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The Russians Are Coming

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/18/2024 5:49:21 PM

The Russians are coming. Again. In a dramatic reminder that the Russians are seeking to intimidate the White House and launch a second chapter of the Cold War, a Russian nuclear-powered submarine, along with an accompanying flotilla of warships, recently spent five days visiting Cuba. In the event, the Oval Office missed the point; several of these vessels can deploy nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Published reports suggest the Biden Administration's response is studied indifference, telling reporters that missile test firings off the Florida coast by the Russian vessels were routine. Hardly.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 6/18/2024 7:25:07 PM (No. 1739660)
I blame Biden and his fellow Corruptocrats and Repulicrooks.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 6/18/2024 8:27:59 PM (No. 1739671)
And if Russia is permitted to succeed in Ukraine, a second Cold War is exactly what we'll get. Best to bust them up now, relatively cheaply, than to face another decades-long arms race. Although I'm sure there are some career government and corporate types who wouldn't mind that one bit.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: smokincol 6/18/2024 8:34:02 PM (No. 1739675)
au contraire .... they're already here and they are called "Democrats"
9 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 6/18/2024 10:53:17 PM (No. 1739698)
Russian warships test-firing missiles off the coast of Florida is "routine" - may be the biggest lie spun by the regime to date.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Alecto2 6/19/2024 9:31:15 AM (No. 1739857)
T*t for tat. US/NATO have been provoking Russia. The current administration is desperate for a war to solve the myriads of self-inflicted disasters. Putin engaged in a bit of "red rag" provocation or deflection of his own. I'd be more worried about the Strategic Partnership he just signed with N Korea. He implied NATO's supply of F-16s to Ukraine could trigger the military component of the Partnership. Do we have any reservations that the N Korean crazies would attack US bases in S Korea?
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Reply 6 - Posted by: Luandir 6/19/2024 12:14:50 PM (No. 1739980)
Then the Russian sub started falling apart. Yep, Cold War all over again.
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 11:06:25 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 10:39:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 10:37:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 10:29:46 AM Post Reply
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California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took
It Over.
4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 9:38:58 AM Post Reply
Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County. Violence like this was supposed to disappear after legalization. Legalization advocates argued that making the drug trade legal would end the grip of the cartels. Instead, the legal market has failed, and the cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country. California's legal drug revenues have fallen consistently, as have those in other legal drug states including Colorado,
Schwarzenegger: ‘Climate change dialogue’
not going to work
6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/21/2024 9:35:19 AM Post Reply
Actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) said that the traditional “climate change dialogue” is not going to work anymore, particularly when it comes to high-polluting countries. Schwarzenegger joined MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire on Thursday to discuss clean energy and climate solutions. Lemire asked “The Terminator” star how he would try to reach bigger polluters like China and India and warn them of the climate change effects. “Well, I think that there will always be obstacles,” Schwarzenegger replied, later adding, “I think all of it has to do with communication.”
Barack Obama vs. Bayard Rustin on Affirmative
Action, Reparations and Israel
4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/20/2024 7:45:05 AM Post Reply
"Rustin" is a Netflix biopic produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. Bayard Rustin, the underappreciated black 1960s civil rights activist, certainly deserves an ambitious film about his life. After all, the 1963 "March on Washington" that culminated with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s historic "I Have a Dream" speech was Rustin's brainchild. Rustin, in a matter of about seven weeks, assembled a team that promoted the march and handled the logistics. This included security, transportation, seating, a sound system, and providing water and restroom facilities for an expected 100,000 attendees that swelled to a crowd of 250,000.
Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans
at Southwest Border In 156 Days
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/20/2024 7:41:12 AM Post Reply
There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border. When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan. "[V]arious groups in the Central Region retain the capability and will to target U.S. interests abroad in under six months with little to no warning," Kurilla said in a written statement to the committee. "We assess an attack on American soil would likely take longer," he said.
Defendant in Vatican trial takes case
to UN, accuses pope of violating his rights
with surveillance
1 reply
Posted by Mercedes44 6/19/2024 7:05:19 PM Post Reply
One of the defendants in the Vatican’s big financial trial has formally complained to the United Nations that Pope Francis violated his human rights by authorizing wide-ranging surveillance during the investigation. A lawyer for Raffaele Mincione, a London-based financier, submitted a complaint last week to the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights via a special procedure that allows individuals or groups to provide the U.N. with information about alleged rights violations in countries or institutions.
Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me 10 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/19/2024 7:03:25 PM Post Reply
The generation that was raised during the global financial crisis and the onsets of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars has been a stalwart for the Democratic Party for over a decade. I was knocking doors for President Obama and local Democrats in 2012 even before I could vote. I served as a College Democrats chapter president through the 2016 election cycle, and then voted for President Biden in 2020. In 2024, less than four years into the Biden administration, the world and our country have entered alarming trajectories. If Biden is nominated for reelection, he will be the first Democratic nominee whom I do not support.
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from the Donald Trump classified documents
case by fellow judges in shocking move
27 replies
Posted by Imright 6/21/2024 1:38:19 AM Post Reply
Senior judges in Florida approached Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon last year to ask her to step back from his Mar-a-Lago classified documents case – but she steadfastly refused, according to a shocking new report. Cannon has been the source of fury and puzzlement among Trump critics after she issued rulings in the case that got overturned and failed to get it on track for trial before the November elections. Trump was indicted in June 2023 and charged with illegally retaining national security documents at his Florida club.Not long after the fact, two senior federal judges asked Cannon, who had been assigned the case, to step back, the New York Times reported Thursday,
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Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 3:21:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 8:14:01 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 7:39:10 AM Post Reply
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Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò
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of Pope Francis’
22 replies
Posted by Harlowe 6/20/2024 11:46:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 6/20/2024 9:14:42 AM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 10:47:00 AM Post Reply
Every once in a while, history gives us a second chance. The multitude of errors and missed signals that led up to the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon taught us valuable lessons about the nature of the world we live in and how truly vulnerable we are in the United States to bad actors looking for blood. One of the most valuable lessons we learned from that terrible day is that complacency is a deadly disease that can result in tragedy too painful to bear. We had many warnings about Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda
Senate Passes Legislation to Accelerate
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18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/20/2024 12:44:42 AM Post Reply
A bipartisan bill that will advance the development of nuclear energy power plants in the nation was passed by the United States Senate on Tuesday. In an 88-2 vote, the Senate voted to pass the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, which is part of the Fire Grants and Safety Act (S.8.70), according to a press release from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW). The ADVANCE Act will now move forward to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed. “Today, we sent the ADVANCE Act to the president’s desk because Congress worked together to recognize the importance of nuclear
Who or What is Responsible for Hajj Desths? 17 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/21/2024 11:12:17 AM Post Reply
As the death toll rises, debate is raging over whether bad organization, weather or gate-crashing pilgrims are to blame for more than 1,000 reported deaths in Saudi Arabia during the annual Hajj religious gathering. Arabic-language social media has been flooded this week with shocking images from Saudi Arabia. The pictures and videos show people who were undertaking their once-in-a-lifetime Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca collapsed on the side of the road or slumped in wheelchairs, apparently close to death or dead. They are dressed in traditional pilgrim's white, their faces covered with cloths.
Moment California Democrat WEEPS when
Latina Republican tells him why slavery
reparations are doomed
17 replies
Posted by Imright 6/20/2024 1:14:56 PM Post Reply
A top California Democrat was brought to tears when he was told in a heated debate that Asian and Latino residents shouldn't have to pay for a controversial slavery reparations package. Ash Kalra, the Indian-American chair of the Assembly Judiciary Committee, briefly sobbed in a tense exchange with Latina Republican Kate Sanchez as she slammed race-based payouts. The pair were debating Senate Bill 1331, one of 14 reparations bills being weighed by lawmakers after a task force last year proposed $1.2 million packages for every descendant of slavery.
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Summoned to Vatican to be Excommunicated
16 replies
Posted by Kate318 6/20/2024 6:33:25 PM Post Reply
Archbishop Carlo Vigano, a friend of the faithful and totally dedicated to the church and sharing Jesus Christ in all he does has been notified that he is being summoned to the Vatican. Our friend, Archbishop Vigano has stood up against the destruction of the church, COVID mandates that crushed individual rights worldwide, and stolen elections. He has called out this Pope for his destructive actions against the church and others like China and the World Economic Forum. For this he is being excommunicated from the Hoy Catholic Church.
Massachusetts launches $1 million taxpayer-funded
campaign warning of 'dangers' of pro-life
pregnancy centers
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/20/2024 10:51:08 AM Post Reply
Massachusetts' Democratic leadership announced a first-in-the-nation public education campaign warning about pro-life pregnancy clinics' "dangers and potential harm." Ads on social media, radio, billboards and transit that began rolling out on June 10 warn women to "avoid anti-abortion centers," the Executive Office of Health and Human Services announced. The ads direct viewers to a webpage advertising how to "search for a trusted abortion provider." (snip) These (pro-life) clinics typically provide free testing, baby items, counseling and other forms of support for women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. Supporters say they provide education and resources for women to explore alternatives to abortion to make an informed decision about their pregnancy.
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