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Stark Raving Mad

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Posted By: Hazymac, 7/4/2024 12:03:22 PM

You might think the Democrats would be able to keep it together, given that they control the presidency, the Senate, the federal bureaucracy, and the press, and are only a few seats away from controlling the House. But, for whatever reason, they have gone mad. Democrats have reached a fever pitch of hysteria that I doubt we have seen before in our history. One example among many is their mental breakdown over the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision, Trump v. United States. As I wrote here, that decision was moderate, middle of the road, and entirely predictable. While it addressed a novel issue, it is consistent with past Supreme Court decisions.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Venturer 7/4/2024 12:32:46 PM (No. 1749617)
That decision is going to save Joe Biden's hide, and he knows it.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bpl40 7/4/2024 12:34:52 PM (No. 1749618)
They have always been like that. Trump and his rising popularity has smoked them out into the open.
9 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Arrowhead 7/4/2024 12:39:14 PM (No. 1749621)
To poster #1--Will it save biden from his past crimes of bribery, blackmail and influence peddling when he was a Senator and VP?
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: FJB 7/4/2024 1:14:16 PM (No. 1749646)
#1 & #4: The Deep State Swamp takes care of its critters no matter how evil, so we can count on Traitor Joe skating free.
4 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 7/4/2024 1:21:33 PM (No. 1749657)
Another reminder of the damage a 'Wise Latina' can do when she checks the right boxes. Constitutional knowledge not necessary. In fact, not desired.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 7/4/2024 1:43:55 PM (No. 1749663)
It's really amazing that they didn't understand, as most of us with a BRAIN already did, that the ONLY way to apply legal remedies to a President is via the very carefully created legal/political process of impeachment in the House and then a trial in the Senate. This has been OBVIOUS. In fact, so obvious, that the moron Nutty, Nasty Nancy did it TWICE to Trump, and in an exceedingly fraudulent, corrupt, and obviously unserious way to the point that while here idiot drones in the House did her evil bidding to impeach, the Senate just sighed and said, "Really, Nan, you are nuts and we aren't actually going to buy into your insanity." This has never been stated before because prior to this everyone UNDERSTOOD IT. That Dems are in total freakout, as the author says "stark raving mad" showcases exactly how terminally stupid and mentally precarious they actually are.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: cjjeepercreeper 7/4/2024 3:14:02 PM (No. 1749706)
FYI, my AVG stopped Powerline from loading because it is infected with a potential threat.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 7/4/2024 3:56:37 PM (No. 1749738)
I would disagree slightly, the liberal justices really ARE that stupid. They do NOT understand Constitutional law or separation of powers. They, by their position they are the law. They are wrong and it is pathetic that they are on the court.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 7/5/2024 5:23:40 AM (No. 1749968)
The one thing the Dems cannot control is Biden's mental deterioration. It is accelerating and come next November, he will be in worse shape than he is now.
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Dem Rep Compares Biden to Jesus 8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/6/2024 9:32:30 AM Post Reply
When you think of President Joe Biden these days, who does he remind you of? You might invoke your impression of an elderly relative who is similarly struggling with cognitive issues. The less charitable among us might make a reference to Elmer Fudd or some other frequently befuddled character. But that's not the view that Democratic Congressman Don Beyer of Virginia holds. While introducing Biden at a fundraiser earlier this week, Beyer compared the President to none other than Jesus Christ. This was a case of setting the bar very high, to say the least. But what is it about Joe Biden that reminds Beyer of the Savior so much?
Fauci: 'No Doubt' Biden Has The 'Vigor
and Mental Capability' to Have 2nd Term
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/6/2024 9:14:44 AM Post Reply
Whew! I was worried until I saw this! Good thing Anthony Fauci has never gotten it wrong or lied to us in the past, or else I would be skeptical about his diagnosis that President Biden is ready and raring to go to have a successful second term as president. (X) Aside from last Thursday's debate there is absolutely, positively zero credible evidence that Biden is anything other than perfectly fit and mentally capable to perform the job of being leader of the free world and in charge of thousands of nuclear weapons. Zero evidence. You might even say that Biden is "safe and effective" as president.
White House now says Biden was seen by
his doctor days after debate
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/5/2024 3:48:11 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden was examined by his physician in the days following last week’s CNN presidential debate, the White House tells CNN — despite the White House press secretary having said Wednesday that the president has had no medical exams since his February physical. “Several days later, the president was seen to check on his cold and was recovering well,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said. On Wednesday, CNN had asked Karine Jean-Pierre in the White House press briefing whether the president had received “any medical exams” since his February physical, and the press secretary had responded: “We were able to talk to his doctor about that and that is a no.”
Stark Raving Mad 9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/4/2024 12:03:22 PM Post Reply
You might think the Democrats would be able to keep it together, given that they control the presidency, the Senate, the federal bureaucracy, and the press, and are only a few seats away from controlling the House. But, for whatever reason, they have gone mad. Democrats have reached a fever pitch of hysteria that I doubt we have seen before in our history. One example among many is their mental breakdown over the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity decision, Trump v. United States. As I wrote here, that decision was moderate, middle of the road, and entirely predictable. While it addressed a novel issue, it is consistent with past Supreme Court decisions.
Fauci Speaks Out About Doubts Around Biden's
Mental State
16 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/3/2024 5:59:49 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci defended President Joe Biden as "analytical" amid growing calls for him to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race over his debate performance against former President Donald Trump last week. During the CNN debate in Atlanta, Georgia, Biden, 81, sounded hoarse and appeared to mumble through several answers, doing little to quell concerns from swing voters about his age. Polls prior to the debate signaled his mental fitness was a key concern among voters, and many Democrats, including one member of Congress, are now calling on him to drop out of the race. Fauci, however, said that when he was working for the Biden administration, the president seemed
LEAKED: Absolute Panic Sets in for Democrats
on Donor Call, 'Comatose or Dead Biden'
Leads to Desperation
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/3/2024 8:13:17 AM Post Reply
Reality is starting to set in for Democrats. After a frantic week of desperately trying to find an alternative to Joe Biden, a newly leaked private donor call shows disagreement and panic among the party's operatives. The question at hand was where they go from here, and as predicted, the existence of Kamala Harris is the elephant in the room. (X) "Top Democratic consultants debated Wednesday, before an audience of large Democratic donors, whether they could push Joe Biden from the race for president — and whether Vice President Kamala Harris would be worse than a “comatose” or “dead” Biden. " If that's the argument you are having, you are losing,
The Washington Post’s Jen Rubin Mocked
for Butchering Hitler Comparison and ‘Making
the Exact Opposite Point She Thinks She Is’
4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/2/2024 4:42:54 PM Post Reply
Washington Post columnist Jen Rubin has been circling the wagons on behalf of President Joe Biden in the days since last week’s disastrous debate performance, in large part by attacking his opponent, former President Donald Trump. On Monday night, as part of that strategy, Rubin made a strained, historically illiterate comparison to Adolf Hitler. “Aw, Hindenberg is too old said some Germans before electing a monster,” declared Rubin on X, formerly Twitter. (X) As a community note now affixed to Rubin’s post points out — that’s not how that happened! In actuality, Paul Von Hindenburg was reelected as the German president in 1932 at the age of 84 in a race in which
Democratic Party Cover-Up Exposed After
Biden Debacle
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/1/2024 9:00:32 AM Post Reply
For five years, honest political commentators have been pointing out the obvious decline of Joe Biden. Physically, he has fallen off his bike, on stage, and the stairs of Air Force One numerous times. These incidents became so much of a concern that Biden started using the “baby stairs” to enter Air Force One to limit the potential for an accident. President Biden no longer walks with confidence but shuffles his feet. He started using special shoes to help him stay upright. However, after the debate on Thursday night, his wife had to make sure he did not fall, so she assisted him as he gingerly descended a few stairs
Does Joe Biden Really Think People Will
Believe His New Claim?
7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/1/2024 8:23:06 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is back to lying to the American people. During a fundraiser in New Jersey on Saturday, Biden claimed that he won over more undecided voters than former President Donald Trump post his disastrous debate performance. Biden insisted that the malfunctions he suffered during the 90-minute gaffe-filled debate actually impressed undecided voters rather than deter them from voting for him. Insert laugh track here. “Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did, in large part because of his conduct on Jan. 6,” Biden told the crowd. “People remember the bad things during his presidency.” The 81-year-old’s bad debate night prompted the country,
Democratic Amnesia 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/1/2024 8:16:55 AM Post Reply
The post-debate throw-Biden-overboard movement is somewhat disingenuous. The Democrats brought their problems completely upon themselves. Let’s do some historical searching. It was primary season, 2020. Mayor Pete and Bernie Sanders dominated the early Democratic primaries. Sanders had momentum, he had his “Bernie Bros” and however extreme his positions, he spoke with conviction and force. Nobody ever accused Bernie Sanders of suffering from dementia, however extreme his positions are. The Democrats had a problem. Bernie Sanders might be their nominee. He might lose to Trump, but more importantly, he is now unpalatable to donors
The Debate Debacle Changes Nothing 14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/1/2024 7:57:32 AM Post Reply
I had resolved not to watch last Thursday night’s debate because I didn’t think it would change anything, and I was right to the extent that it didn’t change anything for me. I already knew President Crusty was a sundowning desiccated old weirdo. But it changed things for people who were on the fence or not paying attention. That’s not going to matter, though. Joe Biden is not going anywhere. The fact is that Joe Biden is the nominee, and he will remain the nominee. By the next morning, the rallying and rationalization were in full effect. Obama tweeted about how it’s all going to be OK.
DNC Insiders: Biden Was Set Up to Fail
in a ‘Soft Coup'
31 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/30/2024 11:15:52 AM Post Reply
Let's be honest: Everyone has known for a long time now that Joe Biden is both physically frail and cognitively impaired. Biden's allies have merely thought they could deny it until after the election. Well, the debate made that impossible, and now there's a mad dash to do "something" about it. Calls for Biden to drop out are coming in strong from the left-wing media, and elected Democrats are freaking out privately. How did this happen? How did we get to this point? Well, some Democratic Party insiders say that Joe Biden was set up to fail in a "soft coup" designed to oust him. "There has never been a debate
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Biden: I Got Distracted by Trump ‘Shouting’
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/5/2024 11:39:52 PM Post Reply
During an interview with ABC News on Friday, President Joe Biden said that he realized he was doing poorly in last week’s presidential debate when he noticed that “even when I was answering a question, even though they turned his mic off,” his opponent, 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, “was still shouting. And I let it distract me.” Biden elaborated that he isn’t blaming that for his performance, but that caused him to realize “that I just wasn’t in control.” ABC host George Stephanopoulos asked, “And how quickly did it come to you that you were having that bad night?” Biden responded, “Well, it came to me
Bette Midler Suggests Biden Arrest Republicans,
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Posted by Imright 7/6/2024 3:25:45 AM Post Reply
Singer-actress Bette Midler, star of Disney’s Hocus Pocus 2, suggested that President Joe Biden arrest Republican members of Congress and allow the FBI to use deadly force in order regain Democrat House majority. “Now that Joe has total immunity, many are urging him to be GOP ruthless. Here’s a suggestion for implementing his new powers,” Midler wrote in a Friday X post, sharing a screenshot from an opinion piece published by The New Republic. (X) The Ruthless People actress shared a specific section of the article that fantasized about a scenario in which Biden orders the arrests of several Republican members of Congress, which included a scene
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Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 2:03:44 PM Post Reply
Despite being the top pick among potential Democrat presidential candidates, Michelle Obama has once again confirmed she will not be running for president. The recent Reuters/Ipsos survey showed that if Joe Biden were to step aside, Michelle Obama would be the most likely candidate to defeat former President Donald Trump. The poll indicated that she would win over Trump with a 50 to 39 percent victory. However, the same could not be said for other potential Democrat contenders, all of whom Trump would best in a hypothetical race.
Terrified Dems have dystopian theory about
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81, in power - as shocking new claims
about his decline emerge
26 replies
Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 8:58:12 AM Post Reply
Top Democrats are so alarmed about Joe Biden's ailing health some fear a shadowy cabal is keeping him in power so they can pull levers behind the scenes, it is claimed. The astonishing theory was detailed in the liberal New York magazine. Its reporter Olivia Nuzzi revealed that even Democrat elites are stumped as to how and why the fast-declining 81 year-old is being allowed to continue his re-election bid. Nuzzi said she had heard questions being posed by high-ranking Democrats on the east and west coasts about whether Biden is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by another group of secretive Democrats.
BREAKING: Vatican says Archbishop Viganò
‘guilty’ of schism and excommunicated
24 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/5/2024 11:49:09 AM Post Reply
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced July 5 that it had declared former U.S Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to be guilty of “schism” and automatically excommunicated. [Snip] On 4 July 2024, the Congress of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith met to conclude the extrajudicial penal process referred to in canon 1720 CIC against the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò, titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, accused of the reserved delict of schism (canons 751 and 1364 CIC; art. 2 SST). [Snip] READ: Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for ‘denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis.
Dems are kidding themselves: Kamala is
a terrible — and terribly awkward — candidate
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 9:01:35 AM Post Reply
After three and a half years of being lukewarm on Kamala Harris, Democrats are suddenly hot hot hot for the Vice President. The party is in full panic mode as Biden’s facade of cogency publicly crumbles faster than Bennifer 2.0. Dems are now desperately trying to make Kamala happen. It’s as if the gods were listening to that shrewd political prognosticator Drew Barrymore, who back in the spring had Harris on her show. There, the actress-turned-host did her signature close-talking to the VP and said, “We need you to be ‘Momala’ of the country.”
Fauci: 'No Doubt' Biden Has The 'Vigor
and Mental Capability' to Have 2nd Term
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/6/2024 9:14:44 AM Post Reply
Whew! I was worried until I saw this! Good thing Anthony Fauci has never gotten it wrong or lied to us in the past, or else I would be skeptical about his diagnosis that President Biden is ready and raring to go to have a successful second term as president. (X) Aside from last Thursday's debate there is absolutely, positively zero credible evidence that Biden is anything other than perfectly fit and mentally capable to perform the job of being leader of the free world and in charge of thousands of nuclear weapons. Zero evidence. You might even say that Biden is "safe and effective" as president.
Thugs in California begin to target assisted
living homes, some reports suggest as
many as 30 seniors attacked in less than
a week from one facility
19 replies
Posted by Harlowe 7/5/2024 2:59:14 PM Post Reply
Checking in on California and we find that civilization continues to unravel at an alarming rate, but nowhere is that more obvious than taking a look at the Bay Area. [Snip] Thirteen senior citizens reported being brutally attacked and robbed in just one week in an Oakland community. one senior living facility in the city, they say the number is much higher and closer to an astounding 30. [Snip] ...residents of the assisted living facility number more than 700, and the average age is 85 years old; when venturing out to grocery shop or run other errands, they’ve been robbed and “brutally” beaten by prowling thugs.
Trump-Hating Pollster Larry Sabato on
CNN: ‘The Race Between Biden and Trump
is No Longer Close – It’s Bad’ (Video)
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/6/2024 7:44:37 AM Post Reply
Larry Sabato, the Trump-hating pollster who is known for his campaign ‘crystal ball,’ said on CNN earlier today that the race between Biden and Trump is no longer close and that the poll numbers he is seeing are ‘bad’ for Biden. This interview happened before the Stephanopoulos interview (which went terribly) and Sabato conceded that one good interview is not going to save Biden or his campaign. The reason these comments should really disturb Democrats is because if there was any kind of silver lining to include here, any single ray of sunshine, Sabato would have pointed it out, but there is no good news for Democrats.
July Fourth violence nationwide kills
at least 33, Chicago ‘in state of grief,’
mayor says
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 10:44:39 PM Post Reply
Shootings and other violence during the extended Fourth of July weekend have left at least 33 people dead, including 11 in Chicago, and injured dozens more nationwide, authorities said. The Fourth of July historically is one of the nation’s deadliest days of the year. A flurry of shootings around the holiday a year ago left more than a dozen people dead and over 60 wounded. And a year before that, seven people died in a mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade near Chicago. Violence and mass shootings often increase in the summer months, with more people gathering for social events, teens out of school and hotter temperatures.
Wisconsin Supreme Court changes course,
will allow expanded use of ballot drop
boxes this fall
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 6:43:10 PM Post Reply
Madison, Wis.— The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled Friday that officials can place ballot drop boxes around their communities in this fall’s elections, overturning its own ruling two years ago limiting their use in the presidential swing state. The court limited the use of drop boxes in July 2022, ruling then that they could be placed only in local election clerks’ offices and no one other than the voter could return a ballot in person. Conservatives controlled the court at that time, but Janet Protasiewicz’s election victory in April 2023 flipped the court to liberal control. Seeing an opening, Priorities USA, a progressive voter mobilization group, asked the court in February
Trump Challenges Biden to Another Debate:
‘Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace!’
17 replies
Posted by Imright 7/5/2024 6:23:15 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump issued a challenge to Joe Biden via Truth Social on July 4th. Trump proposes a one-on-one, no-holds-barred debate to discuss the future of America. The former president’s call for this unconventional debate format promises a direct, unfiltered discussion on key issues affecting the nation. “I have the answer to the Crooked Joe Biden Incompetence Puzzle — Let’s do another Debate,” wrote Trump. He envisions an all-out discussion with just him and Biden on stage.
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