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Adams reverses course on plans to use
luxury Harlem complex as migrant shelter
after community outrage

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 2/17/2024 9:28:09 AM

Mayor Eric Adams stunningly reversed course on plans to turn an abandoned luxury Harlem condominium complex into a migrant shelter when he was met with community outrage Thursday night. Adams’ change of heart came during a surprise appearance at a St. Nicholas House Resident Association meeting packed with dozens of residents furious over the city’s plan for a building development on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd once marketed as upscale housing. The 35-story building was quietly slated to become a homeless shelter that could potentially house migrants — a plan that was only revealed to the community this week when some neighborhood residents saw workers bringing bed frames and mattresses inside.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: planetgeo 2/17/2024 9:31:35 AM (No. 1659622)
Actually, I think they're are some really large places out in the Hamptons where they could host them.
58 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 2/17/2024 9:36:26 AM (No. 1659624)
How about putting them on buses and shipping them to DC?
43 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Msquared112 2/17/2024 9:38:05 AM (No. 1659626)
Amazing how so many people ostensibly have good intentions until the cah-cah is in their own back yard.
41 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bighambone 2/17/2024 9:59:03 AM (No. 1659633)
The US citizen residents of Harlem, New York City and other inner city sanctuary cities should understand by now that Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats believe that they have their votes in “the bag”. Remember when Biden expressed his reasoning on that issue by telling a Black man “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black”. Since that is political reality, Biden and the leftist and socialist Democrats feel free to allow unlimited millions of Third World origin poor and uneducated non-English speaking illegal aliens into the USA in violation of the immigration laws, allowing them to travel all over the interior of the USA, and if they wish to resettle in the big leftist and socialist Democrat run cities. Once in those cities illegal aliens are highly dependent on all forms of government social services, welfare, and medical care to survive. To provide illegal aliens with all those services including providing the illegal aliens with “free” housing in those cities, the Democrat Mayors must reallocate big money that should be used to benefit resident US citizens, and instead use that money to benefit illegal aliens. The leftist and socialist Democrats are doing that to build up a new future leftist and socialist Democrat support and voter constituency made up of unlimited numbers of illegal aliens who they plan on granting a Democrat designed series of “path to citizenship” amnesty and other legalization programs that will bestow them with permanent residence alien status, US Citizenship, and most importantly to the leftist and socialist Democrats, US voting rights in the years ahead.
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 2/17/2024 9:59:43 AM (No. 1659635)
Gee - - I thought Master B. Clinton rescued Harlem - - by opening an office there - - in 2001. I can remember all the fawning front-page stories - - and the photos with black "leaders." But - - I can't remember any stories since - - about Master B. Clinton ever setting foot in Harlem again. Oh wait - - maybe it's because he was too busy saving Haiti. Yes - - that's it - - Haiti has been rescued too!
33 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: padiva 2/17/2024 10:17:39 AM (No. 1659641)
Folks, ya gotta see how the wall signs were made.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Northcross 2/17/2024 10:53:30 AM (No. 1659660)
The prospect of losing a half million votes was quite convincing to the esteemed mayor.
17 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FLCracker 2/17/2024 11:12:57 AM (No. 1659672)
Building seems to be a 5-story building, not a 35-story one, and it doesn't look very "lux" from the outside.
12 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 2/17/2024 11:25:47 AM (No. 1659678)
There are plenty of schools in the area that the city does control for the Democrats to place their most important and only real concern, illegals. Democrats no longer need the votes of any American.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: jalo1951 2/17/2024 12:20:32 PM (No. 1659702)
They believe the black community will continue to kiss the butt of the democrats because they always have. So no need to actually do anything. Their votes are in the bag. No one can prove this not to be true until the blacks walk away. Therefore it is now time to buy some new votes. Which is exactly what they are doing. With our tax money. This is a really ugly way to run a country. We are in such trouble.
16 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: JHHolliday 2/17/2024 4:50:46 PM (No. 1659805)
We have used a small family maid service for some 25 years. All legal Guatemaleans who paid a small fortune to some reptilian immigration lawyer to get them in legally. They are practically part of our family now and you won't ever meet better people. The daughter, now in her twenties, told me yesterday that the legal Hispanic community was up in arms and in a white hot rage at the administration allowing "migrants" to simply waltz across the border and given phones, EBT cards hotel shelter etc...all for free when Esperanza's family paid all they could scrape up and jumped through hoops to immigrate here the right way. Hopefully, this will turn the legal Hispanic community toward the Republicans but the Dem pols will probably simply promise to continue pouring out more benefits to buy their votes also. I think this country is doomed. I won't be around 25-50 years from now but, sometime in the future, the once great US will be studied just like the Fall of Rome is today. Pathetic and all on the heads of the vile and ruinous left who only want a totalitarian Marxist state (with them in charge of course).
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: RussZilla 2/17/2024 5:04:19 PM (No. 1659815)
Boston’s Mayor Wu just did the same to a well-respected rec center in the black neighborhood of Roxbury. Residents don’t like it. We wait to see how she gets out of this one.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Omen55 2/17/2024 6:55:54 PM (No. 1659891)
Adams is learning that people want this to end or they will end him.
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 2/18/2024 5:34:57 AM (No. 1660091)
Kick the kids out of the public schools and house the illegals there. The kids aren't learning anything useful anyway.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: 5 handicap 2/18/2024 5:51:32 AM (No. 1660108)
The rich criminals don't want the poor criminals anywhere near, it smells up the neighborhood! But But But, north of 125th street has always been set aside for the criminal scum of society! It's class warfare!
3 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Strike3 2/18/2024 9:23:15 AM (No. 1660256)
#11, the price that illegals pay to come to America is still steep, the only difference is that it is paid to the Mexican cartels, not American Lawyers. Those people cross the Rio Grande with empty pockets. Yes, there are plenty of "nice" people mixed in with the looters, rapists and murderers now crossing the border in hordes but America does not have 25 years to learn the difference. They are doing incredible damage right now.
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Zigrid 2/18/2024 12:15:48 PM (No. 1660394)
Awww... poor Adams...obama/biden's regime is telling him what to do...and the locals are telling him what he better NOT DO...the price of being in's called now what Mr. Mayor...not so easy is it?
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: jasmine 2/18/2024 1:19:33 PM (No. 1660458)
When it went into foreclosure, who became the owner of that building? Who allowed it to sit vacant for ten years? Why was it quietly, behind the backs of community residents, suggested as a resource that should be made available to Biden's illegal aliens? The problem of unhoused Americans, especially our veterans, has been around for decades. Curious as to why the first thought is to put unvetted, ungrateful illegal aliens into a brand new building with a swimming pool, while struggling American citizens (as usual) go without.
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Tucker Carlson Is A Convenient Distraction
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Posted by Mercedes44 2/19/2024 5:39:57 AM Post Reply
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The Ratio: Nikki Haley Roasted Over Her
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Down. 1 To Go”
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Posted by Mercedes44 2/19/2024 5:38:27 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley boasted online Sunday evening about how many ‘fellas’ she’s been through in the campaign, twelve, and how many are left for her to take on, one–President Trump–and well, the jokes just wrote themselves Old adultery accusations against the former South Carolina Governor Haley by South Carolina politicos were resurrected last month as voting in the Republican presidential primary season commenced. Haley has denied the accusations of adultery that were made by two men in sworn affidavits.
Adams reverses course on plans to use
luxury Harlem complex as migrant shelter
after community outrage
18 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/17/2024 9:28:09 AM Post Reply
Mayor Eric Adams stunningly reversed course on plans to turn an abandoned luxury Harlem condominium complex into a migrant shelter when he was met with community outrage Thursday night. Adams’ change of heart came during a surprise appearance at a St. Nicholas House Resident Association meeting packed with dozens of residents furious over the city’s plan for a building development on Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd once marketed as upscale housing. The 35-story building was quietly slated to become a homeless shelter that could potentially house migrants — a plan that was only revealed to the community this week when some neighborhood residents saw workers bringing bed frames and mattresses inside.
Here’s what Trump’s $355M fraud ruling
means for his company, real estate empire
– and wallet
8 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/17/2024 6:13:59 AM Post Reply
A New York court delivered a crushing blow Friday to Donald Trump’s wallet by ordering the real estate tycoon to pay some $355 million after finding him liable of inflating his net worth by billions a year to get better loan and insurance terms. But it’s unlikely that Trump’s name will be erased from the Big Apple skyline after Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron rejected the New York Attorney General’s request to permanently bar him from doing business in the state where he shot to fame. Here’s what the ruling means for Trump’s real estate empire, his family company — and his wallet:
Obama Poised to Pull the Plug on Biden? 11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/13/2024 4:20:08 AM Post Reply
Special counsel Robert Hur did a great service to America last week in two ways that fundamentally and irreversibly transform the Presidential race. As a result, just like in Hillary Clinton’s ‘3 a.m. phone call’ television ad in the 2008 contest, the iPhone is buzzing in Barack Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard compound, and he had better answer it. Number one, by declining to charge President Biden for “willfully retain[ing]” classified materials, Hur blew up any pretense of fairness when it comes to how Biden’s Department of Justice treats its own boss, while it throws the book at President Trump.
Trump gets access to sealed documents
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4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/12/2024 4:17:18 PM Post Reply
Special counsel prosecutors have produced to Donald Trump a sealed exhibit about threats to a potential trial witness after the federal judge overseeing his prosecution for retaining classified documents ordered the exhibit turned over despite the prosecutors’ objections, people familiar with the matter said. The exhibit was a point of contention because it detailed a series of threats made against a witness who could testify against the former president at trial, and the matter is the subject of a criminal investigation by a US attorney’s office. Prosecutors had wanted to withhold it from Trump’s lawyers.
Biden Campaign's Desperate Race-Baiting
Attack on Trump Gets Ripped to Shreds
by the People
1 reply
Posted by Mercedes44 2/12/2024 7:13:12 AM Post Reply
One of the reasons that Joe Biden is doing so badly in the polls is that the American people regard him as a failure when it comes to securing the border. Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump does much better on the subject because people believe he would do a better job than Biden. They believe that with good reason, because Trump did do a better job. That's made the Biden team and Democrats desperate to change that equation. That's why they were salivating to have the talking point of Republicans rejecting a border bill so they could try to claim that it's the Republicans who don't want the border secure.
The Red Cross Still Hates the Jews 10 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/11/2024 5:43:34 AM Post Reply
Even now, after an agreement was brokered between Israel and Hamas by Qatar to deliver medication to the hostages in Gaza, via France to Qatar and then through Egypt, the ICRC refuses to touch the medicines and has said that it wants nothing to do with them. "We know that the medications effectively entered into Gaza. The modalities of their transfer to the hostages were dealt with under Qatar's mediation. We now expect to receive verifiable proof that the medications have reached their beneficiaries." — Unnamed French official, Times of Israel, February 6, 2024.
Double Exposure 15 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/11/2024 5:40:52 AM Post Reply
Every day the Israeli Defense Forces find more proof of the perfidy of the UN and UNRWA. Did you guess that the UN’s demand for a quick ceasefire was intended to conceal this? If so, you guessed right. This week, among other things, the IDF discovered Hamas Intelligence Headquarters and an enormous tunnel beneath UNRWA HQ in Gaza equipped with a huge server and data farm which was receiving its electricity from UNRWA sources. I’d hate to prejudge the honesty of the UNRWA officials who claim they’d no idea what was going on under their feet --
The Pathetic and Repulsive Thought of
the United Nations
6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/10/2024 11:27:09 AM Post Reply
Section 52 of the 91 sections of the U.N.’s Agenda 2030 global takeover plan begins, “‘We the Peoples’ are the celebrated opening words of the U.N. Charter. It is ‘We the Peoples’ who are embarking today on the road to 2030.” However, Americans know that those opening words appeared well before the U.N. Charter, as they are (sort of) the opening words of the U.S. Constitution. When the U.N. was founded, the endearing word “rights” — so important in our republican form of government — was used repeatedly in its first documents. In the present lead document, the word “rights” is used only once,
Here is How the Dems Could Replace Biden
Through an Internal Coup
9 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/10/2024 11:24:35 AM Post Reply
I spent years telling skeptical conservatives that, yes Biden was going to run for reelection. Many didn’t believe it until he filed, became the automatic frontrunner, and had no opponents to speak of. And while public perceptions of his state keep dropping, the Democrats have few options. Sure, rank and file Dems could shift their support to Rep. Dean Philips, who is in possession of his full faculties and actually campaigning, but there’s zero sign of that happening. Instead, New Hampshire Dems wrote in Biden after he refused to even compete in their state in order to score a big hand-delivered win in South Carolina. (With 4% turnout.
Westchester, Rockland residents among
70 arrested in NYC Housing Authority bribery case
14 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 2/7/2024 8:15:07 PM Post Reply
A Garnerville man and a Mount Vernon man were among 70 current and former employees of the New York City Housing Authority charged Tuesday with allegedly accepting cash payments from contractors in exchange for Housing Authority contracts, according to Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Williams said in a news release that 66 of the 70 defendants were arrested Tuesday morning in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and North Carolina. The charges were the largest number of federal bribery charges given on a single day in the history of the U.S. Justice Department.
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Liz Cheney Won’t Rule Out 2024 Presidential Run 50 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 11:31:27 AM Post Reply
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she was not ruling out a presidential run to keep former President Donald Trump out of the White House. Anchor Jake Tapper said, “You still haven’t ruled out a presidential run of your own in 2024, as far as I know. Are you still considering it, or what do you rule it out?” Cheney said, “I haven’t made any decisions about it yet. I’m going to do whatever is necessary to defeat Donald Trump.” Tapper said, “But if it came down to you, not running, and it’s Biden versus Trump, you would you would support Biden?”
Trump's 'slurred speech and gross, repeated
errors' show his cognitive decline is
'MORE apparent' than Biden, UBC professor
claims, in frightening assessment of presidential
front runners
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Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 8:21:27 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump's cognitive decline is 'more apparent' than Joe Biden's with 'slurred speech and gross, repeated errors' but both are concerning, a professor has warned. Politics professor Paul Quirk from the University of British Columbia assessed both the presidential front runners' cognitive functioning - after a series of gaffes raised questions about their fitness to hold office. He told Newsweek that 77-year-old Trump's cognitive deterioration is more obvious, but Biden's 'cognitive failure' could result in him refusing to relinquish control if needed during his second term.
Hochul tells NY businesses not to fear
about Trump verdict: ‘Nothing to worry about’
33 replies
Posted by snapper451 2/18/2024 11:22:46 AM Post Reply
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and the inability to conduct business in New York for three years.
Atheist Rob Reiner Goes on MSNBC and Explains
How He Understands Christianity Better
Than Christians (Video)
32 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 1:21:20 AM Post Reply
Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer Rob Reiner appeared on MSNBC this week to promote his new film about ‘Christian Nationalism’ and used the segment to explain that he understands real Christianity better than Christians. His documentary is obviously just his latest attempt to demonize conservatives and Trump supporters, yet he tries to suggest that the project is somehow not bashing Christians. Isn’t it hilarious when people on the far left claim to speak for conservatives and Christians?
Kansas City mayor accuses governor of
racial ‘dog whistle’ for calling Super
Bowl parade shooters ‘thugs’
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Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 8:35:52 PM Post Reply
Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas accused Missouri Gov. Mike Parson of using a racial “dog whistle” when referring to the suspected shooters at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade as “thugs.” Lucas made the comment during an appearance on local radio show “Up to Date” on Friday. He told KCUR host Steve Kraske that he has seen similar incidents of alleged racism “time and again.” Following the shooting, Parson had said, “We can’t let some thugs just take over and ruin what happened.” “I have respect for the governor. We get along well,” Lucas told Kraske. “I disagree strongly with how he would describe that situation.
Haley Refuses to Say She Will Support
Trump if He Wins Nomination
26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:06:28 PM Post Reply
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) refused to say if she would support former President Donald Trump if he won the GOP presidential nomination. Partial transcript as follows: KARL: We’re just about of time, but I’ve got to ask, you had said earlier in this process that you will support Donald Trump if he wins the Republican nomination. But since you made that pledge, he has encouraged NATO – he encouraged Russia – said he would encourage Russia to do whatever the hell it wants with – with a NATO ally. You have called him diminished, unhinged, unfit for office.
America, I give you… Madam President
Michelle Obama: She's third favorite for
a reason, Barack is already doing half
the job - and Joe simply can't go on.
The tantalizing reasons why and how it
really CAN happen
22 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:15:00 PM Post Reply
Is Michelle Obama ready to follow in Hillary Clinton's footsteps? I'm not suggesting the former First Lady would take a hammer to her old cell phones or lie to Congress. I'm writing about the undeniable possibility that Michelle uses her husband's notoriety to launch her own political career. Rumors that Mrs. Obama might run for president have plagued the Washington political scene for years. But she has always denied that she wants the job. 'I've never expressed any interest in politics. Ever,' Obama told Oprah Winfrey in 2023. Fine. But why doesn't anyone outside of the chattering political punditry seem to believe her?
Obscene award against Trump is testing
the New York legal system’s integrity
21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/18/2024 2:23:07 PM Post Reply
In laying the foundation for his sweeping decision against former President Donald Trump, Judge Arthur Engoron observed that “this is a venial sin, not a mortal sin.” Yet, at $355 million, one would think that Engoron had found Trump to be the source of Original Sin. The judgment against Trump (and his family and associates) was met with a level of unrestrained celebration by many in New York that bordered on the indecent. Attorney General Letitia James declared not only that Trump would be barred from doing business in New York for three years, but that the damages would come to roughly $460 million once interest was included.
Here’s how Trump could dump his NY empire
to pay his $355M civil fraud ruling —
with the ex-prez’s iconic NYC tower
even being on the chopping block
20 replies
Posted by FlyRight 2/18/2024 7:26:21 AM Post Reply
Luxe Manhattan skyscrapers, championship-caliber golf courses, and a 200-acre Westchester estate could all be up for grabs as Donald Trump strains to pay the $355 million civil fraud ruling that a New York judge slapped him with this week. A host of Trump properties in Manhattan, Westchester, and the Hudson Valley — even his iconic $348 million Trump Tower — could end up on the chopping block, sources told The Post, as a 30-day deadline to pay the fine imposed by Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron looms. “I can’t imagine that he’s going to hold on to any assets in New York state after this,” a Trump insider told The Post.
I’ll Pass On Celebrating Black History
Month, Thanks
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/18/2024 11:08:05 AM Post Reply
It’s “black history month.” So what? I’m not black; I don’t care. In fairness, I’ve never cared about any of these ethnocentric “celebrate diversity” kinds of garbage divisions Democrats try to cram down our throats, mostly because I celebrate accomplishments, not irrelevant characteristics over which no one has any control. I’m old school; I prefer to judge people based on who they are as people, not their melanin levels. It’s why I would’ve made a horrible Democrat at any time in their history. I will say, however, that this black history month,
Joy Reid: Black People ‘Literally, Physically,
Built this Country,’ Obama Our Only Reparation
16 replies
Posted by Imright 2/19/2024 1:50:17 AM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid lamented that black Americans have not received sufficient reparations for “literally, physically” building this country, believing that former President Barack Obama’s eight-year tenure is the best they will get. Reid issued her comments during an interview on Salon Talks with writer Dean Obeidallah wherein she said that black people “literally, physically, built this country” and therefore deserve much more than a two-term black president.“To be a Black person in 2024 in America is to be in a state of complete perplexed confusion about what is wrong with a country that hates your history, that to this day can’t admit
'He Speaks in Gibberish': Yet Another
Liberal Thought Leader Demands Biden Drops Out
16 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2024 3:31:18 PM Post Reply
Yet another Democratic Party thought leader has demanded that Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race. Ezra Klein, the co-founder of Vox and now a columnist and podcast host at The New York Times, said he understood that many liberals would be angry at him for calling on Biden to go but that it was necessary."I want to say this clearly: I like Biden. I think he’s been a good president. I think he is a good president. I don’t like having this conversation. And I know a lot of liberals, a lot of Democrats are going to be furious at me for this show,”
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