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The Real Reason Trump Chose JD Vance

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Posted By: Hazymac, 7/18/2024 10:03:50 AM

Why did Donald Trump select JD Vance? Obviously, their current policy views are simpatico, but JD Vance was not supportive back in 2016. He was pretty harsh about Donald Trump the candidate. You know who else was? Me. Dig back through my columns and you’ll see. I was never a Never Trumper. I was always going to vote for the GOP nominee, and I did vote for the nominee. But I was a Ted Cruz guy because I didn’t think Donald Trump was actually going to do the things Donald Trump said he was going to do and I said so. In fact, CNN used to have me on

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 7/18/2024 10:07:05 AM (No. 1760027)
Well, one thing's for sure - Trump didn't do DEI pandering with his VP selection. I admire Mr. Schlichter's candor.
26 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Lawsy0 7/18/2024 10:20:56 AM (No. 1760040)
Today, Schlichter is licking the cow to get to kiss the calf.
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: MissMann 7/18/2024 10:39:56 AM (No. 1760055)
I was a Ted Cruz gal in 2016, too. But no way was I going to vote for the she-demon. Trump wasn't perfect--his personnel choices--yowsers!--but the follow through on things like moving Israel's capital to Jerusalem (and many other things) and the fact that he at least said the right things, made me a supporter. I'll enthusiastically vote for him again this time, and hope he'll get serious about "transforming" our government, on the scale 0bama did (remember when he fired all the DOJ lawyers? That needs to happen again!), but back to our Constitutional Republic foundation. Be bold, Mr. President!
29 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 7/18/2024 10:52:24 AM (No. 1760065)
Trump chose Vance over Burgum because Burgum is, shall we say, not that good looking. Could you see Burgum up against Newsom in 2028?
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Reply 5 - Posted by: felixcat 7/18/2024 11:10:36 AM (No. 1760082)
Trump's personnel choices - yowzers - well, they're nothing compared to Biden's: Mayorkas, Harris, Cheatle, etc.
19 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Vaquero45 7/18/2024 11:20:42 AM (No. 1760093)
Wow. I always enjoy reading Schlichter's columns, but this one really grabbed me. I think he's right: the "elites" won't accept J.D. Vance because he won't sell his soul.
18 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Hazymac 7/18/2024 11:26:37 AM (No. 1760101)
Same as a number of fellow LDotters, in 2015-2016 I doubted that Trump was anything other than a New York liberal. A disciple of William F. Buckley, Jr. since 1975 and a supporter of Ted Cruz's candidacy, I had a hard time believing that Trump, who wasn't my style, could beat the PIAPS. After the 2016 Republican convention, I dutifully got behind Trump. There was no way on this earth that I could vote the Oinkubus for any reason. But as Election Day approached, I sensed that the tide was turning. When the Clinton campaign canceled the balloon drop shortly before the election, I said, "Could it possibly be?" It could be! In the years since I haven't always agreed with President Trump, but I know that he loves America and that his instincts are right. For him to have survived all the negative press, the lawfare, Democrat and RINO hate, and now a nearly successful assassination attempt with grace and equanimity ought to show the world that this man is the American lion. He has the blessing of Almighty God and all patriotic American citizens. Finally, we have a real leader. May he, and we, thrive in the years to come.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Corndoggies 7/18/2024 11:50:23 AM (No. 1760125)
I was enjoying Trumps run in 2015 more from amusement than enthusiasm. Then Trump made that comment about McCain. Trump was on Fox morning show the next day and I really think they asked him on as a “gotcha” type moment and I figured Trump was toast. But Trump surprised me. He didn’t apologize and didn’t back down. That’s the day I jumped in the Trump train and haven’t looked back.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Birddog 7/18/2024 11:58:43 AM (No. 1760134)
The elite won't accept Vance, for the same reason they wouldn't accept Trump...they are not "One of them", didn't go to the same garden parties, vacation at the same Hampton summer towns, ski at the same winter resorts, attend the same teas...They were "Tainted" by dirty fingernail roots, mere working class, not aristocracy, They were "Beer" people, not White Wine people in Fords, not euro-cars, or Scandinavian station wagons.. They are Gatsbys, in the realm of Buchanans, who..." smash up things and creatures and then retreat back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that keeps them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” He also points up something Vance mentioned three times, "The message to the working-class men, and many women, of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin", Minnesota was added by Schlichter...Vance could and should have added Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia, Washington, Oregon. Timber people and coal people are more alike than different, ALL have been under Govt attack, led by the Big City Dems for a generation...yet all of those States have entrenched Dem "Masters". Mentioning those states from that stage could have make the speech wholly National,naturally, "You are not forgotten-We see you" it was a great speech, but perhaps a bit tooo inadvertently regional in that one aspect of it's presentation.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: earlybird 7/18/2024 12:06:51 PM (No. 1760140)
This turns out to be a tiresome me me me piece.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: less is more 7/18/2024 12:10:50 PM (No. 1760146)
The real reason is the battle ground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. If the Dems take those states they will stay in office. Vance will be living in those states.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: earlybird 7/18/2024 12:16:58 PM (No. 1760152)
Apparently in 2015-16 no one noticed that Cruz's wife was an advocate for a borderless Western Hemisphere. We knew who the Never Trumpers were (one with three faces is now mercifully MIA) and their arguments against him never held water. Still don't. Mostly petty stuff, style rather than substance. He'd been a Democrat. So had Ronald Reagan, who led the large Screen Actors kGuild union and considered himself a "liberal Democrat" until "the party left me"... Mind-changing when presented with new evidence is a sign of intelligence, IMO. Those NTs never budged.
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Reply 13 - Posted by: Newtsche 7/18/2024 1:05:53 PM (No. 1760201)
I don't even remember which islamic bad actor Trump was talking about buy when he said "Bomb the shiite out of them", I started paying attention to him.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: hershey 7/18/2024 1:56:20 PM (No. 1760243)
What do you know??? You reading Trump's mind now are you, or just pontificating and wasting print space???
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Reply 15 - Posted by: earlybird 7/18/2024 3:16:07 PM (No. 1760295)
//re #13, he was personally responsible for ordering the planting of IEDS that killed or badly injured great numbers of American troops. A sadist. A sample. More at link: "Soleimani was described by an ex-CIA operative, responsible for clandestine operations, as "the single most powerful operative in the Middle East today" and the principal military strategist and tactician in Iran's effort to deter Western influence and promote the expansion of Shia and Iranian influence throughout the Middle East.[2] In Iraq, as the commander of the Quds Force, he was believed to have strongly influenced the organization of the Iraqi government, notably supporting the election of previous Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki.[2][62]"
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Reply 16 - Posted by: YorkieMom 7/18/2024 4:35:38 PM (No. 1760355)
Practically everyone I know, including me, felt the same about Trump as he did. It always seems the ones you think are conservative, turn liberal, so I sure didn't want Trump, and would shoot myself before voting for Hillary. Happily, like Kurt wrote, he surprised me, and those four years were so good, with the bonus of thinking what they would have been like if Hillary had won. Can you say worse off than Biden??? Now, I honestly believe Trump will do even better these next four years, especially if we get the House and Senate. I hope everyone votes straight ticket. I also wanted Cruz and DeSantis and believe they are good men too. We need them also.
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Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 6:25:50 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 4:47:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 10:52:31 AM Post Reply
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Please, Mr. Trump. sue them until they bleed! 10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 10:18:31 AM Post Reply
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The Real Reason Trump Chose JD Vance 16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 10:03:50 AM Post Reply
Why did Donald Trump select JD Vance? Obviously, their current policy views are simpatico, but JD Vance was not supportive back in 2016. He was pretty harsh about Donald Trump the candidate. You know who else was? Me. Dig back through my columns and you’ll see. I was never a Never Trumper. I was always going to vote for the GOP nominee, and I did vote for the nominee. But I was a Ted Cruz guy because I didn’t think Donald Trump was actually going to do the things Donald Trump said he was going to do and I said so. In fact, CNN used to have me on
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8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/18/2024 7:35:54 AM Post Reply
I wrote previously about some of the reported interventions of top Democrats like Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) with Joe Biden in regard to staying in the race. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also spoke to Biden one-on-one and urged him to step aside. But the reported word is so far Biden has rebuffed the effort, although it looks like they may have gotten to him a little with him supposedly also asking his people about how Kamala Harris would do if she ran instead. I wonder if they stepped up the effort because of all the reports of his wild interviews and other crazy things he has said.
Bungling of Trump Security Is Looking
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5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/17/2024 9:59:41 PM Post Reply
Your expectations are too high if you thought that getting more details would reveal less blundering by former President Trump's security detail leading to his shooting on Saturday. U.S. Senators, in a phone briefing by FBI Director Chris Wray and Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle, found that Trump's would-be killer, who murdered a man and critically wounded two others, had been under watch by security personnel for more than an hour before he took the lethal shots from a roof outside the hard security perimeter. A reporter for Punchbowl News also reported that senators told him the assassin had been spotted and in the scopes of snipers
Alex Soros made what appeared to be threat
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Posted by Hazymac 7/17/2024 7:56:46 PM Post Reply
Days after an assassin’s bullet came within an estimated centimeter from killing former (and future) President Donald Trump, let’s revisit a “fact check” from USA Today from earlier this year. Alex Soros, son of billionaire Marxist Trump hater George Soros tweeted out a picture of a bullet hole and a hand holding $47 in cash, a not so subtle intimation that Trump, the 45th and would be 47th president, should be shot, a post that given this past weekend’s event should give pause. (X) An article in The Gateway Pundit at the time suggested, and common sense would dictate, that the tweet was a threat against Trump.
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Posted by Hazymac 7/17/2024 8:34:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 7/17/2024 8:18:28 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 7/19/2024 3:30:16 PM Post Reply
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Posted by chagrined 7/19/2024 4:29:10 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 6:09:07 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 10:23:32 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 4:10:21 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ScarletPimpernel 7/19/2024 11:18:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 11:36:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 2:39:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/19/2024 12:36:54 PM Post Reply
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