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Companies Abandon DEI

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/22/2024 1:29:35 AM

The Wall Street Journal reports that corporate America is backpedaling away from “diversity”: White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them. PricewaterhouseCoopers and JPMorgan Chase are among those that recently removed or altered descriptions of their programs for underrepresented students. The shift came after an “anti-woke” movement took aim at U.S. companies and a Supreme Court decision overturned affirmative action in college admissions. Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd and the height of the Black Lives Matter movement a year earlier

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Reply 1 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 6/22/2024 3:50:53 AM (No. 1741479)
"Thus, to the extent that not being a meritocracy hurt corporate performance, it wasn’t much of a competitive disadvantage." So neither company A or B suffers as compared to each other. The bean counters in each company can look at the industry "average" performance and note that ALL have "slipped". That allows "management" to conclude that there is no problem with the slip because it is universal in the industry, due to some broad factors "beyond their control". But there is a major problem with their analysis. If the "broad factor" is that ALL companies have "cancer", they are still ALL dying. That IS a problem! If it turns out ALL aircraft companies are seeing a reliability problem with their planes because the excellence of their workers has "slipped", what will the public response be when they discover that flying is no longer as safe? Then, what will their response be when it turns out flying is no longer as safe because companies CHOSE to hire workers based on a DEI selector instead of basing their hiring choices based on who can build the best, safest planes. And once that is proven, will the public start class action suits for pain and suffering when they fly and experience a crisis on a plane that suffers flaws due to these compromises in hiring standards? Many companies have decided to make cheaper products that don't last because there is price based market for these products. That is a marketing decision. "You get what you pay for." is a well established caveat. But those products are, generally, still safe. But you can't demand premium prices for products that fail to meet expected quality and products that are not safe are worthless and so are the companies that make them. In general, companies that hire and retain workers based on merit, produce better, safer, and more desired products. That is an inescapable reality. Companies that stray from seeking meritorious workers by primarily pursuing DEI goals are in a suicide pact. The elimination of DEI goals is an indication that the companies have recognized the problem and are no longer willing to drink the hemlock.
61 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 6/22/2024 4:45:08 AM (No. 1741487)
DEI - Due Expect Incompetence, has been abandoned? Why? It's not rocket science, it's common sense. Just hiring someone because they check an identity box, and not because of competence - is an excuse for many things going wrong. And in many companies, that is exactly what happened.
54 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Trigger2 6/22/2024 5:03:47 AM (No. 1741493)
Good riddance. And take Joey with it.
60 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: SweetPea3 6/22/2024 5:18:03 AM (No. 1741502)
Well, well, well. The cream always rises to the top. Who couldn't see that one coming?
44 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: sw penn 6/22/2024 6:08:24 AM (No. 1741517)
Companies Abandon Mass Hysteria Is a positive sign...
31 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 6/22/2024 6:35:05 AM (No. 1741521)
Underrepresented students become underperforming employees. People in the trenches told you that before DEI became a thing. There is a reason why third world countries remained third world and it's not because they didn't have the same chances to excel and prosper. The people figured out that they could come to America and have everything given to them because our government has been stupid for a long time.
48 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Red Jeep 6/22/2024 6:48:45 AM (No. 1741526)
Didn't Earn It.
45 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Skinnydip 6/22/2024 8:05:57 AM (No. 1741572)
Proof positive that company executives are dumber than their customers.
32 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 6/22/2024 8:27:46 AM (No. 1741578)
But they are ensconced and they won't be able to root them out.
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: The Remnants 6/22/2024 8:35:38 AM (No. 1741583)
Is there any other country in the world that thought their corporations would benefit from DEI hiring policies, or was it only us? And I cannot imagine the millions, if not billions, of dollars that were spent divising, implementing, and promoting these policies (another trillion added to our debt with no return). There must be some evil genius somewhere who directs the Destroy America campaign who is very pleased with himself for chalking up another win.
21 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: udanja99 6/22/2024 9:14:59 AM (No. 1741604)
Absolutely, #9. Try to fire them and you wind up with racial grievance lawsuits.
27 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/22/2024 10:09:11 AM (No. 1741625)
DEI = DIE. They figured it out, what a Miracle!
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Zigrid 6/22/2024 10:21:23 AM (No. 1741631)
It's amazing how now...just as a President Trump come back is looming in the future....they all are deciding the DEI doesn't work...and hiring mediocre people who can't do the job is causing a slip in productivity...surprise!!
14 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 6/22/2024 11:30:18 AM (No. 1741689)
DEI is ILLEGAL RACISM. These companies need to be sued until they stop this racist behavior.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Rumblehog 6/22/2024 11:30:32 AM (No. 1741690)
What's happening within our biggest and most powerful corporations is similar to what's happened in the Executive Branch of our Federal government. A special group within corporate executive ranks slowly chips away at the authority of their CEO. Eventually the DEI Dictator says, "Do this," or "Do that," the CEO had better do it, or else the Dictator reports it to the BoD, who usually go along with the Dictator, not the CEO, depending on current Stock performance, or current public perceptions. Right now in our Federal government we had the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley, telling his RED CHINA counterpart that HE alone will disobey a lawful order from his Commander-in-Chief, should it ever come to that. We also have the CIA working "in collusion" with the FBI/DOJ building a fraudulent case of "Russian Collusion" against a current sitting President! (By doing this they've exposed their true nature, opening a can or worms regarding the JFK assassination, Watergate break-in, and a lot more. All subordinate organizations tend to "mutate" through arrogating more power than they're allowed under their Charters. Unless excised and obliterated, they will destroy both Corporations and government.
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 6/22/2024 12:13:09 PM (No. 1741711)
Meanwhile, other corporation continue to embrace DEI and are being sued for their efforts.
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Italiano 6/22/2024 12:29:56 PM (No. 1741717)
(D)emocrats (E)nabling (I)ncompetence.
17 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: zephyrgirl 6/22/2024 12:30:11 PM (No. 1741718)
Throughout my career, I worked with diversity hires who were adequate performers at one level, but were promoted into management positions beyond their capabilities. Most were eventually sidelined into non-management positions with little or no responsibility and more importantly, no ability to screw up the work of others. Just like AA admissions put diversity candidates in schools more difficult than they can handle, diversity promotions set up minorities to fail. Sometimes people just don't have the skills to perform, and isn't racism to say so.
13 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 6/22/2024 1:13:27 PM (No. 1741739)
Huh. Follow the money wins. No surprise, DEI companies?
5 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: JimBob 6/22/2024 2:55:14 PM (No. 1741757)
DEI: Didn't Earn It. For my entire 33-year career as an engineer in a small science agency within the Federal government, I had to outperform so as to overcome 'Affirmative Action', which I always understood to be race and sex discrimination against me, wrapped in an impenetrably thick fog of bureaucratese. Read #1's comment, but apply it to the legal system, where there is no 'competition for quality products'. Look at the main actors persecuting President Trump. Alvin Bragg. Fanni Willis. Nathan Wade, Fanni's extravagantly overpaid 'main squeeze'. There's your DEI in action..... and America is much worse off that it exists.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Italiano 6/22/2024 3:53:34 PM (No. 1741768)
Hopefully the airlines will follow suit before air passengers start dying.
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: DanvilleBill 6/22/2024 6:44:50 PM (No. 1741802)
I never liked DEI. I think MAGA is better Make Affordable Groceries Again.
5 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Lawsy0 6/22/2024 11:43:11 PM (No. 1741863)
I remember back when any minority that was not YOU was called a "target of opportunity hire."
0 people like this.

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Posted by Dreadnought 6/24/2024 1:01:58 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:42:39 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:40:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:31:24 PM Post Reply
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Climate Protesters Storm 18th Green at
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8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 5:40:20 PM Post Reply
A mob of climate protesters stormed the 18th green at the Professional Golf Association’s Travelers Championship in Cromwell, Connecticut, on Sunday afternoon during a pivotal closing moment, setting off colorful smoke bombs and preventing play from continuing. As Scottie Scheffler prepared to take a putt to win the championship, play was interrupted as the protesters charged onto the green. Police immediately descended on the mob, tackling and handcuffing the protesters as the audience booed, chanting “a**hole” and “U-S-A” as police led the disruptors off the course. Several of the protesters were wearing shirts emblazoned with the phrase, “NO GOLF ON A DEAD PLANET.”
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9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/22/2024 10:13:47 PM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, said during a campaign trip on Saturday that he has picked his vice presidential nominee just days before the June 27 presidential debate. Trump told reporters he’s chosen his running mate for the 2024 campaign but has not told the candidate yet. The vice-presidential choice will be attending the debate between Trump and President Joe Biden set to take place next week, Trump said. The first presidential debate between Trump and Biden will air on CNN in primetime for 90 minutes. Trump will be hoping Joe Biden’s age and apparent mental decline will be on display for a national audience.
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9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/22/2024 1:33:21 AM Post Reply
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Companies Abandon DEI 23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/22/2024 1:29:35 AM Post Reply
The Wall Street Journal reports that corporate America is backpedaling away from “diversity”: White-collar companies that once championed programs to recruit diverse employees are now tiptoeing away from them. PricewaterhouseCoopers and JPMorgan Chase are among those that recently removed or altered descriptions of their programs for underrepresented students. The shift came after an “anti-woke” movement took aim at U.S. companies and a Supreme Court decision overturned affirmative action in college admissions. Employers’ embrace of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives peaked in 2021, sparked by the death of George Floyd and the height of the Black Lives Matter movement a year earlier
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Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:07:09 AM Post Reply
North Carolina parents have slammed a charter school for outing their nonbinary six-year-old twins after discovering an online hate campaign. Mortellus, 42, who did not want to reveal their full identity, said they did not think there was any issue when they first toured the Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy in Forest City, North Carolina, with their spouse Joe. During the visit, Mortellus - who is transgender and nonbinary - inquired if there were any gender-neutral bathrooms. The pair told staff their children are nonbinary, and one is gender-fluid.
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Posted by Imright 6/24/2024 4:31:02 AM Post Reply
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MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’
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Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:34:41 AM Post Reply
Symone Sanders, who used to work for the office of VP Kamala Harris and now has her own MSNBC show for some reason, recently snapped at her guests and scolded them for using the term ‘illegal’ immigrants. They were discussing the recent murder of Americans by people in the country illegally, but the real concern for Sanders seemed not to be the victims. She was far more offended by the word ‘illegal’ when used to accurately describe illegal immigrants. This is leftism in a nutshell. MSNBC Triggered By ‘Illegal’ While Discussing Illegal Immigrant Murder NewsBusters reported:
Maxine Waters: If Trump Wins in November
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Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 7:05:47 PM Post Reply
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said on this week’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Saturday Show” that if former President Donald Trump wins in November, there will be violence and “more killings.” {snip} Host Jonathan Capehart asked, “How concerned are you about your safety if Donald Trump is re-elected?” Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win,it is going to be fraud,
Mom of California car thief who was fatally
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24 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 3:30:50 PM Post Reply
The mother of an accused California car thief who was fatally stabbed during a heist attempt wants authorities to reopen the case and charge her son’s killer in the name of “justice.” Xavier Jerrod Cerf, 27, was fatally stabbed around 8 p.m. June 17 after a group of students confronted him as he allegedly tried to steal an older Mercedes parked behind a frat house on the University of Southern California’s Greek Row, according to ABC 7. Cerf allegedly told the students that the car was his because it was “calling him” and “had his name” — then told them he had a handgun before reaching for his waist, investigators said.
Biden Wins Crucial Coin Flip, Picks Curious
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22 replies
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 10:24:45 AM Post Reply
Given how much former President Donald Trump loves to get the final word in on any issue, one would assume that President Joe Biden would cherish the chance to strip his predecessor of getting a last word in, especially in a debate setting. One would assume wrong. According to CNN, which will host the first debate, Biden won a crucial coin flip ahead of the June 27 debate. The coin, which turned up tails, gave Team Biden the option to choose between either podium position or the order in which closing remarks are delivered. The incumbent, apparently, opted to lock in his podium position — a seemingly far lesser advantage
The Numbers Are In: DeSantis' Crackdown
on Illegal Immigration in Florida Is Already
Paying Off
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/23/2024 6:03:52 PM Post Reply
Governor Ron DeSantis’ crackdown on illegal immigrants seems to be paying off in more ways than one, according to a recent report. The governor’s multi-pronged effort to reduce illegal immigration in Florida has resulted in a significant reduction in the number of taxpayer dollars going to fund healthcare for those residing in the country illegally. The governor signed a law last year requiring hospitals that accept Medicaid to ask patients about their legal immigration status when they seek treatment. The legislation does not compel patients to answer the question, but immigrant rights groups argued that it would discourage them from receiving medical attention funded by the government.
NYC Jewish family pummeled at 5th-grade
commencement by attendees shouting ‘Free
Palestine,’ mom says
20 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 12:58:48 PM Post Reply
A Jewish mom and her husband were attacked and beaten at a Brooklyn elementary school graduation by an Arabic-speaking family — who taunted them with shouts of “Free Palestine!” “Gaza is Ours!” and “Death to Israel!” she told The Post. The mayhem erupted at PS 682 in Gravesend just after the school’s fifth-grade graduation — which was themed, ironically, “All you need is love.” Instead, the Jewish woman’s husband was thrown to the ground by members of the other family. One man put him in a chokehold, he said. Others grabbed his legs as they kicked and punched him.
Inside Joe Biden's secret debate rehearsals
ahead of next week's showdown with Donald
Trump - and the biggest mistakes he could make
19 replies
Posted by Imright 6/23/2024 4:52:50 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden is locked in an intense five-day debate camp as he prepares to take on his hated rival Donald Trump in Thursday's televised brawl. Trump is expected to goad, insult, interrupt, and heckle the president - and the man playing him in practice sessions won't take it any easier on Biden. Bob Bauer, the president's longtime personal lawyer, is expected to stand in for Trump as he did before the successful 2020 debates. (Photos) Such is the code of silence around debate camps that Bauer wouldn't even confirm he would reprise his role as the villain this time.
High-Speed Rail in USA: An Expensive Tax
Burden and Inefficient Solution for America’s
Travel Infrastructure
18 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/23/2024 9:32:55 AM Post Reply
For some reason, high-speed rail is a hot-button issue for liberals and a frequent point of criticism from Chinese communist propaganda and Europeans when they attack the U.S. “How can you call yourself a developed country when you don’t have high-speed rail?” they ask. The reality is that high-speed rail would be more expensive and less efficient than our current travel infrastructure. High-speed rail works in Europe and China because of government subsidies, higher taxes, and because people typically travel shorter distances and have fewer travel options. The U.S. has more cars per capita, more highways, more airports, and more railroads than China or the EU. Additionally, Americans prefer to drive
Biden’s RADICAL judicial nominee just
busted lying under oath–Sen. Kennedy
brought damning receipts…
17 replies
Posted by Trapper 6/23/2024 8:33:01 PM Post Reply
Sometimes, you witness a takedown so epic, it leaves everyone watching in utter amazement. That’s exactly what happened to Joe Biden’s radical left-wing judicial nominee, Karla Campbell. She’s a hare-brained left-wing attorney from Nashville and Biden’s Marxist pick for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and her judicial dreams might have just imploded. After being caught lying under oath, her hopes of becoming the left’s next activist judge may be over.
Poll: Nearly Half of US EV Owners Regret Purchase 16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/23/2024 10:40:02 PM Post Reply
To listen to the Biden administration, the situation with electric vehicles is going swimmingly. People love them. Government subsidies make them more affordable. As a bonus, you get the pride and satisfaction of knowing that you're doing your part to rescue Mother Earth from carbon emissions or whatever. But according to a recent survey from McKinsey and Co. conducted this month, people remain unconvinced, particularly in the United States. They polled EV owners in nine countries and found that 46% of American owners of EVs want to switch back to gas-powered cars with internal combustion engines. There were lower levels of dissatisfaction in some other nations, but nearly half
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