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Posts on Thursday, February 22, 2024

‘Peter Pan’ Production Rewrites Native
American Characters to Eliminate ‘Racist’
Tone and Provide a ‘Safe Place’
Posted by Beardo 2/22/2024 10:43:55 PM Post Reply
A new stage production of the highly popular coming of age play Peter Pan will seek to eliminate some of the original songs for the Native American characters, to rewrite the scenes to offer Native Americans a “safe place,” and to cancel the “stereotypes” and “caricatures” of Native peoples. The latest Broadway revival has hired Lakota playwright Larissa FastHorse to rewrite the book for the new touring production because, in her words, the original play by J.M. Barrie “had caused harm to people.” “When you read the original material, it’s very hurtful, it’s blatantly hurtful."
Constitution? What Constitution? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:24:18 PM Post Reply
We keep on being gaslit with the argument that Joe Biden is dedicated to preserving the norms and laws of our Republic, while Trump is bent on destroying our Constitutional Republic. As with so many things argued by the Left, the opposite is the case. When Trump overstepped his authority and was chastised by the Court, he bowed to their authority. Biden? He does the opposite and brags about it. Example #1 is, of course, his student loan forgiveness efforts. Biden ran on providing student loan forgiveness, and when he assumed office, he tried to wipe away billions in this debt with the stroke of a pen.
Of Course: ABC News Cheers Biden’s Latest
Student Loan Bailout
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 9:01:09 PM Post Reply
Among the evening network newscasts, ABC News continues its unparalleled run as the most stridently and shamelessly pro-Biden. Tonight’s report on the latest student loan handout might as well have come from the White House’s comms shop. Watch the report in its entirety as aired on ABC World News Tonight on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024: (Video) DAVID MUIR: The other major headline of the White House today involves the president canceling $1.2 billion in student loan debt, more than 150,000 student borrowers. This was a campaign promise, of course, and he continues to push forward on this. MARY BRUCE: He does, David. And starting today, 153,000 student borrowers will be receiving
Dems Are Desperate to Praise Biden but
What They're Latching on to Now Is Truly Hilarious
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 8:54:50 PM Post Reply
We reported on how Joe Biden is in California doing a bunch of campaign events, trying to hype his flagging effort. He was at the Culver City Library on Wednesday speaking to a tiny crowd about student debt forgiveness, what looks like a vote-buying effort, as well as an end run around the Supreme Court and Congress. He couldn't draw people, even with many of those people being public officials. Why speak in a library rather than on a college campus, for example? He was likely afraid he would be besieged by anti-Israel activists and that wouldn't convey the picture they want to project.
Biden Mocked for Holding Pelosi's Hand
in Tarmac Shuffle, Gets Confused About
Navalny's Widow
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 8:26:42 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden flew into San Francisco on Wednesday, after his visit to Los Angeles After he went down the Air Force One short stairs, wearing sneakers to help prevent him from tripping, he was met at the bottom by Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). They then held hands as she led him across the tarmac to Marine One. That sparked lots of comment and mockery. (X Video) The NY Post reported on one of the cutting comments on X, which was pretty consistent with the general take of their walk, calling it a "nursing home reunion" look.
Breaking: Odysseus Touches Down, Taking
the US Back to the Moon for the First
Time Since 1972!
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 8:14:46 PM Post Reply
Back in February 14th, I wrote here on TGP: “Odysseus has departed on a perilous journey that is larger-than-life. No, we are not talking about the mythological hero Ulysses from the immortal Odyssey and Iliad – but the new American spacecraft that is embarking in a mission that is every bit as fantastic.” Tonight we can say: TOUCHDOWN. America is back on the moon after half a century. NBC News reported:“A robotic spacecraft made history Thursday becoming the first privately built craft to touch down on the lunar surface, as well as the first American vehicle to accomplish the feat in more than 50 years.
Breaking: Radical Anti-Trump Judge Engoron
Denies Trump’s Request to Delay Enforcement
of Penalties in NYC Fraud Case as Letitia
James Threatens to Seize Trump’s Properties
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 8:10:29 PM Post Reply
They’re stealing Trump’s business and fortune. Judge Engoron on Thursday denied Trump’s request to delay enforcement of the $355 million in penalties as New York Attorney General Letitia James threatens to seize Trump’s buildings. Engoron last Friday ordered Trump to pay more than a $355 million fine and barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.” Engoron claimed Trump and each of the defendants “participated in aiding and abetting the conspiracy to commit insurance fraud by their individual acts
Joe Biden Oversees 7.2M Illegal Aliens
at Southern Border, Equivalent to 2 Years
of U.S. Births
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 8:02:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has overseen a record-breaking level of illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border — a large portion of which is being released directly into American towns and cities. From February 2021 through January 2024, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) data shows that more than 7.2 million illegal aliens have arrived at the nation’s porous southern border.Thus far in Fiscal Year 2024, with only four full months completed, nearly a million illegal aliens have crossed the southern border. In Fiscal Year 2022, Biden broke records by overseeing close to 2.37 million illegal aliens at the border,
Pharmacies nationwide face delays as health-care
tech company reports cyberattack
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 7:33:47 PM Post Reply
Pharmacies across the country are reporting delays to prescription orders due to a cyberattack against one of the nation's largest health-care technology companies. Change Healthcare, a company handling orders and patient payments throughout the U.S., first noticed the "cyber security issue" affecting its networks Wednesday morning on the East Coast. "Change Healthcare is experiencing a network interruption related to a cyber security issue and our experts are working to address the matter. Once we became aware of the outside threat, in the interest of protecting our partners and patients, we took immediate action to disconnect our systems to prevent further impact," Change Healthcare said in a statement.
Three Shootings in Ten Days That Derail
All the Media Narratives on Gun Incidents
Posted by Hazymac 2/22/2024 7:21:06 PM Post Reply
Most of us are familiar with the media narratives when it comes to reporting on mass shootings. The familiar beats of coverage are so rote as to basically qualify as tropes. Conversely, we see by now that whenever there is a deviation from the expected characteristics of a shooter the coverage is notably different. In fact, it has become a cliched punchline that if the featured individual is found to be a member from one of the protected minority classes then the response becomes, “...And that’s when the story disappeared from the front page.” That secondary reality has loomed large this month.
First U.S. moon landing since 1972 as
private spacecraft touches down on lunar surface
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 7:20:30 PM Post Reply
Houston-based Intuitive Machines says its Odysseus lander touched down on the moon today, becoming the first U.S.-built spacecraft to stick a moon landing in more than 50 years and the first ever by a private company. After some adjustments in the final hours, touchdown was expected at 6:24 p.m. EST, but mission control in Houston was left in suspense for almost 15 minutes while it awaited confirmation signals from the spacecraft. Finally, at 6:37 p.m. ET, mission control announced: "We can confirm, without a doubt, our equipment is on the surface of the moon and we are transmitting." The lander's condition, however, was not yet clear.
Beyond Meat Promises Their New Fake Meat
Will Suck Less
Posted by Hazymac 2/22/2024 7:11:29 PM Post Reply
Facing declining U.S. sales and massive layoffs, fake-meat producer Beyond Meat has a radical idea for their fourth-generation Beyond Burger patties and Beyond Beef ground... stuff: they'll make it better-tasting and more nutritious. “Health is one of the top drivers to the plant-based meat category, and we feel a deep responsibility to deliver on that expectation for the consumer,” CEO Ethan Brown told the Associated Press on Wednesday. I had thought products like Beyond Meat were supposed to be better for you from the start, but the modern fake meat industry is young, and, like any tech product, there will be iterations and improvements.
Disney's ABC to Face Lawsuit from 'General
Hospital' Crewmembers Fired for Refusing
COVID Vaccine
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 7:09:20 PM Post Reply
In a setback to Disney, a judge has ruled that ABC must go to court over a lawsuit filed by two General Hospital crewmembers who were fired for refusing to comply with the studio’s COVID vaccine mandate. A Los Angeles Superior Court judge issued the order on Tuesday, signaling a potentially important legal showdown that could impact numerous Americans who stood up to draconian employer and government mandates — and consequently lost their jobs or were denied services. Plaintiffs James and Timothy Wahl, who are father and son, have argued that ABC should have given them religious exemptions from the vaccine due to their Christian beliefs
James Biden Claims Joe Biden ‘Never’
Had Involvement in Family Business
Posted by Hazymac 2/22/2024 6:51:01 PM Post Reply
James Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother, told the impeachment inquiry on Wednesday that Joe Biden “never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest” in his business ventures. The claim comes as House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), a former bank board member, found in October that a $200,000 check from Americore, which allegedly defrauded Medicare, landed in Joe Biden’s bank account via James Biden. James Biden denied the check was due to a preexisting business relationship. He claimed the money was a return payment for money Joe Biden lent him. Comer then requested the alleged “loan documents” the Biden brothers might have consummated,
Marquette poll: Trump favored over Biden 51-49 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 6:37:45 PM Post Reply
MILWAUKEE, Wis. - The highly respected and rated Marquette University Law School poll is out with its first national poll results of 2024. Among the 882 registered voters polled over 10 days earlier this month, former President Donald Trump is favored over President Joe Biden 51-49, which is well within the poll’s 4.5-point margin of error. But as always, that one headline doesn’t tell the entire story. We dive in to the poll numbers, as we always do, with poll director Charles Franklin to find out: How do the national results compare to the latest poll of Wisconsin voters? Nikki Haley raised more money in January than Trump and polls well with independents
Can Texas Stop Soros From Taking Over
Conservative Radio?
Posted by OhioNick 2/22/2024 6:26:21 PM Post Reply
Mornings in Northeastern Pennsylvania start on WILK-FM with ‘The Bob Cordaro Show’ described as “convincingly conservative, lovingly logical, proudly and passionately patriotic and reliably right”. And then eventually other conservatives, including Ben Shapiro, come on the air. But that may be about to change. WILK is one of a number of Pennsylvania stations owned by Audacy (five in Philadelphia alone), the second largest radio broadcaster in America and it, along with over 200 radio stations across the country, is about to fall into the hands of George Soros in time for the 2024 election..
South Florida Muslim Federation Finds
New Venue for Its Pro-Hamas Conference
Posted by OhioNick 2/22/2024 6:19:44 PM Post Reply
In a dramatic turn of events, the South Florida Muslim Federation (SFMF), an umbrella group for South Florida’s radical Muslim outfits, has secured a new venue for its pro-Hamas conference, after being shut down by the Coral Springs Marriott for security concerns. The Sheraton Suites Fort Lauderdale at Cypress Creek – also a Marriott affiliate – has agreed to allow the group to use their premises to further the spread of hatred and incitement. The conference will feature many of the same extremists as the cancelled affair, including someone recently thrown off the Broward County School Board for promoting antisemitism.
Is It Too Late? replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 5:41:12 PM Post Reply
"Liberalism moves, therefore, toward radical individualism and the corruption of standards that movement entails. By destroying traditional social habits of the people, by dissolving their natural collective consciousness into individual constituents, by licensing the opinions of the most foolish, by substituting instruction for education, by encouraging cleverness rather than wisdom, the upstart rather than the qualified... Liberalism can prepare the way for that which is its own negation: the artificial, mechanized or brutalized control which is a desperate remedy for its chaos." Those near-prophetic words were written nearly three decades ago by the late great Robert Bork
Feds Wonder: Did a Cyberattack Take Down
America's Cell System?
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 5:11:19 PM Post Reply
Well, the feds can't be the only ones wondering about the cause of today's massive cellular-system failure. All three major networks reported outages at roughly the same time, and although there were areas of uninterrupted service, the failures seems to be widespread. Having all three networks seemingly impacted suggested something other than a single point of failure or error. Unlike the rest of us, federal agencies can do something about their own curiosity. According to ABC News, the feds have started investigating whether a cyberattack took place: A network disruption is affecting AT&T customers in the U.S. Thursday, prompting federal agencies to investigate whether the outage was caused by a cyberattack.
James Biden Testifies Payments to Brother
Were for Loans, but Has No Documentation
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 5:03:00 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s brother does not have any documentation to back up his claim that payments he and his wife made to his brother in 2017 and 2018 were loan repayments, a source familiar with James Biden’s closed-door testimony on Wednesday told National Review. James Biden testified in his opening statement that although his brother provided short-term loans, he was not involved in and did not benefit from his family’s business dealings, which are the main focus of the Republican impeachment inquiry into the president. James Biden said he repaid his brother within weeks when he obtained the money to pay him back. His brother also did not charge
Biden’s New Border ‘Plan’ Shows
Democrats Lied About Needing More Laws
From Congress
Posted by earlybird 2/22/2024 4:44:39 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has vehemently denied any blame for the years-long U.S. southern border invasion with claims that Congress, not the president, must act to defend the nation. “I’ve done all I can do,” Biden said last month on the White House lawn. “Just give me the power.”(snip)But now Politico is reporting that the president does, in fact, recognize the authority at his disposal to address the border crisis.
Judge rules Texas school legally punished
Black student for his hair
Posted by OhioNick 2/22/2024 3:41:58 PM Post Reply
A judge ruled Thursday that a Black student who was suspended for months over his locs hairstyle was legally punished by the school district. Darryl George, 18, had been told by his school district in suburban Houston that he was breaking the rules about student appearance and dress code. State District Judge Chap Cain III ruled in favor of the Barbers Hill School District on Thursday, saying the district has not violated a new state law prohibiting race-based hair discrimination. The issue centered around the length of George's hair. George and his family say his hairstyle is protected by a state law known as the Texas Crown Act.
E. Jean Carroll May Sue Trump Again, and
the Reason Is Absurd
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 2:40:21 PM Post Reply
On Monday night, Shawn Crowley, one of the attorneys representing E. Jean Carroll, suggested that Carroll is considering yet another lawsuit against Donald Trump because he insists on defending himself by denying any wrongdoing. At issue were Trump's statements over the weekend at a rally in Michigan, where he criticized Carroll's lawsuits and called them unfair. Crowley indicated that they're keeping tabs on Trump's public statements, waiting to pounce. “We certainly watch them. It’s hard not to,” Crowley told MSNBC's Jen Psaki. “Every time Donald Trump speaks, you know, I think as we said at trial many times, he has the biggest megaphone in the world, and so everyone hears them,
Ted Cruz Nails It: Liberal Media Lapdogs
'Turning on' Biden Because They Know He's
Going to Lose
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 2:04:03 PM Post Reply
The Democrat Party goes to ridiculous lengths to protect its own — until it doesn't. When the Democrats smell blood in the water they throw their embattled colleagues under the bus in a heartbeat. Minnesota Democrat Sen. Al Franken was a perfect example. When Franken was first accused by a conservative talk-radio host of forcing an unwanted kiss on her during a 2006 U.S.O. tour, his Senate Democrat colleagues rushed to defend him. Seven more women followed with similar accusations about Franken, and just three weeks after the first accusation, he was toast — and forced to resign.
California’s massive budget deficit
is almost double what Newsom estimated
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 1:59:05 PM Post Reply
California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office announced Tuesday the state’s budget deficit is much larger than Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) projected $38 billion shortfall. In the report, the state’s newly confirmed $73 billion deficit is $15 billion more than the $58 billion the office previously projected when Newsom introduced his budget in January. “Roughly, a $24 billion erosion in revenues corresponds to a $15 billion increase in the budget problem. This would expand the $58 billion estimated deficit to $73 billion under our updated revenue forecast,” the report stated. The report listed several places where spending cuts can be made in order to obtain an estimated $16 billion in savings
New Testimony Reveals an IRS Contractor
Stole Much More Than Trump's Tax Returns
Posted by DW626 2/22/2024 1:56:39 PM Post Reply
In 2019, then IRS contractor Charles Littlejohn stole President Donald Trump's tax returns and illegally leaked them to the media. They were also given to Democratic operatives. Last month, Littlejohn was sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of federal crimes. "Littlejohn accessed tax returns associated with Public Official A (and related individuals and entities) on an IRS database after using broad search parameters designed to conceal the true purpose of his queries. He then uploaded the tax returns to a private website in order to avoid IRS protocols established to detect and prevent large downloads or uploads from IRS devices or systems.
Claire McCaskill Comes Unglued – Demands
Nation’s Newspapers Ease Up on Joe Biden
and Fact-Check Trump EVERY MORNING on
their Front Page
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 1:44:57 PM Post Reply
Do people still read newspapers? Former Senator Claire McCaskill went on a rampage against President Trump on MSNBC Wednesday morning demanding that US newspapers ease up on Old Joe Biden and fact-check Donald Trump every morning on their front page. OK, boomer. Claire made the statement after she claimed the entire world is worried about Trump winning in 2024. The entire world is PRAYING Trump will take over in 2024. Claire McCaskill: Can I make a suggestion? I move that every newspaper in America quits doing any fact-checks on Joe Biden until they fact-check Donald Trump every morning
AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile Customers Hit
by Cell Network Outages Throughout Country
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 1:36:08 PM Post Reply
A massive AT&T network outage left many thousands of customers across the U.S. without cell service or internet access Thursday morning. Lesser outages in the Verizon and T-Mobile cell networks have also been widely reported. NBC News reports that widespread cell service outages impacted AT&T customers across the United States Thursday morning. The outages left thousands unable to make calls, access the internet, or reach 911 emergency services.The issues began around 4:00 a.m. ET and surged just before 8:00 a.m., with over 71,000 reported outages, according to Downdetector.
AT&T cellular outage in United States
disrupts vital services
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 1:33:00 PM Post Reply
A cellular outage early on Thursday hit thousands of AT&T users in the United States, disrupting calls and text messages as well as emergency services in major cities including San Francisco. About 58,000 incidents were reported around noon ET, according to data from outage-tracking website AT&T has not said exactly how many customers were affected by Thursday's outage and the cause was not immediately clear. "Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning," AT&T said Thursday on a site it put up for updates to the situation. "Our network teams took immediate action and so far three-quarters
What the Hell Went Wrong With Google Gemini?
It Isn't What You Think.
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 1:26:40 PM Post Reply
There's something weird going on with Google's Gemini AI image generator, and not even Google knows for sure what it is — but I might have figured out the problem with an unwitting assist from The Critical Drinker. I don't believe that there's anything sinister going on here. Google CEO Sundar Pichai wasn't sitting at his computer in the days before the image function went live, laughing, "MUAHAHAHAHAHA! At last, I have perfected the No White Men algorithm!" Wednesday morning, Google announced they were "aware that Gemini is offering inaccuracies in some historical image generation depictions," and that they were "working to fix this immediately." Thursday morning,
CBS faces uproar after seizing investigative
journalist’s files
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 1:03:01 PM Post Reply
“Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.” Those words, from CBS icon Edward R. Murrow, came to mind this week after I spoke with journalists at the network. There is trouble brewing at Black Rock, the headquarters of CBS, after the firing of Catherine Herridge, an acclaimed investigative reporter. Many of us were shocked after Herridge was included in layoffs this month, but those concerns have increased after CBS officials took the unusual step of seizing her files, computers and records, including information on privileged sources. The position of CBS has alarmed many, including the union, as an attack on free press principles by
Despite media spin, there’s still overwhelming
evidence Joe Biden knew of family’s
business dealings
Posted by Moritz55 2/22/2024 12:59:20 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden and his Praetorian Guard in the media are over the moon about the indictment last week of FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, a US-Israeli dual national accused of having lied to the FBI when he claimed Hunter and Joe Biden each were paid a $5 million bribe by the owner of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma. For more than three years, Joe Biden has refused to address the avalanche of evidence about his family’s corrupt influence-peddling while he was VP. He has refused to address evidence that he was involved in son Hunter and brother Jim’s lucrative shakedown of shady characters in the world’s most corrupt countries
It’s Time for States and Congress to
Protect Parental Rights
Posted by Moritz55 2/22/2024 12:45:43 PM Post Reply
For nearly two hundred and fifty years, our country and lawmakers have consistently met innovation and societal changes with new policies to meet the challenges of each generation. During my time serving the Commonwealth of Virginia as Attorney General and then as its 68th governor, I learned firsthand the vital role states play in setting the agenda for federal legislation in Washington. That is why I am pleased to see action being taken both by the Virginia General Assembly and Congress to begin the discussion on the impact social media is having on children and families. The right of parents to engage in the upbringing of their children
Wyoming's Rare Earth Breaks China Dependency replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/22/2024 12:39:50 PM Post Reply
There is excellent news for the American industry, economy, and international trade sectors. The discovery of colossal rare earth deposits in Wyoming could essentially restructure the global supply chain of these crucial elements in the near future. A discovery of 2.34 billion metric tons of rare earth elements (REEs) in a mine outside of Sheridan, Wyoming, has generated great excitement across industries stateside. For one, the reserves are estimated to be bigger than China’s current reserves, implying that this single find could end America’s reliance on Chinese exports if exploited judiciously.
Watch: O’Keefe Strikes Again – IRS
Official Tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter
That the IRS uses AI to Spy on Americans’
Bank Accounts: Is It Constitutional? “I
doubt it,” says IRS Official Alex Mena
Posted by DW626 2/22/2024 10:51:42 AM Post Reply
According to Alex Mena, an IRS official with the criminal investigations unit in New York, who met with O’Keefe Media Group’s undercover journalist, the IRS uses artificial intelligence technology to spy on American citizens and company bank accounts without a warrant or evidence to uncover what they consider fraud. According to the source, the IRS is “going after the small people” and “destroying people’s lives.” All of the agents are “like robots,” said Mena. This is quite ironic, as The Gateway Pundit recently reported that O’Keefe Media Group exposed the No Mas Muertes (No More Deaths) organization, a nonprofit and ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson,
Great News: Joe Biden Is Working on a
Final Solution for Israel
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:47:45 AM Post Reply
I know what you're thinking. The headline has to be some sort of clickbait, right? Actually, no. The Biden administration is working on a final solution for Israel. It's been a hell of a week for the Joe Biden foreign policy shop at Foggy Bottom, and that has now extended to Turtle Bay. The two-state solution that Joe Biden wants to impose on the two parties currently at war in the Middle East, a solution neither side will ever accept in the near future, is a myth that's also threatening to collapse the Democratic Party from within. If Joe Biden supports Israel, he loses the Arab-American voting bloc in Michigan,
Blue Laws for Red Citizens replies
Posted by DW626 2/22/2024 10:43:34 AM Post Reply
One state prosecutor and one civilian plaintiff have already won huge fines and damages from Donald Trump that may, with legal costs, exceed $500 million. Trump awaits further civil and criminal liability in three other federal, state, and local indictments. There are eerie commonalities in all these five court cases involving plaintiff E. Jean Carroll, Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, federal special counsel Jack Smith, and Fulton County district attorney Fani Willis.
‘Absurdly woke’: Google’s AI chatbot
spits out ‘diverse’ images of Founding
Fathers, popes, Vikings
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:37:00 AM Post Reply
Google’s highly-touted AI chatbot Gemini was blasted as “woke” after its image generator spit out factually or historically inaccurate pictures — including a woman as pope, black Vikings, female NHL players and “diverse” versions of America’s Founding Fathers. Gemini’s bizarre results came after simple prompts, including one by The Post on Wednesday that asked the software to “create an image of a pope.” Instead of yielding a photo of one of the 266 pontiffs throughout history — all of them white men — Gemini provided pictures of a Southeast Asian woman and a black man wearing holy vestments. Another Post query for representative images of “the Founding Fathers in 1789″
Biden’s Staff Leak Token Border Curbs
for 2024 Campaign
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:27:51 AM Post Reply
The White House is telling friendly reporters President Joe Biden may announce new border security rules to partly reverse his pro-migration policies that are damaging his 2024 re-election chances. The announcement will likely come before the State of the Union speech on March 7. Politico reported on February 21: The Biden administration is considering a string of new executive actions and federal regulations in an effort to curb migration at the U.S. southern border, according to three people familiar with the plans. NBC reported: The actions, which are still weeks away from finalization, are an effort to lower the number of migrants crossing the southern border illegally
Who Had 'Scientists Suggest We Rethink
Cannibalism' on Their 2024 Bingo Card?
Posted by Hazymac 2/22/2024 10:26:11 AM Post Reply
It's a tricky decision, whether or not to eat other people, and one that should be considered carefully, even though, "ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine," according to an unsigned, subscriber-only piece in New Scientist. Nobody wanted to put their name on that or leave it outside the paywall? Never fear, I provided New Scientist with my credit card number — and, to my mild distress, with my home address — so I could read the excuse for cannibalism so powerful that its author must remain a mystery. "If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science,
Illegal Alien Accused of Causing Sgt.
Michael Kunovich’s Death Files Civil
Rights Lawsuit Claiming Limited English
Skills Make Him Disabled
Posted by mc squared 2/22/2024 10:11:20 AM Post Reply
An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, sheriff’s office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s death, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming his limited English-speaking skills make him disabled. As Breitbart News reported, 19-year-old illegal alien Virgilio Aguilar-Mendez of Guatemala was arrested in May 2023 and has been charged with resisting an officer with violence and manslaughter in connection with Kunovich’s death. This week, Aguilar-Mendez’s defense attorneys filed a federal civil rights lawsuit [snip] claiming that their client is disabled because he does not speak English or Spanish
Yale University announces change in policy
regarding test scores for 2025
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:09:19 AM Post Reply
Yale University will again require students to include standardized test scores for 2025 admissions applicants, the school announced Thursday. The Ivy League university announced that it would be abandoning its test-optional policy, which it imposed under the COVID-19 pandemic as testing options were severely impacted. Going forward, the New Haven school will require prospective students to include scores, such as the ACT or SAT, with their applications. "The experience, originally necessitated by the pandemic, has been an invaluable opportunity to think deeply about testing policy and to generate new data and analyses," Yale said Thursday. "With testing availability now fully restored for prospective applicants around the world,
Exxon warns Baytown, other hydrogen projects
unlikely under federal draft rules
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 10:06:09 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON – A year after Exxon Mobil announced it would be part of a team planning to build the largest clean hydrogen facility in the world, executives are warning the project at its Baytown refining and petrochemical complex along the Houston Ship Channel might no longer happen. At issue are draft rules issued by the Treasury Department late last year, which include no incentive to produce clean hydrogen fuel using natural gas with reduced methane emissions. That would limit Baytown and other proposed blue hydrogen projects, which use electricity from natural gas plants and store carbon emissions underground, to the lowest tier of hydrogen tax credit, making
California Dems Want To Teach Health Care
Professionals That Men Can Get Pregnant
Posted by Beardo 2/22/2024 9:29:23 AM Post Reply
California lawmakers are proposing mandatory training for OB-GYNs, midwives, and even maternity office receptionists that says women aren’t the only people who can get pregnant. Legislation introduced last week by Democrats, which refers to pregnant women as "birthing people" and "nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience," would require anyone involved in maternity care, from hospital cleaning staff to doctors, nurses, and even hospital-alternative birth centers, to undergo semi-annual training to undo their "multiple layers of potential biases" that pregnancy and childbirth are female experiences.
Steelmaker Cleveland-Cliffs says a Biden
administration rule could force Butler
plant to close
Posted by j9zig2009 2/22/2024 9:10:04 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — A proposed Biden administration rule designed to save energy threatens a Butler plant and more than 1,000 jobs, according to manufacturing leaders and area members of Congress. The lawmakers are trying to block a proposed Energy Department rule that they say could force manufacturers of electric distribution transformers to use amorphous metal cores instead of traditional grain-oriented steel cores that now are produced in only one plant in the U.S. — Butler Works, owned by Cleveland-Cliffs. The Cleveland-based company just announced the idling of a West Virginia tinplate mill based on a separate Biden administration decision on import tariffs.
Key House Republicans targeted in six-figure
ad buy to support aid for Ukraine
Posted by mc squared 2/22/2024 9:07:27 AM Post Reply
A pro-Ukraine group launched a six-figure ad buy in key districts in a bid to urge Republican members of Congress to push forward the supplemental legislation, which includes military aid for Ukraine, for a vote on the House floor. The minute-long spot from Republicans for Ukraine, “No Weakness in the Face of Aggression,” features lifelong party members across the country describing the importance of the United States’s continued support of Ukraine. In the ad, a Republican man from California says, “If we don’t support Ukraine, I fear China to potentially see that as a signal where they believe that they can invade their neighbors, too.”
Biden gives away Commander after dog drew
blood with attacks on Secret Service at
White House, vacation home: documents
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 2/22/2024 6:45:06 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Biden has given first dog Commander to relatives, the White House said Wednesday following revelations of more brutal attacks on Secret Service employees — including a case in which White House tours were suspended to mop up blood from the floor of the East Wing and another attack where an agent suffered a “severe deep open wound” at Biden’s Delaware vacation home.
New York’s Trump Fraud Findings Refute
Judge’s Conclusions
Posted by DW626 2/22/2024 6:37:40 AM Post Reply
Last week, a New York court issued judgments against Donald J. Trump and his sons, asserting violation of state anti-fraud law in connection with several real estate mortgage loans. The judgments, which aggregate $355 million and may escalate to $454 Million or more, shocked Republicans and Democrats alike and stunned the national real estate community. It was immediately apparent that something was wildly wrong, since the Trump transactions were nothing unusual or remarkable for the real estate industry.
A Most Rank Presidential Ranking: Biden
Is The 14th Best? Trump Last?
Posted by RockyTCB 2/22/2024 5:27:33 AM Post Reply
Earlier this week a couple of propagandists, also identified as scholars, released a ranking of U.S. presidents. It has about as much credibility as the Clinton Russia hoax. But it does reinforce the gaslighting narrative that so many of our institutions are engaged in. The list, part of a Presidential Greatness Project compiled by a pair of university professors, ranks Joe Biden as the 14th best president. Ever. We’re talking the Joe Biden who is in office today. There has been no other president from an earlier era named Joe Biden to be confused with. The academic malpractice doesn’t end there.
The Very Unique, Pragmatic and Honest
President Trump
Posted by FlyRight 2/22/2024 5:09:55 AM Post Reply
President Donald Trump held a townhall event with Laura Ingraham, a woman who feels remarkably self-important given her irrelevance. Within the interview President Trump extended the allotted time to give the audience some direct, honest and pragmatic answers to questions in a way that only Trump can give. Well worth watching this extended segment to remind ourselves exactly why President Trump is a very unique person in this time of our nation’s history.
We Don’t Need a New G.O.P. We Need the
Old One
Posted by FlyRight 2/22/2024 4:59:08 AM Post Reply
Although I was born into a typical Democrat New York City family, I registered as a Republican as soon as I was old enough to vote. Why? Just to be different but at heart, I was as enamored of John F. Kennedy as the nuns at my high school. My first vote was for Democrat Hubert Humphrey, and I worked for Robert F. Kennedy’s senatorial campaign. But I was never really a Republican at heart until Ronald Reagan ran for president in 1976. Before that epiphany, I was as clueless as the rest of America, and when a German coworker asked me the difference between the two major parties,
Watch: Insane Amount of Edits in Pre-Recorded
Joe Biden Video Raises Eyebrows - and Questions
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 1:34:05 AM Post Reply
Though judging by the polling it has been obvious for years to many Americans that President Joe Biden's age and fitness to lead are cause for concern, the release of the Hur report was sort of an "elephant in the room roars to life" moment for Biden's 2024 reelection campaign as they seek (in vain) to disprove his critics' longstanding observations about his memory issues.A video shared Tuesday to the official "POTUS" account on the Twitter machine won't help matters. In the pre-recorded two-minute clip, we see Biden yada yadaing and gesturing
Democratic states earmarked over $500
million in COVID-19 aid to help illegal immigrants
Posted by pensom2 2/22/2024 1:22:36 AM Post Reply
Several Democratic states and cities have given more than $500 million of COVID-19 relief funds to illegal immigrants. Most of the $517 million went to cash payments for immigrants in states including Washington, Illinois, and New Jersey and were drawn from the $1.9 trillion federal COVID-19 relief package, the American Rescue Plan, according to Fox News. “This means the Biden Administration directly subsidized ‘undocumented’ immigration under the guise of COVID-19 pandemic relief,” according to a recent report from the Economic Policy Innovation Center on the funds in Washington state. Washington state was the largest contributor and gave cash payments
Report: Under Joe Biden, the Number of
Illegals Who Have Entered the U.S. is
Greater Than the Population of 36 States
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 1:21:43 AM Post Reply
New analysis finds that the number of illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. on Biden’s watch is greater than the population of 36 states. The numbers are absolutely staggering and there are still months left before Joe Biden will potentially leave office. If he doesn’t, and this madness continues, it’s nearly impossible to imagine what the country would look like in four more years. Illegal immigration has now eclipsed the economy as the top issue for the 2024 and this is why. Everyone knows this is not a sustainable situation.
Biden 'is plotting tough new immigration
crackdown almost identical to one Dems
previously blasted Trump for: Border will
CLOSE if more than 8,500 try to cross
in a day'
Posted by Imright 2/22/2024 1:12:29 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden is considering an immigration crackdown that closes the border if more than 8,500 try to cross in one day, a law repeatedly used by former President Donald Trump. The law would, if the migrant crisis reached those numbers per day, unilaterally enact a sweeping ban at the southern border, according to three people familiar with the deliberations. The administration, stymied by lawmakers who rejected a negotiated border bill earlier this month, has been exploring options that Biden could deploy on his own without congressional approval.
CNN’s Begala: Biden, Dems ‘Belatedly’
Saying Border Needs to Be Controlled
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 12:25:26 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” CNN Political Commentator Paul Begala reacted to reports that President Joe Biden is weighing stricter executive action on the border by saying that the Democratic Party has “been slow to come to the conclusion that we’ve got to have order” in our immigration system, something former President Barack Obama understood and “Biden is now going to give them order” after “belatedly” saying that the border must be controlled. Begala said, “I think the President has a good argument, which is, we need new laws. And the political argument that wins is when he says, belatedly, but now, says, we have to control the border.
Exclusive — Leaked Confidential Leftist
Document Details Plot to Pressure Republicans
into Protecting Biden’s Radical Green
Energy Agenda
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 12:23:29 AM Post Reply
A leaked confidential 66-page document from a top environmentalist association obtained exclusively by Breitbart News reveals a plot by supporters of Democrat President Joe Biden’s signature legislative accomplishment to begin a pressure campaign against Republicans to push them to protect green energy subsidies Biden secured for them. The document, a “February 2024 Board Memo” prepared for board members of the American Clean Power Association, is striking in how specific and aggressive it is in detailing plans for its members to push Republican lawmakers to oppose any GOP effort to repeal all or parts of Biden’s inaptly named Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA, which passed during Biden’s second
'Just Be Quiet': Lib Journos Whine Ackman,
Musk Voice Opinions 'With No Consequences'
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 12:18:42 AM Post Reply
It’s not often members of the liberal media openly whine, on-air about how they’re losing their ability to gatekeep the criticism their friends and allies received publically; let alone be so open about how they wanted those going around them punished for doing so. But that’s exactly what happened during the Tuesday night rage therapy session MSNBC’s The 11th Hour host Stephanie Ruhle and Puck News co-founder Bill Cohan took part in when they targeted investor Bill Ackman and entrepreneur Elon Musk for daring to be outspoken about things going on in the world. Ruhle, a well-connected and well-off finance reporter and TV host with Ackman’s phone number,
One of the Biggest Unions in the Country
Just Made a $45,000 Donation to the RNC
Posted by Dreadnought 2/22/2024 12:09:25 AM Post Reply
Labor unions are notoriously left-leaning in both leadership and in political action. While many blue-collar workers who are a part of the biggest unions in the country are split between Republicans and Democrats, the unions as a whole are very much pro-Democrat. That makes this story from the Washington Post very interesting. The Teamsters, one of the most well-known unions in the country, made a pretty sizable donation to the Republican National Committee - and it's bigger than the one they just gave the Democratic National Committee. The Teamsters’ political committee has given $45,000 to the Republican National Committee, according to federal records, a significant departure
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