me crazy, but I won't believe Harris will be the nominee until she formally accepts the nomination. Why? Because there are whispers that Democrats aren't exactly jazzed about her being the nominee, either,
IOC hears Palestinian request to ban Israel
from Olympics over war in Gaza
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/23/2024 2:06:56 PM Post Reply
The International Olympic Committee was Tuesday weighing a Palestinian call for Israeli athletes to be barred from the Games over the war in Gaza, three days before the Opening Ceremony in Paris. As the Israeli Olympic team settled into the Athletes’ Village, the IOC was studying a letter sent by the Palestine Olympic Committee to President Thomas Bach asking him to ban the Israelis, citing the bombings of the besieged Gaza Strip as a breach of the Olympic truce. The letter sent on Monday “emphasized that Palestinian athletes, particularly those in Gaza, are denied safe passage and have suffered significantly due to the ongoing conflict.”
New York Times: Kamala Harris Is the Least
‘Electable’ Democrat
26 replies
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:58:20 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is the least “electable” among potential Democrats to replace President Joe Biden atop the 2024 ticket, top writers of the New York Times found Monday. The report underscores Democrats’ lack of a democratic process to select a new de facto nominee — all while nullifying about 14 million votes that were cast for Biden during the Democrat primary. Many believe the decision to replace Biden amounted to a “coup.” Biden stepped aside on Sunday after top Democrats threatened him with invoking the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to force him out, sources told the New York Post on Monday. The Times analysis found Harris was the “most risky” and least viable candidate,
Gunshot Re-Enact Shows Bloodspray and
Head Pieces Absent from Butler Rally Roof
Sniper Aftermath, Blood, Brains, Should
be Sprayed All Over Roof (Graphic)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/23/2024 12:33:42 PM Post Reply
(Warning: The images described in this article is graphic in nature. Viewer discretion is advised.) On Saturday July 13th, there was a “colossal failure” of security, according to the Director of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle. (Photo) The ‘colossal failure’ resulted in an alleged sniper Thomas M. Crooks taking shots at President Trump from the rooftop of the AGR Building in Butler, Pennsylvania. (Photo) Details from the incident have been sparse, but the few that emerged have been wildly inconsistent.The Gateway Pundit conducted an interview with Dr. Mollie James, an expert in Emergency Room gunshot wounds, having had nearly 20 years experience dealing with such situations.
Is Joe Biden Dying? 24 replies
Posted by Big Bopper 7/23/2024 9:26:04 PM Post Reply
I’ll just give the facts: He’s 81-years old. He’s shown a distinct decline in his physical and mental state. The White House announced last week that he has COVID. He was pushed out of the presidential election by people who are familiar with his physical and mental state. He has essentially disappeared since then – for over 48 hours. He apparently traveled to the vicinity of Las Vegas. There are reports that he suffered a medical emergency there, and emergency assistance was called. His handlers refused the assistance, and instead flew him back east, according to local authorities.
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