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Team Biden Nukes Obama, Schumer, Pelosi:
They Gave Us Trump in 2016!

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Posted By: Muguy, 7/18/2024 7:40:24 PM

Joe Biden and his team have tried fending off calls to withdraw from the race without making it personal -- until today. After Barack Obama began pushing for Biden to get out through the pages of the Washington Post, the gloves came off. Scranton Joe has turned into Snarling Joe and is blaming the entire Democrat establishment for getting Donald Trump elected in the first place (via RedState):


Going against the elites and siding with the Sanders/AOC Croud who defend him against those who want to push him out and have a brokered convention even though he has won the the primaries will take some REAL trickery

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Lucky5 7/18/2024 7:47:46 PM (No. 1760507)
I hope it keeps going like this. Watching the covers being pulled off for the entire public to see is delicious. Obviously the hard core demonrats will never care or change, but I think other people will.
46 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: john56 7/18/2024 8:30:25 PM (No. 1760531)
Went to the grocery store today. They're out of popcorn. I guess we're all planning to watch the show.
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Catherine 7/18/2024 8:36:50 PM (No. 1760535)
Uh Oh # 3 - my son does the shopping and I'd asked for popcorn. He said they were out. Must be a crisis with the popcorn makers.
20 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 7/18/2024 9:06:10 PM (No. 1760560)
I'm getting suspicious. I'm wondering if this is to make it look like everyone is against Joe, but he's going to stay in and "fight for the people". You know, his "hero" moment. I just don't trust these people at all.
35 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: nerdowell 7/18/2024 10:29:14 PM (No. 1760584)
Those people will do anything for power; they will stop at nothing, even murder, to win. But now it seems --at least for the moment--the competition is all " in-house"!
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 7/18/2024 11:15:38 PM (No. 1760592)
Her Majesty, Queen Edith, is po'd. Never po the Queen. She wants four more years of pomp and circumstance. The Queen is ready to release the banshees.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MissMann 7/19/2024 3:46:52 AM (No. 1760650)
In 2016, they didn't realize how much they needed to cheat--they had no idea how popular Trump really was. They fixed that in 2020 and cheated enough to "win." It was an obvious cheat, but obviously they didn't care. Will they be able to cheat enough in 2024?
31 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mifla 7/19/2024 6:18:22 AM (No. 1760677)
There is a huge intra-party fight coming among the Dems. I hope Joe digs in and that the Dems have to take their fight for power public. Let the mud slinging begin. Let the accusations of racism and sexism begin. Might be a great time for Comer and Jordan to release a few Biden banking records. Show the country the true Dem party.
26 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: privateer 7/19/2024 6:40:38 AM (No. 1760692)
HaHa! The Democrabs in a Bucket Convention.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rumblehog 7/19/2024 6:49:59 AM (No. 1760696)
The only reason Joe is in the pResidency today is that he CHEATED in the 2020 Election in vote counting in major cities of six swing-states. Biden Inc. will regret picking a public fight with Barack Obama or even Hillary Clinton.
20 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: The Remnants 7/19/2024 7:12:02 AM (No. 1760713)
What a wonderful, hopeful, joyful convention! I am an early riser, so this morning I was out watering my flowers and a dog-walker neighbor came by. I asked him if he had watched the convention, and he kindof shrugged his shoulders. I told him how great it was, and he asked me, "How's Biden doing?" and I told him that Biden has dimentia. My neighbor said, "I don't know about that." Take NOTHING for granted. Make sure everyone you know votes this November - for Trump.
34 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Right Time 7/19/2024 9:15:11 AM (No. 1760818)
If Biden pulls out of the presidential race, what are they going to do with the millions of prepared and fraudulent Biden/Harris ballots? It took them months to create them.
13 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: mc squared 7/19/2024 10:54:47 AM (No. 1760875)
A cornered animal strikes at anyone.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 7/19/2024 10:57:25 AM (No. 1760879)
OK - - everyone - - all together now - - - - - Leave Joe Alone! Leave Joe Alone! Leave Joe Alone! Leave Joe Alone!
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Aubreyesque 7/19/2024 11:22:59 AM (No. 1760898)
Im laughing so much now...
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Zigrid 7/19/2024 11:59:41 AM (No. 1760939)
The two factions in the White House are at each others throats...Barack HUSSEIN Obama wants control so he can serve another illegal term...and in the meantime...WHO the he-- is running the country? easy Israel...soon President Trump will be back...THEN your hostages will be returned...however many are still alive...including Americans....
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 7/19/2024 1:14:42 PM (No. 1761014)
Our little prayer group is doing something creative. We're sick of scam phone calls so we decided to share the gospel when people call. So this morning a man called and before he could sell me what he was selling I started talking to him about last Saturday and that President Trump being shot and about eternity and that Jesus died for him. I asked him if I could pray for him and he said o.k. and I prayed for his family, his life, his health, his salvation. I never did find out what he was calling about. He hung up. What a joy it was to share God's love and it was all connected to the attempted assassination on Trump's life.
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Omen55 7/19/2024 1:53:56 PM (No. 1761029)
No matter the cost to dem Jill will not resign from the presidency!
4 people like this.

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Team Biden Nukes Obama, Schumer, Pelosi:
They Gave Us Trump in 2016!
18 replies
Posted by Muguy 7/18/2024 7:40:24 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden and his team have tried fending off calls to withdraw from the race without making it personal -- until today. After Barack Obama began pushing for Biden to get out through the pages of the Washington Post, the gloves came off. Scranton Joe has turned into Snarling Joe and is blaming the entire Democrat establishment for getting Donald Trump elected in the first place (via RedState):
Iran launches dozens of drones toward Israel 15 replies
Posted by Muguy 4/13/2024 6:00:28 PM Post Reply
Ahead of Iran launching dozens of drones towards Israel, President Joe Biden on Friday made clear the US would help defend its ally. “We are devoted to the defense of Israel,” he said from the White House. “We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel and Iran will not succeed.” The US has forces in Iraq and Syria that could potentially intercept drones en route to Israel, depending on the location from which they’re launched. US Navy forces in the Red Sea have previously intercepted long-range missiles launched from the Houthis in Yemen towards Israel. 8 min ago
National Archives concludes review of
JFK assassination documents with 99% made public
21 replies
Posted by Muguy 7/1/2023 8:30:31 AM Post Reply
The National Archives has concluded its review of the classified documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, with 99% of the records having been made publicly available, the White House said Friday. “This action reflects [President Biden’s] instruction that all information related to President Kennedy’s assassination should be released except when the strongest possible reasons counsel otherwise,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Friday. President Joe Biden released a memo Friday certifying that the archivist had completed the review in May and affirmed the remaining documents authorized to be declassified had been released to the public – meeting a previously set June 30 deadline
New UN-backed legal recommendations normalize
sex with minors, outraged critics say
19 replies
Posted by Muguy 4/22/2023 8:52:53 AM Post Reply
A shocking report issued by international legal experts with the backing of the United Nations appears to open the floodgates to normalize sex with minors. "Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law," the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists wrote in March with an assist from UNAIDS and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The report is titled "The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty."
Supreme Court Ends ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy 10 replies
Posted by Muguy 7/1/2022 8:11:13 AM Post Reply
In a 5-4 decision, with Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh siding with Justices Elena Kagan, Stephen Breyer, and Sonia Sotomayor, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Biden administration to end the “Remain in Mexico” policy. -snip- According to federal immigration law, the federal government is supposed to detain immigrants while they await the hearing of their case. However, Congress has never allocated enough money to detain the rising number of illegal migrants who need to be detained.
Kate McKinnon, Pete Davidson departing
from ‘SNL’
28 replies
Posted by Muguy 5/22/2022 8:42:40 AM Post Reply
Kate McKinnon and Pete Davidson are among those departing from “Saturday Night Live,” leaving the sketch institution without arguably its two most famous names after Saturday’s 47th season finale. Aidy Bryant and Kyle Mooney will also leave the cast after the episode hosted by Natasha Lyonne. The departures represent one of the biggest cast shake-ups in years on a show that has seen unusual steadiness in recent seasons. McKinnon, 38, won two Emmys and was nominated for nine in her 10 seasons on the show, during which her impressions included Hillary Clinton, and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.  CORRECTION*
Senate Advances Bill to Give Ukraine $40
Billion in Aid During 40-Year High Inflation
20 replies
Posted by Muguy 5/17/2022 6:17:48 AM Post Reply
The Senate voted to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed on H.R. 7691, the Ukraine Supplemental Aid Package. The motion passed 81-11. This means that the Senate can begin debate on the Ukraine aid package. The legislation would provide over $20 billion in military supplies and roughly $20 billion in humanitarian, economic, and other aid to Ukraine. While Senate Republicans and Democrats overwhelmingly voted to advance the legislation, many populist-leaning Republicans such as Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Rand Paul (R-KY) have opposed the legislation.
Unofficial results show Austin’s Prop A failed;
would have boosted APD staffing, budget
14 replies
Posted by Muguy 11/3/2021 6:49:46 AM Post Reply
AUSTIN -   A majority of Austin voters rejected Proposition A, which would have increased funding to the Austin Police Department. Latest figures released just before 11 p.m. Tuesday reported nearly 69% of Austin voters voted against Prop. A, while approximately 31% voted for the initiative.  CORRECTIONS*
White House further postpones disclosure
of JFK assassination documents, citing Covid
8 replies
Posted by Muguy 10/23/2021 7:34:25 AM Post Reply
The White House announced late Friday that it would further postpone the release of more documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, pointing to the "significant impact" of the Covid-19 pandemic. President Joe Biden issued a memo that said the national archivist recommended he "'direct two public releases of the information that has ultimately 'been determined to be appropriate for release to the public.'" The first will be an "interim release" later this year, with a second, "more comprehensive release in late 2022," the memo said. The memo said that the Covid-19 pandemic has slowed down the process of reviewing whether redactions continue to meet the "statutory standard."
Rush Limbaugh Show' comes to an end as 'inspired' new hosts get set to launch new era 14 replies
Posted by Muguy 6/18/2021 2:50:34 PM Post Reply
On August 1, 1988, Missouri-born radio commentator Rush Limbaugh launched "The Rush Limbaugh Show" on a handful of radio affiliates. On February 2, 2021 –unbeknownst at the time to his now-650 affiliates and millions of listeners –Limbaugh took to the airwaves for the last time. The beloved, yet at times controversial, radio titan died February 17 at age 70 after a battle with lung cancer. On Friday, "The Rush Limbaugh Show" – which began when Ronald Reagan was president, Checkpoint Charlie divided democracy from autocracy, and the Soviet Union still existed – will end in the only form it has known since.
BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ballot Inspection
Hearing Subverted – Georgia Stalling to
Prevent Forensic Review of Suspected
Fraudulent Absentee Ballots
12 replies
Posted by Muguy 1/4/2021 6:40:09 PM Post Reply
Corrupt politicians in Georgia are doing all they can to prevent the forensic analysis of absentee ballots in the state. Moments ago, Heather Mullins from Real America’s Voice reported that the hearing set for today to determine if ballots from the November 3rd election could be forensically inspected, as supported by the Georgia Senate vote, was cancelled and the case was to be transferred to another county: A few minutes after the above memo went out, Mullins reports that the hearing was derailed in an attempt to send the case to another county.
Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup says it
will review branding due to
racial bias concerns
50 replies
Posted by Muguy 6/18/2020 6:57:53 AM Post Reply
Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup says it will review its brand and packaging after two other popular products announced changes to their products due to racial bias concerns. “The Mrs. Butterworth’s brand, including its syrup packaging, is intended to evoke the images of a loving grandmother,” the company said in a news release Wednesday. “We stand in solidarity with our Black and Brown communities and we can see that our packaging may be interpreted in a way that is wholly inconsistent with our values.” Conagra Brands said it has “begun a complete brand and packaging review on Mrs. Butterworth’s.”
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Majority of Democrats think Kamala Harris
would make a good president, AP-NORC poll shows
39 replies
Posted by OhioNick 7/19/2024 4:34:19 PM Post Reply
As President Joe Biden faces a growing drumbeat of pressure to drop his reelection bid, a majority of Democrats think his vice president would make a good president herself. A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that about 6 in 10 Democrats believe Kamala Harris would do a good job in the top slot. About 2 in 10 Democrats don’t believe she would, and another 2 in 10 say they don’t know enough to say. Since Biden’s debate debacle on June 27, many Democrats have privately and even openly looked to Harris to step in and succeed Biden as the party’s presidential nominee.
Trump did something he's never done before
with RNC speech. Now, the election may
already be over
35 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 4:17:03 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump may well have sealed the outcome of the 2024 election with a performance on Thursday night in Milwaukee that has largely been unmatched in recent American political history. The former president eschewed the polarization and division that has marked much of his rhetoric in the past. In his speech officially accepting the Republican Party's nomination there were only a couple of references to the 2020 election. Trump was able to hit on key messages when speaking about topics like inflation, and especially immigration, in ways that were compelling and arguably responsive to the fundamental concerns of Americans. I say this not to engage in hyperbole,
Biden left feeling angry and betrayed
by top Democratic leaders wavering on
his campaign
33 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/19/2024 8:13:50 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden feels personally hurt and betrayed by the way so many Democrats, including some of the party’s top leaders, have left him hung out to dry as he faces the biggest crisis of his political career, according to two sources familiar with his thinking. And privately, many of those leaders have expressed doubts about his path forward. Former President Barack Obama’s only public comment came the day after Biden’s disastrous debate last month, when he tweeted “Bad debate nights happen“ and talked about his former vice president’s virtues. Privately, however, Obama has concerns. Bill and Hillary Clinton have
Hundreds of racist plant names will change
after historic vote by botanists
31 replies
Posted by Beardo 7/19/2024 3:30:16 PM Post Reply
For the first time, researchers have voted to eliminate scientific names of organisms because they are offensive. Botanists decided that more than 200 plants, fungi and algae species names should no longer contain a racial slur related to the word caffra, which is used against Black people and others mostly in southern Africa. The changes voted on today at the International Botanical Congress in Madrid mean that plants such as the coast coral tree will, from 2026, be formally called Erythrina affra, instead of Erythrina caffra. (snip) The measure passed in a tense secret ballot, with 351 votes in favour against 205 opposed.
1 in 3 Dems Believe Trump Assassination
Was Staged
28 replies
Posted by chagrined 7/19/2024 4:29:10 PM Post Reply
Welcome to post-truth, post-fact, and post-reality America where the occurrence of an event you don’t like is immediately a conspiracy to be ridiculed, dismissed, and ‘just asking questions about it’ to death. The attempted assassination of President Trump falls into that category. Since it’s politically inconvenient, 1 in 3 Dems have already adopted the position that it was staged.
The View's Joy Behar sparks furious backlash
after branding Donald Trump a 'narcissist'
and questioning his Christian faith in
wake of assassination attempt: 'She should
be fired'
27 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 6:09:07 PM Post Reply
The View's Joy Behar has been slammed for describing Donald Trump as 'very narcissistic' after he claimed he survived his assassination attempt because God was 'on his side' – with a growing mob now calling for her to be sacked. The former president, 78, acknowledged his Christian faith as he addressed the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, earlier this week, marking his first speech since he was shot at by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks last Saturday. Behar, 81, criticized Trump's lengthy statement during Friday's episode, branding his words 'very unchristian' and 'disturbing.'
Anthony Fauci DISMISSES Trump's wounds
from assassination attempt as CNN doctor
makes shock demand of former president
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 10:23:32 PM Post Reply
Anthony Fauci dismissed the gunshot wound Donald Trump sustained during Saturday's assassination attempt, telling CNN viewers: 'he's in the clear.' Fauci made the comments after the former president, 78, wore a large white bandage over the gunshot wound on his ear throughout the Republican National Convention this week. 'I don't think there is much more to it,' Fauci, 83, said of Trump's wounds while talking to CNN host Wolf Blitzer on Friday. 'It was a bullet shot that grazed his ear.'
Watch: Kamala Harris Musters Fake Accent
in North Carolina
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 4:10:21 AM Post Reply
Why does she always do this? Kamala Harris was in North Carolina rallying a small crowd of supporters as Joe Biden stayed out of the public eye after he announced he has Covid. Harris mustered a fake accent as she delivered a campaign speech to North Carolina rallygoers in a city near Fort Liberty (previously Fort Bragg). “We too busy watchin’ what you doin’ to hear what you’re sayin,'” Harris said in her fake accent. (Video) Harris bragged about defying the Supreme Court in their taxpayer-funded student loan bailout. WATCH: (Video)
IT WAS A SETUP! – Senator Hawley: Whistleblowers
Most of Trump Security Working Rally Were
Not Even Secret Service
22 replies
Posted by ScarletPimpernel 7/19/2024 11:18:29 AM Post Reply
And the hits keep coming. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Friday demanding answers on the attempted assassination attack on President Trump at his rally in Pennsylvania last .Senator Hawley wrote that whistleblowers have notified him that a majority of the security officials working the rally last weekend were not even Secret Service personnel but were with the Homeland Security Investigations team!
Breaking: Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson
Lee Has Died at Age 74
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 11:36:54 PM Post Reply
U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-serving Democrat from Texas, has passed away at the age of 74. Her family released the following statement: Today, with incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas. A fierce champion of the people, she was affectionately and simply known as “Congresswoman” by her constituents
Defiant Biden vows to ‘win’ despite
growing revolt
20 replies
Posted by Imright 7/19/2024 2:39:29 PM Post Reply
US President Joe Biden doubled down on his insistence that he will stay in the White House race, despite a growing Democrat revolt that raised speculation he could bow out as soon as this weekend. “The stakes are high, and the choice is clear. Together, we will win,” the 81-year-old said in a written statement from the Delaware beach home where he is recovering from Covid. Biden vowed to return to the campaign trail next week, and took aim at Donald Trump’s “dark” speech accepting his nomination at the Republican National Convention on Thursday. But his defiance came as six more House Democrats and another senator joined those publicly
Biden's family starts discussing his possible
exit plan from the 2024 race
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/19/2024 12:36:54 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions. The overall tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan — should Biden decide to take that step, as some of his closest allies increasingly believe he will — should put the party in the best position to beat former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office, these people said. Biden’s family members have specifically discussed
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