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Today’s blacklisted American: Federal
court rules conservative kids have no
free speech rights

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Posted By: Christopher L, 6/12/2024 1:05:25 PM

They’re coming for you next: In a ruling that completely contradicts long standing court rulings that had insisted the first amendment allowed students to wear T-shirts and armbands with whatever political statements they wished, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on June 9, 2024 ruled that a Massachusetts middle school had the right to censor and ban a 12-year-old boy wearing a shirt that said “There are only two genders.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 6/12/2024 1:09:32 PM (No. 1735980)
If it doesn't get reversed, just leave the country, it's over.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JunkYardDog 6/12/2024 1:25:29 PM (No. 1735990)
Sounds like the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit is just a bunch of liberal goobers wearing black robes, NOT responsible judges looking out for the rights of US citizens under the US Constitution. They should be all dis-barred for this blatant travesty.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: SkyKing1222 6/12/2024 1:36:11 PM (No. 1735991)
Hard to believe that a biological fact is even involved in free speech issues.
29 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 6/12/2024 1:43:30 PM (No. 1735993)
What more can one expect from a JD from UC, Berkeley
15 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: kono 6/12/2024 2:23:07 PM (No. 1736008)
The contentious statement on the shirt isn't polotical. It's anthropological, and the gender ideology opposing it is a religion of its own, now.
14 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: kono 6/12/2024 2:23:35 PM (No. 1736009)
* political (cringe)
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thomthomp 6/12/2024 2:51:09 PM (No. 1736018)
#1, where are you going to go?
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 6/12/2024 3:00:42 PM (No. 1736022)
Someone should print up a few more shirts, would sell like hotcakes to anyone wanting to make a easy few thousand $ in the lawsuit.
5 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Northcross 6/12/2024 3:29:52 PM (No. 1736032)
It is high time for a bunch of domestic terrorist parents to storm a school board meeting, or for 80% of the student body to show up with the same shirt.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: ASAvet 6/12/2024 3:38:29 PM (No. 1736036)
Still think we don't need a little vigilante ??
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: ASAvet 6/12/2024 3:39:43 PM (No. 1736038)
justice ?? (sorry)
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: rememberwhen 6/12/2024 4:52:21 PM (No. 1736075)
The shirt is wrong. there are 3 ge3nders: masculine, feminine. and neuter. However, they only apply to words. Humans don't have gender; they are one of two sexes--male or female.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: hoosierblue 6/13/2024 6:15:56 AM (No. 1736328)
What happened to being inclusive and diverse ??
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Reply 14 - Posted by: MickTurn 6/13/2024 10:36:25 AM (No. 1736559)
WRONG, ALL CITIZENS, regardless of Age HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS in the CONSTITUTION. These Leftist Thug Judges need a serious fatal case of AIDS...OOPS, my fingers are out of control.....actually I meant to say, Impeachment, Removal, Disbar!
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Today’s blacklisted American: Federal
court rules conservative kids have no
free speech rights
14 replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/12/2024 1:05:25 PM Post Reply
They’re coming for you next: In a ruling that completely contradicts long standing court rulings that had insisted the first amendment allowed students to wear T-shirts and armbands with whatever political statements they wished, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on June 9, 2024 ruled that a Massachusetts middle school had the right to censor and ban a 12-year-old boy wearing a shirt that said “There are only two genders.”
Lenin everlasting 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 6/1/2024 1:39:31 PM Post Reply
Later in this issue, Gary Saul Morson writes about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s masterwork The Gulag Archipelago. Much of that book is devoted to the details of the dehumanizing brutality of the Stalinist regime: in which terror had its roots in the brief but brutal reign of Vladimir Lenin. This year marks the centenary of Lenin’s death. In January 1924, the consummate communist, having blighted as many lives as he could in his two years of rule, finally shuffled off his mortal coil, aged fifty-three. “That was young,” you may say. But we reply, “Not nearly young enough.”
Will Argentina Save The West? 3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/8/2024 11:53:56 AM Post Reply
That’s not a headline I ever expected to write, even in satire. But the current experiment in Argentina, under the presidency of Javier Milei, is perhaps grounds for hope that at some point when things get so bad, voters return to their senses. (I’m looking at you, California and Minnesota.) He may not succeed, but the attempt is certainly inspiring. Milei gave a speech a few days ago at the Milken Institute’s annual conference. Here are some of the best parts:
EVs Enter the Doom Loop 10 replies
Posted by Christopher L 5/1/2024 10:32:22 AM Post Reply
The irrational exuberance of the electric vehicle bubble is reaching its denouement, as legacy automakers are backing off of their previously ambitious EV sales and production goals, proposed new EV manufacturing plants are being suspended, and lithium battery manufacturing operations are laying off workers. There is an almost predictable storyline in how these ventures have played out, which is reminiscent of the dot-com bubble of a quarter-century ago, except that the dot-com bubble wasn’t suffused in eco-virtuousness nor did the companies of its era receive such heavy public subsidization before going bust.
Special Counsel Jack Smith Lacks Standing
to Defend the D.C. Circuit's ruling on
Presidential Immunity in the Supreme Court
3 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/22/2024 11:44:45 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, April 25th the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Trump v. United States. I have signed an amicus brief in this case, along with former Attorneys General Ed Meese, Michael Mukasey, (snip)  We claim that because Jack Smith was unconstitutionally appointed, he therefore lacks standing to defend the order of the D.C. Circuit denying Donald Trump's claim of inherent presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for acts taken while serving as President. Smith can no more defend the lower court order than can any random person picked off the street.
Tariq Speaks 1 reply
Posted by Christopher L 4/9/2024 2:48:56 PM Post Reply
The IDF has released video of the highlights of its interrogation of Palestinian Islamic Jihad spokesman Tariq Salami Otha Abu Shoulf. As IDF Lt. Col. (reserve) Peter Lerner puts it, “In his interrogation he reveals in simple terms how they organize the mass manipulation of the media.” As we have all seen over the years, it’s not too difficult. The terrorists and their allies have had it worked out for some time. Lt. Col. Lerner is frustrated that this video will not get the publicity it deserves.
The Biden administration’s war against
the government of Israel
6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 4/8/2024 10:01:32 AM Post Reply
The war rages in the Gaza Strip, northern Israel, Lebanon, Eilat and on the streets of Israel’s cities as Iran’s Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni proxies maintain and escalate their operations against the Jewish state. Unmoved by this state of affairs, Israel’s far left is reinstating the anti-government riots that occurred regularly through the first three-quarters of 2023. (snip)  there are a number of reasons this is happening. But perhaps the main one was revealed by riot leader Ami Dror.  In that communication, Dror told his colleagues that the White House was asking them to reinstate the riots.
Part 1: The expected upcoming election
chaos caused by the left’s hatred of
any opposition
1 reply
Posted by Christopher L 3/28/2024 4:08:23 PM Post Reply
The kerfuffle this week at MSNBC because NBC had hired former Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is important not because of what eventually happened (MSNBC quickly announced McDaniel was banned though she would still appear on NBC), but by what it reveals of the left’s political class. Democrat politicians everywhere, both pretending to be journalists at MSNBC as well as within the leaders of the Democratic Party, complained that it was unacceptable to hire a former Republican Party leader, simply because she had dared express opinions and conclusions they disagreed with.
Part 2: A further list of upcoming Democratic
Party election chaos
1 reply
Posted by Christopher L 3/28/2024 4:08:11 PM Post Reply
In part one of this series I outlined one Democratic Party scenario for stealing a Trump election victory, based on the possibility that they might regain control of both Houses of Congress this year due to Republican resignations, and use that power to interfere with the election result as a lame duck Congress. Today I will to outline several of the far more likely tactics the Democratic Party will use in the coming months, before, during, and after the election, to make the first scenario above more doable, should it be necessary due to a Trump victory.
Part 3: The expected tantrum of madness
should Biden actually lose the election
6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 3/28/2024 4:08:00 PM Post Reply
For the past two days I have tried to lay out some of the illegal and immoral strategies and tactics of the Democratic Party in its relentless effort to guarantee a win in this year’s presidential election, no matter what. The bottom line is that Democratic Party politicians and their allies in the press and big tech will stop at nothing to prevent Donald Trump from regaining the White House. They will cheat, lie, encourage riots and looting, censor and blacklist their opponents, and in the end, even commit election and voter fraud on a massive scale.
Enemies Of The People 6 replies
Posted by Christopher L 3/23/2024 11:10:58 AM Post Reply
When we started this site, exposing mainstream media bias was a big part of our mission. Using the then-new internet, we and many others held liberal outlets (i.e., virtually all of them) accountable in a way that hadn’t happened before. The effect of that effort was not that the liberal press became more accurate or more objective. Rather, they came out of the closet. For the most part, they no longer make any serious pretense of neutrality. Whether that is an improvement or not is debatable.
How Many Millions of Illegal Aliens in
the Country Does the Democrat Party Need
to Destroy America?
5 replies
Posted by Christopher L 3/21/2024 2:00:22 PM Post Reply
I entered duty with the U.S. Border Patrol in 1995, back when there were only 5,000 people (Agents and support personnel) in all of the USBP.  I was the Director of the Aircraft Maintenance Facility in the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector. My guys maintained Piper Super Cubs and Aerospatiale A-Star AS-350 helicopters for our cadre of pilots. Back then, the Chief Pilot and I collected daily Air Operations performance data.  The pilots annotated (after flight) on their flight logs how many aerial-assisted apprehensions (APPs) they performed as well as the number of GOT AWAYs pilots counted from the air. 
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Report: Joe Biden Says Hunter Is Victim
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35 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/13/2024 10:56:51 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of justice following his gun conviction on Tuesday. A Delaware jury found Hunter guilty of all three gun charges. He faces up to 25 years in prison and $750,000 in fines. The octogenarian pledged last week in France he would not pardon Hunter. He has not, however, spoken about whether he would deliver a commutation. The president feels guilty over Hunter’s legal predicament, two people not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations about Hunter told Politico. They also told the outlet Joe Biden believes he contributed to Hunter’s plight.
Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Law
Banning Puberty Blockers, Hormone Treatments
for Children
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/12/2024 12:12:44 AM Post Reply
A federal judge on Tuesday overturned parts of Florida’s law restricting the use of “gender-affirming care” on children. The judge declared multiple statutes related to puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgeries to be unconstitutional. The law was aimed at preventing medical facilities from prescribing irreversible “gender-affirming” treatments to young children. Several studies have shown these treatments to be not only ineffective but harmful to minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Nevertheless, the judge struck down the measure. A federal judge on Tuesday struck down parts of Florida’s restrictions on transition-related medical care for transgender minors and adults, declaring several statutes that ban such care unconstitutional.
Biden Vetoes Chance to Give U.S. Troops
a Pay Raise Despite Spending Seven Times
More On Ukraine
29 replies
Posted by Imright 6/13/2024 2:03:32 AM Post Reply
The Biden Administration is facing intense criticism after shooting down a proposal to give U.S. military troops a pay raise. The House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) draft of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) proposed a $24 billion pay raise to enlisted U.S. service members. However, the Biden Administration said that it “strongly opposes” approving such a “significant” and “permanent” pay raise, citing budgetary constraints. On the contrary, the Democratic administration recently just approved spending nearly seven times the amount to fund Ukraine’s ongoing war with Russia.
Fitness Center Internal Memo Labels Pride/BLM
Symbols ‘Freedom Of Expression,’ Bans
US Flag Except For Holidays
26 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:48:41 AM Post Reply
An internal memo from the 24 Hour Fitness Center labels Black Lives Matter and Pride Symbols “freedom of expression” while banning patriotic items like the American flag, except for holidays. In the letter obtained by Libs Of TikTok, it informs employees that the fitness company is committed to “creating a more inclusive environment” before it details what is and is not allowed. The memo said it encourages employees to “bring their full selves to work everyday” and then lists that “team members” can wear apparel that shows their “solidarity and support” for the following movements. “Black Lives Matter/BLM words.” “‘Pride’ and or pride rainbow logo.” “Juneteenth logo, symbol or date on Juneteenth (June 19).”
Massachusetts Bill Would Allow Women to
Sell Their Unborn Children
25 replies
Posted by earlybird 6/12/2024 4:57:53 PM Post Reply
On June 12, the Massachusetts House is expected to vote on a bill that would allow mothers to exchange their children for money—that is, engage in baby-selling—under the name of “parentage equality.” The “Parentage Equality” bill seeks to redefine parenthood. Parenthood is recognized on its natural biological basis, or in cases of adoption, justice for a child who has suffered loss by providing them with a safe, loving home. This bill redefines it on the basis of a “person’s intent to be a parent of a child.” In doing so, it strips all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing these vital familial roles with gender-erased language.
Goldie Hawn Says She Lives in Fear After
Home Break-Ins - California's Crime Also
Reaching Celebrities
24 replies
Posted by Hazymac 6/13/2024 7:15:43 AM Post Reply
It used to be that the rich and powerful were exempt from the everyday woes middle-class citizens experienced at the hands of poor Democratic leadership. But at some point, things get so bad that it even reaches those at the top. Goldie Hawn recently confessed that she and Kurt Russell's home had been invaded twice in the last four months, once even while she was in the home. She described the disturbing situation during an interview on SiriusXM's "Let's Talk Off Camera with Kelly Ripa." The first time took an emotional toll on her. She and Kurt had gone out for dinner and when they returned, they found the home ransacked:
Biden Arrives in Italy Looking Dazed and
Confused… And Will Skip the G7 Dinner! (Video)
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/13/2024 1:24:22 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden and all of Hunter Biden’s adult children landed in Italy Wednesday evening ahead of the G7 Summit. The Bidens are traveling to Italy on taxpayer dime while Americans struggle to make ends meet. The Daily Mail reported: All of Hunter Biden’s adult children are joining President Joe Biden on his trip to Italy to meet with G7 leaders, one day after their father was convicted on federal gun charges. Finnegan Biden, 23, who is Hunter’s middle daughter, boarded Marine One with the president early Wednesday morning as he departed Delaware after rushing home to Wilmington
Booker: I Do Not Trust Trump-Appointed
Judges to Secure Our Rights
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/12/2024 4:59:31 PM Post Reply
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Tuesday on CBS’s “The Late Show” that he did not trust former President Donald Trump’s appointed federal judges. Host Stephen Colbert said, “Let’s talk about the Supreme Court for a second. One of the things that people are speculation is that something is foundational to the modern American view of equality, Brown v.Board of Education could fall under the Supreme Court. Is that alarmist? Or would you not put this past them?” Booker said, “Take Donald Trump at his word and listen to people, what they say to you. I’ve been on the Judiciary Committee now for years and I was stunned
Dick Durbin to Americans: DACA Illegal
Aliens Are ‘the Future of Our Country’
20 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 6/12/2024 4:05:55 PM Post Reply
In celebrating 12 years since former President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said DACA illegal aliens are “the future of our country.”[Snip] Despite President Joe Biden’s growing the American labor market almost exclusively with foreign workers, Durbin said more foreign workers are needed to fill American jobs.[Snip]Durbin urged lawmakers to pass his DREAM Act amnesty legislation that would offer green cards and, eventually, naturalized American citizenship to most of the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living throughout the United States.
Poll: Only 19% of Joe Biden Voters Say
Society Benefits from Marriage, Having Children
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/12/2024 3:10:21 AM Post Reply
Very few supporters of President Joe Biden believe prioritizing marriage and having children is beneficial for society, polling from the Pew Research Center found. Only 19 percent of Biden voters say that “society is better off if people make marriage and having children a priority,” compared to 59 percent of former President Donald Trump supporters and 39 percent of registered voters overall. The results come amid a singleness and loneliness epidemic among young people and as the United States continues to experience the lowest birth rate in a century.
California's pot economy is crashing.
What comes next?
20 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/12/2024 12:33:14 AM Post Reply
Vince Ning has a singular perspective on California’s weed industry. (snip) The number of legal cannabis growers and brands has decreased by more than 70% since legalization first went into effect, according to the Mercury News. A recent report found that pot companies owe the state more than $730 million in back taxes, money that California likely will never see as most of those companies have already folded. (snip) Estimates vary on how large the illicit market is, but the head of enforcement for the state Department of Cannabis Control recently told NPR that the illicit market is “definitely larger” than the legal market.
Biden awkwardly salutes Italian Prime
Minister Giorgia Meloni as he arrives
at G7 Summit
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/13/2024 9:34:02 AM Post Reply
US President Joe Biden awkwardly saluted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as he arrived at the G7 summit in Italy on Thursday. Biden, 81, was the last of the world leaders to arrive at the venue in southern Puglia as he shuffled onto the stage where Meloni was waiting. The two spoke for a few moments before Meloni pointed towards a frame of the G7 logo, which each leader in attendance signed with a marker. As he began his walk off the platform, Biden raised his right arm over his eye and saluted his Italian counterpart. The G7 is an informal
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