Double Exposure
American Thinker,
Clarice Feldman
Original Article
Posted By: Mercedes44,
2/11/2024 5:40:52 AM
Every day the Israeli Defense Forces find more proof of the perfidy of the UN and UNRWA. Did you guess that the UN’s demand for a quick ceasefire was intended to conceal this? If so, you guessed right. This week, among other things, the IDF discovered Hamas Intelligence Headquarters and an enormous tunnel beneath UNRWA HQ in Gaza equipped with a huge server and data farm which was receiving its electricity from UNRWA sources. I’d hate to prejudge the honesty of the UNRWA officials who claim they’d no idea what was going on under their feet --
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 2/11/2024 6:47:38 AM (No. 1655221)
If dems booted Biden for incompetence, at their convention, could they not SELECT an alternative person to run as the dem candidate in November? What would happen if their presidential candidate died? Wouldn't they select someone else to represent the party?
Not that this would be a smooth or successful solution. The dem party is fractured into many competing parts and a convention battle would probably be a nasty bloodbath. Without unity, their candidate would probably not succeed.
But is leaving a candidate who a significant majority of voters think is incompetent a better solution? The dems would be the ones who left an obviously senile person in charge of the country. They lied about and denied his condition. Dems would be the party that would do ANYTHING to desperately remain in power. That is a label that could haunt the whole party for a long time.
Drop Joe, explain that no one knew how bad Joe really was, blame "Dr." Jill for covering it up, take the hit, lose gracefully in November, rebuild, and come back in 2028.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
walcb 2/11/2024 6:48:32 AM (No. 1655222)
Dims will cheat every way possible, that's what they do.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
bpl40 2/11/2024 7:10:01 AM (No. 1655235)
When Pelosi led House impeached a duly elected Trump for Russian collusion, ALL 47 Democrat Senators unanimously voted to convict. Something they knew at that time to be false and fraudulent. There has never been a more egregious violation of the oath of office in our history. Do you think such a party is capable of ANYTHING noble and honest??.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 2/11/2024 7:39:08 AM (No. 1655246)
The problem for Kamala Harris is just that she polls badly, it's that she isn't Constitutionally qualified to be POTUS. It doesn't matter that she made it this far, she does NOT pass the qualification test.
The only other "option" they have is to create a huge national emergency to invoke powers to retain the current President to address the crisis. It's something from their playbook in the days of FDR's decrepit condition, hidden away from the public, under the guise of being an all consumed, "war leader."
It's not out of the question for a beleaguered Democrat President to start a war in order to galvanize a nation AND remove attention from himself.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 2/11/2024 7:43:52 AM (No. 1655249)
Edit: "The problem for Kamala Harris is NOT just that she polls badly,..."
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
Strike3 2/11/2024 7:46:43 AM (No. 1655252)
Clarice continuously schools us on what real journalism is all about. Her first topic should give us the chills on how much the UN, UNRWA, WEF and other euroweenie organizations all hate America and actively work against our values using money that the United States taxpayers give them. Seeing the deceit that has been perpetrated under our noses in Gaza should make us wonder what is underneath the UN building in New York. Gaza MUST be cleared of every last terrorist rat's nest.
Don't be so quick to accept the fact that the democrats have no Plan B if Joe Biden collapses in the near future and can't get back up. Barack Obama visibly quakes at the prospect of a fourth term but he will accept another surrogate, including his "wife." This year is a turning point for America and we must be prepared to turn on a dime to defeat the globalists and the power hungry vultures already in Washington.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
FJB 2/11/2024 8:04:32 AM (No. 1655262)
Limp-wrist Leftist Barney Frank got on Newsmax Saturday defending China Joe while slamming DJT, so it's clear, and it comes as no surprise that Truth has no interest to Democrats taking over the Marxist States of America. MAGA
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
pensom2 2/11/2024 8:12:09 AM (No. 1655274)
Obama, the chief string-puller of the Biden puppet show, would do well to consider the collapsing Biden administration in light of the famous sermon of his former minister, Jeremiah Wright, who said of the World Trade Center catastrophe: "American’s chickens are coming home to roost."
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Mofongo 2/11/2024 8:37:21 AM (No. 1655288)
is Frank Lautenberg still available? Guessing it will be “some other dark horse candidate.”
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Quigley 2/11/2024 8:43:51 AM (No. 1655295)
Joke "Goldilocks" Bidet- too NCM to prosecute, plenty CM to rule.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 2/11/2024 9:06:22 AM (No. 1655306)
I remember that just before Obama was crowned Emperor, someone asked him about Hillary. He answer was along the lines of "she's likable enough." I was a lot more interested in politics back then, now I don't give a rip. In my opinion, NONE of them are even likeable, let alone likeable enough. As for the current occupant and his enabler-wife now occupying the people's house 3 or 4 nights a week, the sooner we scoop that stuff up and clean the carpets, the better. As far as I can see, Delaware is a great place for them.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
udanja99 2/11/2024 9:16:43 AM (No. 1655311)
#4, the whole phony covid pandemic and January 6 atrocities opened the eyes of millions of Americans about what our government is capable of. If they try to spring a “national emergency” on us after this damning report on their candidate, I don’t believe that they will get away with it. They have no idea how angry we are out here in flyover country.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Venturer 2/11/2024 9:42:58 AM (No. 1655335)
Dems cannot drop Biden because they have no one else.
That is why they chose him to begin with.
Their big mistake was choosing a half white idiot to be VP.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Zigrid 2/11/2024 11:03:57 AM (No. 1655403)
The DC rats and rino crowd are in a Real pickle here...everywhere they turn...they are in trouble...even propping up nasty Nicki to stop President Trump isn't going to well for them....he's walking away with the nomination...and nothing Nicki sayings is working...hey...maybe she could run on the democratic ticket......let's see if she shows up in Chicago....
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
LC Chihuahua 2/11/2024 1:06:25 PM (No. 1655498)
I'm thinking this is what infiltration looks like. The UN arrives and announces, 'We're here to help', and offers to hire locals. A bunch of Hamas goons show up, elbow their way to the front of the line, give the evil eye to everyone else in line until they all leave, and the rest is history.
Btw, it isn't just the UN and it isn't just the Middle East. This is all organizations and its worldwide. How many organizations in the US have been infiltrated? Just look at the rhetoric and actions coming out of our government, media, social media, and many other organizations. The infiltrators are Muslims, Communists, and globalistas.
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