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Biden's family starts discussing his possible
exit plan from the 2024 race

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 7/19/2024 12:36:54 PM

WASHINGTON — Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions. The overall tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan — should Biden decide to take that step, as some of his closest allies increasingly believe he will — should put the party in the best position to beat former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office, these people said. Biden’s family members have specifically discussed


W/ Monica Alba, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Jonathan Allen and Natasha Korecki.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 7/19/2024 12:45:39 PM (No. 1760984)
“ Biden’s family members have specifically discussed how he would want to end his re-election bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in place. ” Let me summarize: ‘we’re calculating the payout we will ALL need, and confirming the wire transfer details.’
28 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bamboozle 7/19/2024 12:48:35 PM (No. 1760985)
Don't forget about the needed pardons
28 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/19/2024 12:54:16 PM (No. 1760989)
Exactly, #s 1 & 2. Also, I guess it's now perfectly okay to, once again, change the rules when your cheating isn't going the way you want, so you can cheat in another way to try to get what you want. The whole lot of them are despicable people.
20 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Vaquero45 7/19/2024 12:56:17 PM (No. 1760994)
They’re just figuring out how the loot will be divided.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: ARKfamily 7/19/2024 12:56:29 PM (No. 1760996)
I am reading elsewhere that Joe Biden is determined to beat Donald Trump after the RNC speech. Which one is it?
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: daisey 7/19/2024 12:58:00 PM (No. 1760999)
Negotiating the millions they feel they are entitled to and probably a pardon for Hunter.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/19/2024 12:58:51 PM (No. 1761000)
"...worthy of the more than five decades he has served..." Correction: a payoff to rival the more than five decades of grift and kickbacks to which he has become accustomed.
18 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: vrb8m 7/19/2024 1:01:26 PM (No. 1761003)
He just said he's looking forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: jalo1951 7/19/2024 1:06:01 PM (No. 1761008)
If the check is big enough Mrs. FJB will agree to leave and take the demented one with her. That's a big if. Not sure how zeros she is looking for on the check. FJB is not even being talked to.
16 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/19/2024 1:09:46 PM (No. 1761011)
Oh, brother. If they push him out, there will have to be a big slobberfest about how wonderful, wise, blah blah blah he is. Much a**kissing will have to be involved, as Joe and Jill both think they are the second coming. Gag. I'm getting sick thinking about it.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: padiva 7/19/2024 1:19:17 PM (No. 1761016)
Friends, let's think about legacy for a minute. Does biden want more things named after him that Robert Byrd? Parks, buildings, highways, forests et al. Don't forget Jill wants thing named after her.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: upstater 7/19/2024 1:47:41 PM (No. 1761028)
No Joe don’t drop out. The party owes you. Remind them of all the low dirty things you did for them, like the Clarence Thomas hearing. Now get out there and speak your mind, we love your babbling stories with no conclusions and no basis in reality. Go for it Joe.
5 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: lgplgp 7/19/2024 2:11:08 PM (No. 1761035)
Clinton is worth $240 million, Obama $135 million, Pelosi $140 million -- Biden is negotiating a "buyout", how much are the Dem nomination, his backing Kamala and the ultimate plum, stepping aside for Kamala to become president worth? We know what Joe and Jill are, They're just negotiating on price. They have a large extended family to support, Hunter, brother Jim and all the other leeches and grifters who have never worked an honest day in their lives. So look for donations, book deals, speech offers, awards, gifts, go-fund-me et all to start rolling in for Joe. I figure $100 million (after taxes) will do the trick.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 7/19/2024 2:31:49 PM (No. 1761046)
Don't believe this for a NY minute. When the Queen, Edith, wants to leave, is when Dementia Joe steps down. She's in charge now, not BHO, no one else. The Dems are stuck with DJ.
4 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/19/2024 2:31:52 PM (No. 1761047)
Are the Bidens even saying this? These can all be stories planted by the media and the people that give the orders.
1 person likes this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 7/19/2024 3:44:00 PM (No. 1761113)
I think this is wishful thinking. I don't think Joe or Jill will agree to anything like this.
0 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 7/19/2024 3:54:26 PM (No. 1761121)
I'm not sure Lady McBiden is willing to walk quietly into the sunset just yet. The minute Sleepy Joe drops his bid, the Biden family becomes invisible and (more importantly) unsellable. No more monetizing the White House, no more junkets to give word salad speeches, no more free designer clothes, no more magazine covers, and no more tongue baths from underlings. "Dr." Jill goes back to changing Joe's diapers, watching him shuffle around, and teaching remedial English at a community college to students who have no idea who she is.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: earlybird 7/19/2024 4:06:27 PM (No. 1761132)
NBC a little late. The family "how do we get paid off?" meetings began several weeks ago and were reported here from Conservative Treehouse. Joe had already planned to keep all of his campaign money...
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Reply 19 - Posted by: enemyofthestate 7/19/2024 8:26:43 PM (No. 1761321)
The Biden Crime Family---- greedy grifters all--- looks for a golden parachute.
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Reply 20 - Posted by: mifla 7/20/2024 5:38:16 AM (No. 1761534)
Biden's world is crashing down all around him. His arrogance (and Jill) won't let him see it. His legacy will be that he made a mess of the country, took the mantle of "worse president" from Carter, and caused a civil war in the Dem party.
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 7:36:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 12:48:31 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 11:07:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 10:57:24 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 1:10:01 AM Post Reply
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11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 1:04:30 AM Post Reply
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Union Leaders Back Away from Joe Biden
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11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 12:54:44 AM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/20/2024 12:44:48 AM Post Reply
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Report: Democrats Try to ‘Knife’ Joe
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11 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/19/2024 10:35:52 PM Post Reply
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It Looks Like Biden Is Staying in the Race 17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/19/2024 4:47:06 PM Post Reply
I'm seriously getting whiplash with all this talk about whether Biden is dropping out or staying in. For the past day, it sounded like he was all but certain to be dropping out. Right now? Less so. For starters, Biden released a statement Friday indicating that he'll be back on the campaign next week. “I look forward to getting back on the campaign trail next week to continue exposing the threat of Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda while making the case for my own record and the vision that I have for America: one where we save our democracy, protect our rights
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Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 11:36:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 7/19/2024 8:13:50 AM Post Reply
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Posted by OhioNick 7/19/2024 4:34:19 PM Post Reply
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Trump did something he's never done before
with RNC speech. Now, the election may
already be over
35 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 4:17:03 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump may well have sealed the outcome of the 2024 election with a performance on Thursday night in Milwaukee that has largely been unmatched in recent American political history. The former president eschewed the polarization and division that has marked much of his rhetoric in the past. In his speech officially accepting the Republican Party's nomination there were only a couple of references to the 2020 election. Trump was able to hit on key messages when speaking about topics like inflation, and especially immigration, in ways that were compelling and arguably responsive to the fundamental concerns of Americans. I say this not to engage in hyperbole,
Anthony Fauci DISMISSES Trump's wounds
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34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 10:23:32 PM Post Reply
Anthony Fauci dismissed the gunshot wound Donald Trump sustained during Saturday's assassination attempt, telling CNN viewers: 'he's in the clear.' Fauci made the comments after the former president, 78, wore a large white bandage over the gunshot wound on his ear throughout the Republican National Convention this week. 'I don't think there is much more to it,' Fauci, 83, said of Trump's wounds while talking to CNN host Wolf Blitzer on Friday. 'It was a bullet shot that grazed his ear.'
Hundreds of racist plant names will change
after historic vote by botanists
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2024 3:30:16 PM Post Reply
For the first time, researchers have voted to eliminate scientific names of organisms because they are offensive. Botanists decided that more than 200 plants, fungi and algae species names should no longer contain a racial slur related to the word caffra, which is used against Black people and others mostly in southern Africa. The changes voted on today at the International Botanical Congress in Madrid mean that plants such as the coast coral tree will, from 2026, be formally called Erythrina affra, instead of Erythrina caffra. (snip) The measure passed in a tense secret ballot, with 351 votes in favour against 205 opposed.
Elizabeth Warren Calls on Republicans
and Democrats to Ban ‘Assault Weapons’
in Show of Unity
30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/20/2024 6:47:35 PM Post Reply
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D) told a Late Night with Stephen Colbert audience on Tuesday that Republicans and Democrats should ban “assault weapons” in a show of unity. She made clear she wants to ban such firearms “nationwide” and she posited the ban as a proper response in the wake of the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Warren posted to X: [Tweet, video] Among the X users who responded to Warren’s post, one wrote, “Better idea, ban #DemocratViolence Nationwide and the problem goes away immediately!” Another wrote, “Why are you so concerned about if people should be able to defend themselves or not?
The View's Joy Behar sparks furious backlash
after branding Donald Trump a 'narcissist'
and questioning his Christian faith in
wake of assassination attempt: 'She should
be fired'
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 6:09:07 PM Post Reply
The View's Joy Behar has been slammed for describing Donald Trump as 'very narcissistic' after he claimed he survived his assassination attempt because God was 'on his side' – with a growing mob now calling for her to be sacked. The former president, 78, acknowledged his Christian faith as he addressed the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, earlier this week, marking his first speech since he was shot at by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks last Saturday. Behar, 81, criticized Trump's lengthy statement during Friday's episode, branding his words 'very unchristian' and 'disturbing.'
1 in 3 Dems Believe Trump Assassination
Was Staged
28 replies
Posted by chagrined 7/19/2024 4:29:10 PM Post Reply
Welcome to post-truth, post-fact, and post-reality America where the occurrence of an event you don’t like is immediately a conspiracy to be ridiculed, dismissed, and ‘just asking questions about it’ to death. The attempted assassination of President Trump falls into that category. Since it’s politically inconvenient, 1 in 3 Dems have already adopted the position that it was staged.
Utah Gov Spencer Cox endorses Trump after
vowing not to vote for him just last week
27 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2024 7:42:27 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Utah Governor Spencer Cox announced that he would vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming election, and gave the Republican presidential nominee his endorsement. This decision is a stunning reversal from the Republican governor's previous statement, in which he said last week that he would not vote for Trump and write someone in instead. Gov. Cox told reporters that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania resulted in a "sobering moment" for him that prompted a weekend reflection. He said it was a miracle that the former president survived and will vote for him in November,
Small city branded 'America's jihad capital'
descends into civil war - as locals reveal
why they detest both Biden AND Trump ahead
of election
26 replies
Posted by Imright 7/20/2024 8:22:06 AM Post Reply
A city labeled 'America's jihad capital' by the Wall Street Journal has become fiercely divided over the war in Gaza - as residents refuse to vote for either candidate in the presidential election. Dearborn, a small city near Detroit, Michigan, is home to America's largest Arab American community. The mood amongst locals has significantly switched as the death toll in Gaza continues to mount - with little indication of a political solution in the near future. Residents of Dearborn believe America's political leaders are playing a major role in enabling the suffering caused by ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
David Letterman to Headline Biden Fundraiser
on July 29
25 replies
Posted by Imright 7/20/2024 3:39:07 PM Post Reply
HONOLULU— David Letterman will headline a fundraiser with President Joe Biden in 10 days with Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a sign that his campaign is forging ahead despite continued calls for the president to bow out of the 2024 race. The fundraiser on July 29 will be at the home of a family friend on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, Green told The Associated Press Friday. It will feature the longtime late-night host, plus Biden and first lady Jill Biden. The campaign has at least 10 other fundraising events over the last 10 days of July. Letterman helmed CBS’ “Late Show” for 22 seasons.
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