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Posts on Sunday, January 21, 2024

An award-filled evening and a story of friendship replies
Posted by voxpopuli 1/21/2024 9:20:51 PM Post Reply
“This is a great evening, and it’s for a great person,” declared Mike Hally, a former Cretin-Derham Hall student. “It’s a wonderful thing.” On Saturday night at a Target Field restaurant, Twins baseball legend Joe Mauer gave his friend Mike Hally a special Emmy award. (snip) Back in the day at Cretin-Derham Hall, Mauer was an athletic superstar. Hally — who is blind — was new to the school, arriving in his junior year.
Hunter’s Painting Foray Had All The
Classic Earmarks Of A Biden Family Influence-Peddling Operation
Posted by earlybird 1/21/2024 8:03:35 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden’s “Sugar Bro,” Kevin Morris, testified before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees on Wednesday. A readout of Morris’ testimony, when considered in tandem with the testimony provided last week by Hunter Biden’s gallerist, suggests Hunter was setting up another front for the family influence-peddling racket when the plan collapsed due to public scrutiny. On Thursday, House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer issued a statement following the committee’s transcribed interview of Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris. In his press release, Comer revealed that Hollywood producer Lanette Phillips introduced Morris to Hunter Biden during a campaign event at her Los Angeles home for Joe Biden
Ballots Cast Without Proof Of Citizenship
‘Exploded’ After Lawfare Crippled
Arizona Election Laws
Posted by earlybird 1/21/2024 7:58:26 PM Post Reply
After Arizona officials signed a consent decree agreeing to let voters who failed to provide proof of U.S. citizenship on their state voter application forms vote in federal elections anyway, Arizona saw an “explosion” of voters casting federal-only ballots. The soaring numbers coincide with millions of illegal immigrants flooding into the United States. Twenty years ago, Arizona voters approved Proposition 200, also known as the “Arizona Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act.” At its core, the election integrity initiative required proof of U.S. citizenship to vote and photo identification at polling places. Prop 200 has come under constant assault from leftists fighting against the Arizona Constitution’s key qualification to vote
DeSantis Out replies
Posted by earlybird 1/21/2024 7:09:12 PM Post Reply
Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the 2024 Republican primary.( snip)The next few days will be fraught with demands to unite the clans. However, please remember the proven and demonstrably accurate axiom: Never Trust a Never Trumper. The Ron DeSantis campaign was built upon a foundation of fraud. Long planned as an effort to destroy the threat that MAGA represents to the Republican apparatus,
Mark Levin Heaps Praise on 'Great Patriot'
DeSantis for Leaving Race, Sends Pointed
Message to Haley
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:45:13 PM Post Reply
As we reported earlier, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended his 2024 presidential campaign on Sunday and promptly threw his support behind former President Donald Trump — leaving only former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to attempt to derail the former president's juggernaut campaign for the GOP nomination. Spoiler: It's not going going to happen. Shortly after DeSantis announced his decision, Fox News host Mark Levin took to X to praise the Florida governor for his "class act" decision and, in no uncertain words, to admonish Haley.
Fulton County Board Commissioner Bob Ellis
Launches Probe into Fani Willis
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:37:13 PM Post Reply
A member of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners is investigating District Attorney Fani Willis over allegations that she engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a special prosecutor she hired to work on the Trump election-interference case and is thus benefiting from the case. “Under no circumstances should an elected official contract with or hire someone who they are in a romantic relationship with,” Commissioner Bob Ellis said in a statement, according to NBC News, adding that even in the absence of a relationship, “accepting favors and extravagant gifts from such contractors should also be considered improper.”
Exclusive: Former Democrat New Mexico
Sheriff Manny Gonzales Endorses Trump
for President
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:32:37 PM Post Reply
Former long-serving New Mexico sheriff Manny Gonzales, a recent Democrat-turned-Republican who hopes to unseat the state’s long-time Democratic incumbent, is endorsing Donald J. Trump for president, citing Trump’s understanding of national needs, “dedication to the principles that matter most to our communities,” and opposition to “out-of-touch policies.” In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Sunday, the former Bernalillo County sheriff and retired Marine slammed the “far-left agenda” embraced by President Joe Biden and current Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), asserting it is being “enabled by their influence within the national Democratic Party,”
Nikki Haley on DeSantis Dropping Out:
‘May the Best Woman Win’
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:27:31 PM Post Reply
Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) had a cheeky reaction to the news of her challenger, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), suspending his presidential campaign, telling a cluster of supporters, “May the best woman win.” “We just heard the Ron DeSantis has dropped out of the race,” Haley said while addressing supporters, who clapped and cheered.“He ran a great race. He’s been a good governor, and we wish him well,” Haley continued, emphasizing that the race is “now one fella and one lady,” emphasizing that all the other men in the race have dropped out.
Trump announces he will officially retire
the nickname 'DeSanctimonious' as Ron
drops out and says he is 'honored' to
have the Florida Governor's endorsement
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:20:55 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump said he is 'honored' to have Ron DeSantis' endorsement in the Republican race for president after the Florida Governor made the shock decision to drop out. The former president said he is now looking forward to working with the former rival to defeat Joe Biden in November, and again called on the GOP to unite behind him. During a trip to his New Hampshire campaign headquarters, he also said he would retire the nickname 'DeSanctimonious', that he has used frequently in the the battle for the White House.
Fmr MSNBC Host Blames ‘White Conservatives’
on Her Firing
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 6:02:11 PM Post Reply
Liberal tears are pouring out again, pointing fingers at conservatives, former President Trump, and Tucker Carlson. During an interview, former MSNBC host Tiffany Cross blamed “white conservatives” on firing from the Left-wing network, claiming people in her industry were attacking her. “[The way she was fired] suggest[ed] to other people in the industry that this person is so unhireable that we could not trust her with a live mic,” Cross said. “The network began attacking me. They planted hit pieces in the press. The network president began a bizarre, unhinged tour
Video: Dan Crenshaw has gone John Wick
(non-violently, of course) against United
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2024 5:24:18 PM Post Reply
The fictional John Wick, a retired assassin, got back into the business because bad guys killed his dog, a foolish decision resulting in almost 500 deaths at John Wick’s hands. That, of course, is the movies. Real life is Rep. Dan Crenshaw (D-TX) gunning politically for United Airlines (“UA”) because an airline executive, instead of apologizing after an employee manhandled Crenshaw’s dog, refused to acknowledge the airline’s error and, instead, attacked Crenshaw. I’m no Dan fan, but I can support him in his fight against an airline that is so committed to political correctness that it’s abandoned customer service and, along the way, seems to be putting Americans at risk.
If Trump really is so uniquely appalling,
how come tens of millions of perfectly
reasonable Americans want him back in
the Whitehouse
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 5:21:22 PM Post Reply
Let the howling and gnashing of teeth begin. Following his thumping victory in Iowa on Monday night and with a commanding lead going into Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump looks nailed on to secure the Republican Party's nomination for the US presidency. Barring death or some obscure legal intervention, he will go on to face the failing, ailing Joe Biden again in November's election. As things stand, the pollsters and bookmakers suggest that this time he will win. Cue another great panic about the end of the free world as we know it. Left-liberal commentators are lining up to parade their despair. Political leaders and media experts gravely inform us
DeSantis slams Nikki Haley as a 'repackaged
form of warmed over corporatism' and says
it's clear Republicans want to give Trump
a 'second chance' in farewell video channeling
Winston Churchill
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:59:54 PM Post Reply
Ron DeSantis slammed Nikki Haley and endorsed Donald Trump on Sunday as he ended his presidential campaign, throwing his support to the man who helped him become governor instead of the only viable alternate to the former president. DeSantis' blessing of Trump comes two days after he spent time in New Hampshire questioning the former president's ability to win the general election against Joe Biden. But, in his video announcement that he was dropping out of the race for the GOP nomination, DeSantis noted: 'It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance. They watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance
Trump II: Save America Again! replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:57:05 PM Post Reply
It helps to remind Americans of the inspirational dream of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of judging others by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. In particular, there is an urgent need to warn many of today’s “woke” Democrats of the wisdom that these words provide to unite our country towards a more perfect union. Many Democrats have turned Martin’s dream upside-down by asking their followers to openly discriminate against white Americans. This is a quick recipe for the Balkanization of America. One can say that the genesis of Martin’s dream is found in the famous words
Donald Trump Responds to DeSantis' Campaign
Suspension, Endorsement
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:44:57 PM Post Reply
Shortly after Ron DeSantis suspended his presidential campaign and threw his support behind Donald Trump Sunday afternoon, the former president gave Fox News Digital a brief statement on the developments, saying: "Very honored to have his endorsement. I look forward to working together with him to beat Joe Biden, who is the worst and most corrupt president in the history of our country." A formal statement from the Trump campaign was also issued which tracks DeSantis' swipe at Nikki Haley and the necessity of defeating Joe Biden. With only a few days left until President Donald J. Trump’s victory
NBC Skips March For Life To Hype Pro-Abort
High Schoolers, ABC And CBS Also Ignore
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:41:51 PM Post Reply
The Friday evening and Saturday morning shows for ABC, NBC, and CBS all ignored Friday’s 51st annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. where thousands turned out in the cold and the snow to protest the killing of the unborn. Friday’s NBC Nightly News was the worst offender because not only did they ignore pro-lifers, they actively promoted pro-abortion high schoolers. Host Lester Holt introduced the report, “Right now, millions of high school seniors are grappling with one of the biggest decisions of their lives, where to go to college. And as Savannah Sellers reports, there's one factor that’s taking on a growing role.”
Illegal Alien Threatens Independent Journalist
After He Was Asked Where He Was From:
“You Find Out Who I Am Very Soon”
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:34:13 PM Post Reply
An independent journalist, known as 1st Responders Media on social media, experienced a chilling interaction while conducting interviews with a group of illegal immigrants who had recently crossed into the country. The journalist, who has been covering border issues, reported a particularly ominous exchange that raises concerns about the safety of Americans during this invasion at the border. According to the journalist’s account, the situation escalated when he asked one of the individuals about their origin. The response was unexpectedly aggressive. “By the way… If you are smart enough, you will know who I am.
The many faces of Kevin Morris, Hunter
Biden’s financial patron
Posted by Beardo 1/21/2024 4:04:34 PM Post Reply
“Who was the real me? I can only repeat: I was a man of many faces.” Those words by author Milan Kundera could well have been written for Kevin Morris, a critical figure in the unfolding Hunter Biden scandal. (snip) Lawyers are not supposed to pay the bills of their clients. Specifically, California Bar Rule 1.8.5(a) states that “[a] lawyer shall not directly or indirectly pay or agree to pay, guarantee, or represent that the lawyer or lawyer’s law firm will pay the personal or business expenses of a prospective or existing client.” They are required to maintain clear representational boundaries.
Biden to Gun Owners: You’ll Need an
F-16 to Go Against the Government
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:02:56 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden again mocked gun owners over the weekend, suggesting they will need F-16 fighter jets if they are really serious about taking on the government. Townhall reported Biden speaking to reporters, referencing Thomas Jefferson’s famous quote, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Biden said, “And I love people who say, the ‘blood of liberty,’ or excuse me, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.’ Well, guess what, man, I didn’t see a whole lot of patriots that are out there walking around making sure that we have these weapons…And if you really want
Nikki Haley can still be president if
she does NOT win New Hampshire, Chris
Sununu claims and says Trump 'lost his
fastball' with gaffes and insists ex-UN
Ambassador still has a chance
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 4:00:16 PM Post Reply
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu insists his preferred candidate Nikki Haley doesn't have to win his state to become the Republican presidential nominee. Sununu told NBC's Meet the Press that New Hampshire's Tuesday primary is not 'make or break' for Haley after a poll released on Sunday shows her trailing former President Donald Trump by 19 percentage points. The Granite State governor and top campaign surrogate also questioned whether Trump is mentally fit to serve another White House term after he appeared to confuse Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Ohio Official’s Arrest After She Criticized
Sheriff at Public Meeting a Free Speech
Violation, Judge Orders Damages (VIDEO)
Posted by SouthTxRat 1/21/2024 3:26:42 PM Post Reply
On Wednesday, a federal judge ruled that the constitutional rights of an Ohio elected official were violated when she was arrested for criticizing the sheriff at a public meeting, AP reported. U.S. District Judge J. Philip Calabrese ruled that the arrest violated the First Amendment. Niki Frenchko, the sole Republican on the three-member Trumbull County Board of Commissioners, was arrested during a commissioners’ meeting on July 7, 2022. She was charged under a contentious Ohio law that criminalizes actions or speech intended to “prevent or disrupt a lawful meeting.”
DeSantis exits presidential race replies
Posted by BThis 1/21/2024 3:20:40 PM Post Reply
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is ending his turbulent presidential campaign and will endorse former President Donald Trump. DeSantis announced he’s ending his campaign in a video. DeSantis’ run came to a halt following a dispiriting second-place finish in Iowa, a state where he and allies poured millions into an aggressive get-out-the-vote effort that featured the governor visiting all 99 counties. He spent week after week in the state instead of establishing a presence in other early voting states like New Hampshire and South Carolina.
Ron DeSantis drops out of 2024 GOP presidential
race days before New Hampshire primary
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2024 3:11:40 PM Post Reply
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has suspended his 2024 Republican presidential campaign, the announcement comes just two days before the first in the nation primary in New Hampshire. DeSantis, 45, announced his plans to drop out of the Republican primary race on Sunday in a video posted on X. In his announcement, DeSantis also issued an endorsement for Trump. “Trump is superior to the current incumbent Joe Biden. That is clear. I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge is my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican Guard of yesteryear, or repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represent,”
Boris Johnson Says Trump Return Would
Be “Big Win for World” – However,
With Conditions
Posted by earlybird 1/21/2024 2:23:56 PM Post Reply
In the past five years, specifically in the ‘western’ geopolitical world, there have been two overarching narratives pushed so hard it made us pause, elevate and question the intensity of the push. These are narratives outside the USA domestic front, and specifically attributable to the entire ‘western’ alliance of nations. The first was the COVID-19 vaccine demand. No other modern unity governmental push in modern history was focused to intensely, to the exclusion of all other factors, as the demand that citizens within various western nations take the vaccine.(snip)The second overall narrative; again, this is almost exclusively a ‘western’ government narrative, surrounds Ukraine.
REPORT: DeSantis Campaign Looking for
a Fat Lady
Posted by earlybird 1/21/2024 1:53:11 PM Post Reply
Help Wanted WHO: Fat Lady WHERE: South Carolina WHEN: Soon WHAT: Sing According to numerous meatball sources, somebody sneezed. DeSantis has cancelled Sunday media appearances. It looks like the end is nigh, Armageddon is at hand, it’s over, the drain is circled, a fat lady is needed…(image)Via DAILY MAIL – […] DeSantis has also in recent days dwelt publicly on the sentiment among Trump supporters he met on the campaign trail, and their pledge to vote for him in the next cycle. Speaking on Tuesday in South Carolina, DeSantis said that Trump voters in Iowa had told him they would support him in four years.
Trump case could go off rails as Fani
Willis love triangle, corruption investigation
heats up
Posted by Beardo 1/21/2024 1:41:29 PM Post Reply
A messy love triangle between the high-powered district attorney in charge of the 2020 election-fraud case involving former President Donald Trump, the married lover she chose to be special prosecutor and his estranged wife is imploding in Fulton County. (snip) Joycelyn, who has since moved to Odessa, Texas, claims she is nearly destitute while Wade remains in their 7-bedroom manor on Honey Pot Way in Marietta.
Lawsuit seeks to have Karamo officially
declared removed as Michigan GOP chairwoman
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 12:56:11 PM Post Reply
The recently installed acting chair of Michigan’s Republican Party and others in the state GOP are suing to get the group’s former leader, Kristina Karamo, officially declared as being removed from the post. Malinda Pego, Michigan GOP administrative vice chair Ali Hossein and party coalitions vice chair Hassan Nehme are among plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed Friday in Kent County Circuit Court in Grand Rapids. The lawsuit alleges breach of contract. A group of Michigan Republican state committee members voted Jan. 6 to remove Karamo, an election- denier and supporter of former President Donald Trump.
Thanks to Fauci & Co., America now must
worry about measles outbreaks
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 12:52:43 PM Post Reply
Washington, DC, health officials are sounding the siren about a possible measles exposure at two local airports — and thanks to years of chronic dishonesty and bungling from our public health “experts” on COVID, this is now something the nation actually has to worry about. Why? Because the rate of measles vaccinations for kids has plummeted. The 2021-2022 academic year saw only 93% of kindergartners with an MMR vaccine; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have charted vaccine exemptions as the highest they’ve ever been. If you think that same agency’s endless flip-flopping and outright lying on COVID, vaccines,
Kerry calls for greenie restrictions on
farming, or people will starve
Posted by Hazymac 1/21/2024 11:28:00 AM Post Reply
Does Joe Biden's climate czar, John Kerry, ever listen to himself? He made this dunderheaded speech at the World Economic Forum, unwittingly contradicting himself as he sought applause from the elites. (X) So "farms" need to be restricted according to the green agenda, which as any Dutch farmer can tell you, means shut down -- or else people will die, presumably of starvation since he said "people will go hungry." Fewer farms, all to prevent people from going hungry. Does this clown know where food comes from? Does he understand that more production of food means more emissions of oxygen and less production of food means fewer emissions?
Liberals Aren't Going to Like Who John
Fetterman Thinks Is Threatening the American Dream
Posted by DW626 1/21/2024 11:22:16 AM Post Reply
The honeymoon phase with Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) continues as the Pennsylvania Democrat sheds his progressive ties. He’s not doing so because he’s becoming a Republican, but Fetterman has concluded that he wants nothing to do with these people anymore. Is it because they’ve become a cesspool of vicious antisemites in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 attacks against Israel? Or is it because these people are pro-open borders, with no interest in curbing what is arguably an invasion at our southern border?
‘National Security Risk’: Investigation
Reveals Biden Admin Failed to Track Foreign
Ownership of U.S. Farmland
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 11:01:18 AM Post Reply
An internal investigation has found that Joe Biden’s administration is failing to track foreign ownership of U.S. farmland, after it was recently discovered that the second-largest foreign landowner is a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member. The Department of Agriculture (USDA) has not consistently shared timely data on foreign investments in farmland as required under the law, the investigation by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found.The accountability agency’s report, published Thursday, found that the USDA is not in compliance with the 1978 Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act (AFIDA), which requires information on foreign land investors to be logged in a database which is
Inside The FBI-Tainted Whitmer ‘Kidnap
Plot’ You’ve Heard Almost Nothing About
Posted by mc squared 1/21/2024 10:42:12 AM Post Reply
In a fiery exchange last month, CNN anchorwoman Abby Phillip told GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy that there was “no evidence” to support his claim that federal agents abetted protesters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Ramaswamy shot back that the FBI conspicuously has never denied that law enforcement agents were on duty in the crowd. He argued that federal officials have repeatedly “lied” to the American people about not only that investigation but one that has gotten much less attention: the alleged failed plot to kidnap and kill Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan in 2020.
The FBI’s weird relationship with Alec Baldwin replies
Posted by DW626 1/21/2024 9:22:39 AM Post Reply
Is it just me, or does the Alec Baldwin manslaughter case seem strange? After a person was killed while working on a movie set, manslaughter charges were filed, then dropped, and then refiled. The FBI was used to test the evidence, but then the evidence was taken away from the FBI and sent to a private lab. What gives? As a recap, in October of 2021, Alec Baldwin accidently shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins while filming his new movie Rust. Baldwin claimed that the revolver he was holding for the western went off without pulling the trigger.
Manchester, New Hampshire Crowd Goes Wild
as Heckler Tossed From Trump Rally (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 8:45:40 AM Post Reply
A heckler interrupted President Trump as he spoke to a lively crowd of patriots in Manchester, New Hampshire Saturday evening. Thousands of supporters came out to see Trump in Manchester ahead of the primary on January 23rd. New Hampshire voters lined up outside in the frigid temps to see Trump. (Photo) Trump immediately called for the heckler to be removed. “You can get him out of here. Get out of here. Get out of here. Go ahead, you can throw him out.” Trump said as the heckler was tossed out.
PHOTO – ‘They Memed Themselves’:
First Lady Jill Biden Speaks at ‘Hunter
High’ School in Utah
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 8:42:33 AM Post Reply
Advisers for First Lady Jill Biden have gotten tons of flak for scheduling her to give a speech at a school campus with an awkward name. The event happened Tuesday at Hunter High School in West Valley City, Utah, where the First Lady spoke to students and educators about celebrating teachers’ roles and the importance of their well-being, the Daily Mail reported Friday.But the name of the school, Hunter High, stole the show. “Jill Biden trying to distract from her comments about Hunter’s drug abuse, and ending up under a giant banner reading ‘Hunter High,’ is straight out of a VEEP episode,” Defense of Freedom Institute Policy spokeswoman Angela Morabito wrote
Team Nikki Haley Has Spent $30 Million
on New Hampshire Media Ads, but President
Trump Still Dominates
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 6:29:16 AM Post Reply
Good grief, talk about burning cash…. According to Politico, the three corporate super PACs and the Nikki Haley campaign have spent almost $30 million in New Hampshire on ad buys. Three super PACs backing Haley — SFA Fund (aka Randal and Barbara Smith, Alden Global Capital), Americans for Prosperity (aka Charles Koch) and Independents Moving the Needle (aka Jonathan Bush, the cousin of former President George W. Bush, billionaire CEO Frank Laukien, and Big Pharma) have spent more than $24 million across TV, radio and digital ads targeting New Hampshire, according to data from AdImpact, an ad tracking platform. Haley’s own campaign has chipped in another $4.7 million.
Stefanik pushes back on reports Trump
mixed up Haley, Pelosi
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 6:26:12 AM Post Reply
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) pushed back on reports that former President Trump mixed up his GOP presidential primary rival Nikki Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), according to an NBC News report. “The reality is Nikki Haley is relying on Democrats, just like Nancy Pelosi, to try to have a desperate showing,” Stefanik said. The New York congresswoman has endorsed Trump in his 2024 attempt to clinch the presidency. She also has not ruled out being his running mate in this year’s election. “Well, I, of course, would be honored to serve in any capacity in a Trump administration.
Larry Sabato: Haley attacks on Trump ‘too
little too late’
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 6:23:35 AM Post Reply
Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, said that former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s (R) attacks on former President Trump came too late for it to potentially make a difference in the GOP primary. During his appearance on CNN Saturday night, Sabato said that Haley’s diggs against Trump were long overdue and noted that the only other candidate in the Republican field who took on Trump directly was former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who dropped out of the race two weeks ago.
Our Weird Passivity Toward Iran’s Aggression replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/21/2024 6:18:52 AM Post Reply
Watching our response to Iranian aggression against us and our allies, I’m reminded of Sherlock Holmes mystery, “The Curious Case of the Dog That Didn’t Bark.” Turns out the watchdog didn’t bark because it knew the thief, and my supposition is that there is a good reason why we have behaved as if Iran and its proxies merit no more meaningful response: This Administration -- as did Obama’s -- has been thoroughly compromised respecting the ayatollahs. Hussain-Abdul-Hussain, who analyzes such things for the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, summarized the recent provocations of Iran. This week, Iran attacked without provocation Pakistan,
Breaking: Professor and Election Expert
J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting
Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in
Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg Using
Only A Pen To Change Vote Totals
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 1:09:29 AM Post Reply
In June 2023, the Federal District Court for the Northern District of Georgia unsealed the 96-page Halderman Report – the Security Analysis of Georgia’s ImageCast X Ballot Marking Devices. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had been hiding this report from the public for two years. University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman and Security Researcher and Assistant Professor at Auburn University Drew Sringall collaborated on the report where they discovered many exploitable vulnerabilities in the Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast X system.
Shocking: Moments Ago Joe Scarborough
Lied and Claimed Four Policemen Died on
Jan 6
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 12:39:15 AM Post Reply
This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.-- You can’t make this up. These people lie so many times they forget what’s true. It’s official – Joe Scarborough from Morning Joe is a liar. Today, more than three years after Jan 6 and the unraveling of the big lie, Joe Scarborough claimed that four policemen died on Jan 6. (X) Nothing Could Be Further From The Truth.Four people did die on Jan 6 but they weren’t policemen or women, they were Trump supporters!
Study: Thousands of Companies Are Monitoring
Every Facebook User
Posted by Imright 1/21/2024 12:33:57 AM Post Reply
A recent study by Consumer Reports, in collaboration with The Markup, has unveiled the extensive scale of data tracking aimed at Facebook users. Some users in the study were tracked by as many as 7,000 companies. A recent study from Consumer Reports engaged 709 volunteers who provided archives of their Facebook user data. Astonishingly, Consumer Reports discovered that 186,892 different companies transmitted data about these users to Facebook. On average, data from each participant was shared by 2,230 companies, with some users’ data being shared by over 7,000 companies.
Fani Willis Handed Lucrative Contracts
To Her Alleged Lover’s Law Partner.
It’s Starting To Raise Eyebrows.
Posted by Beardo 1/21/2024 12:12:18 AM Post Reply
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’ hired her alleged lover’s law partner to work for her office at a rate of $150 an hour, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation — an arrangement that is raising eyebrows among legal experts who question her spending of public funds. Christopher Campbell, a partner at Wade & Campbell Firm, has received $126,070 from the Office of the District Attorney since 2021, according to county records. Willis hired Campbell to provide services as a “Taint Attorney” reviewing privileged evidence beginning in Jan. 2021 at a rate of $150 an hour, contracts obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.
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