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Posts on Monday, January 29, 2024

Meet the Puff? NBC's Kristen Welker Gently
Asks AOC If It's Fair to Call Biden 'Genocide Joe'
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 10:08:26 PM Post Reply
What the flugelhorn? Top TV journalists freak out if you suggest President Biden is showing signs of experiencing a mental decline, but it's apparently fair commentary to call him "Genocide Joe"? On Sunday's Meet the Press, host Kristen Welker interviewed radical-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and at the end, gently questioned whether it's fair for her colleague Rashida Tlaib and other leftist friends of hers to accuse Biden of supporting genocide. That's deeply weird. In early December, Welker pressed Ron DeSantis six times to denounce Trump for referring to radical leftists and Marxists as "vermin.". And who can forget Welker fighting with Donald Trump,
Woke Connecticut School District Removes
Veterans Day and Columbus Day from Holiday Calendar
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 10:00:57 PM Post Reply
In a controversial decision, the Stamford Board of Education has voted to remove Columbus Day and Veterans Day from the list of school holidays, requiring students to attend school on these dates. The decision, passed with a 5-3 vote, overruled previous years’ push-back from local veterans and Italian-Americans. The motion’s supporters, Joshua Esses, Michael Hyman, Gabriela Koc, Versha Munshi-South, and Antonia Better-Wirz, advocated for a shorter school year, arguing that a 181-day calendar extending into mid-June was too long. Esses suggested offsetting the number of school days by eliminating not only Columbus and Veterans Day but also the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr,
What Trump and MAGA Are Up Against in 2024 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/29/2024 9:45:32 PM Post Reply
This election year promises to be one long “October Surprise” as the newly weaponized legal system, and Department of Justice go to unprecedented and extraordinary lengths not to stop Trump but to damage him enough that one of the least popular presidents in history can be once again dragged over the finish line in November. It’s so blatantly corrupt it’s hard to believe it’s actually happening. Whether you like Trump as a person or plan to vote for him or not, there should be no question that the damage done to this country and its institutions in the effort to bring down Trump has been
Exclusive: Jeff DeWit CELEBRATES Kari
Lake being booed as he breaks silence
after resigning over bribery scandal as
cops are called following chaotic meeting
to select new chair of the Arizona GOP
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 9:37:51 PM Post Reply
Former Arizona state Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWit tried to make hay out of chaos at his state party convention after delegates booed Kari Lake days after his own resignation from his post – saying it reinforced the need for 'unity.' The tumult came after Lake accused DeWit of approaching her with a bribe if the Senate candidate she would step back from politics. DeWit highlighted the anti-Lake contingent and called for unity rather than 'edited recordings' – a reference to the secret tape Lake made of the 'bribe' offer from 'back east.'
What is Tower 22, the military base that
was attacked in Jordan where 3 US troops
were killed?
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 9:26:28 PM Post Reply
Jerusalem— A little-discussed U.S. military desert outpost in the far reaches of northeastern Jordan has become the focus of international attention after a drone attack killed three American troops and injured at least 34 others there. The base, known as Tower 22, sits near the demilitarized zone on the border between Jordan and Syria along a sandy, bulldozed berm marking the DMZ’s southern edge. The Iraqi border is only 10 kilometers (6 miles) away. The area is known as Rukban, a vast arid region that once saw a refugee camp spring up on the Syrian side over the rise of the Islamic State group’s so-called caliphate in 2914,
'Imagine if Stephen Hawking could communicate
faster than an auctioneer': Elon Musk
reveals first human has had a BRAIN implant
from Neuralink's new 'Telepathy' product
- allowing people to use technology 'just
by thinking'
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 9:01:27 PM Post Reply
Elon Musk has revealed a patient has become the first human to have a Neuralink microchip implanted into their brain. The billionaire said on Monday night his startup Neuralink had successfully performed a craniectomy to attach the device in the unnamed person on Sunday. He announced the product - called 'Telepathy' - and he hopes it will allow users with disabilities like Stephen Hawking to 'communicate faster than an auctioneer'. Musk said it will 'enable control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking'. It comes less than a year after Neuralink got Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance to operate on humans,
Does Old Joe Biden Even Know That He’s President? replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/29/2024 9:00:36 PM Post Reply
Old Joe Biden has just articulated what many Americans wish were true: he referred to Donald Trump as “a sitting president.” That term is applied to the person who is president now, so the question is inevitable: does Old Joe even know that he’s ostensibly the president of the United States? Biden said it Saturday at a campaign stop in Columbia, S.C., in the midst of touting his catastrophic economy as if it were something in which he could take pride. “In recent weeks,” he claimed, “we’re starting to see real evidence that American consumers are facing real confidence in their economy we’re building.” Yeah, that’s what he said:
DOJ Investigating House Democrat for Misusing
Government Funds Intended for Private Security
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 8:44:05 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice has subpoenaed a House Democrat for allegedly misusing government funds intended for security. The allegations became public Monday and were first reported by Punchbowl News. (X) Earlier Tuesday afternoon, the House clerk read a message from the office of the Sergeant at Arms formally notifying the House chamber that the office had been served with a grand jury subpoena by the DOJ. (X Video) According to the official House website: The Sergeant at Arms is the chief law enforcement and protocol officer of the House of Representatives and is responsible for maintaining order in the House side of the United States Capitol complex.
California and Big Oil are splitting after
century-long affair
Posted by NorthernDog 1/29/2024 8:43:41 PM Post Reply
It is the end of an era for Big Oil in California, as the most populous U.S. state divorces itself from fossil fuels in its fight against climate change. California's oil output a century ago amounted to it being the fourth-largest crude producer in the U.S., and spawned hundreds of oil drillers, including some of the largest still in existence. Oil led to its car culture of iconic highways, drive-in theaters, banks and restaurants that endures today. On Friday, however, the marriage will officially end. The two largest U.S. oil producers, Exxon Mobil (XOM.N), opens new tab and Chevron (CVX.N)
Senate Deal Requires DHS to Continue Funneling
Border Crossers into U.S.
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 7:30:47 PM Post Reply
A deal being negotiated by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) would codify President Joe Biden’s Catch and Release network into federal law by requiring the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to funnel border crossers into the United States on a daily basis. New details of the Senate deal continue coming to light, the latest revealing more reasons why President Joe Biden has thrown his support behind the deal. Sources who spoke to CBS News said the deal includes multiple loopholes that will not only allow Biden’s DHS to continue funneling tens of thousands of border crossers into the U.S. interior every week but
The Trump-Carroll Case is Blatantly the
Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in Modern
American History
Posted by Harlowe 1/29/2024 6:47:30 PM Post Reply
The awarding of nearly $90 million to the second-rate advice columnist E. Jean Carroll will doubtless be remembered for generations as the greatest miscarriage of justice in contemporary American history. Jean Carroll’s case was not just ludicrous on the face of it, but between the judge, the “experts” who testified, and the mechanisms by which the case even came to be, it’s impossible for any ordinary person in the West to see this as anything more than the continuation of a series of hoaxes perpetrated on former President Donald J. Trump with the desire to keep him from re-entering the Oval Office in January 2025.
Terrorists? What Terrorists? New Poll
Shows Majority of Dem Voters Would Support
'Open Border' Candidates
Posted by Hazymac 1/29/2024 6:09:04 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Americans learned that illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border reached an all-time high in December 2023, with a whopping 249,785 arrests. That number is up 31 percent from the December 2022 total of 222,018, also an all-time high. Those arrests are crossings we know about. The actual number of people who have no business being in the United States is undoubtedly much higher. But in an election year, the fact that liberalism is all about emotions and how you feel versus what is best for the country is on full display. The results of a new poll are bearing that out. (X)
More Heat Just Dropped on Fani Willis
With Move by Georgia State Senate
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/29/2024 4:21:22 PM Post Reply
We've been seeing more and more trouble start to pile up for Fulton County DA Fani Willis. First, there was the revelation of an alleged romantic relationship with the man she had appointed to be a special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, in the election case against former President Donald Trump. That was accompanied by evidence of at least two meetings with the Biden White House, which stinks to high heaven. That was followed by the records from Wade's estranged wife Jocelyn Wade that were filed in their divorce case showing that he allegedly bought trips to go on together with Willis.
Israel PM Netanyahu’s urgent warning
to Americans: Iran is targeting the US
— and the rest of the West
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 4:11:33 PM Post Reply
Benjamin Netanyahu’s warning to America could not have been more timely. Over the weekend, I sat down with the Israeli prime minister at the country’s security HQ in Tel Aviv for an exclusive interview. During it, he issued an urgent warning to the US. “I’ve told President Biden, I’ve told all the leaders who came here, this is your war as well because this is not merely a minor skirmish. This is part of a major confrontation between the moderate axis of Israel and the moderate Arab states against Iran. Its proxies are killing Americans as we speak.”
40 hostages for 6-week ceasefire: Phase
one of Hamas deal sparks negotiations
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 3:36:33 PM Post Reply
At the Paris summit held on Sunday, a consensus was reached on a three-phase plan, intended for presentation to Hamas. Under this plan, in its first phase, 35-40 Israeli hostages, including women, elderly men above 60, and those in critical medical condition, will be released. In return, a six-week ceasefire will be implemented, along with the release of Palestinian prisoners. This information is attributed to senior Israeli and Qatari officials. The war cabinet is set to deliberate on the specifics of this framework on Monday evening. The plan, as presented, elaborated only on the initial phase, while the subsequent two phases are broadly outlined. The strategy is to
‘Siege of Paris’ — Farmers Shut
Down Entrances to French Capital in Protest
Against Green Agenda
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 3:31:13 PM Post Reply
Kicking off the “Siege of Paris” on Monday, thousands of farmers took to their tractors in a coordinated attempt to block off entrances to the French capital in protest against globalist green policies they say are destroying their ability to stay in business. In an escalation of the latest example of popular uprisings that have come to define President Macron’s tenure in office, farmers descended in their tractors to shut down major highways leading into Paris on Monday following a week of similar protests throughout the country.
PICTURED: Female soldier, 24, killed in
Iran-backed drone strike on US base in
Jordan alongside two other troops
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 2:55:12 PM Post Reply
One of the American soldiers killed in suicide drone strike on a US base in Jordan has been identified as Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders. The drone attack late Saturday impacted a base in the northeast part of the country known as Tower 22 near the Syria border, and resulted in three deaths and at least 34 other injuries. Family members of the 24-year-old Waycross, Georgia native confirmed Sanders was one of the soldiers killed in the attack, reported Fox 5 Atlanta. The other two have not yet been identified.
The Negative Result of the New Tightened
Abortion Laws: There Are All These Kids
Now Being Born!
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 2:52:38 PM Post Reply
Without coming directly out and declaring their position, it is blatantly obvious the media have staked their claim to the pro-abortion side of the debates. (Hey, if they can alter “pro-life” to now “anti-abortion,” then their alleged “pro-choice” stance can also be rebranded.) Past reporting has been clearly sympathetic to the abortion rights crowd, and the collective outrage seen following the move by SCOTUS to send Roe v. Wade back to the states sealed their bias. To further show their slant, now they are looking into the aftereffects, and can only see bad news.
Biden Admin Rolling Out Stove Regulation
After Insisting It’s Not Trying To Ban
Gas Stoves
Posted by mc squared 1/29/2024 2:43:50 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration finalized an energy efficiency rule for stoves on Monday after claiming that it has no intention to ban gas-powered models. The Department of Energy (DOE) published the final rule in accordance with a court order that requires the agency to publish the rule by the end of January. The administration proposed an aggressive efficiency regulation for stoves in February 2023 and subsequently promised that it is not attempting to ban gas stoves, calling suggestions to the contrary “misinformation.” Compliance with the rules will be required for newly-manufactured products starting in January 2028, according to the DOE.
Texas Authorities Lock Down Eagle Pass,
But Border Crossings Persist In Surrounding Areas
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 2:36:37 PM Post Reply
Eagle Pass, TX — The effort from Texas authorities to prevent illegal border crossings in Shelby Park in Eagle Pass appears to be effective, but border crossings have persisted in surrounding areas. The Texas National Guard and Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) have successfully maintained control of Shelby Park, a 47-acre park in Eagle Pass, Texas along the Rio Grande, despite attempts from Border Patrol to retake control of the park.Members of the Texas National Guard, who work alongside DPS to secure the border, told The Daily Wire that their strategy can be summarized with the acronym “PDI,” which stands for “prevent, deter, interdict.”
Ukraine Says U.S. Money Not Going to Ukraine,
‘Benefiting American Interests’
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 2:28:53 PM Post Reply
The $130 billion sent to Ukraine so far for its war against Russia is apparently not actually going to Ukraine, but is really “benefiting American interests,” a spokesperson for Ukraine told Breitbart News. The shock claim was in response to a request for information by Breitbart News on whether or not any American tax dollars had gone specifically to Uman, a city in the war-torn Eastern European nation that is currently seeing a condo built on a Jewish mass grave, as previously reported, in violation of a bilateral agreement with the U.S., and in violation of international law.
Minneapolis residents cheer on replica
of burning Third Precinct
Posted by voxpopuli 1/29/2024 2:05:25 PM Post Reply
An annual “art sled rally” in Minneapolis’ Powderhorn Park Saturday featured a replica of a burning Third Precinct police station, which was destroyed by rioters during the 2020 George Floyd riots. Video shows a crowd of residents, including children, cheering as the sled makes its way down the side of a hill. Inside was a driver dressed as a pig. The display was praised by a teacher at Patrick Henry High School. Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara said he was “outraged” and “frustrated” by the “disgusting display,” according to an internal email obtained by Crime Watch Minneapolis.
National File Posts Contents of Ashley
Biden’s Diary – Website Crashes
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 1:54:29 PM Post Reply
As previously reported, Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s youngest daughter, left her diary under a mattress at the Palm Beach rehab home following a stay at a treatment facility. Two individuals who found Ashley Biden’s diary at a halfway house later sold the diary to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas. In a January 2019 entry, Ashley Biden recalled how she used to shower with her father, Joe Biden, and suggested it may have contributed to a sex addiction. The diary describes Ashley and her father Joe Biden taking showers together at an inappropriate age.
Jan. 6 convicts released after Supreme
Court takes up challenge to feds’ use
of obstruction charge
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 1:47:53 PM Post Reply
At least two Jan. 6 defendants got out from behind bars because the Supreme Court is reviewing the legitimacy of charging them with obstructing an official proceeding, which is one of the feds’ favorite charges for people who breached the Capitol. The legal challenge brought by Jan. 6 defendant Joseph Fischer accuses prosecutors of using an overly broad interpretation of “obstructing an official proceeding” to launch hundreds of cases stemming from the Capitol riot, including against former President Donald Trump.
Taking away Trump’s business empire
would stand alone under New York fraud law
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 1:42:57 PM Post Reply
New York— Within days, Donald Trump could potentially have his sprawling real estate business empire ordered “dissolved” for repeated misrepresentations on financial statements to lenders, adding him to a short list of scam marketers, con artists and others who have been hit with the ultimate punishment for violating New York’s powerful anti-fraud law. An Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of civil cases under the law showed that such a penalty has only been imposed a dozen previous times, and Trump’s case stands apart in a significant way: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses.
Denationizing the United States replies
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 1:37:42 PM Post Reply
The Rio Grande border conflict is not an isolated incident. It is part of the World Economic Forum program of "denationization" of the United States. In the same way that a “state” is a form of self-organization of human society, a “nation” can also be treated as a form of self-organization. These terms are different in nuance, and Russian conservative philosopher Nicolai Berdyaev was the first to devise a formula to discern between them a century ago. His analysis proceeds from the application of the eschatological way of thinking.
Alaska Airlines plane may have left Boeing
factory without bolts to secure door plug: report
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 1:25:56 PM Post Reply
A door plug that broke off midair from an Alaska Airlines passenger plane during a flight earlier this month may have been missing bolts meant to secure it in place when the aircraft left Boeing’s factory, according to a report. The apparent absence of markings on the door plug has led Boeing and other industry officials to believe that employees of the plane maker failed to put the bolts back after opening or removing the plug during production of the 737 MAX 9, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter. These people, according to the newspaper, also noted lapses in the paperwork and procedures related to Boeing’s work
Karine Jean Pierre on US Troops Killed
in Drone Attack: “Three folks who are
military folks, who are, who are brave,
who are always fighting, who were fighting
on behalf of this administration…”
Posted by Hazymac 1/29/2024 1:20:59 PM Post Reply
This is why the Biden administration has John Kirby handle the big boy briefings. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre appeared on MSNBC Monday morning without her ever-present binder to talk about Sunday’s deadly drone attack on U.S. troops in Jordan and the result was predictably embarrassing for the nation . Three U.S. troops were killed and several dozen wounded in the drone attack early Sunday local time on a base in Jordan near the border with Syria that was likely by the Iran-backed Islamic Resistance of Iraq, though the group took responsibility for three nearby attacks in Syria on Sunday but not the attack in Jordan.
Ex-IRS Contractor Sentenced to Five Years
for Leaking Trump’s Tax Returns
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 1:13:23 PM Post Reply
Former Internal Revenue Service contractor Charles Littlejohn has been sentenced to five years in prison for leaking former president Donald Trump’s tax returns. U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, who was appointed by President Biden, issued Littlejohn’s sentence on Monday. He also must pay a $5,000 fine. “You can be an outstanding person and commit bad acts,” Reyes said. “What you did in targeting the sitting president of the United States was an attack on our constitutional democracy.” Littlejohn pleaded guilty last year to stealing and leaking thousands of tax returns in 2019 and again in 2020, including former President Donald Trump’s tax documents.
‘Wreckage’ Of Amelia Earhart’s Plane
Possibly Found In Breakthrough Search
Posted by Beardo 1/29/2024 1:03:42 PM Post Reply
A series of sonar images released on Saturday appear to show the wreckage of Amelia Earhart’s plane, which disappeared on July 2, 1937. (snip) Neither her body nor her Lockheed 10-E Electra has ever been found, but a series of sonar images may finally shed light on this mystery. The team behind Deep Sea Vision said they’ve scanned more than 5,200 miles of seabed in and around the area where Earhart is thought to have disappeared. Now, they claim to have found what appears to be the wreckage of Earhart’s plane.
Former DC council member who went to prison
for bribery launches bid for Congress
Posted by Beardo 1/29/2024 12:55:20 PM Post Reply
A former Washington, D. C. council member who was convicted in 2013 of bribery when in office is now running to become a member of Congress. The ex-District lawmaker, Michael A. Brown, is trying to unseat fellow Democrat Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, (snip) When Brown was on the D.C. council, he was charged with bribery for taking $55,000 in cash payments from undercover FBI investigators who were posed as representatives of a company that attempted to do business with the District. He was sentenced to prison in 2014 and was released in early 2016.
Eight Ways Chris Wray and Bill Barr Destroyed
Free and Fair Elections in America
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 12:53:19 PM Post Reply
In 2020, then-Attorney General Bill Barr and FBI Director Chris Wray destroyed elections in the United States of America. Through their actions and inactions, Bill Barr and Chris Wray were active participants in the massive criminal fraud of the 2020 election. 1. GBI Strategies Democrat-funded ballot registration harvesting scandal The massive ballot registration fraud by GBI Strategies – a Democrat-funded operation – in Michigan and every battleground state. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, in August 2023, CONFIRMED that 8,000 to 10,000 suspected fraudulent ballot registrations were delivered to the Muskegon, Michigan, City Clerk prior to the 2020 election.
Drone that killed US soldiers in Jordan
followed American drone onto base, causing confusion
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 12:51:52 PM Post Reply
The drone that killed three US Army soldiers and wounded dozens more in Jordan on Sunday approached the US military outpost, Tower 22, around the same time an American drone was returning to the base, which led to uncertainty over whether it was hostile and caused a delay to the US response, two US officials told CNN. The enemy drone followed the American drone as it approached, but it is not clear whether the enemy drone intentionally followed the American one or if it was a coincidence, one of the officials said. US officials are also still assessing the enemy drone’s point of origin. The Wall Street Journal first reported
Trump Has Reason to Rage—But Needs to
Stay Calm and Get Even Rather than Mad
Posted by Harlowe 1/29/2024 12:47:20 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump gave one of his best and most conciliatory speeches of his political career after his win in the recent Iowa primaries--that might explain why the media would not cover it. Later, to answer an ad hoc ambush reporter’s question whether he would hold grudges, he emphatically said he did not.[Snip]More importantly, the country is imploding in 2024 in a way it was not in 2020, when there was still a border, deterrence abroad, coherent energy policies, deterrent police, and a semblance of the rule of law.[Snip]Trump has an enormous responsibility in 2024 to stay calm, reach out, and get even rather than mad.
Voters back Texas border wall, feel Biden
starting ‘civil war’
Posted by Beardo 1/29/2024 12:41:34 PM Post Reply
A sizable majority of the public supports Texas’s construction of a wall along its border with Mexico and feels that President Joe Biden’s efforts to stop it are the first step toward civil war. In a sobering analysis of the escalating topic, 69% of likely 2024 voters said that they support the border wall and razor-wire fence that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) has ordered. Among those, a majority, 51%, said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration and the surge of “gotaways” getting past federal border agents.
Venezuela court disqualifies leading opposition
presidential candidate
Posted by FormerDem 1/29/2024 12:32:43 PM Post Reply
Venezuela’s Supreme Justice Tribunal has upheld a ban which prevents presidential candidate Maria Corina Machado from holding office, upending the opposition’s plans for elections planned for later this year. Machado, a former lawmaker, won the opposition’s independently run presidential primary last October with more than 90 percent of the votes, potentially putting her in a prime position to challenge longtime socialist leader Nicolas Maduro at the elections.
Janet Yellen Throws Biden Under the Bus
With Astounding Comment Destroying His
Claims About Inflation
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 12:24:33 PM Post Reply
So many people have been crushed under the bootheel of "Bidenomics" and Bidenflation for so long. It's one of the main reasons Joe Biden's numbers are in the basement in terms of approval, particularly when it comes to the economy. First, the Biden team denied the reality of the crushing inflation, calling it "transitory." Then they claimed it wasn't Joe Biden's fault, despite his excessive spending. They blamed it on Russia and greedy corporations, among others. Now Biden has been saying prices are coming down and claiming credit, even though prices are still up more than when he came in.
Lankford Plan Helps Biden Migration, Hinders
Trump Crackdown
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 12:20:47 PM Post Reply
Sen. James Lankford’s (R-OK) border proposal helps President Joe Biden import more migrants — and hinders President Donald Trump from reducing the inflow, says Rosemary Jenks, at the Immigration Accountability Project. The key problem is the so-called “trigger” authorization that automatically curbs immigration once 8,500 illegals arrive at the border in one day, or 5,000 people arrive for seven days in a row, Jenks told Breitbart News. This new trigger covertly would override an existing emergency law that allows the president to shut down the border at much lower levels of illegal migration, she said:
Joe Biden met with now-missing Chinese
oil giant Chairman Ye Jianming but claimed
he was just 'checking in' on drug addicted
son, according to Hunter's business partner
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 12:17:43 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden's former business partner revealed new striking details about President Joe Biden's alleged involvement in his sons deals, including that Joe met now-missing Chinese oil giant CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming in 2017. Republicans are investigating how Joe Biden may have benefitted financially from the relationships with 'Chinese sources' and other foreign entities developed by his son Hunter and brother James Biden. Hunter's partner Rob Walker disclosed that the meeting had occurred during a closed-door deposition Friday as part of the GOP's impeachment investigation. Walker was summoned to testify under a subpoena along with several other Hunter Biden associates.
Jill Biden takes on Trump: First lady
accuses Donald of doing 'everything he
can to make Joe look bad' and claims he
wants to tank the border deal in Congress
to give him a better chance in 2024
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 12:13:49 PM Post Reply
Jill Biden is taking on Donald Trump, slamming him for making her husband Joe Biden 'look bad' and accusing him of trying to tank a border deal 'for his own political gain.' The first lady went on the attack at a fundraiser in Houston on Saturday night, after Trump publicly opposed a border compromise being worked on in the Senate. 'You see what happened today with the border, and now Trump is trying to do everything he can to make Joe look bad, you know, even at the lives — sacrificing lives of so many people just for his own political gain,' she told donors to her husband's re-election campaign.
Famed financial analyst Richard X. Bove
predicts the fall of the US economy and
says China will take over as the money
superpower in his final forecast ahead
of his retirement: 'The dollar is finished
as the world's reserve currency'
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 11:53:56 AM Post Reply
China will soon overtake the American economy and the US dollar will catastrophically collapse, according to famed financial analyst Richard X Bove. In a characteristically histrionic forecast, the recently-retired 83-year-old banking oracle has announced that 'the dollar is finished as the world's reserve currency'. His dire prophesy comes despite the collapse of China's Evergrande - impacting its property sector which accounts for roughly a quarter of the country's economy - and despite the US economy doing better than expected in the last quarter.
Oklahoma Republican Party Ends ‘All
Support’ for Sen. James Lankford over
Senate Deal to Expand Immigration
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 1/29/2024 11:34:29 AM Post Reply
The Oklahoma Republican Party is ceasing “all support” for Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) as he leads negotiations with other Republicans and Democrats for a Senate deal that would expand illegal and legal immigration to the United States. As Breitbart News has detailed, Lankford is negotiating the deal alongside other Republicans such as Thom Tillis (R-NC) and John Thune (R-SD) with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and others.
Haley defends verdict against Trump in
Carroll case: ‘I absolutely trust the jury’
Posted by zephyrgirl 1/29/2024 11:33:00 AM Post Reply
GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley said Sunday she “absolutely” trusts the jury in E. Jean Carroll defamation case against former President Trump but that the recent ruling should not bar him from the ballot. “I absolutely trust the jury. And I think that they made their decision based on the evidence. I just don’t think that should take him off the ballot,” Haley said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “I think the American people will take him off the ballot. I think that’s the best way to go forward, is not let him play the victim.
Biden Administration Openly Promising
to Do the Exact Thing Trump Was Accused
of Doing During Impeachment Effort
Posted by earlybird 1/29/2024 11:18:25 AM Post Reply
President Donald J. Trump was accused of withholding U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force compliance with his requests. This was the exact claim of those who attempted to impeach President Trump in 2019; this was their originating justification. Today, NBC is reporting that Joe Biden is looking at what military aid can be withheld from Israel in order to force compliance with their requests. I doubt the insufferable dolts in the media can see the ridiculous hypocrisy in this story.
Don’t let selfish Lia Thomas ruin the
Olympics for women
Posted by Moritz55 1/29/2024 10:31:01 AM Post Reply
Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas is lawyering up, Thomas reportedly retained Tyr, a Canadian law firm with a track record of bringing these types of suits, to demand the Court of Arbitration for Sport reverse the World Aquatics’ ban of anyone who experienced “any part of male puberty” from competing against females. seeking to coerce the Olympic governing body for swimming — which operates in the dark, behind closed doors — to accept biological males competing against females. It’s unfair, unscientific and the height of selfishness. Thomas couldn’t care less about women’s rights.
Trump Will Win replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/29/2024 10:24:19 AM Post Reply
So, who really believes Joe Biden and his running dogs in the liberal media when they say things are actually OK? What tiny percentage of Americans are they talking to? Gloom consumes America. Some 73 percent of respondents say the United States is on the wrong track, the highest portion since 1989, when that polling question was first asked. In similar polls, there’s been a prolonged downward trend in Americans’ satisfaction with the direction of the country, from a peak of 71 percent in 1999 to just 22 percent today. Biden’s 39 percent approval is the lowest of any president running for a second term a year out from the election.
If Trump Were President Those Soldiers
Would Be Alive
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 10:18:16 AM Post Reply
Alternate histories are always speculative, so I cannot prove my assertion. But let’s face it, most rational people know–even if they won’t admit it–that Biden has been extraordinarily weak when it comes to foreign policy. Even in Ukraine, where he has the best claim to being assertive in his foreign policy, Biden’s evident weakness in Afghanistan comforted Putin and helped inspire his invasion in 2022. It likely led him to believe he could get away with invading Ukraine with minimal consequences. There is a reason why Russia’s two incursions into Ukraine happened during Obama’s term and then Biden’s. He feared Trump because he was unpredictable and strong.
White House Spokesman Says Biden ‘Not
Looking for War with Iran’ as Republicans
Demand Harsh Retaliation for Strike
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 9:42:15 AM Post Reply
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Monday morning that the White House is not looking to escalate the conflict in the Middle East, even as Republicans urge the administration to retaliate against Iran directly after the country’s proxies killed three American troops and wounded 25 others in a drone strike on U.S. forces in Jordan on Sunday. “We are not looking for war with Iran,” Kirby said during an appearance on NBC’s Today. “Obviously, these attacks keep coming. We’ll keep looking at the options,” Kirby continued. “I can’t speak for the Supreme Leader or what he wants or he doesn’t want. I can tell you what we want.
Trump campaign targets Martha Raddatz,
claims ‘Fake News is melting down’
Posted by FlyRight 1/29/2024 7:37:14 AM Post Reply
“Martha Raddatz’s Trump Derangement Syndrome was on full display this morning — as she nearly fought back tears, just as she did on Election Night 2016,” the campaign said in a statement. “After President Trump’s dominant and historic victories in both Iowa and New Hampshire, the Fake News is melting down, and it’s never been more obvious.” Raddatz did not appear to “fight back tears” during the show, as the campaign claims. Her interview with Scott on Sunday did feature her pushing Scott when the senator avoided a question about the $83 million defamation ruling against Trump this week, and another on his thoughts about Trump’s attacks against rival Nikki Haley.
NJ firefighter and father of three who
died battling blaze ‘embodied the very
essence of heroism’
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:42:12 AM Post Reply
A 33-year-old firefighter and father of three died from injuries he sustained while battling a massive blaze in New Jersey early Friday morning. Officials in the city of Plainfield are mourning the loss of Marques Hudson, a hometown hero who rushed into a raging inferno at a two-story family home on Emerson Avenue just after 8 a.m. Hudson had been a firefighter with the city for only two years. He was the first firefighter to die in the line of duty in recent memory, city officials said. The heroic first responder never emerged from the blaze, prompting a mayday call, Plainfield Mayor Adrian Mapp said during a press conference.
The Tyranny of Federalizing Troops to
Undermine America's National Sovereignty
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:39:07 AM Post Reply
I was born and raised in Georgia. I attended the University of Tennessee -- the Volunteers -- and now reside in Texas, where I finished my military career. I can tell you that there is a ruggedness in the Lone Star State that can be traced back to names like Sam Houston, Davy Crockett, Mirabeau Lamar, Thomas Jefferson Rusk, James Fanin, William Barret Travis, and Jim Bowie. This is the state that was first its own Republic and fought for its independence all alone. Rough men stood on a field and dared the vaunted Mexican cavalry to "Come and Take It.”
Donald Trump, Nikki Haley jockey for delegates
in the US Virgin Islands
Posted by FlyRight 1/29/2024 6:27:23 AM Post Reply
For most of us, an island getaway in winter is the perfect vacation. For surrogates of Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, it’s serious business. The US Virgin Islands’ new caucus system will provide Trump, 77, and Haley, 52, the first opportunity to go head-to-head post-New Hampshire primary — meaning the territory is getting more scrutiny than ever in the election process. Neither Trump nor Haley has visited the Caribbean outpost, and neither are likely to do so ahead of the Feb. 8 caucus.
GOP erupts at Biden, call for retaliation
against Iran after death of 3 US soldiers
in drone strike: ‘Hit them hard’
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:19:40 AM Post Reply
A slew of Republican pols Sunday quickly called on President Biden to retaliate against Iran after three US service members were killed and 34 others wounded in an attack by Iranian-backed militants in Jordan. “Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,” wrote Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), well-known for his hawkish views, on X. When the Biden Administration says ‘don’t’, the Iranians ‘do’. The Biden Administration’s rhetoric is falling on deaf ears in Iran,” Graham said. “Iran is undeterred,” he said. “The only thing the Iranian regime understands is force. Until they pay a price with their infrastructure and their personnel, the attacks on U.S. troops will continue.”
Why is no one wondering why the Trump
trials have such idiotic jurors?
Posted by Judy W. 1/29/2024 6:18:16 AM Post Reply
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” --Montesquieu Those of us old enough to remember the infamous trial of O.J. Simpson will certainly remember the daily presence in the court of Jo-Ellen Demetrius, the jury consultant who determined which people among the jury pool would be likely to decide in Simpson’s favor. (Snip) A jury consultant’s job is to research, as closely as possible, each prospective juror by any means necessary so that the defense can select the persons who may be most disposed to find their client not guilty.
MacDonald and Shapiro zoom to Billboard's #1 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/29/2024 6:10:21 AM Post Reply
As a sweet, adorable post... uh... 40-year-old, white, middle-class, Jewish female I'm not that familiar with most forms of what passes for popular music today. Oh sure, I've heard of #1 Taylor Swift who has singlehandedly, if temporarily, revived the finances of cities which she honors with public appearance concerts. And not too far behind as a money maker and tax generator, another female singer, Beyoncé, has also performed similar miraculous economic feats.
Ilhan Omar Speech on Representing Somalia
in Congress Goes Viral With Calls to Expel
Her From the House
Posted by 4250Luis 1/29/2024 6:07:13 AM Post Reply
Somalian refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a speech to the Somali community in Minnesota on Saturday that has gone viral thanks to English translation subtitles. The translations have Omar saying she and her fellow Somalis are Somali first and Muslim second–with no mention of being American. Omar also said she represents Somalia in Congress and told the audience that they control the U.S. government’s Somalia policy. Outraged Americans called for Omar’s expulsion from the House of Representatives.
Biden Campaign Reportedly Planning Event
with Obama and Clinton for ‘All Hands
on Deck’ Effort to Beat Trump
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:05:23 AM Post Reply
The campaign team hopes that the first-of-its-kind event will energize voters who are currently not enthusiastic to vote for Joe Biden. NBC News reports that they spoke to four people “familiar with the discussions” and that it will likely take place in March or April. “The plan underscores the belief among Biden allies that the party needs an all-hands-on-deck approach to help him win a second term,” the report explained. “It’s also just one in a growing list of ways that Democratic leaders, and the Biden campaign, are gearing up for a general election they view as having the highest of stakes.”
US reportedly considers using weapons
as leverage to force Israel to ease up,
while Bibi says war is going ‘better
than many expected’
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:03:49 AM Post Reply
The White House is reportedly weighing using its weapons sales to Israel as a bargaining chip to try to de-escalate the Gaza conflict — while Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu claims the war is going “better than many expected.” President Biden’s team recently directed Pentagon officials to review the additional US weaponry requested by Israel to see if it might be used to pressure the Jewish country to scale back its war against Palestinian Gaza, NBC reported Sunday, citing three current US officials and one former American one. The White House responded later Sunday by saying there has been no change “in our policy.
Snoop Dogg warms up to Trump, offering
‘love and respect’ after pardon of
Death Row co-founder
Posted by Mercedes44 1/29/2024 6:01:03 AM Post Reply
Rapper Snoop Dogg appears to be changing his tune on former President Donald Trump. Weeks after shocking the world with his satirical quip that he would “give up smoke” last November, the 52-year-old rapper made waves in a recent interview when asked about the 45th president. Donald Trump? He ain’t done nothing wrong to me,” Snoop told the Sunday Times. “He has done only great things for me. He pardoned Michael Harris.” “I have nothing but love and respect for Donald Trump.” During the waning days of his administration, Trump granted clemency to Death Row Records co-founder Michael “Harry O” Harris, who had been convicted of attempted murder in the kidnapping.
The Details Coming from the "Bipartisan
Border Deal" Highlight the Ridiculous
Nature of the Senate Bill
Posted by FlyRight 1/29/2024 5:57:25 AM Post Reply
Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), James Lankford (R-OK), and Chris Murphy (D-CT) have reportedly put the finishing touches on their “bipartisan border deal” that will be tied together with other Senate priorities to permit billions more in funding for Ukraine. Keep in mind the billions for Ukraine is the goal here; the “border security deal” is the mechanism to deflect attention and give the customary UniParty illusion of justification. There’s no reason to pretend this is anything of substance; even a cursory review of the media narrative shows just how insufferable this nonsense really is.
Sunday Talks - Senator Lankford Explains
How Current Law Would Stop Border Crisis
and New Law Will Stop Border Crisis
Posted by FlyRight 1/29/2024 5:54:59 AM Post Reply
In his own words, Senator James Lankford says if President Trump was president today the border crisis would not exist, because the existing law would be enforced. Simultaneous to this, the same Senator Lankford says the new law he proposes will create significant border enforcement. If the executive branch can ignore the current border enforcement law (they can and do), what makes Lankford believe new legislation will not be ignored by the same executive branch (they will)? This non-pretending reality frames the essential point: the element of “enforcement” is not within the legislative branch, so the entire effort is a moot exercise.
Our Nation Of Effete Status Seekers replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/29/2024 5:30:04 AM Post Reply
Bill Clinton spoke of “the right side of history” almost two dozen times while president. Some say the phrase can be traced to 1984, when race baiter and Democrat Jesse Jackson used it to describe the rise of the Marxist Sandinistas, who were destroying Nicaragua. But the expression was supercharged by Barack Obama. Since, we’ve had a deluge of status seekers eager to align themselves with The One to show they’re on “the right side of history.” Except they’re not. But they are on the right side of inconsequence. Americans have advanced far beyond the subsistence lives so many lived a century ago. We have
Soros Dumping a Fortune Into Texas, Funding
Operatives with One Goal in Mind
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 5:24:58 AM Post Reply
George Soros is striking again. The progressive billionaire — who has poured a fortune into electing prosecutors who have destroyed criminal justice systems across the United States — is turning his attention to Texas, according to a Fox News report. And the first Mexican-born woman to serve in the U.S. House has a warning about why Soros is doing it. With President Joe Biden’s disastrous open-border policy failure to win over Hispanic voters — a failure reflected in Biden’s polling numbers — Soros is putting new millions into a state Democrats are trying to flip to their control.
Pelosi Calls for FBI Probe into Russia
Funding Anti-Israel Protests in U.S.
Posted by Imright 1/29/2024 5:22:56 AM Post Reply
Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the FBI should investigate if Russia is funding some anti-Israel protestors in the United States. Anchor Dana Bash said, “One of the challenges that Democrats might have in organizing is some anger in some corners of the progressive movement over Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists. How concerned are you, especially since we have seen protesters over and over and over? How concerned are you that young Americans, progressives? I’m not suggesting they might vote for Donald Trump, but how concerned are you they might stay home?”
Biden is out-Cartering Carter’s failed economy replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/29/2024 2:18:52 AM Post Reply
President Biden must hope that America has forgotten former President Reagan’s famous question about the economy. The reason? Because economically, Americans fare worse and worse under Biden. This is not the product of exaggeration; instead, it’s the product of inflation and expectation. In his only debate with then-President Carter in 1980, Reagan asked America a simple question: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Elegant simplicity itself, the question distilled the complexities of economics to their essential kernel: How’re you doing?
Is This What Biden Meant By ‘Unity’? replies
Posted by Garnet 1/29/2024 12:46:12 AM Post Reply
During President Biden’s inaugural address, he used the word “unity” at least a dozen times. He told us, “Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people.” Three years later, his irresponsible policies and incendiary rhetoric have rendered the nation more divided than at any time in recent memory. Nowhere is this more evident than at the southern border where Biden has created a humanitarian crisis by ignoring federal immigration law and suing the state of Texas for exercising its constitutional right to defend itself from what its governor accurately describes as a foreign invasion.
NYT: UNRWA employees accused of kidnapping
woman, taking part in kibbutz massacre
Posted by Dreadnought 1/29/2024 12:11:14 AM Post Reply
Details have been published about some of Israel’s specific accusations against individual employees of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees and their descendants, UNRWA, which have caused the agency to fire 12 workers and many countries to halt their funding for the body. The New York Times, citing a dossier provided to the US government, reports that one UNRWA school counselor from Khan Younis in southern Gaza is “accused of working with his son to abduct a woman from Israel.” “A social worker from Nuseirat, in central Gaza, is accused of helping to bring the body of a dead Israeli soldier to Gaza, as well as distributing ammunition and coordinating vehicles
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