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Posts on Sunday, January 14, 2024

NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot
to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against
Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’
if Re-Elected
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 9:00:30 PM Post Reply
Concerns are intensifying among far-left national security “experts” and Pentagon insiders over the possibility that former President Donald Trump might leverage the U.S. military to enforce his political will if he returns to the Oval Office. In a detailed report, NBC News inadvertently admitted the existence of a “Deep State,” allegedly working to facilitate a military coup against former President Trump if he is freely and fairly elected by Americans. The NBC article paints a portrait of a left-wing plot to disrupt military allegiance to civilian control. Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist wrote, “NBC reports the left is plotting ways
Watching the Ice Bowl on TV replies
Posted by DW626 1/14/2024 8:59:11 PM Post Reply
Mother Nature will be a factor in this weekend’s football games. So I’m reminded of the one they called “The Ice Bowl.” Our family arrived in the U.S. from Cuba in September 1964. We were relocated to Wisconsin by a church, and I found myself falling in love with the Packers. The Braves moved to Atlanta in 1965, and most of my friends in school were furious with the team. So Lombardi’s Packers were the only local team around. (I did love the 1965 A.L. champion Minnesota Twins because they had four great Cuban players, but that’s for another post.) On December 31, 1967, the Ice Bowl,
FAA’s diversity push includes focus
on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’
and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities
Posted by ConservativeYankee 1/14/2024 8:56:47 PM Post Reply
The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. “Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”
Sen. Marco Rubio Endorses Trump for President
in 2024 on Eve of Iowa Caucuses
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 8:42:43 PM Post Reply
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) endorsed former President Donald Trump on Sunday for the presidency on the eve of the Iowa Caucuses, reportedly marking the 23rd senator to endorse the 45th president. Rubio, who joins Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) and most of the House Republican Florida delegation in backing Trump, announced his support in a tweet Sunday afternoon. (X) The senior senator from the Sunshine State highlighted that policies he had pursued for years finally came to fruition during Trump’s tenure in office because the former president was not beholden to special interests.
Those Peaceful Pro-Hamas Protests Aren't
Looking So Peaceful Now
Posted by Dreadnought 1/14/2024 8:37:04 PM Post Reply
The thousands of people screaming about peace and ceasefires outside of the White House yesterday certainly weren’t acting as if peace was important. In fact, as Fox News reported, many of them were becoming overtly violent. The speeches and chants gave way to attempts to break down the security fencing that had been erected to keep them out. They also began hurling things at the Metropolitan Police as well as the United States Park Police. The tone of the chants coming from the rioters shifted a bit also. Instead of only decrying Israel and demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, they were demanding that the United States stop striking back against
Hundreds of Biden Admin Employees Plan
to Walk Out on Biden In Massive Protest
Posted by NHChemist 1/14/2024 8:03:46 PM Post Reply
Hundreds of Biden Administration employees plan to walk out on their jobs in protest of the president’s support of Israel. According to organizers of the walk-out, U.S. government workers from 22 departments intend to walk off the job on Tuesday to protest the Biden Administration’s support for Israel regarding the war in Gaza. “Feds United for Peace” is reportedly frustrated with the president’s refusal to send aid to Gaza— which has fueled the war in Israel, killing thousands of innocent civilians.
PR giant Edelman worked with Koch network,
despite climate pledges
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 7:38:17 PM Post Reply
Move by world’s largest public relations company, uncovered by tax records, alarms climate advocates Edelman, the world’s largest public relations company, was among the Charles Koch Foundation’s highest-paid vendors in 2022, a 990 tax disclosure form shows, alarming climate advocates. The PR giant has made numerous climate declarations over the past decade, including making a pledge to eschew projects promoting climate denial. Partnering with a part of the Koch network, which has long worked to sow climate doubt, calls those pledges into question, said Duncan Meisel, the executive director of Clean Creatives, a non-profit pushing creative agencies to cut ties with fossil fuel polluters.
Georgia DA Fani Willis says accusations
of affair with Trump prosecutor are racially motivated
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 7:21:06 PM Post Reply
A Georgia district attorney accused of hiring her lover to prosecute former President Trump broke her silence on the controversy, saying she and the prosecutor were targeted because they are black. “They only attacked one,” Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis Sunday at Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta. “First thing they say, ‘Oh, she’s gonna play the race card now.’ “But no God, isn’t it them that’s playing the race card when they only question one?” The comments were Willis’ first time addressing the allegations publicly — but she neither confirmed nor denied the claims lobbed at her and special prosecutor Nathan Wade,
What Was That About a Deep State? Check
Out These Plans to Deal With Trump If
He Wins
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 7:18:32 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden and the Democrats truly take the cake. Biden is down in the polls to former President Donald Trump, who is the leading GOP candidate. So they're doing all they can to play up the "threat to democracy" from Trump. Now I have no doubt whoever was leading would immediately become "Hitler" to them, because that's how they do things. That's their only play, given Biden has such a horrible record. He has no real accomplishments on which to run.According to an NBC report, the powers that be are already trying to work to put Trump in check. People talk about the deep state.
Voters doubt Biden economy, citing high
grocery prices and interest rates: 'We
still can't afford things'
Posted by Moritz55 1/14/2024 4:17:29 PM Post Reply
Voters continue to question the economy under President Biden as they debate who to support in the presidential election, citing high grocery prices and mortgage rates. The Washington Post spoke to voters in Phoenix, Georgia, Milwaukee and Las Vegas about the economy and who they plan to vote for in 2024. Daniel Busby, from Las Vegas, did not vote in the 2016 and 2020 elections and is unsure about voting for Biden in 2024. He told The Post that they had to put their plan to purchase a home on hold, due to continuous rising costs. "We work full-time hours, but we still can’t afford things.
NBC Admits Deep State Exists – Key Operative,
Mary McCord
Posted by earlybird 1/14/2024 4:05:05 PM Post Reply
NBC Published an extensive article outlining how the DC administrative state is responding to the potential for another President Trump victory [SEE HERE]. Once again, a very specific name surfaces who is part of the organizational effort to stop Donald Trump. {EMPHASIS mine} (NBC) – […] Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.
Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations
of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of
Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with
Trump Investigation Prosecutor
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 3:05:12 PM Post Reply
On Friday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has slated a mid-February hearing to address explosive allegations against Soros-funded District Attorney Fani Willis, The Epoch Times reported. The court acknowledged the need to deliberate on claims that Willis engaged in an “improper” use of funds and maintained an alleged “scandalous” affair with Nathan Wade, the prosecutor Willis hired to lead Trump’s investigation. Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official and co-defendant in the racketeering case led by Willis, moved to accuse both Willis and Wade of misconduct. The motion, spearheaded by Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, alleges
Jeffrey Epstein document dump is ‘retraumatizing’
to survivors, victim says: ‘Very gory details’
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 2:54:19 PM Post Reply
A sex-trafficking victim of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell described how the recently released cache of documents related to their crimes is “retraumatizing to survivors.” Elizabeth Stein, who filed a lawsuit against Maxwell and the late pedophile’s estate in November and also testified against the madam during her trial, was a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology and an intern at the now-defunct Henri Bendel department store when she met the nefarious pair. Stein noted the “constant bombardment” of news about Epstein’s sordid affairs has been “triggering” for victims in an interview with her lawyer Jennifer Freeman and Law & Crime.
Exclusive: Patients with cancer face waiting
over a year for lifesaving medication
that costs just $10 - as US drug shortages
hit record high
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 2:46:47 PM Post Reply
The Bray family had always prided themselves on a positive outlook in life. And in 2018, when they received the devastating news that nine-year-old daughter Abby had life-threatening leukemia, they tried to focus on finding a way out of the situation. She had great doctors and a precise, effective treatment regimen; her outlook was positive. Until that is, the hospital ran out of the drugs that were keeping her alive. Abby's mother Laura, from Florida, was shocked when, one afternoon during Abby's treatment, the oncologist suggested she take her daughter home - and 'wait for the medication to become available again.'
FOX News: Iowa Democrats May Switch Parties
to Vote for Nikki Haley (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 2:26:32 PM Post Reply
The frigid Iowa Republican Caucus will be held tomorrow on Monday night in below zero temperatures. Democrats will not hold their first contest in Iowa this year. They will skip over Iowa with several other planned primaries. Their last attempt in 2020 ended in complete failure. No winner was produced in the 2016 caucus. Democrat supporters blamed racism for the debacle. FOX News on Sunday announced Democrats may switch parties to vote for Nikki Haley – they like her pro-war, globalist, woke bent.
Dr. Anthony Fauci deserves to go to prison
over ‘dishonesty’ on COVID-19 origins:
Sen. Rand Paul
Posted by DW626 1/14/2024 2:14:52 PM Post Reply
Dr. Anthony Fauci “should go to prison” for mishandling the COVID-19 pandemic and making the “worst decision ever made by a public health official in the history of time” regarding the origins of the deadly outbreak, Sen. Rand Paul charged Sunday. Paul, a Kentucky Republican and eye doctor, has repeatedly clashed with Fauci over mask-wearing, lockdowns and other emergency measures ordered and recommended by the then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). “History should judge him as a deficient person who made one of the worst decisions in public health history — in the entire history of the world,” Paul said
Biden reportedly goes casual, hoping to
look young enough for White House job
– it’s not going well
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 2:14:03 PM Post Reply
You know what would make Americans feel a whole lot better about President Biden’s penchant for forgetting where he is or what he is saying? Fewer ties. Without those constrictive nuisances — and with a few more “subtle shifts” — voters will surely see that the octogenarian isn’t too old to run a nation when the world is on fire. As a “buttoned-up president who often appears behind a lectern in a suit and tie,” Biden is now “heeding pleas from top advisers to return to his original form, according to multiple people familiar with the conversations,” NBC News reported on Friday.
Lawsuit Exposes Biden Admin's Troubling
Change That Impairs Dealing With Criminal
Illegal Aliens
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 2:00:21 PM Post Reply
We've seen what a mess Joe Biden has created at the border, with more illegal aliens encountered -- in excess of 300,000 -- by the CBP in December than in any prior month of the year and marking the most since 2000. (X Video) This crisis is unprecedented, and it can't be solved until @SecMayorkas starts enforcing the law and President Biden changes his open-border policies. As Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA) noted, this is a real national security crisis. But that isn't all. Our friends at our sister site Townhall have an interesting story that reveals just how far the Biden team seems to have gone
Elyria police execute search warrant where
diversionary devices used, no one arrested
Posted by Harlowe 1/14/2024 1:58:27 PM Post Reply
Elyria police executed a search warrant at a house Jan. 10 where officers used diversionary devices, which did not yield arrests, but a child was transported to a local medical center for a pre-existing condition which was unrelated to the tactical operation, according to a news release from Elyria police Lt. Bill Lantz, of the Investigative Division.[Snip] The child’s mother told detectives that she intended to take the child to the hospital due to a pre-existing illness unrelated to the tactical operation, however, she lacked an available car seat for transportation,[Snip] Elyria detectives called LifeCare Ambulance to the scene to provide medical attention that paramedics deemed necessary.
A cold El Nino winter reveals yet another
problem with electric vehicles
Posted by DVC 1/14/2024 1:25:28 PM Post Reply
Have you ever driven a Tesla? I have. It’s a lovely car to drive because it accelerates quickly, handles well, and is stocked to the brim with cool gadgets. In a sane world, rich people would buy it and other electric vehicles (EVs) for fun and, as competition drove the price down, ordinary people would think about them, too. But we don’t live in a sane world. We live in an insane world in which our governments are forcing us to buy EVs to “save the climate.” That’s why it’s important to focus on just how awful EVs are
Frederik X proclaimed king of Denmark
following his mother Queen Margrethe’s abdication
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/14/2024 12:04:53 PM Post Reply
COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Denmark’s prime minister proclaimed Frederik X, 55, as king on Sunday after his mother Queen Margrethe II formally signed her abdication, with massive crowds turning out to rejoice in the throne passing from a beloved monarch to her popular son. Margrethe, 83, is the first Danish monarch to voluntarily relinquish the throne in nearly 900 years. Many thousands of people gathered outside the palace where the royal succession was taking place, the mood jubilant as the Nordic nation experienced its first royal succession in more than a half-century, and one not caused by the death of a monarch.
NY’s $17 billion ‘Gateway’ tunnel
project already years behind schedule,
audit reveals
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/14/2024 11:50:42 AM Post Reply
The Gateway project to build two new badly needed tunnels for trains under the Hudson River is already running two years behind schedule — even though it just broke ground, a federal audit shows. Officials at the Gateway Development Commission have publicly stated that by 2038 they will have finished digging and constructing the new tunnels and then rehabilitate the two existing trans-Hudson tubes, which were badly damaged by Superstorm Sandy. However, the audit performed for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transit Administration shows the work will likely take until 2040.
Haley fares best against Biden as Republican
contenders hold national leads
Posted by Dreadnought 1/14/2024 11:10:22 AM Post Reply
While Republican primary voters think Donald Trump is their best shot in November, it's Nikki Haley who right now holds a bigger lead over Joe Biden than either Trump or Ron DeSantis in potential head-to-head match-ups. In fact, as the GOP presidential nomination kicks off, Trump, Haley and DeSantis all have at least a slight national edge on President Biden right now, were they to emerge as his challenger. (Haley and DeSantis have tougher roads to get that chance, of course, since they trail Trump substantially in the race for the nomination.) What's behind Haley's lead? Here's why Haley has such a lead over Biden:
The Long Read: 2024 is an election about
10/7, not 1/6
Posted by Moritz55 1/14/2024 11:09:36 AM Post Reply
"Tyranny approaches! Despotism is just off stage! Guillotines are being sharpened!" Well, no one actually said or wrote that guillotines are being sharpened, but that specific red light warning may have simply not made it past the editors of the river of op-eds warnings about the return of Donald Trump appearing in recent weeks in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Daily Beast, The Hill or The Atlantic. All of these platforms have published alarmist cri de coeurs about the return of Trump since December. Nostradamuses of doom are overflowing the Acela corridor as frightened residents of the Beltway contemplate a second term of President Trump.
Breaking: Georgia State Senators Introduce
Legislation to REMOVE Dirty Brad Raffensperger
from State Election Board and Open Up
Investigations Into His Alleged Violations
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 9:51:59 AM Post Reply
Georgia State Senators introduced a bill to remove Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from the State Election Board, and grant the board authority to investigate him and his office for election law violations. Via George Behizy. (X) According to George Behizy: Sponsors of the bill include Majority Leader Steve Gooch, Senator Greg Dolezal and others. This situation started when Raffensperger failed to investigate the 2020 election fraud discovered by citizen election integrity advocate Joseph Rossi. “These initial findings and an inability to obtain explanations from Raffensperger’s office
Genocide case against Israel: Where does
the rest of the world stand on the momentous allegations?
Posted by voxpopuli 1/14/2024 9:19:18 AM Post Reply
South Africa says more than 50 countries have expressed support for its case at the United Nations’ top court accusing Israel of genocide against Palestinians in the war in Gaza. Others, including the United States, have strongly rejected South Africa’s allegation that Israel is violating the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Many more have remained silent.
Biden: “If My Republican Colleagues
Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna
Have an Awful Lot to Pay For” (Video)
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 8:52:20 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Saturday stopped to talk to reporters posted up on the South Lawn as he departed to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland for another weekend vacation. Reporters asked Joe Biden about escalations with Iran, the border crisis and Ukraine. Biden denied there is a crisis at the southern border even though an estimated 11 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East – invaded on his watch.
White House staff are relocated as pro-Palestine
protesters threaten to breach security
fence while hurling bloodied dolls symbolizing
Gaza's dead children over perimeter
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 8:43:54 AM Post Reply
White House staff had to be 'relocated' after thousands of pro Palestine supporters descended on the building, threatening to breach the security fence and lobbing over bloodied dolls as part of a huge demonstration demanding a ceasefire on Gaza. Law enforcement defending the People's House donned riot gear as a baying mob pelted them with dolls and other projectiles. Video taken at the event on Saturday shows how the metal perimeter was shaken so hard that portions of it were shunted back, forcing secret service operatives to rush to one part to prevent a breach.
How final Iowa poll is bad news for DeSantis
AND Haley: Pollster says Nikki is on 'shaky
ground' and lack of enthusiasm for her
is 'on the edge of jaw-dropping' - while
Trump's supporters are locked in
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 6:00:15 AM Post Reply
Ron DeSantis is gambling much of his campaign on a strong showing in Iowa while Nikki Haley is seeing her headline numbers grow. But pollsters and analysts say neither of them can take comfort from the final survey before Republicans in Iowa pick their preferred candidate on Monday. Once again, the real winner on Saturday night was former President Donald Trump, who maintains his iron grip on the nomination race despite slipping three points in the NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll. So even though Haley overtook DeSantis to take second place with 20 percent of the base, her favorability and enthusiasm numbers put her on 'shaky ground' according to Anne Selzer,
100 days since Hamas attacked Israel,
triggering war in Gaza
Posted by Mercedes44 1/14/2024 5:54:59 AM Post Reply
One hundred days ago, the previously unthinkable happened in Israel. A state, born out of adversity and war only 75 years ago, woke up to what some have since described as a threat to its very existence. On Saturday night, in Tel Aviv, the events of 7 October were commemorated by thousands of people. Uppermost on the minds of everyone were the around 130 hostages abducted by Hamas and still being held in Gaza, although some of them may not still be alive.
Phony Fauci fesses up on fake science
and COVID flim-flam
Posted by Mercedes44 1/14/2024 5:49:24 AM Post Reply
Former COVID czar Dr. Anthony Fauci gave closed-door testimony before Congress last week, so it’s time yet again for the Fauci Follies! The pint-size patron saint of the failed restrictionist policies that lefties and COVID crazies love simply can’t admit he’s lost a massive argument with reality. The Not-So-Good Doctor got off to a weak start in DC, surprising House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chair Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) with “how much he doesn’t recall” from the start of the pandemic.
Youngest Israeli hostage held by Hamas
will turn one this week - after baby spends
100 days of his life as a hostage
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 5:49:15 AM Post Reply
The youngest Israeli hostage held by Hamas will turn one years old this week - after spending a quarter of his life in captivity in Gaza. Little Kfir Bibas is still believed to be among more than 130 hostages who continue to be held in Hamas underground tunnels in the warzone. Today marks 100 days since Hamas terrorists stormed over the border and launched a terror attack that killed 1,200 Israelis, sparking a conflict that threatens to erupt into a full-scale regional war.
LOL - Ron DeSantis Presented a Participation
Trophy in Iowa
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:47:12 AM Post Reply
This is more than a little funny. The stuff people do can just make you laugh out loud sometimes. Some guy interrupts Ron DeSantis as he begins to start his remarks at a campaign event to present the Florida governor with an actual participation trophy. It took a few seconds for people to realize DeSantis was being trolled. Making matters all that much funnier, Casey DeSantis eventually plays the role of security and stands between Ron and the guy with the trophy.
Trump maintains wide lead with Iowa GOP
voters as Nikki Haley overtakes Ron DeSantis: poll
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:44:41 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is well ahead of his Republican competitors in the 2024 Iowa caucuses — but suffered a small dip in support from just last month as contender Nikki Haley picked up some speed before Monday’s vote. The Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows that 48% of likely Republican caucusgoers pick Trump as their first choice for president — down from 51% who said the same in December. Though diminishing, the support could put him on track to cinch the largest margin of victory in a contested Republican Iowa caucus in modern presidential campaign history.
Two Navy SEALs are missing after a night
mission off the coast of Somalia
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:42:14 AM Post Reply
Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after conducting a nighttime boarding mission Thursday off the coast of Somalia, according to three U.S. officials. The SEALs were on an interdiction mission, climbing up a vessel when one got knocked off by high waves. Under their protocol, when one SEAL is overtaken the next jumps in after them. Both SEALs are still missing. A search and rescue mission is underway and the waters in the Gulf of Aden, where they were operating, are warm, two of the U.S. officials said.
Watch – Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm
White House Fence, Secret Service Deployed
Posted by Imright 1/14/2024 5:39:34 AM Post Reply
Pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the White House fence on Saturday, forcing the Secret Service and D.C. Police to get involved. The protesters were seen shaking the fence as they yelled, “F*** Joe Biden.” Secret Service agents dressed in riot gear were seen behind the fence. Take a look: (X Video) At one point, the protesters shook the fence so hard that they forced it back. (X Videos) In another instance, protesters climbed the Rochambeau Statue in Lafayette Square to wave Palestinian flags. (X Videos)
The Supreme Court is allowing Idaho to
enforce its strict abortion ban, even
in medical emergencies
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:39:04 AM Post Reply
The Supreme Court on Friday allowed Idaho to enforce its strict abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, while a legal fight continues. The justices said they would hear arguments in April and put on hold a lower court ruling that had blocked the Idaho law in hospital emergencies, based on a lawsuit filed by the Biden administration. The Idaho case gives the court its second major abortion dispute since the justices in 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed states to severely restrict or ban abortion. The court also in the coming months is hearing a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s rules for obtaining mifepristone,
Past Time to Undo Obama’s 'Fundamental Transformation' replies
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:27:38 AM Post Reply
In 2008 the media lapped up the master of Shuck and Jive, Barack Obama and his high-falutin' promise: Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. "In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street.
Judge Cannon Smacks Down Hitman Jack Smith
Again – Rejects His Request to Force
Trump to Reveal Defense Strategy
Posted by FlyRight 1/14/2024 5:24:01 AM Post Reply
Judge Aileen Cannon denied without prejudice Special Counsel Jack Smith’s motion to compel Trump to disclose his defense strategy in the classified documents case in Florida. In November, Jack Smith tried to force Trump to disclose his decision on whether he would use an “advice-of-counsel” defense in the classified documents case. This could have forced Trump to waive attorney-client privilege. Thankfully Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, denied Jack Smith’s request.
Past Time to Undo Obama’s 'Fundamental Transformation' replies
Posted by cThree 1/14/2024 5:06:32 AM Post Reply
In 2008 the media lapped up the master of Shuck and Jive, Barack Obama and his high-falutin' promise: Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. (Snip) In fact, what he instituted, endorsed, and placed the federal government’s many resources behind was the Marxist division of America into oppressed and oppressor groups....
Iowa Poll: Trump Falls Below 50 Percent,
Haley Moves to Second Place
Posted by Dreadnought 1/14/2024 12:14:09 AM Post Reply
In the final Iowa poll to be released ahead of Monday's caucuses, J. Ann Selzer and the Des Moines Register are showing that Donald Trump still has a commanding lead, but that the race is still fluid in several other ways. The two biggest news items from the poll are former president Donald Trump sliding below 50 percent - though still with a 28-point lead - and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley sliding past Florida Governor Ron DeSantis into second place. Haley's lead over DeSantis (20-16) is just outside the poll's margin of error, which is at +/- 3/7 percent. The DeSantis campaign has gone through all 99 counties of Iowa,
Lawsuit: United Airlines Mocked and Shamed
Vaccine Mandate Holdouts — CEO Accused
of Floating ‘Scarlet Letter’ on ID Badges
Posted by Dreadnought 1/14/2024 12:04:29 AM Post Reply
United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby and upper management expressed animosity toward religious employees who sought exemptions from the company’s draconian coronavirus vaccine mandate, internal company communications have revealed. A legal brief filed early Saturday in part of a larger lawsuit against the airline contains internal communications obtained in discovery, which shows management’s effort to coerce religious employees to take the coronavirus vaccine at every turn. The effort was so blatant that one union president, Craig Symons, expressed to Scott Kirby and others that United was “over the line” and attempting to institute a “purge of religious orthodoxy,” the brief revealed.
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