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Where Is Biden’s ‘Gender-Fluid’
Thieving Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief Today?

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Posted By: Hazymac, 1/2/2024 8:22:17 AM

In Old Joe Biden’s America, there’s justice if you’re a patriot, which could mean spending years in prison for strolling through the Capitol and taking selfies after the cops opened the doors on Jan. 6, 2021, and there’s justice if you’re a member of the leftist elite, which means that you can essentially do anything you want, and little or nothing will happen to you. Sam Brinton, the gender-fluid, in-your-face, cross-dressing, puppy-playing former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy, is a member of that elite group, and so despite facing numerous

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mean Gene 1/2/2024 9:08:09 AM (No. 1628249)
If you are the "right" victim class minority you can get away with crimes of all sorts. In Germany, this week, a legislator introduced a bill that decriminalizes shoplifting IF you are a migrant Muslim. Apparently, the German welfare state is not being generous enough toward their recent illegal influx.
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Newtsche 1/2/2024 1:22:39 PM (No. 1628404)
Flouncing about unhindered wherever he is.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: JimBob 1/2/2024 9:13:17 PM (No. 1628655)
I just read that there is an opening for a prominent position at Harvard. This freak will fit right in.
2 people like this.

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What Did Joe Biden Do to His Face? 18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/3/2024 5:50:54 PM Post Reply
While most Americans are struggling to make ends meet in this economy, Joe Biden was just on his gazillionth vacation, this time in St. Croix. And it looks like he enjoyed plenty of time in the sun because on his way back to Washington, D.C. (a mere layover before his next vacation coming up shortly, no doubt), Biden was seen with a wicked sunburn on his face. "The 81-year-old president’s striking new sunburn was on full display as he shook hands on the tarmac of Henry E. Rohlsen Airport in Christiansted, St. Croix, before boarding Air Force One with first lady Jill Biden. The sun’s rays apparently battered
Really, He's Not a Fed: Prosecutors Recommend
an Outrageous Sentence for Ray Epps
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Posted by Hazymac 1/3/2024 4:47:10 PM Post Reply
Ray Epps, the only person who was captured on video actually telling people to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6. 2021, has just been recommended for a six-month sentence, while others who entered the Capitol when police opened the doors for them and walked around for awhile taking selfies are facing years in prison. What’s going on here? The most obvious explanation is that Ray Epps is or was a fed, and a leader of efforts to fabricate a Jan. 6 “insurrection” in order to frame and destroy Donald Trump. But surely the leftist elites wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing, would they? The Daily Wire reported Tuesday
South Korean Opposition Leader Stabbed
in Neck at Press Conference [VIDEO]
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/2/2024 11:54:03 AM Post Reply
Lee Jae-myung, recognized as South Korea’s main opposition party leader, was stabbed in the neck at an impromptu press conference in the southern city of Busan. Lee had just completed a tour of the Gadeokdo New Airport construction site and had stopped to talk with a gathering of reporters. There, a yet-to-be-identified man in his sixties approached Lee, asking for an autograph. The man mingling with Lee supporters, wore a paper crown with Lee’s name on it. He suddenly lunged forward and stabbed Lee in the left side of his neck. The attacker was immediately subdued, separated from the crowd, and arrested. Lee was airlifted to Pusan National
The Girl with Six Identities 5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/2/2024 11:40:18 AM Post Reply
Since Oct. 7, the public has been inundated with allegations of Israeli atrocities and human rights abuses. Israel, we’re told, is committing a “genocide” in Gaza, and, in fact, has been through all the years in which the Gazan population has grown steadily. The strange story of one young woman, or really, one photograph, is an object lesson in why such claims of Israeli evils should be taken with a large grain of salt. On X, a poster who identifies herself as Hagit on Sunday posted a highly illuminating thread about a girl with “6 different identities,” and “all of them suffered from the IDF!” This is, said Hagit,
America’s new arrivals now stage ‘bogus
robberies’ to cheat the system
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/2/2024 10:57:18 AM Post Reply
The fact that the hordes of new arrivals know all the loopholes and legal angles to scam our immigration laws and maximize benefits on our welfare system, while the working American does not, is really quite astounding, and tells me that there have to be a number of lawyers involved, telling these people what they can do to cheat American citizens out of a country. Check out this story, reported by the New York Post yesterday: "Two New York City men staged armed robberies at convenience stores and fast food joints across the United States to scheme immigration benefits, federal prosecutors said Friday.
There Was a Time When Governments Tried
to Make Their People Better
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/2/2024 10:31:23 AM Post Reply
The Biden regime seems hell-bent on celebrating and subsidizing the worst tendencies of human nature: not only every conceivable manner of perversion, but resentment, envy, the privilege of protected classes rather than advancement on the basis of merit, and so much more. It is not hard to suspect that Biden and his henchmen have some vested interest in encouraging Americans to become worse people, harder to get along with and more difficult to deal with. What could more effectively justify an authoritarian crackdown than a population that is as obstreperous as it is immature?
Where Is Biden’s ‘Gender-Fluid’
Thieving Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief Today?
3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/2/2024 8:22:17 AM Post Reply
In Old Joe Biden’s America, there’s justice if you’re a patriot, which could mean spending years in prison for strolling through the Capitol and taking selfies after the cops opened the doors on Jan. 6, 2021, and there’s justice if you’re a member of the leftist elite, which means that you can essentially do anything you want, and little or nothing will happen to you. Sam Brinton, the gender-fluid, in-your-face, cross-dressing, puppy-playing former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy, is a member of that elite group, and so despite facing numerous
Joe Biden kicks off 'one more great year
in the books'
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 6:09:32 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden, or whoever tweets for him while he's on one of his many vacations, has sent out his new year's greetings to the public, patting himself on the back: (X) To read that, you'd think he lived on another planet. With inflation still hitting Americans in the pocketbooks, the border wide open, and crime and corruption hitting levels not seen since the 1990s, it's surreal to read that. He names a bric-a-brac of tiny "accomplishments" which affect very small interest groups as if they are grand Roosevelt-like changes, supposedly for the better as government grows bigger and more powerful and the returns fall, and then tries to claim
Innocent Civilians? 8 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 4:48:21 PM Post Reply
Ever since Israel began to retaliate against Gaza’s infamous attacks of October 7, the “international community” has been wringing its hands over the danger to innocent civilians in Gaza. But few have asked the question, how many innocent civilians are there in Gaza? Are there any? Mia Schem is an Israeli who was held captive in Gaza for 54 days, and released as part of last month’s prisoner exchange. This weekend she gave interviews to two Israeli television stations. She described how she was shot in the arm and taken prisoner at the Supernova music festival. She was taken to Gaza, where a veterinarian operated on her injured arm.
Christianity Today Wades Into Dangerous
Waters With Pronoun Discussion
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 1:09:39 PM Post Reply
Last year, I wrote about how Christianity Today, a publication that Billy Graham helped start and which was once an important source of news for evangelical Christians, has veered increasingly further to the left in recent years. Christianity Today was once committed to exploring issues that were or should have been of interest to Christians who held to biblical orthodoxy, but now it traffics in theological and political liberalism more and more. Christianity Today is guilty of what John Cooper of the band Skillet calls “leaning left and punching right,” taking stances that fit in with the political left so that no one would ever accuse it of being
Crimes of Fashion 2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/31/2023 12:49:54 PM Post Reply
Sometimes, we are governed by considerations that fly below the radar. Take de-risking, also known as de-banking. It "is the closure of people's or organizations' bank accounts by banks who perceive the account holders to pose a financial, legal, regulatory, or reputational risk to the bank." Ostensibly, its chief use is to keep money launderers and criminals out of banks. But "reputational risk" is an elastic term, and it is sometimes used to keep social undesirables out. On occasion, de-risking takes on the appearance of snobbery. Take the Nigel Farage Coutts bank scandal. It "occurred in June 2023 when the private bank Coutts closed the account held by the
Degenerate Animals [Updated] 14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/31/2023 8:11:13 AM Post Reply
Glenn Reynolds quotes some of the same accounts of rape and sexual mutilation of Israeli girls and women by Gazans that I wrote about here. What the Arab Muslims did on October 7 isn’t just unspeakable, it is almost unimaginable. Glenn comments: "It’s as if these people are a bunch of degenerate animals, which is because that’s what they are. Hamas and the — majority — of Palestinians who support them. And their western supporters — including the Western feminists who went crazy about a fictional frat-house rape that left its “victim” alive and unscarred — are utterly complicit as well. And we’re supposed to pretend somehow that these degenerate animals
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Claudine Gay breaks her silence: Ousted
Harvard president publishes NY Times op-ed
revealing she's received DEATH THREATS
and been called n-word countless times,
as she plays down plagiarism allegations
39 replies
Posted by Imright 1/3/2024 6:10:57 PM Post Reply
Ousted Harvard President Claudine Gay speaks out for the first time since her resignation in a New York Times essay, playing down plagiarism allegations and revealing she has been bombarded with racist threats. Gay, 53, resigned on Tuesday and is now revealing she has been threatened and attacked with hate speech. Gay wrote, 'On Tuesday, I made the wrenching but necessary decision to resign as Harvard’s president. For weeks, both I and the institution to which I’ve devoted my professional life have been under attack.'
Joe Biden, 81, sports lobster-red SUNBURN
as he returns from Caribbean vacation...just
nine months after having SKIN CANCER surgery
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/3/2024 3:38:21 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden sported a sunburn as he returned to Washington DC from his New Year's vacation in St Croix - just nine months after he had surgery to remove a cancerous skin lesion from his chest. Upon return to the White House, the President answered one question from the press when pushed on what was going to be done about the border crisis this year. 'We gotta do something, they gotta give me the money I need to protect the border,' Biden said, after officials revealed over 302,000 people crossed the border illegally in December.
If it all goes wrong, with whom will the
police side?
20 replies
Posted by DVC 1/3/2024 12:44:12 PM Post Reply
Should our government decide “our democracy” is in imminent danger and it’s necessary to suppress dangerous insurrectionists like Catholics and soccer moms, would America’s federal, state and local police play along? It has long been common knowledge Federal agencies have been stockpiling enormous quantities of mil-spec arms, ammunition and other gear. Agencies like the Railroad Retirement Board, Department of Education and Fish and Wildlife Service have automatic weapon-armed SWAT teams. Apparently, railroad retirees, federal education grant applicants and Trout are a greater threat to “our democracy” than anyone imagined. Let’s evaluate the real potential threat:
What Did Joe Biden Do to His Face? 18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/3/2024 5:50:54 PM Post Reply
While most Americans are struggling to make ends meet in this economy, Joe Biden was just on his gazillionth vacation, this time in St. Croix. And it looks like he enjoyed plenty of time in the sun because on his way back to Washington, D.C. (a mere layover before his next vacation coming up shortly, no doubt), Biden was seen with a wicked sunburn on his face. "The 81-year-old president’s striking new sunburn was on full display as he shook hands on the tarmac of Henry E. Rohlsen Airport in Christiansted, St. Croix, before boarding Air Force One with first lady Jill Biden. The sun’s rays apparently battered
Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the
Democratic...Dream Ticket?
18 replies
Posted by Imright 1/3/2024 1:59:42 PM Post Reply
It's been apparent for some time that Joe Biden isn't in any condition to run for president this year. He's in even poorer condition to serve another four years as president; hell, he's not in any shape to serve as president now. I've written a fair amount recently on President Biden's manifest unfitness for office, and going into the election cycle, he's just going to get worse. The question a lot of us are asking is, "What are the Democrats going to do about this?"Over at the Washington Times, Joe Navarro has some ideas. First, he posits — as I have — a Democrat convention coup
Exclusive: High-end sex ring in Boston
and D.C. areas was 'honeypot' scheme by
Russia, China, South Korea or even Israel
- to ensnare US officials, intelligence
experts believe
18 replies
Posted by Imright 1/3/2024 12:01:40 PM Post Reply
Intelligence experts are becoming increasingly convinced that six high end brothels in the suburbs of Boston and Washington, D.C. were set up by a foreign nation as an espionage 'honeytrap'. They believe the brothels – allegedly masterminded by a 41-year-old South Korean woman – targeted politicians, high ranking government officials and defense contractors. But the mystery is which country was behind the scheme. Russia, China, Korea itself, or even Israel are al seen as possibly being behind the scheme.
Jewish family targeted by anti-Semitic
abuse in New Jersey's American Dream Mall
over teen daughter's IDF jacket say 'dozens'
of bystanders stood by just Watching as
they were attacked
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/3/2024 12:58:14 AM Post Reply
The Jewish family who was targeted with foul-mouthed harassment in a New Jersey mall has spoken out in an exclusive interview with after shocking video of the incident went viral. On New Year's Day, mother Adi Vaxman was with her husband and two of their children, ages 12 and 16, at the American Dream Mall in East Rutherford, where the family hoped to play a round of mini-golf. As they walked through the dense holiday crowds, a young man and woman began hurling obscenities at her daughter, who was wearing a jacket with the logo of the Israeli Defense Forces, which had been a gift from the girl's veteran grandfather.
Claudine Gay Betrayed the American Values
of My Black Elders to Exploit White Guilt
16 replies
Posted by Moritz55 1/3/2024 8:18:22 PM Post Reply
After weeks of speculation about whether Harvard University's president, Claudine Gay, would be forced to resign amid a plagiarism and antisemitism scandal, Gay announced that she was stepping down. In her resignation letter, Gay spoke of "personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus," and made no mention of her failure to properly address antisemitism or the never-ending allegations of plagiarism against her rather limited record of scholarship. Gay, who exploited race to reach the pinnacle of Harvard, chose to blame racism on her way out the door.
Why The Sudden Media Interest In The Biden
Border Crisis?
16 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/3/2024 6:25:20 AM Post Reply
After spending three years largely ignoring the border, the mainstream press is suddenly all over it, with headlines blaring about a “surge,” “crisis” and “call for action.” Why now? Last week CNN reported that a “December migrant surge” at the southern border was the “largest in more than two decades.” Several other news outlets used similar language. The New York Times warned that “surging” Mexico border crossings “push U.S. resources to the brink.” In another story, CNN even described the situation as a “crisis.” Weirdly, the press is even exaggerating the current “surge.” Consider that CNN story, which says:
Biden administration asks Supreme Court
to allow Border Patrol to cut or move
razor wire at Texas border
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/3/2024 1:04:31 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to allow federal Border Patrol agents to cut through or move razor wire Texas installed on the U.S.-Mexico border as part of a contentious effort by the state to prevent illegal border crossings. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar said in a court filing that Border Patrol agents have authority under federal law to access private land at the border and that Texas has no basis to thwart them from carrying out their duties. The Biden administration says the wire prevents agents from reaching migrants who have already crossed over the border into the U.S. The case arose when
AP Story Rages at ’Conservatives’
Using Plagiarism Against Poor Claudine Gay
14 replies
Posted by Imright 1/3/2024 12:10:13 PM Post Reply
The far-left Associated Press covered itself in corruption this week with the claim that disgraced Harvard President Claudine Gay’s resignation “highlights new conservative weapon against colleges: plagiarism.” You see, according to AP reporters Collin Binkley and Moriah Balingit (the company itself says “the piece was not up to standards and is in the process of being updated”), Claudine Gay’s serial plagiarism isn’t the story. Also, Not The Story is Gay testifying before the U.S. House under oath that within the appropriate context she doesn’t believe that calling for the extermination of Jews on Harvard grounds violates school policy. No, the story is that “conservatives” used plagiarism as a “weapon” against Gay.
More than 100 killed in 'terrorist attacks'
near tomb of Iranian Guards' Soleimani
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/3/2024 9:46:09 AM Post Reply
DUBAI, - Two explosions caused by 'terrorist attacks' killed more than 100 people and wounded scores at a ceremony in Iran to commemorate top commander Qassem Soleimani who was killed by a U.S. drone in 2020, Iranian officials said on Wednesday. Iranian state television reported a first and then a second blast during an anniversary event at the cemetery where Soleimani is buried in the southeastern city of Kerman. An unnamed official told the state news agency IRNA that "Two explosive devices planted along the road leading to Kerman's Martyrs' Cemetery were detonated remotely by terrorists". Babak Yektaparast, a spokesperson for Iran's emergency services, was reported as saying 73 people had
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